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How do I support my kid

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Dear Members of the group.I am from Eritrea, East Africa. My son is Four years and 4 months old and he is nonverbal. From what he does and the speech delay I believe he has some autistic characters or most likely ADHD. He is not medically diagnosed with these disorders because there is no way of diagnosing autism or related diseases here in my country. The pediatricians here are of little or no help because they have very limited knowledge of the disorder. I have been following the e-mail

exchange in the group and I have also read a few papers about autism. I have also tried to avoid some types of food that aggravate the situation according to the reading I made e.g is cow milk and artificially manufactured foods. Many people in my country believe that there is no medication for autism related disorders and try to treat their kids in a good way just to help them get better in a layman's way, once again we have no psychologists who have licenses to help treat such problems except few working in government institutions and they are too busy to council individuals on regular basis. I believe that my son's and many similar problems in my country can be improved or healed if they receive good medical treatment but the issue is there is no medical facility to help. I intend

to apply some of the treatments many of you have tried on your children without any medical support but the medicines are not available either moreover, financially it is impossible for me to import some of the medicines from abroad. I am seeking advice on:1. what should I do to help my kid get better until he gets proper treatment2.If there is a way of analyzing the body chemistry of my son for viruses, bacterias, heavy metals by sending blood or urine samples abroad3. How can I get financial support , if there are organizations that can help me financially.More information on my son:- He was born preterm after 7 months pregnancy and was 1.1kg he got blood transfusion and all sorts of support to help him survive. He is skinny but very strong, stronger than his class mates ate the kindergarten where he learns ( to be exact where he stays for few hours) and much stronger than his twin sister,who is neuro-typical. I would appreciate any information that you think will help me and my son. God Bless you and your loved ones.Best regards From: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > To: mb12valtrex Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 6:35 PM Subject: Digest Number 6853[1 Attachment]

Nasal Spray MB12, Antivirals, Stan Kurtz

Nasal Spray MB12, Antivirals, Stan Kurtz Group

12 New Messages

Digest #6853



by "Ludwig "




by "Ludwig "




by " "




by "Channa Brennon"




by "Ludwig "



Re: Dr Goldberg-for

by " "



Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panenceph

by "Irma Sahdala"



Re: Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panen

by "Channa Brennon"



Re: Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panen

by " Aronson"



Re: Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panen

by "Ludwig "



Re: Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panen

by " "



Re: Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panen

by "Channa Brennon"





Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Ludwig " whythink2002

www.magneticclay. com


> hello, please what clay bath do you use and can I purchase online?


> Sent from my iPhone





>> How timely, my doctor just emailed me to do two clay baths a day to assist clearing metals dumping and keep from re-toxifying. I have had to do that before during HBOT and/or AIT in the past. They move so much metals, don't know why.






>>> I explained a litte in my other email. We are in the process of a move or I would do a urine test.





>>>> I think right now the things that will hold us back from traveling to CA. Would be my son & husband. My son does not do well with crowds AT ALL, he will bite & scratch plus he always needs to be on the go meaning if he is in a car he wants it to move at all times no stopping so with the time for us to take off would be difficult on the plane not only for him but for other travelers & especially me. My husband is just fed up with everything we have tried & seeing no change he (I think) has given up. I on the other hand have not & will continue till the day I die to recover him. Thank you for taking the time to answer to my reply. My God Bless you. How soon after you tried these meds did you see a change? How old is your son? My son is non verbal & I would love to hear his voice once again calling mommy.


>>>> Many blessings

>>>> Nina


>>>> CHECK OUT MY BLOG: atirinspireddecor. blogspot. com



>From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdala (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>

>Subject: Neuro said: Give MMR to avoid getting Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis

>To: "mb12valtrex@ yahoogroups. com" <mb12valtrex@ yahoogroups. com>

>Date: Sunday, December 16, 2012, 10:56 PM




>Thanks again everyone for all your kind and geniune hearted posts responses! So of course I had to have a conference call with this Neuro. He called me this weekend and I made him break it down for me, as to why give him the MMR now, at 5yrs old?


>He explaned, that it wasn't so much getting the measals...because he himself said "it can be treated without a problem". He said, it's the contracting of a far more lethal measals that he can get afterwards, called "SSPE" which causes major inflammation to the brain and children can die more easily from it.


>He said, it's kind of like getting the chicken pocks (varicella) when we were kids and then as adults getting Shingles but 10 times worse in comparesen. This "SSPE" measal gets so inflammed, that it would burst the blood brain barrier.


>He commended that I've waited this long to give him the MMR, and said he's not on board of giving children vaccine cocktails all at once...to seperate them as much as possible. He mentioned he knows that children starting their late Pre-K and Kindergarten phase in their lives don't have much of a choice..because of school demanding vaccination.


>He said, if we prepare him for the vaccine, two weeks before getting the MMR, by having him take a good multi-vitamin, good Cod-liver oil and make sure he is not sick the day of, he assured me that the MMR would not affect him, now at 5yrs old and more importantly. ..not to give him any other vaccine for 6 or more months and go see him asap if I see any reactions to the MMR. This Neuro doesn't give the MMR, only the Pediatricians does.


>With that said, I'm still going to wait another year...until I do the necessary blood tests to see where his gut and immune system stand at this time. Please share your thoughts....



>Of course I had to google this SSPE type of measals and paste it for all of you to view:



>Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis: A progressive neurological disorder involving inflammation of the brain caused by a complication of the measles virus. It can occur up to 10 years after the initial measles virus and may be due to a defective immune response to the virus or a reactivation of the virus. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis is available below.


>Alternative Names

>SSPE; Subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis; Dawson´s encephalitis

>Definition of Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis:

>Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a progressive, debilitating, and deadly brain disorder related to measles (rubeola) infection.

>Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

>Ordinarily, the measles virus does not cause brain damage, but an abnormal immune response to measles or, possibly, certain mutant forms of the virus may cause severe illness and death. This leads to brain inflammation (swelling and irritation) that may last for years.

>SSPE has been reported in all parts of the world, but in western countries it is considered a rare disease.

>Fewer than 10 cases per year are reported in the United States, a dramatic decrease that followed the nationwide measles immunization program. However, in some countries like India, over 20 cases of SSPE per million people are reported each year.

>SSPE tends to occur several years after an individual has measles, even though the person seems to have fully recovered from the illness. Males are more often affected than females, and the disease generally occurs in children and adolescents. Source: http://www.umm. edu/ency/ article/001419. htm#ixzz2FHCS2Q8 b Follow us: @UMMC on Twitter | MedCenter on Facebook

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