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Re: Seeking advice

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you say your son is strong...I personally would take this as a good sign ...for my son he was very small and low muscle tone which was mitochondiral issues...malabsorbtion issues.....is your son digesting food well? if he is and his poop is good with no undigested food....and not overly smelly good form then I would personally start looking at ways to help his neuro pathways...there is a book called disconnected kids....you can order on http://www.amazon.com/

also you could look into the possibility of metal in the brain...which would be helped with Andy cutler chelation...this is a protocol you can do yourself at home all you need is a bottle of dmsa and ala if your interested check out yahoo group.. http://www.fightautismandwin.com/ this is how I started so its what I always suggest to people first.....thetre is other things to try as well but this is where i personally would start


To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 1:59 AMSubject: Seeking advice

Dear Members of the group.

I am from Eritrea, East Africa. My son is Four years and 4 months old and he is nonverbal. From what he does and the speech delay I believe he has some autistic characters or most likely ADHD. He is not medically diagnosed with these disorders because there is no way of diagnosing autism or related diseases here in my country. The pediatricians here are of little or no help because they have very limited knowledge of the disorder. I have been following the e-mail exchange in the group and I have also read a few papers about autism. I have also tried to avoid some types of food that aggravate the situation according to the reading I made e.g is cow milk and artificially manufactured foods. Many people in my country believe that there is no medication for autism related disorders and try to treat their

kids in a good way just to help them get better in a layman's way, once again we have no psychologists who have licenses to help treat such problems except few working in government institutions and they are too busy to council individuals on regular basis.

I believe that my son's and many similar problems in my country can be improved or healed if they receive good medical treatment but the issue is there is no medical facility to help. I intend to apply some of the treatments many of you have tried on your children without any medical support but the medicines are not available either moreover, financially it is impossible for me to import some of the medicines from abroad. I am seeking advice on:

1. what should I do to help my kid get better until he gets proper treatment

2.If there is a way of analyzing the body chemistry of my son for viruses, bacterias, heavy metals or other necessary tests by sending blood or urine samples abroad

3. How can I get financial support , if there are organizations that can help me financially.

More information on my son:- He was born preterm after 7 months pregnancy and was 1.1kg he got blood transfusion and all sorts of support to help him survive. He is skinny but very strong, stronger than his class mates ate the kindergarten where he learns ( to be exact where he stays for few hours) and much stronger than his twin sister,who is neuro-typical.

I would appreciate any information that you think will help me and my son. God Bless you and your loved ones.

Best regards

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Any yeast, diaper rash or thrush?


>Dear Members of the group.


>I am from Eritrea, East Africa. My son is Four years and 4 months old and he is

nonverbal. From what he does and the speech delay I believe he

>has some autistic characters or most likely ADHD. He is not medically

>diagnosed with these disorders because there is no way of diagnosing

>autism or related diseases here in my country. The pediatricians here

>are of little or no help because they have very limited knowledge of the

disorder. I have been following  the e-mail exchange in the group and I have

also read a few papers about autism. I have also tried to avoid some types of

food that aggravate the

>situation according to the reading I made e.g is cow milk and

>artificially manufactured foods. Many people in my country believe that

>there is no medication for autism related disorders and try to treat

>their kids in a good way just to help them get better in a layman's way, once

again we have no psychologists who have licenses to help treat

>such problems except few working in government institutions and they are too

busy to council individuals on regular basis.


>I believe that my son's and many similar problems in my country can be

>improved or healed if they receive good medical treatment but the issue

>is there is no medical facility to help. I intend to apply some of the

treatments many of you have tried on your children without any medical support

but the medicines are not available either

>moreover, financially it is impossible for me to import some of the

>medicines from abroad. I am seeking advice on:

>1. what should I do to help my kid get better until he gets proper treatment

>2.If there is a way of analyzing the body chemistry of my son for viruses,

>bacterias, heavy metals or other necessary tests by sending blood or urine

samples abroad

>3. How can I get financial support , if there are organizations that can help

me financially.


>More information on my son:- He was born preterm after 7 months pregnancy

>and was 1.1kg he got blood transfusion and all sorts of support to help

>him survive. He is skinny but very strong, stronger than his class mates ate

the kindergarten where he learns ( to be exact where he stays for

>few hours)  and  much stronger than his twin sister,who is




>I would appreciate any information that you think will help me and my son. God

Bless you and your loved ones.


>Best regards



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