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Had to Share

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that's great- charlotte henry


> Hi and everyone else,

> We started Ani on 2ProEfa and 1 ProEPA per day about 21/2 weeks ago.

> Ani has been potty trained for a year and the first few days she had

> lots of accidents. After that it was back to normal. Rigth away I

> noticed her speech was getting clearer but I thought it was all in my

> head. At the same time I started doing the kaufman cards with her

> everyday also. Her therapist and I decided to stop doing the cards and

> just keep her on fish oil and sure enough after a week of vacation we

> went to he therapist today and she said the words Ani was saying

> before are so clear now, and she is repeating everythng I ask her, with

> broken down syllables, that she has never ever done before without

> looking at my face (no prompts). That is major.


> I might have to up the dosage a little bit but want to give her body

> some time. Her therapist definetly saw a differnce in her.


> Had to share

> Houry


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I'm so happy for you and Ani!!!!!!!!! And the results are just as I

promised when we spoke (well - I couldn't promise 100% just " 90

something % " )

GO ANI!! And as the Florida Marlin's cheerleaders say " GO FISH! "



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys,

I am rather new to this list and have been overwhelmed with the amount of

information that has not been shared with my by the " professionals " and I am

only to excited to start some ProEFA/EPA with my children.

I also, if I may wanted to share something I did come across that worked for us.

If you have a minute or two....

I " came across " a product by Waiora called NCD - Natural Cellular Defense - a

Liquid Zeolite, (Zeolite, a safe, natural, inert mineral supplement has

generated many encouraging reports from parents of autistic children- you can

clickon the links below to get MUCH more information). I won't go into all the

details on how this fell on my lap so to say, but would gladly share if any one

was interested. I hesitatingly started using the product and just wanted to

share my results.

I had systematically started taking my son Jon off his medications for the past

several months and was down from 13 to 5. After I started the NCD I took him

off the remaining meds, and with a doctor's permission, I took him off his heart

medications. I want to share with you that for the first time in 6 years my son

is completely med free....ah, did you get that - COMPLETELY medication free -



Here is what else I have noticed for Jon....although he is now having a harder

time staying asleep, his behaviors are MUCH improved (we still have our

moments... I mean, get a grip, he still has Autism). But I have found he is

doing much, much better. Oh, I will throw in a prayer request here, as when the

change of season comes Jon inevitably becomes incredibly difficult to

handle....yikes....maybe not this year? My son is having no allergy symptoms,

reflux or heart issues.

Okay, wait here comes more. Here is were the drops made me a believer. My

little Kaden man. Man of NO words, inability to focus for any length of time,

appearing deaf as there is little response when spoken to and recently diagnosed

as Autistic. Oh yeah? My little man, IS using words, and sign language, stays

on task at therapy sessions (over 7 hours a week), and CAN listen and respond

when spoken too. (Of course, ya know, he does still have that selective hearing

loss all men have! LOL) He to is no longer showing any signs of food or

environmental allergies, and in more ways then one is a very " typical " 2 1/2

year old!!!!! I can not wait to introduce the ProEFA to his daily regimin!

Just wanted to share an awesome testimony for the NCD drops! We are now starting

the rest of my familyon the drops. If

you want to know more about the products you could check out my web site.

www.mywaiora.com/340124 I also wanted to send another post with links that was

sent to me.....


Dear ,

> First and foremost, I want you to know that Autism Today is an online

> magazine, and like a magazine, Autism Today provides unbiased information

> and treatment options along with the latest cutting edge information.


> When I tell you my own personal experiences with products and services,

> please use discretionally as my intent is not to bias you in any way,

> rather, to tell you how something has worked for my family.


> I feel that you as a parent, educator or professional working with autism

> must make up your own minds regarding the interventions you may wish to

> pursue rather than relying on others who may or may not clearly understand

> all the options available.


> Having said that, I feel it is my duty to inform you of the latest

> resources in the autism community to the best of my ability; I want you to

> have the most current resources right at the tip of your fingers.


> You may have recently heard about Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) -- the

> product that, according to Rik Deitsch, biochemist and Dr. Flowers

> of Eno Research and Development, safely pulls heavy metals out of the

> body--and the clinical study being put in place under the supervision of

> Dr. Seshagiri Rao, in Plano, Texas and Dr. Cave, Baton Rouge,

> Louisiana and author of " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About

> Children's Vaccinations " .


> Dr. , an author in " The Official Autism 101 Manual " and who was

> featured in a NBC Dateline segment for his work in autism research,

> assisted in the study protocol development and will be analyzing the data

> when the study is complete.


> This important clinical trial was recently approved by an Independent

> Review Board. Go to: http://www.zeoliteautismstudy.com for details.


> To learn more, Autism Today has set up a special phone line: Call (801)

> 298-6858 where you'll hear a short recording of Dr. Prociuk sharing what

> he's observed using NCD with his children on the autism spectrum. To

> request someone to contact you to discuss how Natural Cellular Defense

> might work in your particular situation, choose option #2 to leave a

> message at the number above. You can also visit

> http://www.AutismToday.com/ncd.htm.


> Already there are a number of doctors using NCD with their autism spectrum

> patients, and they are reporting significant, positive improvements with a

> significant percentage of these patients. One DAN doctor reports positive

> effects with virtually all of the 50 ASD kids he has started on NCD.


> And NCD is safe. The FDA has placed this type of Zeolite in their safest

> category of substance. The product is being safely used by all age groups

> including infants and pregnant mothers.


> As with any detoxifier, our ASD kids tend to be more sensitive than

> average folks. The great thing about NCD is the dose is really easy to

> adjust and it only stays in the body about 6 hours. With a little

> education, most parents find it relatively easy to manage the dosage for

> optimal gains.


> As a parent of two special needs children, I am grateful to have found

> Natural Cellular Defense - it is simple and safe for my children to take.



> Very Sincerely,



> Founder, Autism Today

> info@...


> P.S. You'll not only appreciate the serious science behind Natural

> Cellular Defense, but I think you'll find it easy for your child to take;

> unlike so many other interventions I've tried, my two special needs

> children love taking NCD!

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  • 5 years later...

So cool - and yes I know the feeling with the family situation.  My sister has

two " perfect " children.


From: cmfinato <cmfinato@...>


Sent: Thu, October 27, 2011 10:30:49 AM

Subject: Had to Share


I wish I could share these little victories with family members, but everytime I

say something about my Angel, they HAVE to rain on my parade and change the

subject to their children.

Well, anyway, a couple of months ago I bought a tablet PC with the intent of

turning it into a communicator for Angel, who is non verbal. I've got the

communication program up and running (and tweaking it) and yesterday, we went to

TGIF with the tablet. Angel picked out what she wanted (and ate EVERYTHING) and

I put the tablet away. After Angel finished her food, she reached around me to

grab the case with her tablet. So I turned it back on (she was very anxious for

it to turn on) and she asked for WATER! Joe and I were so pleased with her.

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That is awesome !! Did you see the segment on 60 minutes Sunday about the

iPad helping non-verbal kids???

Had to Share

I wish I could share these little victories with family members, but everytime I

ay something about my Angel, they HAVE to rain on my parade and change the

ubject to their children.

Well, anyway, a couple of months ago I bought a tablet PC with the intent of

urning it into a communicator for Angel, who is non verbal. I've got the

ommunication program up and running (and tweaking it) and yesterday, we went to

GIF with the tablet. Angel picked out what she wanted (and ate EVERYTHING) and

put the tablet away. After Angel finished her food, she reached around me to

rab the case with her tablet. So I turned it back on (she was very anxious for

t to turn on) and she asked for WATER! Joe and I were so pleased with her.


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From: reader630 <reader630@...>


Sent: Thu, October 27, 2011 10:42:13 AM

Subject: Re: Had to Share

....and how pleased was she with herself?  Congrats!


On Oct 27, 2011, at 10:30:49 AM, cmfinato <cmfinato@...> wrote:

From:    cmfinato <cmfinato@...>

Subject:    Had to Share

Date:    October 27, 2011 10:30:49 AM CDT

To:    IPADDUnite

I wish I could share these little victories with family members, but everytime I

say something about my Angel, they HAVE to rain on my parade and change the

subject to their children.

Well, anyway, a couple of months ago I bought a tablet PC with the intent of

turning it into a communicator for Angel, who is non verbal. I've got the

communication program up and running (and tweaking it) and yesterday, we went to

TGIF with the tablet. Angel picked out what she wanted (and ate EVERYTHING) and

I put the tablet away. After Angel finished her food, she reached around me to

grab the case with her tablet. So I turned it back on (she was very anxious for

it to turn on) and she asked for WATER! Joe and I were so pleased with her.

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What a wonderful assortment of gifts: your gift of communication for her,

her gift of showing you that she can use it, your gift to us of sharing this

lovely event, and finally, the gift we each give ourselves by enjoying

something special.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Colleen Caputo <jc1voyager@...> wrote:

> **



> Amazing


> ________________________________

> From: reader630 <reader630@...>

> IPADDUnite

> Sent: Thu, October 27, 2011 10:42:13 AM

> Subject: Re: Had to Share



> ...and how pleased was she with herself? Congrats!

> Lori


> On Oct 27, 2011, at 10:30:49 AM, cmfinato <cmfinato@...> wrote:


> From: cmfinato <cmfinato@...>

> Subject: Had to Share

> Date: October 27, 2011 10:30:49 AM CDT

> IPADDUnite

> I wish I could share these little victories with family members, but

> everytime I

> say something about my Angel, they HAVE to rain on my parade and change the


> subject to their children.


> Well, anyway, a couple of months ago I bought a tablet PC with the intent

> of

> turning it into a communicator for Angel, who is non verbal. I've got the

> communication program up and running (and tweaking it) and yesterday, we

> went to

> TGIF with the tablet. Angel picked out what she wanted (and ate EVERYTHING)

> and

> I put the tablet away. After Angel finished her food, she reached around me

> to

> grab the case with her tablet. So I turned it back on (she was very anxious

> for

> it to turn on) and she asked for WATER! Joe and I were so pleased with her.



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Yes, wonderful. It's all about personal best.



From: cmfinato <cmfinato@...>


Sent: Thu, October 27, 2011 10:30:49 AM

Subject: Had to Share

I wish I could share these little victories with family members, but everytime I

say something about my Angel, they HAVE to rain on my parade and change the

subject to their children.

Well, anyway, a couple of months ago I bought a tablet PC with the intent of

turning it into a communicator for Angel, who is non verbal. I've got the

communication program up and running (and tweaking it) and yesterday, we went to

TGIF with the tablet. Angel picked out what she wanted (and ate EVERYTHING) and

I put the tablet away. After Angel finished her food, she reached around me to

grab the case with her tablet. So I turned it back on (she was very anxious for

it to turn on) and she asked for WATER! Joe and I were so pleased with her.

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It is the little things that mean the most to all of us.

I know how excited you must of felt when Angel did that!

She sounds SO smart, and now having a new way of expressing what she wants

probably is SO exciting to her as well!!

I'm happy for you and your daughter!!

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