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Re: Sleep Disorders

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Hi Charity:

My previous sleep study came out inconclusive. I did find out I had

Restless Leg Sydrome and Periodic Limb Movements and that I slept

excellent. That was the funniest one. They charged Medicare $5,000

which they didn't pay and only paid $2,000 and they did nothing for me.

I am at a new sleep clinic. I think if they want you to do a new sleep

study, they should eat up the cost because they didn't do something

right. I would never go back there even if you decide to go back for

one. I have two cousins with sleep apnea and they show up very clearly.

Narcolepsy is a possibility and they were very careless to let you leave

and drive thinking you may have Narcolepsy. Because I pushed myself for

years at work, due to there not being a diagnosis called CFS/FMS, I

finally completely broke down. I was so deathly sick with two years of

bronchitis and pneumonia that when I finally went on SSDI and had to

stop working, as sick as I was, I realized I should have stopped working

years before but I could not get SSDI. If you have CFS/FMS, you may be

overdoing it by still working and stressing yourself out. I am very

frightened when you talk about driving and narcolepsy. I have a good

idea. This is what I did now. Why not try a consultation with another

sleep clinic. No sleep study, just a consultation. Where I am now

which is one of the top hospitals in NYC, it took them 3 days to get my

full history because I became so complicated of so many years of

illness. The first hour visit I went to the city for. Then I became so

sick from the trip that they were kind enough to understand and they did

the other two hours over the phone. I am not going for another study

because we know what showed up. Not every sleep disorder requires a

sleep study. I don't think your sleep study was done properly or they

may not even be certified. Anywhere you go, make sure of their

reputation and that they are certified. Good luck!!


<< Hi Andi,

AAAAH, stupid sleep tests! I agree, I never, ever want to do one again!

Unfortunately, my results came back inconclusive and they want me to do

another one. It would cost me over $2000 to have another sleep test

taken and there is no way I can handle that right now.

  My doctor thinks I have either sleep apnea or narcolepsy and/or

cronic fatigue... So far all tests are inconclusive and I am very

frusterated. I fall asleep driving half the time and lately I've been so

tired I fall asleep in meetings at work!! That is so incredibly

embarrassing and makes me look horrible, especially since I just started

this job not too long ago!!


Charity >>

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Hi Charity:

My previous sleep study came out inconclusive. I did find out I had

Restless Leg Sydrome and Periodic Limb Movements and that I slept

excellent. That was the funniest one. They charged Medicare $5,000

which they didn't pay and only paid $2,000 and they did nothing for me.

I am at a new sleep clinic. I think if they want you to do a new sleep

study, they should eat up the cost because they didn't do something

right. I would never go back there even if you decide to go back for

one. I have two cousins with sleep apnea and they show up very clearly.

Narcolepsy is a possibility and they were very careless to let you leave

and drive thinking you may have Narcolepsy. Because I pushed myself for

years at work, due to there not being a diagnosis called CFS/FMS, I

finally completely broke down. I was so deathly sick with two years of

bronchitis and pneumonia that when I finally went on SSDI and had to

stop working, as sick as I was, I realized I should have stopped working

years before but I could not get SSDI. If you have CFS/FMS, you may be

overdoing it by still working and stressing yourself out. I am very

frightened when you talk about driving and narcolepsy. I have a good

idea. This is what I did now. Why not try a consultation with another

sleep clinic. No sleep study, just a consultation. Where I am now

which is one of the top hospitals in NYC, it took them 3 days to get my

full history because I became so complicated of so many years of

illness. The first hour visit I went to the city for. Then I became so

sick from the trip that they were kind enough to understand and they did

the other two hours over the phone. I am not going for another study

because we know what showed up. Not every sleep disorder requires a

sleep study. I don't think your sleep study was done properly or they

may not even be certified. Anywhere you go, make sure of their

reputation and that they are certified. Good luck!!


<< Hi Andi,

AAAAH, stupid sleep tests! I agree, I never, ever want to do one again!

Unfortunately, my results came back inconclusive and they want me to do

another one. It would cost me over $2000 to have another sleep test

taken and there is no way I can handle that right now.

  My doctor thinks I have either sleep apnea or narcolepsy and/or

cronic fatigue... So far all tests are inconclusive and I am very

frusterated. I fall asleep driving half the time and lately I've been so

tired I fall asleep in meetings at work!! That is so incredibly

embarrassing and makes me look horrible, especially since I just started

this job not too long ago!!


Charity >>

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I am also sorry for your problems. I have been sick since I am 21 years

old. I am now middle aged but not ready to talk about age. I know what

it is to be sick young and it isn't fair but there is always worse

around us somewhere. Thank you for your good wishes and I will keep

everyone informed because this is important for all of us.


<< Andi,

              I do wish you lots of

luck...let me know the kind of results that you get....I might consider

going to a sleep clinic myself. I think I have restless leg syndrome as

well..my current b/f and my ex b/f is/was all the time telling me I kick

and move my legs alot in my sleep I also grind me teeth. I have TMJ

bbaaddd. (no I'm not a sheep..hee hee) Please do keep me updated and I

wish you the bestest of luck..hugzzz Allicia>>

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I am also sorry for your problems. I have been sick since I am 21 years

old. I am now middle aged but not ready to talk about age. I know what

it is to be sick young and it isn't fair but there is always worse

around us somewhere. Thank you for your good wishes and I will keep

everyone informed because this is important for all of us.


<< Andi,

              I do wish you lots of

luck...let me know the kind of results that you get....I might consider

going to a sleep clinic myself. I think I have restless leg syndrome as

well..my current b/f and my ex b/f is/was all the time telling me I kick

and move my legs alot in my sleep I also grind me teeth. I have TMJ

bbaaddd. (no I'm not a sheep..hee hee) Please do keep me updated and I

wish you the bestest of luck..hugzzz Allicia>>

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I am also sorry for your problems. I have been sick since I am 21 years

old. I am now middle aged but not ready to talk about age. I know what

it is to be sick young and it isn't fair but there is always worse

around us somewhere. Thank you for your good wishes and I will keep

everyone informed because this is important for all of us.


<< Andi,

              I do wish you lots of

luck...let me know the kind of results that you get....I might consider

going to a sleep clinic myself. I think I have restless leg syndrome as

well..my current b/f and my ex b/f is/was all the time telling me I kick

and move my legs alot in my sleep I also grind me teeth. I have TMJ

bbaaddd. (no I'm not a sheep..hee hee) Please do keep me updated and I

wish you the bestest of luck..hugzzz Allicia>>

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I take Celexa for depression and also take Oxycontin for pain. I take

pure Oxycontin without Tylenol in it or anything else. It helps me

tremendously. Why not check into pure Oxycontin. I take 160mg 2x a day

and the pain always starts with my Restless Leg Syndrome. If MS Contin

helps you, then I would not rock the boat.

How does Effexor work for you?? What about side effects??


<< I also take Effexor with MS Contin (morphine). Oxycontin contains

Tylenol, and T. gives me restless legs. About 40% of Fibro patients have

RLS (restless limbs syndrome.)


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I take Celexa for depression and also take Oxycontin for pain. I take

pure Oxycontin without Tylenol in it or anything else. It helps me

tremendously. Why not check into pure Oxycontin. I take 160mg 2x a day

and the pain always starts with my Restless Leg Syndrome. If MS Contin

helps you, then I would not rock the boat.

How does Effexor work for you?? What about side effects??


<< I also take Effexor with MS Contin (morphine). Oxycontin contains

Tylenol, and T. gives me restless legs. About 40% of Fibro patients have

RLS (restless limbs syndrome.)


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I take Celexa for depression and also take Oxycontin for pain. I take

pure Oxycontin without Tylenol in it or anything else. It helps me

tremendously. Why not check into pure Oxycontin. I take 160mg 2x a day

and the pain always starts with my Restless Leg Syndrome. If MS Contin

helps you, then I would not rock the boat.

How does Effexor work for you?? What about side effects??


<< I also take Effexor with MS Contin (morphine). Oxycontin contains

Tylenol, and T. gives me restless legs. About 40% of Fibro patients have

RLS (restless limbs syndrome.)


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Allicia wrote, > I also grind me

> teeth. I have TMJ bbaaddd.


> Do you wear a night guard? This will keep you from grinding you teeth. I

> have one but I got it to late. I have ground my teeth down about 1/3. So

> if you don't have one, you would be well advised to get one.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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Allicia wrote, > I also grind me

> teeth. I have TMJ bbaaddd.


> Do you wear a night guard? This will keep you from grinding you teeth. I

> have one but I got it to late. I have ground my teeth down about 1/3. So

> if you don't have one, you would be well advised to get one.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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Allicia wrote, > I also grind me

> teeth. I have TMJ bbaaddd.


> Do you wear a night guard? This will keep you from grinding you teeth. I

> have one but I got it to late. I have ground my teeth down about 1/3. So

> if you don't have one, you would be well advised to get one.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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In a message dated 08/19/2002 1:48:38 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

patidu@... writes:

> Do you wear a night guard?


Yes I have one, but it causes my face to hurt like Hell...I'm not sure

why, but I will wake up in the middle of the night and I have scurry through

the bed trying to find it....because I have taken it off in my sleep.


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In a message dated 08/19/2002 1:48:38 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

patidu@... writes:

> Do you wear a night guard?


Yes I have one, but it causes my face to hurt like Hell...I'm not sure

why, but I will wake up in the middle of the night and I have scurry through

the bed trying to find it....because I have taken it off in my sleep.


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In a message dated 08/19/2002 1:48:38 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

patidu@... writes:

> Do you wear a night guard?


Yes I have one, but it causes my face to hurt like Hell...I'm not sure

why, but I will wake up in the middle of the night and I have scurry through

the bed trying to find it....because I have taken it off in my sleep.


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Charity wrote:

> My Technician said, " You slept Great! " when he woke me

> up after my test and I just wanted to throttle the

> man.

Isn't that the worst!?! Or the tech doing the test says something that

gives you the impression that everything *isn't* quite normal, but your

test results come back as " normal " and you're left wondering " why did

the tech ask me that question if everything is so normal? "


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Charity wrote:

> My Technician said, " You slept Great! " when he woke me

> up after my test and I just wanted to throttle the

> man.

Isn't that the worst!?! Or the tech doing the test says something that

gives you the impression that everything *isn't* quite normal, but your

test results come back as " normal " and you're left wondering " why did

the tech ask me that question if everything is so normal? "


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Hi Andi,

My Technician said, " You slept Great! " when he woke me

up after my test and I just wanted to throttle the

man. It was the first night of nearly decent sleep I

had had in six months for some reason and I had had

the most incredibly vivid dream ever! However, I did

not sleep in " the right position " for it to be

worthwhile data. Grrr

The falling asleep driving thing is brand new, as in

the last 6 weeks...and it hasn't happened very often

and only for that " blink of an eye " moment. My doctor

is just grasping at straws at this point because I

have such an incredibly hard time with sleeping and

being sleepy ALL the time. The sleep test didn't come

up with anything, he sent me to a lung specialist to

see if it was part of my asthma and that doctor blames

it on the meds my other doctor put me on for pain and

wanted me to go off my pain meds. I went off my pain

meds with no change to sleepiness and I was in so much

pain I just cried all the time. So, who knows, I

might have narcolepsy, I may also just be SO sleep

deprived that my body just shuts down occasionally??

Who the bleep knows. *SIGH* I just wish some of these

tests would actually come back with something solid

that I could be treated for.

To top it off I haven't slept in at least 7 days.

This weekend was terrible and I feel like a piece of

dog dooo.


--- cats_meow429@... wrote:

> Hi Charity:


> My previous sleep study came out inconclusive. I

> did find out I had

> Restless Leg Sydrome and Periodic Limb Movements and

> that I slept

> excellent. That was the funniest one. They charged

> Medicare $5,000

> which they didn't pay and only paid $2,000 and they

> did nothing for me.


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--

" She is like a cat in the dark, and yet she is the darkness. "


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--


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Hi Andi,

My Technician said, " You slept Great! " when he woke me

up after my test and I just wanted to throttle the

man. It was the first night of nearly decent sleep I

had had in six months for some reason and I had had

the most incredibly vivid dream ever! However, I did

not sleep in " the right position " for it to be

worthwhile data. Grrr

The falling asleep driving thing is brand new, as in

the last 6 weeks...and it hasn't happened very often

and only for that " blink of an eye " moment. My doctor

is just grasping at straws at this point because I

have such an incredibly hard time with sleeping and

being sleepy ALL the time. The sleep test didn't come

up with anything, he sent me to a lung specialist to

see if it was part of my asthma and that doctor blames

it on the meds my other doctor put me on for pain and

wanted me to go off my pain meds. I went off my pain

meds with no change to sleepiness and I was in so much

pain I just cried all the time. So, who knows, I

might have narcolepsy, I may also just be SO sleep

deprived that my body just shuts down occasionally??

Who the bleep knows. *SIGH* I just wish some of these

tests would actually come back with something solid

that I could be treated for.

To top it off I haven't slept in at least 7 days.

This weekend was terrible and I feel like a piece of

dog dooo.


--- cats_meow429@... wrote:

> Hi Charity:


> My previous sleep study came out inconclusive. I

> did find out I had

> Restless Leg Sydrome and Periodic Limb Movements and

> that I slept

> excellent. That was the funniest one. They charged

> Medicare $5,000

> which they didn't pay and only paid $2,000 and they

> did nothing for me.


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--

" She is like a cat in the dark, and yet she is the darkness. "


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--


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Hi Andi,

My Technician said, " You slept Great! " when he woke me

up after my test and I just wanted to throttle the

man. It was the first night of nearly decent sleep I

had had in six months for some reason and I had had

the most incredibly vivid dream ever! However, I did

not sleep in " the right position " for it to be

worthwhile data. Grrr

The falling asleep driving thing is brand new, as in

the last 6 weeks...and it hasn't happened very often

and only for that " blink of an eye " moment. My doctor

is just grasping at straws at this point because I

have such an incredibly hard time with sleeping and

being sleepy ALL the time. The sleep test didn't come

up with anything, he sent me to a lung specialist to

see if it was part of my asthma and that doctor blames

it on the meds my other doctor put me on for pain and

wanted me to go off my pain meds. I went off my pain

meds with no change to sleepiness and I was in so much

pain I just cried all the time. So, who knows, I

might have narcolepsy, I may also just be SO sleep

deprived that my body just shuts down occasionally??

Who the bleep knows. *SIGH* I just wish some of these

tests would actually come back with something solid

that I could be treated for.

To top it off I haven't slept in at least 7 days.

This weekend was terrible and I feel like a piece of

dog dooo.


--- cats_meow429@... wrote:

> Hi Charity:


> My previous sleep study came out inconclusive. I

> did find out I had

> Restless Leg Sydrome and Periodic Limb Movements and

> that I slept

> excellent. That was the funniest one. They charged

> Medicare $5,000

> which they didn't pay and only paid $2,000 and they

> did nothing for me.


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--

" She is like a cat in the dark, and yet she is the darkness. "


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--


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In a message dated 08/19/2002 3:40:23 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

ember_thunderwolf@... writes:

> However, I did

> not sleep in " the right position " for it to be

> worthwhile data

What is the right position??? I was thinking of going to sleep clinic to see

if I have Narcolepsy. I don't really fall asleep just anywhere....I have to

be comfy, but if I'm comfy I'm out like a light.


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In a message dated 08/19/2002 3:40:23 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

ember_thunderwolf@... writes:

> However, I did

> not sleep in " the right position " for it to be

> worthwhile data

What is the right position??? I was thinking of going to sleep clinic to see

if I have Narcolepsy. I don't really fall asleep just anywhere....I have to

be comfy, but if I'm comfy I'm out like a light.


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In a message dated 08/20/2002 9:31:20 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

ember_thunderwolf@... writes:

> Obivously I'm still mad about that


Don't blame ya a bit...heck its only $$....something I don't know

about you, but I don't have any of ....lol


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Hi Allicia,

> What is the right position???

That was my question too. They said that the best

position for me to be in in order for them to see if I

have Sleep Apnea is on my back. I don't sleep on my

back because it is not comfortable for me at all! My

fibro has been in flare in my low back and SI area for

years and it's nearly impossible for me to sleep on my

back because I hurt so bad. But, because I did not

sleep on my back for more than 5% of the night my test

results are inconclusive!! You know, they talk to you

through the wall half the night, why couldn't they

have told me, " Hey, you in there...wake up, roll over

and go back to sleep! " ???

Grrrr. Obivously I'm still mad about that :)



@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--

" She is like a cat in the dark, and yet she is the darkness. "


@-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->-- @-->--


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Allicia wrote, > I'm not sure

> why, but I will wake up in the middle of the night and I have scurry

> through

> the bed trying to find it....because I have taken it off in my sleep.

I do the same but as I had ground part of my teeth away, I do wear it even if

I have to look for it in the middle of the night. I have found it in the

closet so I guess that I throw it in my sleep as well as losing it in the bed


Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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Allicia wrote, > I'm not sure

> why, but I will wake up in the middle of the night and I have scurry

> through

> the bed trying to find it....because I have taken it off in my sleep.

I do the same but as I had ground part of my teeth away, I do wear it even if

I have to look for it in the middle of the night. I have found it in the

closet so I guess that I throw it in my sleep as well as losing it in the bed


Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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