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Re: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

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Can you elaborate on what you mean when you state, "but you are seriously restricted in your parental rights as is, by us gov", AND "My I conclude it is ok if us gov takes your children away but not UN."

You really think it is OK for any government to take children away from their parents? Am I missing something in this conversation? I must be.

Please share more of your insight.


Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi Tammy,I agree, but you are seriousely restricted in your parental rights as is, by us gov. And no one protested that. My I conclude it is ok if us gov takes your children away but not un?Namaste,Jolanta>> Check out article 7 then please! please! please! call your senators and tell them HELL NO!> > Tammy> > > ----------------------------------------------------------> *Please forward this link from hslda [Home School Legal Defense Advocates]> and request urgent action BY WAY OF PHONE CALLS from everyone you know.> PLEASE!*> > *>>>Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override> EVERYdecision of a parent of disabled children if the government> thinks that its> views are in “the best interest of the child.†<<<<<*> > > *https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201207130.asp*> > > *more about the UNCRPD can be found here:> https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201205250.asp*> > > > *July 13, 2012*> Senator Kerry: We’ll Pass the CRPD by July 26> > * P. Farris, Esq., LL.M.> Founder and Chairman*> [image: Farris]<https://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>> Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA, and homeschooling father> of 10. Read more >> <http://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>> > Senator Kerry announced yesterday that he plans to pass the UN> Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26â€"just> 13 days from today. He has scheduled a formal committee vote next> Thursdayâ€"July 19. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding> international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or> consideration.> > Yesterday’s “hearing†was a carefully orchestrated attempt to get this> treaty ratified without any serious consideration. There were nine total> witnesses. Only two people opposed to the treaty were allowed to> testifyâ€" Groves from Heritage Foundation and me.> False Ideas> > The administration seeks to promote two ideas that are simply inaccurate:> 1. Disabled Americans who travel overseas will directly benefit by U.S.> ratification of this treaty; 2. Ratifying a treaty does not require us to> comply with international law.> > They are arguing that a treaty is an empty promise with no actual> substance. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes it clear that the> administration is wrong. Treaties form a part of the Supreme Law of the> Land once ratified.> > And no one even attempted a serious answer to our core parental rights> concern.> > Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every> decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its> views are in “the best interest of the child.â€> Parental Rights at Stake> > This is a radical attempt to take away parental rights. Make no mistakeâ€"if> they succeed at ratifying this treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the> Child is next. This is not a battle just for parents with disabled and> special needs children. This is a battle for every parent.> > We absolutely *must* flood the U.S. Senate with phone calls. Senator Durbin> mentioned that they were hearing from homeschoolers (and he was annoyed at> us for voicing our opinion of his side’s planned assault on parental> rights.) But, we need to do even more.> > This is the most important issue that we will face this year. By July 26â€"up> or downâ€"we will either take another step toward becoming the subjects of a> world government *or* we will preserve our rights as American citizens.> > I urge you all in the strongest possible termsâ€"*call both of your U.S.> senators today*. If you have called them in their Washington, D.C.> officeâ€"call them again in their in-state district offices which you can> find online.> > Please give these senators some or all of the following message:> > “I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with> Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN> bureaucrats, and will threaten parental control over children with> disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect disabled Americans.> This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families. If the Senate ratifies> this treaty, it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a> treaty that substantially impacts domestic law. Please take the time to> examine this treaty carefully.â€> > The Capitol Switchboard’s phone number is , or use HSLDA’s> Legislative> Toolbox. <http://www.hslda.org/elink.asp?id=15171>> > Get everyone you know to call their senators as well. Network. Facebook.> Phone lists. Every place you can networkâ€"please do it.> > And pray like mad.> > Taking away our parental rights won’t build wheelchair ramps for disabled> Americans who travel to other countries. The promise being made that this> treaty will result in new accessibility options in foreign countries is an> illusion.> > The demise of our parental rights is a certainty.> > Call. Call. Pray. And Call.> >  *Other Resources*> > Video of the UN CRPD hearing <http://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/>> > Testimony by HSLDA Chairman Mike> Farris<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/REVISED__Farris_Testimony.pdf>> > Testimony by Steve Groves, Heritage> Foundation<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/_Groves_Testimony.pdf>> > >

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Hi,Not to this extent, no. Child services can come investigate/intervene when "warranted". (Which of course includes many gray areas). They can make things very difficult and pry and bust your chops, butThe U.S. just doesn't come in and take your children away. (YET). Not without sufficient evidence of abuse and neglect and not without trial.If a child is believed to be in grave or immediate danger, he/she will be pulled from the home temporarily until a court date. Though you will hear outrageous cases from time to time (we've heard some here), they don't just ride down random streets and snatch children from their homes (YET)And yes! there ARE people who protest and vehemently oppose new laws being passed each and every

day that are compromising the health of our children and interfering with the way we raise them. Most of the time, it falls on deaf ears.Still, I don't see how having welfare laws (as imperfect as they may be) justifies handing authority of MY child over to ANY official. Let alone to UNelected, UNamerican officials.You do?!?!?!?????Tammy From: Jolanta

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:28 AM Subject: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi Tammy,

I agree, but you are seriousely restricted in your parental rights as is, by us gov. And no one protested that. My I conclude it is ok if us gov takes your children away but not un?




> Check out article 7 then please! please! please! call your senators and tell them HELL NO!


> Tammy



> ----------------------------------------------------------

> *Please forward this link from hslda [Home School Legal Defense Advocates]

> and request urgent action BY WAY OF PHONE CALLS from everyone you know.



> *>>>Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override

> EVERYdecision of a parent of disabled children if the government

> thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.� <<<<<*



> *https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201207130.asp*



> *more about the UNCRPD can be found here:

> https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201205250.asp*




> *July 13, 2012*

> Senator Kerry: We’ll Pass the CRPD by July 26


> * P. Farris, Esq., LL.M.

> Founder and Chairman*

> [image: Farris]<https://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>

> Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA, and homeschooling father

> of 10. Read more >> <http://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>


> Senator Kerry announced yesterday that he plans to pass the UN

> Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26â€"just

> 13 days from today. He has scheduled a formal committee vote next

> Thursdayâ€"July 19. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding

> international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or

> consideration.


> Yesterday’s “hearing� was a carefully orchestrated attempt to get this

> treaty ratified without any serious consideration. There were nine total

> witnesses. Only two people opposed to the treaty were allowed to

> testifyâ€" Groves from Heritage Foundation and me.

> False Ideas


> The administration seeks to promote two ideas that are simply inaccurate:

> 1. Disabled Americans who travel overseas will directly benefit by U.S.

> ratification of this treaty; 2. Ratifying a treaty does not require us to

> comply with international law.


> They are arguing that a treaty is an empty promise with no actual

> substance. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes it clear that the

> administration is wrong. Treaties form a part of the Supreme Law of the

> Land once ratified.


> And no one even attempted a serious answer to our core parental rights

> concern.


> Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every

> decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.�

> Parental Rights at Stake


> This is a radical attempt to take away parental rights. Make no mistakeâ€"if

> they succeed at ratifying this treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the

> Child is next. This is not a battle just for parents with disabled and

> special needs children. This is a battle for every parent.


> We absolutely *must* flood the U.S. Senate with phone calls. Senator Durbin

> mentioned that they were hearing from homeschoolers (and he was annoyed at

> us for voicing our opinion of his side’s planned assault on parental

> rights.) But, we need to do even more.


> This is the most important issue that we will face this year. By July 26â€"up

> or downâ€"we will either take another step toward becoming the subjects of a

> world government *or* we will preserve our rights as American citizens.


> I urge you all in the strongest possible termsâ€"*call both of your U.S.

> senators today*. If you have called them in their Washington, D.C.

> officeâ€"call them again in their in-state district offices which you can

> find online.


> Please give these senators some or all of the following message:


> “I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with

> Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN

> bureaucrats, and will threaten parental control over children with

> disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect disabled Americans.

> This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families. If the Senate ratifies

> this treaty, it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a

> treaty that substantially impacts domestic law. Please take the time to

> examine this treaty carefully.�


> The Capitol Switchboard’s phone number is , or use HSLDA’s

> Legislative

> Toolbox. <http://www.hslda.org/elink.asp?id=15171>


> Get everyone you know to call their senators as well. Network. Facebook.

> Phone lists. Every place you can networkâ€"please do it.


> And pray like mad.


> Taking away our parental rights won’t build wheelchair ramps for disabled

> Americans who travel to other countries. The promise being made that this

> treaty will result in new accessibility options in foreign countries is an

> illusion.


> The demise of our parental rights is a certainty.


> Call. Call. Pray. And Call.


> Â *Other Resources*


> Video of the UN CRPD hearing <http://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/>


> Testimony by HSLDA Chairman Mike

> Farris<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/REVISED__Farris_Testimony.pdf>


> Testimony by Steve Groves, Heritage

> Foundation<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/_Groves_Testimony.pdf>




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correction....I don't see how having child welfare laws, that is.... To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3:14 PM Subject: Re: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi,Not to this extent, no. Child services can come investigate/intervene when "warranted". (Which of course includes many gray areas). They can make things very difficult and pry and bust your chops, butThe U.S. just doesn't come in and take your children away. (YET). Not without sufficient evidence of abuse and neglect and not without trial.If a child is believed to be in grave or immediate danger, he/she will be pulled from the home temporarily until a court date. Though you will hear outrageous cases from time to time (we've heard some here), they don't just ride down random streets and snatch children from their homes

(YET)And yes! there ARE people who protest and vehemently oppose new laws being passed each and every

day that are compromising the health of our children and interfering with the way we raise them. Most of the time, it falls on deaf ears.Still, I don't see how having welfare laws (as imperfect as they may be) justifies handing authority of MY child over to ANY official. Let alone to UNelected, UNamerican officials.You do?!?!?!?????Tammy From: Jolanta

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:28 AM Subject: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi Tammy,

I agree, but you are seriousely restricted in your parental rights as is, by us gov. And no one protested that. My I conclude it is ok if us gov takes your children away but not un?




> Check out article 7 then please! please! please! call your senators and tell them HELL NO!


> Tammy



> ----------------------------------------------------------

> *Please forward this link from hslda [Home School Legal Defense Advocates]

> and request urgent action BY WAY OF PHONE CALLS from everyone you know.



> *>>>Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override

> EVERYdecision of a parent of disabled children if the government

> thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.� <<<<<*



> *https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201207130.asp*



> *more about the UNCRPD can be found here:

> https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201205250.asp*




> *July 13, 2012*

> Senator Kerry: We’ll Pass the CRPD by July 26


> * P. Farris, Esq., LL.M.

> Founder and Chairman*

> [image: Farris]<https://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>

> Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA, and homeschooling father

> of 10. Read more >> <http://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>


> Senator Kerry announced yesterday that he plans to pass the UN

> Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26â€"just

> 13 days from today. He has scheduled a formal committee vote next

> Thursdayâ€"July 19. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding

> international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or

> consideration.


> Yesterday’s “hearing� was a carefully orchestrated attempt to get this

> treaty ratified without any serious consideration. There were nine total

> witnesses. Only two people opposed to the treaty were allowed to

> testifyâ€" Groves from Heritage Foundation and me.

> False Ideas


> The administration seeks to promote two ideas that are simply inaccurate:

> 1. Disabled Americans who travel overseas will directly benefit by U.S.

> ratification of this treaty; 2. Ratifying a treaty does not require us to

> comply with international law.


> They are arguing that a treaty is an empty promise with no actual

> substance. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes it clear that the

> administration is wrong. Treaties form a part of the Supreme Law of the

> Land once ratified.


> And no one even attempted a serious answer to our core parental rights

> concern.


> Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every

> decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.�

> Parental Rights at Stake


> This is a radical attempt to take away parental rights. Make no mistakeâ€"if

> they succeed at ratifying this treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the

> Child is next. This is not a battle just for parents with disabled and

> special needs children. This is a battle for every parent.


> We absolutely *must* flood the U.S. Senate with phone calls. Senator Durbin

> mentioned that they were hearing from homeschoolers (and he was annoyed at

> us for voicing our opinion of his side’s planned assault on parental

> rights.) But, we need to do even more.


> This is the most important issue that we will face this year. By July 26â€"up

> or downâ€"we will either take another step toward becoming the subjects of a

> world government *or* we will preserve our rights as American citizens.


> I urge you all in the strongest possible termsâ€"*call both of your U.S.

> senators today*. If you have called them in their Washington, D.C.

> officeâ€"call them again in their in-state district offices which you can

> find online.


> Please give these senators some or all of the following message:


> “I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with

> Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN

> bureaucrats, and will threaten parental control over children with

> disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect disabled Americans.

> This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families. If the Senate ratifies

> this treaty, it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a

> treaty that substantially impacts domestic law. Please take the time to

> examine this treaty carefully.�


> The Capitol Switchboard’s phone number is , or use HSLDA’s

> Legislative

> Toolbox. <http://www.hslda.org/elink.asp?id=15171>


> Get everyone you know to call their senators as well. Network. Facebook.

> Phone lists. Every place you can networkâ€"please do it.


> And pray like mad.


> Taking away our parental rights won’t build wheelchair ramps for disabled

> Americans who travel to other countries. The promise being made that this

> treaty will result in new accessibility options in foreign countries is an

> illusion.


> The demise of our parental rights is a certainty.


> Call. Call. Pray. And Call.


> Â *Other Resources*


> Video of the UN CRPD hearing <http://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/>


> Testimony by HSLDA Chairman Mike

> Farris<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/REVISED__Farris_Testimony.pdf>


> Testimony by Steve Groves, Heritage

> Foundation<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/_Groves_Testimony.pdf>




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Hey guys, just a quick update on this. The UN cannot and will not ever have the authority to take our children (unless the us falls into complete and total civil war and there was a un resolution that requested intervention). The uN and these conventions are heavily influenced by the us by thw way. The us is one of five permanent members and very powerful so these conventions and any conventions will usually have a us approval at the un level. Remember the un is made up of member states. I have found some of the clauses that are causing concern a bit of a worry but I also think if we ratify these conventions there could also be a bigger positive side. Remember they are drawn up with the explicit purpose of protecting human rights..and this pertains mainly to people and children who are being abused by corrupt govt officials, warlords, etc....so I could see that the convention on the rights of the child for example if it is ratified could give americans the possibility to fight our very cruel vaccine requirements at the intl level. I haven't had a chance to do alot of research on this but I think we have one of the most severe vaccine requirements..uk and australia are not required to go to school and france and switzerland require one. They and most of the world have ratified the conv on the rights of the child...so if most countries do not have the abusive requirements we have then we could use this convention to complain/advocate for change in an international forum. The more I think about the more I would think our vaccine requirements could be considered a violation of our childrens' rights under this convention. And you know in the current climate of big pharma rules our gvt on this we have no chance of making changes nationally. Wouldn't it be great to see paul offit facing charges in an international court of law? Not likely we could put him in jail but still nice to think about...anyway, I do not have the time to read through all of these conventions but I would suspect they will provide citizens with more protection against abusive people in power and not less (remember the un was set up to prevent another holocaust)..it is not a perfect org but these conventions, in my opinion, should provide us more protection and give us an intl forum to advocate for change if our gvt continues to strip away our human rights...-- Sent from my Palm Pre

correction....I don't see how having child welfare laws, that is.... To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3:14 PM Subject: Re: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi,Not to this extent, no. Child services can come investigate/intervene when "warranted". (Which of course includes many gray areas). They can make things very difficult and pry and bust your chops, butThe U.S. just doesn't come in and take your children away. (YET). Not without sufficient evidence of abuse and neglect and not without trial.If a child is believed to be in grave or immediate danger, he/she will be pulled from the home temporarily until a court date. Though you will hear outrageous cases from time to time (we've heard some here), they don't just ride down random streets and snatch children from their homes

(YET)And yes! there ARE people who protest and vehemently oppose new laws being passed each and every

day that are compromising the health of our children and interfering with the way we raise them. Most of the time, it falls on deaf ears.Still, I don't see how having welfare laws (as imperfect as they may be) justifies handing authority of MY child over to ANY official. Let alone to UNelected, UNamerican officials.You do?!?!?!?????Tammy From: Jolanta

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:28 AM Subject: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi Tammy,

I agree, but you are seriousely restricted in your parental rights as is, by us gov. And no one protested that. My I conclude it is ok if us gov takes your children away but not un?




> Check out article 7 then please! please! please! call your senators and tell them HELL NO!


> Tammy



> ----------------------------------------------------------

> *Please forward this link from hslda [Home School Legal Defense Advocates]

> and request urgent action BY WAY OF PHONE CALLS from everyone you know.



> *>>>Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override

> EVERYdecision of a parent of disabled children if the government

> thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.� <<<<<*



> *https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201207130.asp*



> *more about the UNCRPD can be found here:

> https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201205250.asp*




> *July 13, 2012*

> Senator Kerry: We’ll Pass the CRPD by July 26


> * P. Farris, Esq., LL.M.

> Founder and Chairman*

> [image: Farris]<https://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>

> Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA, and homeschooling father

> of 10. Read more >> <http://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>


> Senator Kerry announced yesterday that he plans to pass the UN

> Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26â€"just

> 13 days from today. He has scheduled a formal committee vote next

> Thursdayâ€"July 19. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding

> international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or

> consideration.


> Yesterday’s “hearing� was a carefully orchestrated attempt to get this

> treaty ratified without any serious consideration. There were nine total

> witnesses. Only two people opposed to the treaty were allowed to

> testifyâ€" Groves from Heritage Foundation and me.

> False Ideas


> The administration seeks to promote two ideas that are simply inaccurate:

> 1. Disabled Americans who travel overseas will directly benefit by U.S.

> ratification of this treaty; 2. Ratifying a treaty does not require us to

> comply with international law.


> They are arguing that a treaty is an empty promise with no actual

> substance. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes it clear that the

> administration is wrong. Treaties form a part of the Supreme Law of the

> Land once ratified.


> And no one even attempted a serious answer to our core parental rights

> concern.


> Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every

> decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.�

> Parental Rights at Stake


> This is a radical attempt to take away parental rights. Make no mistakeâ€"if

> they succeed at ratifying this treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the

> Child is next. This is not a battle just for parents with disabled and

> special needs children. This is a battle for every parent.


> We absolutely *must* flood the U.S. Senate with phone calls. Senator Durbin

> mentioned that they were hearing from homeschoolers (and he was annoyed at

> us for voicing our opinion of his side’s planned assault on parental

> rights.) But, we need to do even more.


> This is the most important issue that we will face this year. By July 26â€"up

> or downâ€"we will either take another step toward becoming the subjects of a

> world government *or* we will preserve our rights as American citizens.


> I urge you all in the strongest possible termsâ€"*call both of your U.S.

> senators today*. If you have called them in their Washington, D.C.

> officeâ€"call them again in their in-state district offices which you can

> find online.


> Please give these senators some or all of the following message:


> “I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with

> Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN

> bureaucrats, and will threaten parental control over children with

> disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect disabled Americans.

> This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families. If the Senate ratifies

> this treaty, it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a

> treaty that substantially impacts domestic law. Please take the time to

> examine this treaty carefully.�


> The Capitol Switchboard’s phone number is , or use HSLDA’s

> Legislative

> Toolbox. <http://www.hslda.org/elink.asp?id=15171>


> Get everyone you know to call their senators as well. Network. Facebook.

> Phone lists. Every place you can networkâ€"please do it.


> And pray like mad.


> Taking away our parental rights won’t build wheelchair ramps for disabled

> Americans who travel to other countries. The promise being made that this

> treaty will result in new accessibility options in foreign countries is an

> illusion.


> The demise of our parental rights is a certainty.


> Call. Call. Pray. And Call.


> Â *Other Resources*


> Video of the UN CRPD hearing <http://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/>


> Testimony by HSLDA Chairman Mike

> Farris<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/REVISED__Farris_Testimony.pdf>


> Testimony by Steve Groves, Heritage

> Foundation<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/_Groves_Testimony.pdf>




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Oh , I wish you were right. With all my heart and soul, that is what I wish. People like Offit would never be charged under international law. The UN is heavily influenced by WHO who is heavily influenced/owned/bought-and-paid-for (however you'd like to phrase it) by...you guessed it....Big Pharma, Gates, Rockafella.....you know, the usual international eugenics theorists/practitioners/funders who LOVE and reward individuals like Offit.At first glance, the treaty looks good til they try to sneak CRAP like this in. I don't believe for a half a second it would never apply to our children. We ARE being exploited and our children ARE being abused by a corrupt government. <sigh> Maybe I'm just a crazy,

bitter lady. But I don't buy their load of crap for a half a second. This has nothing to do with protecting children and everything to do with control. There may have been a point in time when we appeared to have influence over then UN, but it is the other way around. If you talk to residents of Australia, they are in every bit of a mess as we are. Completely owned by corporations and banks. We've had a couple of listees here who will personally atest to France being a horrible place to live if you have an ASD child. Anyway, I could put on my tin foil hat and stay here all night. But I'm telling you, we are being tested. They are testing the waters to see how far we can be pushed. What we will tolerate, not notice....etc.etc. California, in my opinion, being the biggest testing ground. I just don't trust

it.Tammy To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 7:53 PM Subject: Re: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hey guys, just a quick update on this. The UN cannot and will not ever have the authority to take our children (unless the us falls into complete and total civil war and there was a un resolution that requested intervention). The uN and these conventions are heavily influenced by the us by thw way. The us is one of five permanent members and very powerful so these conventions and any conventions will usually have a us approval at the un level. Remember the un is made up of member states. I have found some of the clauses that are causing concern a bit of a worry but I also think if we ratify these conventions there could also be a bigger positive side. Remember they are drawn up with the explicit purpose of protecting human rights..and this pertains mainly to people and children who are being abused by corrupt govt officials, warlords, etc....so I could see that the convention on the rights of the child for example if it is ratified could give

americans the possibility to fight our very cruel vaccine requirements at the intl level. I haven't had a chance to do alot of research on this but I think we have one of the most severe vaccine requirements..uk and australia are not required to go to school and france and switzerland require one. They and most of the world have ratified the conv on the rights of the child...so if most countries do not have the abusive requirements we have then we could use this convention to complain/advocate for change in an international forum. The more I think about the more I would think our vaccine requirements could be considered a violation of our childrens' rights under this convention. And you know in the current climate of big pharma rules our gvt on this we have no chance of making changes nationally. Wouldn't it be great to see paul offit facing charges in an international court of law? Not likely we could put him in jail but still nice to think

about...anyway, I do not have the time to read through all of these conventions but I would suspect they will provide citizens with more protection against abusive people in power and not less (remember the un was set up to prevent another holocaust)..it is not a perfect org but these conventions, in my opinion, should provide us more protection and give us an intl forum to advocate for change if our gvt continues to strip away our human rights...-- Sent from my Palm Pre

correction....I don't see how having child welfare laws, that is.... To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3:14 PM Subject: Re: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi,Not to this extent, no. Child services can come investigate/intervene when "warranted". (Which of course includes many gray areas). They can make things very difficult and pry and bust your chops, butThe U.S. just doesn't come in and take your children away. (YET). Not without sufficient evidence of abuse and neglect and not without trial.If a child is believed to be in grave or immediate danger, he/she will be pulled from the home temporarily until a court date. Though you will hear outrageous cases from time to time (we've heard some here), they don't just ride down random streets and snatch children from their homes

(YET)And yes! there ARE people who protest and vehemently oppose new laws being passed each and every

day that are compromising the health of our children and interfering with the way we raise them. Most of the time, it falls on deaf ears.Still, I don't see how having welfare laws (as imperfect as they may be) justifies handing authority of MY child over to ANY official. Let alone to UNelected, UNamerican officials.You do?!?!?!?????Tammy From: Jolanta

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:28 AM Subject: Re: Urgent! Protect our children from Sen. Kerry's Bill!

Hi Tammy,

I agree, but you are seriousely restricted in your parental rights as is, by us gov. And no one protested that. My I conclude it is ok if us gov takes your children away but not un?




> Check out article 7 then please! please! please! call your senators and tell them HELL NO!


> Tammy



> ----------------------------------------------------------

> *Please forward this link from hslda [Home School Legal Defense Advocates]

> and request urgent action BY WAY OF PHONE CALLS from everyone you know.



> *>>>Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override

> EVERYdecision of a parent of disabled children if the government

> thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.� <<<<<*



> *https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201207130.asp*



> *more about the UNCRPD can be found here:

> https://www.hslda.org/docs/news/2012/201205250.asp*




> *July 13, 2012*

> Senator Kerry: We’ll Pass the CRPD by July 26


> * P. Farris, Esq., LL.M.

> Founder and Chairman*

> [image: Farris]<https://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>

> Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA, and homeschooling father

> of 10. Read more >> <http://www.hslda.org/about/staff/attorneys/Farris.asp>


> Senator Kerry announced yesterday that he plans to pass the UN

> Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26â€"just

> 13 days from today. He has scheduled a formal committee vote next

> Thursdayâ€"July 19. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding

> international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or

> consideration.


> Yesterday’s “hearing� was a carefully orchestrated attempt to get this

> treaty ratified without any serious consideration. There were nine total

> witnesses. Only two people opposed to the treaty were allowed to

> testifyâ€" Groves from Heritage Foundation and me.

> False Ideas


> The administration seeks to promote two ideas that are simply inaccurate:

> 1. Disabled Americans who travel overseas will directly benefit by U.S.

> ratification of this treaty; 2. Ratifying a treaty does not require us to

> comply with international law.


> They are arguing that a treaty is an empty promise with no actual

> substance. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes it clear that the

> administration is wrong. Treaties form a part of the Supreme Law of the

> Land once ratified.


> And no one even attempted a serious answer to our core parental rights

> concern.


> Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every

> decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its

> views are in “the best interest of the child.�

> Parental Rights at Stake


> This is a radical attempt to take away parental rights. Make no mistakeâ€"if

> they succeed at ratifying this treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the

> Child is next. This is not a battle just for parents with disabled and

> special needs children. This is a battle for every parent.


> We absolutely *must* flood the U.S. Senate with phone calls. Senator Durbin

> mentioned that they were hearing from homeschoolers (and he was annoyed at

> us for voicing our opinion of his side’s planned assault on parental

> rights.) But, we need to do even more.


> This is the most important issue that we will face this year. By July 26â€"up

> or downâ€"we will either take another step toward becoming the subjects of a

> world government *or* we will preserve our rights as American citizens.


> I urge you all in the strongest possible termsâ€"*call both of your U.S.

> senators today*. If you have called them in their Washington, D.C.

> officeâ€"call them again in their in-state district offices which you can

> find online.


> Please give these senators some or all of the following message:


> “I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with

> Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN

> bureaucrats, and will threaten parental control over children with

> disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect disabled Americans.

> This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families. If the Senate ratifies

> this treaty, it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a

> treaty that substantially impacts domestic law. Please take the time to

> examine this treaty carefully.�


> The Capitol Switchboard’s phone number is , or use HSLDA’s

> Legislative

> Toolbox. <http://www.hslda.org/elink.asp?id=15171>


> Get everyone you know to call their senators as well. Network. Facebook.

> Phone lists. Every place you can networkâ€"please do it.


> And pray like mad.


> Taking away our parental rights won’t build wheelchair ramps for disabled

> Americans who travel to other countries. The promise being made that this

> treaty will result in new accessibility options in foreign countries is an

> illusion.


> The demise of our parental rights is a certainty.


> Call. Call. Pray. And Call.


> Â *Other Resources*


> Video of the UN CRPD hearing <http://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/>


> Testimony by HSLDA Chairman Mike

> Farris<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/REVISED__Farris_Testimony.pdf>


> Testimony by Steve Groves, Heritage

> Foundation<http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/_Groves_Testimony.pdf>




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