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Thanks for the reply -I have read all the information you had recommended.

The problem comes in when you go to the WLS web site and go under Dr. R's

name, it says he does the RNY - so I thought the mgb was some form of the

procedure just modified. I'm kinda technical and the pictures don't really

explain it well enough for me. I guess that is why we are required to go to

the clinic. I think I will go to the clinic soon, but will wait to have the

surgery until late Aug or

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Thanks so much for that information - I haven't been able to find that

information anywhere. The site which I found the RNY was on the

www.obesityhelp. When you look under the Dr. name it gives the type of

procedure they perform.

I have already been lucky enough to get insurance approval, my dr. agrees,

it's just pap and mammogram I'm having to wait to schedule.

My husband isn't exactly supportive either, he " loves me just the way I am " -

in other words, " I don't think it is a good idea " . But I'm doing it one way

or the other. I told him he can support me with this decision or not, but I

will be doing it. I just would prefer to have him support me. If you have

another approach let me know. We've been married for 23 years.

Thanks again


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Hi Jeanne,

I'll try to answer your questions and hopefully some others will jump in, too.

The Mini Gastric Bypass is not the same as the RNY. You can find a comparison

of the two surgeries at the following pages:






Most of the people on this list have researched the various weight loss surgery

choices and have determined that the MGB is by far the best choice. It has a

much shorter operating time, fewer complications, and is easier to revise if

need be than any of the other weight loss surgeries, including the RNY. This

page discusses that:


This page gives the statistics about the MGB:


All those pages are very helpful in explaining the MGB and the RNY and the

differences, and the advantages of the MGB. If you browse around the web site

at: http://clos.net/ you will find a lot more stuff about the MGB and the RNY.

You can go to the clinic one or more times and schedule your surgery as long

after that as you would like. I have not been to one yet, but it is a great

place to get information because I understand Dr. R shows a video of the actual

surgery, and he is there to answer any questions you and your husband might


Dr. R likes you to stay for a week after surgery, at least, but many patients

leave sooner than that. When I talked to Barbara in Dr. R's office about my

surgery she really said that I needed to stay around for the week after my

surgery and go to the clinic the next week. So that is what I'm going to do.

It is safer if you stay because if you did develop a leak it would be very

important that you be close to the hospital and Dr. R. There is only a very,

very small risk of that happening, but it is a risk nontheless.

Once your packet is in it is usually approved within a day or two, and if you

already have insurance approval then you can usually get a date almost as soon

as you want it. Many people have gotten a date within the next week, I think.

I had no problem getting the date I wanted, which was a little over two weeks


Hope this helps you some. Please ask any other questions you have. This is a

great group.



JBarton101@... wrote:

> I already have my insurance approval and I'm waiting for the pap now,

> can't get in until Aug 20. I have a couple of questions I hope

> someone can help me with:


> I know this procedure is a mini-gastric bypass - but is it a distal

> or proximal RNY? What are the pros and cons of each?


> Can you go to the clinic one week and schedule your surgery several

> weeks later? My husband is not comfortable with me doing this yet?


> How long do you need to stay in Durham, some people stay for only a

> few days it seems and others stay up to 10 days?


> How long once your packet is turned in and your insurance approval do

> you have to wait to get the MGB?


> Well I can hardly wait!

> Jeanne BMI 41w/diabetes




> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm


> To Unsubscribe Send and Email to: MiniGastricBypass-unsubscribe (AT) egroups (DOT) com

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JBarton101@... wrote:


> I already have my insurance approval and I'm waiting for the pap now,

> can't get in until Aug 20. I have a couple of questions I hope

> someone can help me with:


> I know this procedure is a mini-gastric bypass - but is it a distal

> or proximal RNY? What are the pros and cons of each?

It isn't an RNY at all. The RNY got its name from the " Y " shaped

intestinal loop that is made.

The type Dr. Rutledge does is called a Billroth II.

The illustrations of how the MGB is done are at


[NOTE TO DR. Rutledge: The illustrations on this page,

http://clos.net/mini_gastric_bypass.htm, are showing up on the right of

the screen, covered over by text and need to be moved so they can be

seen better.]

The RNY is shown and compared to the MGB at:


Weight loss comparisons between the RNY and MGB are shown at:


The MGB takes about 35 min. in surgery, whereas even a laparoscopic RNY

takes 2-7 *hours* (that you will be under the anesthesia, which is one

of the major risks of surgery); patients recover from the MGB within 24

hours and are up and feeling great (normally), with less than 24 hours

in the hospital, compared to 2-4 days for a lap RNY and 4-7 days for an

open RNY. The MGB has a far lower complication rate than either the lap

or open RNY, and a better weight loss rate.

For complete details on Dr. Rutledge's statistics and current statistics

for the RNY, read Dr. Rutledge's report to the American Society of

Bariatric surgeons at:


Hope that helps!

Kind regards,


> Can you go to the clinic one week and schedule your surgery several

> weeks later? My husband is not comfortable with me doing this yet?


> How long do you need to stay in Durham, some people stay for only a

> few days it seems and others stay up to 10 days?


> How long once your packet is turned in and your insurance approval do

> you have to wait to get the MGB?


> Well I can hardly wait!

> Jeanne BMI 41w/diabetes

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JBarton101@... wrote:



> Thanks for the reply -I have read all the information you had

> recommended.

> The problem comes in when you go to the WLS web site and go under Dr.

> R's

> name, it says he does the RNY

Is that obesityhelp.com (or do you have the URL for it)? I'll contact

the owner and get them to fix that.

>- so I thought the mgb was some form of the procedure just modified. I'm kinda

> technical and the pictures don't really

> explain it well enough for me. I guess that is why we are required to

> go to the clinic. I think I will go to the clinic soon, but will wait to

> have the surgery until late Aug or

I meant to mention that the proximal RNY bypasses less than 100 cm (3

feet) of intestine, whereas the distal RNY bypasses whatever the surgeon

guages, somewhere between 200-300 cm.

Dr. Rutledge generally bypasses about 200 cm (6 feet).

The big differences between the MGB and the RNY is that the RNY

requires the intestine to be reattached at two locations (so you have

two places to potentially develop a leak) whereas the MGB only has one.

The RNY is performed higher up the esophagus than the MGB, so the

surgeon is working closer to the heart and aorta, so it is inherently

more dangerous.

The RNY makes a smaller stomach pouch, about 2-3 oz. (so eating is never

fun again) whereas the MGB leaves you a stomach about twice as big (4-6

oz.). It's still small, but you can eat more than one bite at a time.

(At 3 mos. post op, I can eat an entire Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones

dinner, for instance).

The RNY is very difficult or impossible to reverse (and again requires

surgery near the aorta), whereas the MGB is reversible in a one hour

laparoscopic procedure.

Kind regards,

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In a message dated 7/28/2000 11:47:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

happygirl0925@... writes:

<< I notice everyone

has to take the actigal and Carafate (don't know if I spelled these

correctly) after surgery. What are these for and how long do we take them?

Is there anything else besides those and vitamins that we have to take? Is

there somewhere on the web site that explains all of this? >>

I am going to try and answer this, but if I'm wrong someone please jump in

and correct me. The carafate I believe is for helping your new stomach heal,

helps to bind bile acids, protect the stomach lining and the healing of


You start the actigall 2 weeks after surgery if you still have your

gallbladder. It's to help prevent the development of gallstone disease and

helps decrease the symptoms of bile reflux. All this is in your patient

manuel. Hope this helps.

Cathy in Lenoir, NC

5' 0 "

216.5 Lbs.

BMI 42

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 08/02/2001 9:17:39 PM Central Daylight Time,

jhensel@... writes:

<< I eat butter, olive oil, spare ribs, prime rib,

hamburgers, steaks, bacon, sausage, real Best Foods mayo, etc etc.....with

no problems!



Don't you love how we get to eat!!


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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I eat until im comfortable and satisfied but not stuffed!

As far as fats go, i got the same intstructions but they were the opposite

of what everyone is saying......Im finding fats ARE our friends! (I just

got done eating spare ribs) I eat butter, olive oil, spare ribs, prime rib,

hamburgers, steaks, bacon, sausage, real Best Foods mayo, etc etc.....with

no problems!


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The nutritionist at the hospital gave me all kinds of information

that directly contradicted what I've seen here. I asked my surgeon

and was told I could basically ignore everything she said. Check with

your surgeon's office.


> I'm 2 months post op and have a few questions for the more

experienced out

> there.

> First, blanket instructions from nutritionist were to eat low-fat.

Yet I

> keep reading from others that fat is our friend. What's the story?


> dying to eat spare ribs).

> Second,is it better to " under-eat " with each meal and have more

meals or to

> eat until satisified. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking portions

that are too

> small and then I eat more frequently but hardly feel satisfied.

> That's all folks!

> n

> BPD/DS 5/30/01 BMI 69; 374 lbs

> Dr. Pomp

> -27 lbs by 6/19






> _______________________________________________________

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In a message dated 08/02/2001 11:37:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

jhensel@... writes:

<< Dawn.....

well, Im 165 now and nowhere near the size you are! <grin> Isnt that

weird? I have a small frame.......

Funny thing is my normal weight from high school was 125 at 5'4 " and size

12......Im in 14s now....some 16s depending on the brand and mostly becuz my

panni is in the way of being able to zip things up!

Oh How I wish I was in a size 12 now!




I am on the average, a size 10. The trouble is I still have a size 12 waist.

My mother says that this is how I am built hereditarily. She has a larger

waist also. I have size 8 hips. Having no butt runs in the family too. My

legs are about a size 10. So most of the time I end up purchasing a size 10

slack with elastic in the waist. The trouble is that most of my family and

friends really won't listen to me when I whine about this. Somehow they

don't feel I have much to whine about being the size that I am. I do have

one pair of Buckle back Lee jeans that are an 8. They fit me great

everywhere except a little snug in the waist. Can't really tuck a shirt in

with them. There I go complaining again! LOL

All this while eating butter or olive oil on all my veggies, drinking 2%

milk, and eating yummy choice steak!!


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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Don't you love how we get to eat!!


Do I? I thank God everyday for the DS!!!! Can you imagine a potato loaded

with chili and grated cheese with sour cream on it ? Oh, and I forgot to

mention butter before the chili lol

Dont forget the salmon in lemon butter, scallops, lobster and crab too!

Judie =)

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well, Im 165 now and nowhere near the size you are! <grin> Isnt that

weird? I have a small frame.......

Funny thing is my normal weight from high school was 125 at 5'4 " and size

12......Im in 14s now....some 16s depending on the brand and mostly becuz my

panni is in the way of being able to zip things up!

Oh How I wish I was in a size 12 now!


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In a message dated 08/03/2001 2:15:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

jhensel@... writes:

<< My arms and legs are

getting pretty skinny even though I have small bat wings under the arms but

for the first time, I dont really care about that! >>


Just went shopping again today. We teachers have to get school clothes too!

I have trouble finding tops that do not bag on me but fit me in the arms.

Often a small will fit great except the arms are too tight. That is in lines

that run a little bigger. If I get the next size up, it hangs on me in the

shoulders, etc. Oh, well I guess I should be happy to have these problems.

I just wish I could get an extra inch in each are on some of the tops!!!


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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In a message dated 08/03/2001 2:15:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

jhensel@... writes:

<< My arms and legs are

getting pretty skinny even though I have small bat wings under the arms but

for the first time, I dont really care about that! >>


Just went shopping again today. We teachers have to get school clothes too!

I have trouble finding tops that do not bag on me but fit me in the arms.

Often a small will fit great except the arms are too tight. That is in lines

that run a little bigger. If I get the next size up, it hangs on me in the

shoulders, etc. Oh, well I guess I should be happy to have these problems.

I just wish I could get an extra inch in each are on some of the tops!!!


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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Thanks, Judie. That is kind of what I have had to go with. I just get

frustrated that I have to try on 8 shirts before one works!!


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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Thanks, Judie. That is kind of what I have had to go with. I just get

frustrated that I have to try on 8 shirts before one works!!


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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I can get into a 12 stretch pants so thats not too bad....at least until I

have my tummy tuck next year! Butts dont run in DH's family and my mom is

also buttless as well as my oldest daughter but the rest of us are endowed

with it! (at least mine is slimming down now lol) My arms and legs are

getting pretty skinny even though I have small bat wings under the arms but

for the first time, I dont really care about that! Im so happy I can even

wear sleeveless shirts and be comfortable...not to mention shorts! I still

can not believe I am wearing them and looking good!

All my new tops (30 of em!) are either medium or large and fit

perfectly.......down from 2-3X!

And yes! All while eating drizzled butter over veggies, olive oil in the

frying pan with eggs and butter and cream and fillet mignons and prime

rib.....Now Im hungry! lol

And occasionally a piece of wicked cheesecake!

hugs, Judie

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I can get into a 12 stretch pants so thats not too bad....at least until I

have my tummy tuck next year! Butts dont run in DH's family and my mom is

also buttless as well as my oldest daughter but the rest of us are endowed

with it! (at least mine is slimming down now lol) My arms and legs are

getting pretty skinny even though I have small bat wings under the arms but

for the first time, I dont really care about that! Im so happy I can even

wear sleeveless shirts and be comfortable...not to mention shorts! I still

can not believe I am wearing them and looking good!

All my new tops (30 of em!) are either medium or large and fit

perfectly.......down from 2-3X!

And yes! All while eating drizzled butter over veggies, olive oil in the

frying pan with eggs and butter and cream and fillet mignons and prime

rib.....Now Im hungry! lol

And occasionally a piece of wicked cheesecake!

hugs, Judie

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how about shirts that come to the elbow and you can tuck them in? Or long

sleeved shirts you can roll up? I would think those would pretty well hide

the upper arms and give you some room to move around....check out the JC

Penneys fall catalog. They have lots in there!


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how about shirts that come to the elbow and you can tuck them in? Or long

sleeved shirts you can roll up? I would think those would pretty well hide

the upper arms and give you some room to move around....check out the JC

Penneys fall catalog. They have lots in there!


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Have you tried " Crazy Horse " cotton shirts from JC Penneys? (they are from

the Liz Claiborne line) they are very comfy and stylish and you might find

what you really like in their line of shirts.....


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Have you tried " Crazy Horse " cotton shirts from JC Penneys? (they are from

the Liz Claiborne line) they are very comfy and stylish and you might find

what you really like in their line of shirts.....


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