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Re: ACE HC balancing chelation and adrenals----Robin

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In frequent-dose-chelation robin wrote:

> As asked, I'm not clear on how much in total you are

> taking each day. Are you dosing Cortef and ACE every 3 hours, how

> many times? -------Jackie

5mg Cortef/50mgACE 3 times a day so a total each day of 15mg Cortef

and 150mg ACE.

---------So your Cortef dose is getting up there, but you could still go a

little higher, because 20mg/day is considered a safe dose in general. But you

could very well tolerate more ACE, so I would continue to work on building that

up. I've been taking 500mg/day regularly, and sometimes more.---------Jackie

> This just may be your body telling you it needs rest. I think

> it's a protection mechanism. Adrenal support helps, but you still

> need rest.--------Jackie

Yes. Today, on the way to my mom's (mothers day), I got pulled over

by a cop and when he didn't give me a speeding ticket (I was well

over the limit!) I said thank you so much and then suddenly blurted

out " this is the nicest thing that's happened to me since I moved to

Oregon " and just starting sobbing. I kid you not. And let me tell

you: I. Never. Cry. I just don't cry and I realized that, again, I'm

just crazy over-wrought and holding stuff back and so, yeah, I'm

definitely going to slow down and be careful not to overdo. sheesh

-------------I don't cry alot either, but I don't think it's good to hold it

in all the time either. I think sometimes we need a good cry. I think it

relieves alot of built up or held in stress. Again, your body just said I can't

take it or hold it in anymore.----------Jackie

Maybe we can get a group rate at a clinic???

----------Good friends and these groups have been the cheapest and most useful

therapy I have found!---------Jackie

> The process of amalgam removal is stress, your long trip caring

> for your parents---huge stress, especially right after amalgam

> removal, you moved recently, and then all your legal and renting

> problems----more stress, and I believe you were recently sick with

> a virus---more stress, and chelation on top of all of that. That's

> alot of stress on your adrenals, whether you realize it or not.

> It's not just the chelation.


> And, how many months post amalgam removal are you? I think

> you're entering the hump, possibly, if I remember right. So it is

> normal for you to feel worse during this time, even if you are

> chelating.


> So, lots of factors involved, and I think you just need to be

> kind to yourself and don't push it. If your body wants to rest,

> then rest. (And I know this isn't always possible, but do it as

> often as you can.)---------Jackie

Wow Jackie. Thanks for reminding me. I'm JUST 3 months post-amalgam-

removal (I did the arithmetic wrong before) and you're right about

everything of course.

----------Believe me, it took months of people like pounding the adrenal

stuff into me, and reading about it, and living it, before this all really sunk

in. And I think the parent thing hits so deeply home with me, that I really

understand your situation and how much stress this has been on you and your

adrenals, and then trying to chelate, and everything else, I just truly

understand where you're at. So I'm just trying to pass that onto you, to

realize your adrenals have taken a beating, and that you need to be kind to

them, because nobody else is going to:)

And if you are 3 months post amalgam removal, things may naturally start to

get a little worse for awhile. Natural progression of mercury detox according

to Andy and his graph on page 52. He has said in many posts to study that graph

and make sure you understand it well. We all want to feel well *now*, but it

just doesn't happen overnight with mercury detox.-----------Jackie

And.......that's the nicest thing anybody's.... <sob sob>

----------Now Robin, don't make me cry too:) I hope things are better today.

Hopefully you'll feel like you relieved some stress by having a good cry. And

that's what we're all here for, is to support and help each other. Hang in




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