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Proposals Due Oct 16 for Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Conference, May 12-15, 2010 in Portland, Oregon

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Dear migrant health research colleagues,

We are writing to remind you of the Fri Oct 16 deadline for proposals for

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) conference, May 12-15, 2010 in

Portland, Oregon! The conference, " Creating the Future We Want to Be:

Transformation through Partnerships " promises to be CCPH's best yet as hundreds

of community and campus partners convene for 4 days of skill-building,

networking and agenda-setting!

We invite you to share your knowledge, wisdom and experience by submitting one

or more proposals to present at the conference. Proposals for skill-building

workshops, arts-based discussion sessions and posters are being sought for

these conference sub-themes:

*Journeys of transformation

*Sustaining partnerships and the outcomes they achieve

*Building capacity

*Innovative and promising partnership practices

*Community-based participatory research as a tool for social justice

*Advancing health equity

*Interprofessional, interdisciplinary and/or intersectoral collaborations

*Youth and student leadership

Download the call for proposals at


Whether you are new to community-based participatory research, service-learning

or community-campus partnerships and looking for basics to get started, or

you've been involved for years and seeking more advanced knowledge and

connections, this is one conference you will not want to miss!

CCPH conferences consistently get rave reviews for time and money well spent

for a number of reasons:

*The CCPH conference draws diverse participants who share a commitment to

social justice and a passion for the power of partnerships to transform

communities and academe. Whether a grassroots community activist, a student, a

Dean of a medical school, a faculty member, a community health center CEO or a

foundation program officer, all CCPH conference participants are embraced for

the knowledge, wisdom and experience they bring to the table.

*The CCPH conference features inspiring keynote presentations, skill-building

workshops, discussions by peer group and interest area, educational exhibits,

community site visits, local arts programming and many opportunities for

informal networking. We emphasize sessions that go beyond describing a

particular partnership, project or issue to analyzing what worked, didn't work

and why, and offering practical ways to apply the information back home.

*The CCPH conference is always located in cities with ready access to exemplary

community-campus partnerships that participants can see and learn from.

Portland is home to 10 higher educational institutions, including one (Portland

State University) that has received the coveted Carnegie elective

classification as a community-engaged institution. Portland is also home to the

Northwest Health Foundation, our major conference partner, which identifies

community-based participatory research (CBPR) as a significant interest area

and is building CBPR capacity in the region.

*The benefits of attending continue well beyond the conference. As noted by

CCPH member Levesque, of Knowledge Mobilization Works in Ottawa,

" CCPH puts on a great conference...informative, well-run, well-attended, and a

great resource for continued contacts and resources. In fact, I am currently

using some materials for a photovoice project in my community that I collected

from the 2004 conference in Atlanta! "

Concerned about the cost of attending? We are committed to keeping conference

costs to a minimum and raising funds to support the full participation of

community members, students and individuals from countries with emerging and

developing economies. Details will be posted on the CCPH homepage at

www.ccph.info as they become available.

We look forward to reviewing your proposal and seeing you at the CCPH

conference in Portland next May!

Bobby Gottlieb, Chair, CCPH Board of Directors

Sarena Seifer, Founding Executive Director, CCPH


Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)

through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.

Become a member today at www.ccph.info

Join us for CCPH's 11th Conference, " Creating the Future We Want to Be:

Transformation through Partnerships, " May 12-15, 2010 in Portland, Oregon!

Proposals are due October 16, 2009 - visit www.ccph.info for details


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