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My latest SSI incident

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Just when I think I've got my head screwed on with this darn old RP & the social security don't I go and get a letter for another Dr. visit. I was crabbing all they way into the house tonight about why I have to go to another Dr. Didn't they believe the last guy they sent me too? Then I noticed on top of his name & address that he is a shrink. Well if they are trying to see if I'm nuts they came to the right person. I've been a total looney toons for a long time, just ask my family.I'll lay odds that this guy never heard of this disease & probably wants to know how I'm handling it. That's a good question because how do you handle having this cRaP. You live day to day wondering if and when the bomb will drop again. You make your life what it is & be thankful that you wake up everyday. You ride in wheelchairs and/or walk with a cane. You have good days & you have bad ones where you don't want to move. I'm far from being pain free but I adapt with it. You never know maybe I scared that guy they sent me to a couple of weeks ago when I started sobbing in his office. I think I really shook him up. Well, I go on the 12th of Nov. & I will let you know the results of am I crazy or just my normal self. Hope you are all feeling a teenie bit better. I know a lot of you are going through some tough times right now, but hang in there. Granted I wasn't as bad as some of you but I know the feeling of being dead tired & still have to try to maintain a life. Once you get on the road to feeling better you have to set a different type of priorities. It's not easy to do since most of us are still young, I'm only 54, & we want to have a full life yet to come. Rest is truly the most important part of getting better with this. I fought it for quite a few months before I just gave in. No one said it was easy to deal with this but we should all be thankful that we have the wonderful loving friends on this board who are there for us. No problem to too big when all you have to do is write one email & get lots of love poured your way. Take care everyone. Luv ya, Susiecue

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