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I used for my son and I saw improvements in his awareness. It is

sold under the name Nootropil or Oxybral


> Does anyone use piracetam?

> I did some research on internet, it looks pretty promising

> even too promising... I'm not sure. Any side effects?

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There was no effect on his sleep. He started to utter sounds, tried

to grab things, when you look into his eyes you notice he is

better. You will also see obvious regression if you stop using

Piracetam! Oxybral is best. I used to buy it from Eygpt, but I

haven't been able to find it lately. If you find it please let me

know. I am trying new therapy of Honey and Garlic. I found a site

in Qatar that is selling this. They claim they can cure Cerebral

Palsy and other serious illnesses like Parkinson. They even show a

video of a CP child that was able to walk within 7 monthes of

treatment. The web site is http://www.al-deera.com. It is in

Arabic. The video link is

http://www.al-deera.com/page1/video/ill.rm but the quality is very


This is my e-mail nazirbashir@...

Good luck


> > >

> > > Does anyone use piracetam?

> > > I did some research on internet, it looks pretty promising

> > > even too promising... I'm not sure. Any side effects?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can obtain Piracetam from Beyond A Century:



I read a post from Dr. McCandless who explained that Piracetam is very

safe, and the original nootropic. Here's the description from the Beyond A

Century site:

PIRACETAM (2-oxo-pyrrolidine acetamide), the original European nootropic

now available in low-cost powder. It has been said to safely enhance,

protect, & optimize memory and learning in normal individuals. Some say

optimum dose is 2400mg 2x/day for one month, 1200mg 2x/day thereafter,

others suggest 100mg/kg of body weight/day. 300g powder $8.90. Code 410.0

I spoke to a pharmacist who said that it took a while to work, but that it

offered slow and steady progress for children. This pharmacist had nothing

to gain from telling me that, because the company he currently works for

only sells its own brand of supplements.

At 08:08 AM 1/6/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>There was no effect on his sleep. He started to utter sounds, tried

>to grab things, when you look into his eyes you notice he is

>better. You will also see obvious regression if you stop using

>Piracetam! Oxybral is best. I used to buy it from Eygpt, but I

>haven't been able to find it lately. If you find it please let me

>know. I am trying new therapy of Honey and Garlic. I found a site

>in Qatar that is selling this. They claim they can cure Cerebral

>Palsy and other serious illnesses like Parkinson. They even show a

>video of a CP child that was able to walk within 7 monthes of

>treatment. The web site is

><http://www.al-deera.com.>http://www.al-deera.com. It is in

>Arabic. The video link is



>but the quality is very


>This is my e-mail nazirbashir@...


>Good luck




> > > >

> > > > Does anyone use piracetam?

> > > > I did some research on internet, it looks pretty promising

> > > > even too promising... I'm not sure. Any side effects?








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  • 3 years later...

Hi Janice,

I saw that you give piracetam as a supplement to your son, my nutrionist has

also ordered this for my son, I am looking for more information on this product,

where did you buy this from? and how has it helped your son, Did you see

a difference after your son started this.. Also what kind of exercises or

therapies does your son get for fine motor skills




From: Janice <jscott@...>

Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 12:19:32 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] McCarthy

, you are too funny! Thanks for my morning chuckle. I sure needed it


I yelled at Mark today for losing his school binder and I feel awful. I did

exactly what I 'wasn't' supposed to do....bawl him out! What I am supposed to do

is to create 'consequences' but I forgot until after he left for school.....

That is on my NACD program and I forgot.... shoot! GUILT, GUILT, GUILT!

That is what we have issues with mostly now-a-days.. .. organization and

attention to the 'small' things in life. Patching his right eye while practicing

fine motor skills is working beyond my wildest dreams (along with supplementing

with piracetam) and his writing skills are almost normalized now. AMAZING....

one silly eye issue plus a LOT of muscle work has really gotten this issue

tackled for him.

I notice that he still has some visual discrimination issues.... trouble seeing

outlines... and I think that I will research this a little since it may be the

key to getting his organizational abilities up to par. So...one BIG issue

conquored... . and one 'little one' to go! I am continuing with pleoptics to

stimulate his central detail vision but I confess that this is an exercise that

I often forget to do.... I'll have to put it up higher on to my radar screen.

That's how you heal dyspraxia... . tackling one developmental issue at a time or

many little developmental issues at a a time. But you CAN tackle these things

and succeed; you just need to decide to do the research on your child and try to

figure out 'why' they cannot do things.... you need to look straight to the root

of the senses that are not working (for us right now it is the eyes) and then

figure out how to stimulate that neural pathway.

I think that I just want to say that there are many in the autistic adult

community that are just so darn frustrated with therapy that doesn't work, with

people trying to 'change' them that I completely 'get' where they are coming


But today, we have a new generation and a whole host of new therapy, biomedical

and medical techniques at our disposal.

Our kids are not adults; they are still just kids and their mindset; who they

think they are and how they feel about themselves is just developing. When I

went with the 'system' techniques and before I learned that many of my son's

issues were actually medical... well, he was a pretty depressed and defeated

little boy. He had given up. So had I. We were just 'existing' with dyspraxia

and we were not challenging dyspraxia... so my boy never got better. He didn't

improve and would not have improved had I not changed my approach when he was


Changing the way we see dyspraxia... . as an ailment to be fought; as a medical

condition that can be alleviated via healing.... well, this changed how he saw

himself. He was able to separate his personal identity from that of dyspraxia.

Today, Dyspraxia is something he " HAS " not something he " IS " . This may not seem

like a huge differentiation but really... in terms of our personal identity....

it is enormous!

This change in mindset; the idea that when he works hard, he defeats dyspraxia

has given him the courage to fight. Because he has seen results and his life has

changed tremendously after starting to fight back.... I don't believe that he'll

ever stop fighting. He's made a personal decision not to let dyspraxia rule;

he's made the decision to conquor it.

Our kids need to be fighters. What they lack in physical strength, they need to

develop in personal strength. They need to believe in themselves and in their

ability to overcome whatever challenges are tossed their way.

So.... how do I 'know' intrinsically that a lot of my child's issues are really

medical with neurological outcomes? Because we have recovered most of his

facilities, that's how. I used to belong to an adult dyspraxia board and I

listened to the stories told by the many adults while doing home therapy every

day. One by one, I read on while my son was conquoring the issues of complaint

that the adults had. My boy was lucky. Via their stories and via my research, he

had access to therapies that these adults did not have. In part because of them,

he got better. They did reject me when I tried to tell them of our success and

did not want to hear it..... I understand and I get why. I also know that as

Mark ages, it gets harder and harder to change 'instilled' neurodevelopmental

pathways. If all of those adults did the exact same therapies that Mark had

done, they probably would not have achieved the same success. Their neurological

issues are more 'hard-wired'

. That is why you will see more stories of the really little kids.... aged

between 2 and 6... achieve complete recovery while few of the older kids ever


Today, while we are mostly healed.... Mark still has an 'imprint' of dyspraxia

in his being. I believe that this is due to us having overcome these issues

after he was so much older. I believe that the little ones, the toddlers and the

young children.... have an even better prognosis.

As we have rid ourselves of most of the 'physical' issues that define

dyspraxia... what is left are the medical issues and that is a great part of my

current focus. Mark's body is still ailing though he has overcome the

neurological condition to a great extent. When he has a 'medical' relapse and

his body is ailing, some of the neurological symptoms return. Thus, I know that

I am on the right track here. His body lets me know. I clean up his body and the

neurological symptoms go away.

Do I think that dyspraxia is " completely " curable? I don't know. I'll let you

know if we ever achieve it! BUT.... I must believe that it is. Of course, in

order to achieve this, I must be able to completely heal my son's immune system

and that includes auto-immune issues. That's a pretty tough one! However I must

believe in my heart of hearts that we can overcome even this.... for this is

what drives me and maybe..... in the end, I'll settle for recovery rather then

an outright cure!

The one thing that I do know now.... is that Mark, himself will never settle. He

has made a personal decision that comes with maturity and understanding. .. he

has decided to stand up and fight. And for that, I applaud him. I don't know

where along the therapy stream that he developed this. I think that in some

small way, it has always been part of him and at one point, he just really

internalized it. The one thing that I notice about all apraxic/dyspraxic

children is that they have this 'never-give- up' personal will. It is a

beautiful part of their spirit.

Okay.... rambling now!


Mother of Mark, 13


Well they didn't ask me. Do you know how hard it is to stem and rock when you

are 8 months pregnant!!! (smile)

From: jennyjudyaol (DOT) com <jennyjudyaol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: [childrensapraxiane t] McCarthy

@groups. com

Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 7:52 PM

Autism is not curable, it just isn't. It is a part of who these kids are.

Just like you cannot cure obsessive compulsive disorder or diabetes or many

other conditions the therapies and bio medical interventions can make things a

whole lot better. If you believe your child can be cured that is great, but

autism is a complex neurological condition and it doesn't just go away. Many

autistic adults have been asked if they would like their autism to be gone, they

usually answer no. I hope some of my son's autistic tendencies get better,

every day we see new improvement in one area or another, but there really is

nothing to cure, he has autism and it is part of his being. The symptoms

get better usually as they get older and other interventions also help. They may

even improve so much no one ever knows that they have it. This is my belief.

If others believe that their children have been cured congratulations. Jen

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Would you please share some of the gains you have witnessed after starting the


From: Colleen Somerville <colleen.somerville@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] Piracetam

Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 7:46 PM


I have been using Piracetam for 3 + months and have nothing but wonderful

things to say about it. You can order it from www.piracetam. com or from

http://www.antiagin g-systems. com/ - It takes 2 weeks to get it from UK. I

use the liquid form and love it. The pill form does not work as well for my




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My gains have been nothing short of Amazing. Charlie has trucked right along

with every intervention. Piracetam has taken him to the next level and made

him NT. I also give with Phosphaline. Very important to have the two. As it

does not work as well with out the Phosphaline.

Charlie started to sing on it, began to Army crawl 2 weeks after being on

the liquid. Okay, this kid could not army crawl, and our neurodevelommental

inhome therapy program said he had to establish a pattern. So he did on

piracetam. He lost the " apraxic " tendencies, dropping off endings of words

and articulation. Started to consistantly say who, where, what when.

It has been the most truly happy time since I learned about Apraxia.

Please remember, I have detoxed yeast, viral detox and chelated metals prior

to piracetam.

If you are interested you should consult wtih Dorfman




Mother of Charlie 3 years

RE: [ ] Piracetam

<mailto: %40>

Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 7:46 PM


I have been using Piracetam for 3 + months and have nothing but wonderful

things to say about it. You can order it from www.piracetam. com or from

http://www.antiagin g-systems. com/ - It takes 2 weeks to get it from UK. I

use the liquid form and love it. The pill form does not work as well for my




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I give 1tsp daily of liquid Phosphaline by XYMOGEN. My son is 3 and weighs

33 lbs. Probably 1tsp is okay.

5415 W Cedar Ln # 102B

Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 530-0800


Re: [ ] Piracetam

Where do you get the Phosphaline? How much of each do you give? How

much of each would I give an 8 year old? Thanks, Kristy

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Can you explain to me what this is and what it is supposed to help? I have a

son with severe apraxia and I give him fish oil.

-- RE: [ ] Piracetam

<mailto: %40>

Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 7:46 PM


I have been using Piracetam for 3 + months and have nothing but wonderful

things to say about it. You can order it from www.piracetam. com or from

http://www.antiagin g-systems. com/ - It takes 2 weeks to get it from UK. I

use the liquid form and love it. The pill form does not work as well for my




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I give XYMOGEN for my son too , we started it last year when he was 4 , with 1/2

tbsp, and gradually have increased to 1.




From: Colleen Somerville <colleen.somerville@...>

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:04:30 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Piracetam

www.villagegreenapo thacary.com

I give 1tsp daily of liquid Phosphaline by XYMOGEN. My son is 3 and weighs

33 lbs. Probably 1tsp is okay.

5415 W Cedar Ln # 102B

Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 530-0800


Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Piracetam

Where do you get the Phosphaline? How much of each do you give? How

much of each would I give an 8 year old? Thanks, Kristy

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My developmental ped also recommend Piracetam with Phospholine.  I bought liquid

form for both.


Phospholine tastes and smells like gasoline.  I have tried putting it in apple

sauce, honey, syrup, orange juice with success.  My son would not take it.   

How do people give to their young children?



thank you.

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Piracetam helps move sugar and oxygen to the brain.

RE: [ ] Piracetam


Can you explain to me what this is and what it is supposed to help? I have a

son with severe apraxia and I give him fish oil.

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We draw it up in a syrenge (sp) and also draw up some juice and shoot it in

his mouth. He is a champ!

[ ] Re: Piracetam

My developmental ped also recommend Piracetam with Phospholine. I bought

liquid form for both.

Phospholine tastes and smells like gasoline. I have tried putting it in

apple sauce, honey, syrup, orange juice with success. My son would not take

it. How do people give to their young children?

thank you.

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The dosing says 4.8g (6 x 4ml doses) daily for the first few weeks then decrease

to 2.4g (3 x 4ml doses) daily. It should be taken in 2 to 3 doses.  I just want

to correct that I didn't mean high doses as in take a lot; i meant it as in you

start off taking more in the beginning.


" a common starting dose is 3 - 800mg tablets 2x a day " so that's 2400 mg 2x day.


After reading some earlier postings from last month, I decided to go with the

2.4g dosage as my " high dose " .  My daughter is 8 and 55 lbs.


I'm going to continue to keep a close watch but she doesn't seem to have

aheadache or be uncomfortable.  as for the taste, I can't describe it .......

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I just spoke with my homeopath who originally suggested that I try piracetam

because it looked like a promsing supplement.  She recommends the current dosage

that I'm doing BUT I just found out I'm one of her first patients using



I'm going to play it safe and decrease the dose.

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Sorry, but I obviously was spacing out. I mix the confectioner sugar with

my daughter's Phosphacholine (sp?), not the piracetam. She doesn't have any

trouble taking the piracetam. Maddie's been taking piracetam for about a

month now. Her nutritionist had us start with a low dose, just because I

was nervous, but now we're up to 6 mls. She been taking 6 mls for about two

weeks. I can't say we've necessarily seen a change yet, but at school they

have seen less frustration, and more of her happy self. Her nutritionist

has seen great results in other clients from the piracetam.

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