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The poems are lovely and she is a talented young lady. I am sorry

to ask and not trying to open old wounds, but what complications did

your friend have that would have caused her death. I am not trying

to be morbid but sometimes when I have really bad spells, I wont go

to the hospital, am I endangering my life. I have never gone to the

ER except once, after an ercp, because I think it is a practice in

futility. Tonight was very bad, and I thought about going in but

knew they would do little. Theres no way on earth I could have

driven any way. I do wonder sometimes if I am risking my life, what

is the mobidity of CP? Or does anybody even know what the morbidity

is. I wonder what the actual physiology of an attack is. With each

attack does it eat a way a little more of the healthy panc tissue?

Are there vascular changes that occur? Does any body really know.

I guess these are really rhetorical questions but if you or anybody

have an idea I would be interested to know. Sorry to be such a

gloomey gus, but maybe the sun will come out tomorrow and I'll feel

better. It feels good to get things off my chest and voice my

fears; besides I have denial issues that Im trying to work

through...*s*. I hope your day has gone well and your feeling ok

Thanks for sharing the poems and lending an ear.


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