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OLE and affordability for big supplement protocols to avoid abx ; protocol by one immune doctor Olive Leaf Extract

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I have standardized OLE from Puritan's Pride sales as most affordable. Anyone else take advantage of these yearly three-for-one sales for basic staples? Will the std. OLE do me any good? Help please; many of us are restricted to these types of penurious purchases, which as you know can range from $300. to the thousands per month depending on the number of SNPs. Would like to be in touch with someone who knows the ropes on the company. I rag on them at least yearly to get the binders and excipients out, and they do seem to have changed this for the better. Things they do not have needed, sophisticated versions of may be gotten affordably from Swanson's, which even the famous immunologist recommends after I showed her the catalog. She actually

has a protocol for Neuroendocrine Immune Disorders (GWI, CFIDS, possibly LD in the future as research unfolds to her satisfaction, anything else neuroendocrine) (facility at a university built exclusively to her research, one-of-a-kind immmune lab included, staff is 100% hand-chosen by her, only one other remotely like it in the USA) using these supplements from Swanson; there is no tie-in; they have just met her strict standards for purity, effectiveness and (for some) affordability, but all of them are still too pricey to buy exclusively from them. People who are not too chronic with whatever mix of germs they come in with get better here, some to full function. But she does not deal with SNPs but is well aware of them. She is deeply engaged with viruses, as most of her people are overloaded with at least four who are tested. INOSINE by Source Naturals is a key part of the protocol.

I will be doing MMS too starting soon.To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex >Sent: Sun, February 17, 2013 4:53:07 PMSubject: Re: Olive Leaf Extract

I use barleans and loooove it.Its very potent w/high Orac content To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 4:37 PM Subject: Re: Olive Leaf Extract

I like organic and alcohol free ole from brain child's nutritionals.Sent from my iPhone

Please what brand of OLE do you use? I am currently using Barleans, is this a good brand?Sent from my iPhone

Hi, i'm very new to the autism journey. i have a 3.5 year old son who hasn't got an autism diagnosis but is being assessed and monitored due to numerous red flags. I feel my son has lots of viral issues, so I started him on olive leaf extract. He has been very shouty recently even before starting OLE but since being on it he has said more new words and some evidence of imaginitive play. Just wondering how long I should keep him on it? Also has anyone had good success on OLE? Any advice would be greatfully received.


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