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Re: fiber questions-continued

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My problem is that there is NO way I can get enough vegtables in him to

adequately address his constipation issue. The only way he eats a vegtable is

hidden in his chicken nuggets. He eats no vegtables by themselves.


and Charlene Flikkema wrote:


I understand your thinking here but we must remember that Constipation and

Diarrhea are two spectrums of the same problem...bacterial overgrowth. So if you

put all that fiber down that that will not be digested, it will be food for the

bad guys and therefore increasing the constipation...hence vicious cycle. The

best way to get fiber down there is with cooked veggies. They still have fiber

in them and will not feed the bad bacteria. Whatever we ingest that is not

completely digested causes harm. It will always be fodder for the bad guys.



Charlene Flikkema

Choir Director

Harvest Bible Chapel Oakville

Spirit Led! Galations 5:16

Ok here are my concerns with the addition of magnesium citrate, prune juice or

the salt as suggested below. Those things pull water out of the cells and lining

of the gut, causing looser stools yes, but they don't truely address the need to

scrape the junk out of there that needs to come out.

So many here have the opposite problem that we do (constipation). So I

understand the diet's insistence on not adding pure fiber. But for those with

constipation, I don't see why adding fiber like flax seed or psyillium husks

would be harmful. True fiber is nondigestable and would push on through. I

believe alot of behaviors I am seeing are due to him not truely being cleaned

out. We have been doing the diet for 4 months...well OK really 2 1/2 correctly

(without any screw ups) and in all that time i have had maybe 3 GREAT poohs.

I would think if you have extra waste hanging out not being eliminated it could

be potential food for yeast and bacteria as well, not to mention the toxin

release that is sitting in my son's bowels. Can someone tell me what harm it

would do to add flaxseed to his diet for a couple of days?


Thacker wrote:


We have struggled with the yeast as well. I would not add any other probiotic.

It can make matters much worse. The fiber is important to cleanse the colon but

salt does that as well. I tried it and the effects are the same at cleansing the

colon. I am sure the electrolyte drink would help as well.

The salt also aids the adrenal gland which is effected during yeast overgrowth.

Good Luck,

fiber questions

I am having concerns that G is not getting enough fiber on this

diet. He again is constipated and while the suggestions of adding

magnesium and/ or prune syrup are good, I don't feel they adequately

address the need for good fiber. This is how I see it. He needs

actual fiber to scrape out the dying/dead yeast and bacteria and the

limited amount he may get from his fruit/vegs is not an ample

amount. So he is sitting here with a good amount of dead stuff

producing toxins in his body and creating all kinds of behavioral

stuff for me now. I've got what looks like die off again (behavior

wise). I must point out though, that his behaviors had gotten worse

prior to the constipation- going on two weeks now with jibberish,

yelling, laughing for no reason, minimal interaction with others

etc.. My gut is telling me yeast, and My friend , who is very

knowledgable about this kind of stuff questioned if some other

strain of probiotic is needed in that the Lactobacillius Acidopholis

may not enough.

Anyway, G has significantly limited his fruit intake - except for

pineapples. I have backed off of them some in hopes of getting him

eating other fruit with fiber. But doesn't cooking the fruit break

down some of the fiber making it " easier to digest " ? I am thinking

I may not want to cook the fruit " as long " and see what happens.

Oh my head is spinning with questions now... the more I ask... the

more I have!

I know this diet was initially made for those with loose bowel

issues, and since G only had an occasional bout of diareha prior to

the diet, I wonder if I am not aggrevating something more by

limiting or decreasing the amount of fiber he is getting through

this diet..... I've gotta stop now. Is it possible to write a book

of questions.. I am thinking so!


Becky 3 yold son ASD

SCD 4 months.

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I don't know what to say. Perhaps in time this will change. I don't have easy

answers. I have gone down all those routes. I was on SCD and did the psyllium

anyway, did the iron supplements anyway, and it all slowed my progress

tremendously. I should be very well and I am now, but I should have and could

have been much sooner if I had just stuck with the program :(

I know that there are others who have more experience with picky eaters than I

do so hopefully they will be able to chime in on this one.



Charlene Flikkema

Choir Director

Harvest Bible Chapel Oakville

Spirit Led! Galations 5:16

My problem is that there is NO way I can get enough vegtables in him to

adequately address his constipation issue. The only way he eats a vegtable is

hidden in his chicken nuggets. He eats no vegtables by themselves.


and Charlene Flikkema wrote:


I understand your thinking here but we must remember that Constipation and

Diarrhea are two spectrums of the same problem...bacterial overgrowth. So if you

put all that fiber down that that will not be digested, it will be food for the

bad guys and therefore increasing the constipation...hence vicious cycle. The

best way to get fiber down there is with cooked veggies. They still have fiber

in them and will not feed the bad bacteria. Whatever we ingest that is not

completely digested causes harm. It will always be fodder for the bad guys.



Charlene Flikkema

Choir Director

Harvest Bible Chapel Oakville

Spirit Led! Galations 5:16

Ok here are my concerns with the addition of magnesium citrate, prune juice or

the salt as suggested below. Those things pull water out of the cells and lining

of the gut, causing looser stools yes, but they don't truely address the need to

scrape the junk out of there that needs to come out.

So many here have the opposite problem that we do (constipation). So I

understand the diet's insistence on not adding pure fiber. But for those with

constipation, I don't see why adding fiber like flax seed or psyillium husks

would be harmful. True fiber is nondigestable and would push on through. I

believe alot of behaviors I am seeing are due to him not truely being cleaned

out. We have been doing the diet for 4 months...well OK really 2 1/2 correctly

(without any screw ups) and in all that time i have had maybe 3 GREAT poohs.

I would think if you have extra waste hanging out not being eliminated it

could be potential food for yeast and bacteria as well, not to mention the toxin

release that is sitting in my son's bowels. Can someone tell me what harm it

would do to add flaxseed to his diet for a couple of days?


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Flaxseed feeds the bacteria you are trying to kill and it is too harsh for the

healing taking place. But if he has been on the diet that long can he handle

more fiberous fruits and vegetables? Can you increase his fresh fruits and

vegetables instead. There is a website www.fatfreekitchen.com/fiberlist.html

that lists the fiber content in food.

We do not have the D, but have found magnesium, salt, and the fiborous fruits

and vegetables to do the trick. These things loosen the stool as you said and

that in my experience allows the " junk " to leave the colon as it is not trapped

there. I have seen evidence of prior days food when increasing the magnesium or

the salt.

I know it is frustrating! The toxin build up and behavior is hard to live

through. But it is much easier than setting the process back a few weeks as so

many talk about happening when they vary from the recommended diet.

Good Luck,

fiber questions

I am having concerns that G is not getting enough fiber on this

diet. He again is constipated and while the suggestions of adding

magnesium and/ or prune syrup are good, I don't feel they adequately

address the need for good fiber. This is how I see it. He needs

actual fiber to scrape out the dying/dead yeast and bacteria and the

limited amount he may get from his fruit/vegs is not an ample

amount. So he is sitting here with a good amount of dead stuff

producing toxins in his body and creating all kinds of behavioral

stuff for me now. I've got what looks like die off again (behavior

wise). I must point out though, that his behaviors had gotten worse

prior to the constipation- going on two weeks now with jibberish,

yelling, laughing for no reason, minimal interaction with others

etc.. My gut is telling me yeast, and My friend , who is very

knowledgable about this kind of stuff questioned if some other

strain of probiotic is needed in that the Lactobacillius Acidopholis

may not enough.

Anyway, G has significantly limited his fruit intake - except for

pineapples. I have backed off of them some in hopes of getting him

eating other fruit with fiber. But doesn't cooking the fruit break

down some of the fiber making it " easier to digest " ? I am thinking

I may not want to cook the fruit " as long " and see what happens.

Oh my head is spinning with questions now... the more I ask... the

more I have!

I know this diet was initially made for those with loose bowel

issues, and since G only had an occasional bout of diareha prior to

the diet, I wonder if I am not aggrevating something more by

limiting or decreasing the amount of fiber he is getting through

this diet..... I've gotta stop now. Is it possible to write a book

of questions.. I am thinking so!


Becky 3 yold son ASD

SCD 4 months.

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I think this is the whole crux of the problem. He's not getting enough veggies

to help move his bowels, but I don't think he is ready for more fiberous foods

that you're talking about giving him.


fiber questions

I am having concerns that G is not getting enough fiber on this

diet. He again is constipated and while the suggestions of adding

magnesium and/ or prune syrup are good, I don't feel they adequately

address the need for good fiber. This is how I see it. He needs

actual fiber to scrape out the dying/dead yeast and bacteria and the

limited amount he may get from his fruit/vegs is not an ample

amount. So he is sitting here with a good amount of dead stuff

producing toxins in his body and creating all kinds of behavioral

stuff for me now. I've got what looks like die off again (behavior

wise). I must point out though, that his behaviors had gotten worse

prior to the constipation- going on two weeks now with jibberish,

yelling, laughing for no reason, minimal interaction with others

etc.. My gut is telling me yeast, and My friend , who is very

knowledgable about this kind of stuff questioned if some other

strain of probiotic is needed in that the Lactobacillius Acidopholis

may not enough.

Anyway, G has significantly limited his fruit intake - except for

pineapples. I have backed off of them some in hopes of getting him

eating other fruit with fiber. But doesn't cooking the fruit break

down some of the fiber making it " easier to digest " ? I am thinking

I may not want to cook the fruit " as long " and see what happens.

Oh my head is spinning with questions now... the more I ask... the

more I have!

I know this diet was initially made for those with loose bowel

issues, and since G only had an occasional bout of diareha prior to

the diet, I wonder if I am not aggrevating something more by

limiting or decreasing the amount of fiber he is getting through

this diet..... I've gotta stop now. Is it possible to write a book

of questions.. I am thinking so!


Becky 3 yold son ASD

SCD 4 months.

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I have probably already asked this.... but have you tried the butternut squash


Another way to sneak veggies in is via a smoothie. You can do a coconut milk

base (coconut milk has antifungal properties, so helps the whole yeast thing)

and add *some* fruit..... and pureed butternut squash. You can sweeten it up

with a bit of saccharin if you feel honey is a problem right now.

If he likes things that are really cold and frosty, like a milkshake, then you

can cook fruit chunks (pear, mango, peach) and freeze them..... then pop them in

the blender with coconut milk and banana.... and pureed veggies.

Some kids have ended up practically drinking ALL of their food,

smoothie-style.... but of course, this only applies to kids that LIKE

smoothies. I know parents who have added a TINY bit of pureed green beans to

smoothies... increasing gradually. I mean like a TEASPOON at first.... and then

just a LITTLE bit more each time. They usually don't even notice if you do it

very slowly.

You can freeze all kinds of clever mixtures of various blended wonders into

popsicle molds, if he's a popsicle lover.

I know we are sometimes always trying to outsmart the picky kids.... and these

are just some ideas. I'm sure others have more tips.


Re: fiber questions-continued

My problem is that there is NO way I can get enough vegtables in him to

adequately address his constipation issue. The only way he eats a vegtable is

hidden in his chicken nuggets. He eats no vegtables by themselves.


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<<But for those with constipation, I don't see why adding fiber like flax seed

or psyillium husks would be harmful.>>

Just clips from Elaine's website:

<<Flax seed is illegal.

From Elaine: " lignin is found when the whole seed (and its stiff coat) are

ground up. I think it is harmful for people just starting out on SCD. I think

some bacteria feast nicely on lignin - it is tough like bark. "

Elaine writes:

Psyllium husks are loaded with cellulose and lignin which some bacteria thrive

on. We accept that the cellulose in vegetables and fruit can be handled OK but a

concentrated form such as husks would not be in order. It is illegal. >>


If you just really feel strongly that you MUST add some fiber to his diet, and

can't figure out any way to get more veggies in, at least consider first adding

something legal in. Lentils have more fiber in them than bran. I wouldn't

usually suggest lentils for someone so new to the diet, but heck.... at least

they're legal. The best choice would be red lentils (aka " pink " lentils) which

are the same as the standard gray-green ones, only they've been de-hulled.

Soak and cook according to BTVC. Again, I would not usually suggest them at

this stage for him.... but it's better than adding an illegal like flax seed or



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