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Need a push in the right direction

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Felt I had to stop my husbands chelation for the time being.(because

of weakness) Don't know if it was the right move.

He doesn't seem to be getting any better..I know it hasn't been long

enough but there must be something else Im doing wrong.

I feel like his adrenals need to be supported better. He takes

Adrenal Cortex 150mg 3 times a day and I have him on all kinds of

vitamin suppliments.

He just seems to me to becoming weaker. He's been losing weight

around 20-30lbs. His tremors are still there everyday as soon as he

wakes up. His Pain (upper middle lower back) remain and even with 4-5

percocet 10/325mg with roxicodone in between for BT pain, we still

don't have a handle on it. He is on a antidepressant- Lexapro. I

recently added pregnenalone 25mg which he takes once a day.

And he has taken the Diagnos-Tech's adrenal test back in Feb. with

results that read: Cortisol AM 9 (13-24) Noon 6 (5-10)Evening 1 (3-8)

and midnight 1 (1-4) His DHEA was 7 normal (3-10). The Estradiol is

15 (1-15) Progesterone 119 (5-95) and his Free Testosterone 46 (50-80)

His Thyroid results recently last week are: Total T4- 8.1 (6.1-12.2)

T3UP-38.6 (32.0-48.4) FTI- 7.8 (5.9-13.1)TSH-0.85 (0.34-5.60) Free T4-

0.87 (0.58-1.26)Free T3- 327 (230-420) and Thyroid Peroxidase

Antibodies- <10 (<35)

All his other labs CBC,Comp Chem profile, Lipids look ok.

I saw the page " The adrenal restoration plan " and I guess I could up

things like biotin and zinc and try to find him Isocort or something

but I really don't understand how he is having this excruciating pain

thats up and down his back. This is a symptom no one really talks

about on this forum and I can't understand why he would have this

when no one else is. This pain is what is effecting his job and our

family and it came on at the same time all the rest of these symptoms

that suggest mercury poisoning happened.

He has met counting rule 3 and 4 on his hair test back in Feb. He is

listed as Hair Test #172

And we are doing Dmsa 25mg every 4 hours, 3 on/4 off. I haven't added

the ALA yet because he is afraid that he still has a body burden of

mercury and he is afraid that whatever is in his body will go to his

brain. His exposure was Last December of an improper amalgam removal.

He is also the father of an Autistic child.

Back in Feb his temperatures had taken a nose dive. They still

haven't come up yet. But in the last couple of months he has been

having hot flashes really bad where he will sweat profusly but his

temps will still be low. This afternoon he came home from work and

told me that at 7am his temp was in the 96's and at 10am it was 97.9,

but then he got a hot flash at 10:10am and his temp was 97.8. Then

later at noon it was 96.9.

Im not going to be able to sell the doctor on hydrocortisone for him

and he has to wait another month to see a doctor (the only one) that

deals with Thyroid Syndrome.

Does anyone think I should go ahead and try him on ALA yet? Its the

one thing alot people keep talking about that has made them better.

He's only been on less than 15 rounds of dmsa so far.

Does anyone have any sources for hydergine, isocort, etc.

I don't know if I need reassurance or a new game plan. But its very

stressful knowing he depends on me to make this all better. I need



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