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Re: Fw: Sherrie, Medic Alert Bracelet/ Pendant

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Sherri, Yes I will tell you all about it. LOL I think this group is getting tired of my nagging about how important it is. BUT, I know a few whose lifes it has saved and I'm a firm believer in it.

We all NEED to wear a bracelet or pendant in case of an emergency. If we are not alert enough to let them know we are on steroids or other medications or that we need to be intubated with a smaller tube, etc. Medic Alert keeps all of this information on their computer and along with all of our medications so they can instruct any emergency person on how to handle us. We can't possibly put all or our info on the bracelet but it is kept on file.

You can do this in a number of ways. You may contact medic alert by phone or on the computer. I used the phone because I needed help with how to word it all and what was the most important to use.

There are other companies ( which I don't know off hand, but can get them ) that are less expensive. It doesn't matter who you go through, just so you have some ID and a place that you can trust to update all of your info. I think Medic alert is $25 a year. I might be more now. I always call in my change in meds and any other medical conditions. I need to get a new bracelet now since my new aortic valve. ( Maybe Santa will bring me one) My grandaughter has one for epilepsy. PLEASE.... think about it and order it TODAY>!!

Heidi made a good point. She said that a pendant was more efficient because the medics usually check your heartbeat and will see the pendant. BUT remember, these are to be worn at all times!! Even during sleep. If there was a fire in the house and you were sleeping, they NEED to see it.

So Please everyone, if you don't have one and don't want to hear this lecture, please check into some form of medic alert bracelet or pendant.

for Medic Alert you may go to www.medicalert.org

or call 1-

MedicAlert Foundation International

2323 Colorado Ave.

Turlock, CA 95382

I will look for other companies. I know I have the information here somewhere.

Thanks for asking.


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