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RITA- Help decipher CD/NK levels?

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I'm directing this to Rita because she is knowledgeable in this arena, but

please chime in if you know what these indicate. Quick timeline, my son was

diagnosed at 28 months with autism. I was still breastfeeding at that time, and

continued to do so until he turned 3. Up to that point, he had language, with

probably a 750 word vocabulary. 4 months after weaning him, he contracted an

upper respiratory infection, and Roseaola. He also regressed, but bounced back,

although in hindsight, only about 75%. 4 months after that, while flying home

from Italy, he started coughing on the plane. By the next day, he was no longer

speaking, was having bathroom accidents, and over the next year, became much

more autistic looking. Flash forward 4 years, he is for all intents and

purposes, non verbal, very stimmy, very obviously autistic. My son has very low

IGA (which is supported by breastfeeding, so we know why that dropped). When he

gets outwardly ill, meaning obvious symptoms, and we run labs, his liver enzymes

are through the roof, which tells me his liver is not working well. Recently, we

had them run CD3-19, and NK cell values. He is very low on the Absolute CD

values(CD3-478, CD4-266, CD8-180, CD19-55) but his Natural Killer cells

percentage is a bit high at 21%. I am supplementing his liver with Bioray's

Liver Life, he's taking Cytoflora as a prebiotic, and I'm giving him NDF Plus to

help detox, but I'm very interested in trying Immusist to see if it makes any

differences. Any thoughts on these numbers? To add, the Bioray products have

gone a long way towards making him feel better, he is happier, he is sleeping

better, and his processing time is very quick.

Thank you,

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I hope a Dr jumps in on this one, because I'm just a mom researcher that has

asked a ton of ?'s & collected a lot of info....we need a good Dr to tell you

further what it means for your child.

What I can tell you is that Liver Life, a prebiotic, and NDF Plus are all good &

have been used together in conjunction w/Immusist (all these are good safe,

natural products that are currently being used w/Immusist w/kids in our group).

If you've seen improvements w/these, I'd stay on these items...if you want to

add Immusist, add it w/these continuing to be on board w/your base protocol.

Here's some info I have that lists some of the nk cells...you can research from

there about the different cells:


Years ago when I looked into safe edible surfactants I can across, I think it

was a PUBMED...I'm to tired to dig it up right now...that talked about safe

surfactants being used to support organs including the liver transplants.

Again, I hope a Dr jumps in here & helps you further than I can w/your actual





I'm directing this to Rita because she is knowledgeable in this arena, but

please chime in if you know what these indicate. Quick timeline, my son was

diagnosed at 28 months with autism. I was still breastfeeding at that time, and

continued to do so until he turned 3. Up to that point, he had language, with

probably a 750 word vocabulary. 4 months after weaning him, he contracted an

upper respiratory infection, and Roseaola. He also regressed, but bounced back,

although in hindsight, only about 75%. 4 months after that, while flying home

from Italy, he started coughing on the plane. By the next day, he was no longer

speaking, was having bathroom accidents, and over the next year, became much

more autistic looking. Flash forward 4 years, he is for all intents and

purposes, non verbal, very stimmy, very obviously autistic. My son has very low

IGA (which is supported by breastfeeding, so we know why that dropped). When he

gets outwardly ill, meaning obvious symptoms, and we run labs, his liver enzymes

are through the roof, which tells me his liver is not working well. Recently, we

had them run CD3-19, and NK cell values. He is very low on the Absolute CD

values(CD3-478, CD4-266, CD8-180, CD19-55) but his Natural Killer cells

percentage is a bit high at 21%. I am supplementing his liver with Bioray's

Liver Life, he's taking Cytoflora as a prebiotic, and I'm giving him NDF Plus to

help detox, but I'm very interested in trying Immusist to see if it makes any

differences. Any thoughts on these numbers? To add, the Bioray products have

gone a long way towards making him feel better, he is happier, he is sleeping

better, and his processing time is very quick.

Thank you,

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Thank you, Rita. I am going to add the Immusist in after the holiday (too broke to do it now!), and I am glad to know they can all be used together. He is doing REALLY well on the Bioray products, honestly out of every single thing we have done over the past 5 years, these have given us the biggest "wow's" and I'm sure it's in large part to the fact that he just feels better, and his body is working more efficiently. Excited for the next step!

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