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Re: need encouragement- to Joy

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I know each of us has a different set of dynamics that are making us

ill, but personally I would stick with and limit your actions to the

mercury and support mechanisms that AI suggests

IMO, Mercury is what sets our bodies up for failure (along with

bacteria that love a toxic terrain)..Once you have the mercury levels

down you should be seing improvement in the area of

adrenals/thyroid.digestion/yeast/immune actions.neurological problems

etc etc

I am not sure what is your biggest area of deficieny, but as many of

the more expererinced people say on here, its chelate chelate and

chelate BUT make sure your other deficencies are dealt with

For example

** adrenals

** thyroid (I tretaed after 7 months of treating adrenals or so as is


** yeast/candida

** other supps ie most people are zinc deficient; the cool thing

about zinc is you get very bad symptoms when you're body has

enough..i have thrown up a few times right after takig zinc (when i

was on continuous ALA which creataes more zinc) or have gotten a very

nauseaus head ache feeling; Taurine, milk thistle,

Its small steps of eureka momemts with a lot of depressing and

discouraging let downs in between...


what are you chelating with, I reelly think DMSA causes many peoole

problems but i know its cheaper...but if its not working or hurting

you; cheaper doesn't mean effective

Whats you diet..I had food allergy tests done which helped alot,a s

it showed eggs and almonds and a few other thungs that were really

staples in my diet. I do not know if you can afford these

Keep the faith


> I have reached my year marker and am evaluating progress or lack

> thereof. I realized in the beginning that I would be chelating for


> minimum of 2 years, but believed I would see some improvement after


> year on this protocol. I was able to talk to Dr Teitelbaum


> this week & ask his opinion. He believes that metal toxicity is

only a

> piece of the puzzle and wants me to go to a CFS/Fibro clinic for

> further investigation. I'm becoming more skeptical all the time

with so

> many claims that this or that will be the cure. I've been ill for


> years and my hope for ever attaining health is diminishing rapidly.

> Unfortunately like most of you, my resources are limited, so I


> run off to Mayo Clinic (like outsiders are constantly suggesting).


> haven't gone into any details here, but how do I know if I'm on the

> right track? Shouldn't I be seeing some progress at this point?

> Joy


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