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Re: A Way to Get DMPS (to help with dumping phase) -- UPDATE

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I missed the discussion on the dumping phase and how it is not

detectable in urine, so forgive me for not understanding that. I mean,

if we are dumping a lot mercury and it isn't in the urine, then where

is it? I mean, how can you dump it and not see it? To me that just

means it isn't being dumped.

As we all know, mercury messes up a lot of stuff. What we don't know

is whether the damage it has done is temporary, longterm, or

permanent. I suspect all of the above. There may be genes or enzymes

that were permanently turned off, or receptors that have been

irreversibly destroyed. Since immunology is a huge part of mercury

poisoning, how do we know you aren't infected with some micro-organism

that wreaks havoc? Pneumonia clamydia, strepp, lyme, and a host of

other obscure names, and that you might improve dramatically on a

longterm multiple antibiotic protocol? We don't know, do we? But it is

a decent possibility. How do we know certain brain cells or glandular

cells haven't been fried forever? I mean, if we were to have an arm

half cut off, reinstalled in surgery, well, that doesn't mean it is

ever going to work or look like it originally did. Massive scars,

nerves permanently severed, disfigured tissues. Kind of a crude

example, but you know what I mean? Or maybe a burned face. Sure it can

be healed and the person saved, but that face will never be the same.

I know nearly all of us focus on natural supplements for healing. At

some point when someone is seriously chronically ill, even after 131

rounds, I think 2 questions have to be asked:

1. There is another diagnosis that needs to be made, either separate

from mercury or caused by it, either way, something else is very wrong

that is not improving on its own after removing a lot of mercury.

2. What prescription medications can help my symptoms so I can have an

improved ability to live a daily life as close to normal as possible?

131 rounds. That is a lot. I remember someone here saying they didn't

really see benefits until round 60, and at the time I thought wow,

that's a lot of rounds. Just a layman's guess here, but you gotta be

fairly clean after 131 rounds, especially if there is nothing in the

urine. You may need a medication to circumvent as best possible

whatever damage mercury did. There are good medications ya know, that

can dramatically improve your life. Limiting to just natural

supplements is a valiant effort, but potentially robs you of other

possibilities that generally have a lot more potency at doing what

they do.

We don't talk about it here much, but our chelator meds themselves can

alter neurotransmitters and immune functions. A lot isn't known about

DMPS. It is an experimental drug. DMSA causes neurotransmitter changes

in trout and rats, maybe humans too? Just a thought. Just another

thought, but maybe instead of continuing with chelation it might be

time to take a year off, get some prescription help with symptoms, and

re-evaluate down the road.

You are not in good shape right now. Something has to change.

Geez this stuff is so hard. Forgive me, I am just rambling out loud,

thoughts to ponder.


> Here's what I've done so far. Following the mantra " chelate,


> and chelate some more " , I've done a lot of chelation time since

> starting at the beginning of this year:


> 131 total days of chelation

> 20 DMSA-only

> 32 ALA-only

> 30 DMSA + ALA

> 45 DMPS

> 4 DMPS + ALA


> Since August, I've been almost exclusively doing 12.5mg of DMPS,

> holding off on ALA for now. And yet I'm still getting whacked.


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Beigetable wrote:

> ***** Mercury is strikingly lower on the second test, and mineral

> transport is less deranged, both of which are consistent with a

> decrease in extracellular mercury...

> Hair tests do not reflect deep-reservior mercury.

Is this true? Does a hair test showing deranged mineral transport

(DMT) only indicate high extracellular mercury burden? If so,

shouldn't the proper protocol be to continue using DMSA (or,

preferably, DMPS) and avoid introducing ALA (to avoid moving

extracellular mercury into the brain) until the hair test no

longer shows DMT?

> > Since August, I've been almost exclusively doing 12.5mg of DMPS,

> > holding off on ALA for now. And yet I'm still getting whacked.


> ***** DMPS by itself, according to Cutler, accelerates clearing of

> extracellular mercury by about 30% during on-days, and is useful

> mainly for symptom control IF it controls symptoms. DMPS by itself,

> without ALA, may not be doing much for you at this point.

During the few months after amalgam removal, when extracellular

mercury is high, how much mercury would a toxic individual excrete on

their own without the use of chelators? My understanding is that most

toxic people have very poor ability to naturally detoxify (excrete)

mercury, which is how they became sick in the first place.

So for people who have no ability to excrete mercury on their own, a

" 30% increase " from zero is still zero. So what does this " 30%

increase " really mean?

Or, is it the case that even those with genetically poor (or otherwise

compromised) natural detoxification ability still have the ability to

get rid of " fast pools " of mercury on their own (sans chelators), at

least to some degree?

If so, would this apply to the " mercury dumping " phase, as well?

If during the mercury dumping phase, when intracellular/intraorgan

mercury is being " dumped " into the bloodstream, extracellular space,

or some other " more accessible " tissues, I have no ability to

naturally eliminate any of this mercury, then using DMPS (or DMSA)

would not just be an optional approach " to reduce symptoms " , but it

would be absolutely essential for successful chelation.

Am I making any sense here?



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