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highly allergic child doing SCD diet-HELP

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My 7 yr old daughterhad severe eczema for 2 yrs. head to toe,

dressings all over in the middle of every night. That stopped, then

came asthma for a couple of years, then hyperactivity (aged 5. We

started doing EPD 2 and a half years ago. It hasn't worked but we

realised the diet connection and cut out all the obvious. She

definitely can't eat nuts, eggs, dairy and a whole range of things

as well as all the usual stuff. She has been stuck eating yam,

eddoes, tapioca, little buckwheat, lamb, various game meat, celery

carrots, cabbage, and that is all, for about the last 2 years.

Candida has been a severe problem (child 'clucks' at night-hasn't

had a good night's sleep in her life, despite our best efforts).

Heard lecture on DAN! website re SCD diet, especially fascinated by

brilliant speaker's reference to bad gut flora feeding on undigested

carb. My daughter's gut is badly permeable (has been tested)Fair to

say we are struggling to survive. Also have 2 yr old son who has

started to show signs of eczema, spreading slowly on skin. Damn.

They are beautiful kids, look healthy, conventional doctors have no

idea. We see a DAN! doctor in Britain. Good but we know my daughter

is extreme. We have started doing the SCD diet as she was getting

worse and worse and we were going nowhere fast. It didn't feel

right where we were. 2 days in she is very pasted but calmer than

ever I have seen her. We need advice on what foods to give her as

she is a v allergic special case. Can we give her some stage 2

foods in beginning? I don't know how to do it otherwise.

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