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Re: lots of questions, new to all of this...

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So, today we started with our first round of appts. this week at CT

in VA.

The ortho that we met with was great and after going through all the

measurements I was feeling more comfortable in banding my daughter.

Then...came to the time to talk money! My insurence company has

already told me that they will cover this in full as long as they

have adequate medical documentation. I think this will not be a

problem b/c my daughter also has tort. and we have been in PT for 9

plus weeks. Anyway b/f they would go any further, they insisited I

pay $3600 up front. They told me to submit to my insurance co for

reimbursement, but would probably only get about 2000 back, which is

the usually and customary fee.

They then had me on the phone with the corporate office in AZ who

told me, I would not get the 1600 differnce back, although the ladies

in the office said I would. We left there not doing anything and

feeling more guilty than ever. Not only did I not realize how bad my

daughter's plagio/asym. was earlier, but not here I was refusing to

pay to help her. It's not really a money issue, but the fact that I

felt like I was gettting the hard sell from them. The woman on the

phone from AZ even told me that if I waited for the insurance co. it

might take 30-60 days, which would even make it longer until my

daughter was banded. I'm confused and just want to get this process

going. My insurance co says not to pay up front, but unless I do they

won't make the band. Should I pay...has anyone else has this

experience??? I am sorry to be complaining...b/c I have read so many

messages on here that insurance did not help at all. Thanks for

lettng me vent...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My daughter is now six months old. At 4 months we started

> PT

> > > for

> > > > her

> > > > > > torticollis. It has responded somewhat, but not enough.

> This

> > > week

> > > > my

> > > > > > ped. referred us to a neurologist who recommends the

> Starband

> > > b/c

> > > > of

> > > > > > her facial asymmentry.. ... my questions

> > > > > >

> > > > > > - Although we have had an x-ray, should we still have an

> MRI to

> > > > rule

> > > > > > out any underlying issues? The neurologist said he was on

> the

> > > > fence

> > > > > > about it since it involved sedation.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > - Has anyone had a good/bad experience w/ the STARband in

> > > > Columbia, Md?

> > > > > > Should I drive little further and do a DOC band instead?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > - I plan to get a second opinion from another


> Has

> > > > anyone

> > > > > > ever gone to Dr. Ahn (Hopkins) or Kenney Kreiger..any

> > > > recommendations.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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