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Re: give me a break!!!

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For crying out loud. Who the hell would call you in for changing medication?

I'm changing medication all the fucking time. (pardon the French) Do you think

it's the school? The psychologist again? Counselor? This just friggen sucks.

Who is calling in via the neighborhood about lack of diaper? A child being

naked is not a crime.

Ughh need anything let me know


give me a break!!!

well, it seems as if someone has reported me to cps again. want to know why

this time?

for changing kailey's meds!!!

yeah, the doc prescribed kailey tenex. i tried it out. it made things worse. i

stopped it. apparantly someone has a problem with that and felt the need to

report it. wtf??? who the hell's business is it besides mine, kailey's and her

dr's about what we're doing with her medicine???

there was also a secondary complaint from some neighbors who said both kids

were outside naked. well, yeah, trevor was outside yesterday for about 5 whole

minutes before i could catch him to get a diaper on. big fucking deal!

i called the cps worker back tonight and left a message that said i was

changing kailey's meds under her dr's orders and that trevor was only without a

diaper for as long as it took me to catch him. i said, " i don't know what the

problem is, but i'm not doing anything wrong, so please let me know what's going

on. " hopefully he'll call me back tomorrow and this can be settled easily.

damn people :(


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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For crying out loud. Who the hell would call you in for changing medication?

I'm changing medication all the fucking time. (pardon the French) Do you think

it's the school? The psychologist again? Counselor? This just friggen sucks.

Who is calling in via the neighborhood about lack of diaper? A child being

naked is not a crime.

Ughh need anything let me know


give me a break!!!

well, it seems as if someone has reported me to cps again. want to know why

this time?

for changing kailey's meds!!!

yeah, the doc prescribed kailey tenex. i tried it out. it made things worse. i

stopped it. apparantly someone has a problem with that and felt the need to

report it. wtf??? who the hell's business is it besides mine, kailey's and her

dr's about what we're doing with her medicine???

there was also a secondary complaint from some neighbors who said both kids

were outside naked. well, yeah, trevor was outside yesterday for about 5 whole

minutes before i could catch him to get a diaper on. big fucking deal!

i called the cps worker back tonight and left a message that said i was

changing kailey's meds under her dr's orders and that trevor was only without a

diaper for as long as it took me to catch him. i said, " i don't know what the

problem is, but i'm not doing anything wrong, so please let me know what's going

on. " hopefully he'll call me back tomorrow and this can be settled easily.

damn people :(


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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The pediatrician had called because, get this, she had called in

> a script for iron drops and I hadn't picked it up yet two days

later. Oh and

> I was a horrible mother because I had to cancel a doctor's

appointment at

> the last minute too and hadn't rescheduled yet.

???? I leave my kid's meds at the pharmacy sometimes for a week?

There were times I couldn't afford to get them too! Was your child

severely anemic or something? I guess I could see it being called in

if there was a serious risk to health, but for normal everyday meds,

I don't think so.

> to do " something " about 9 months later - after my meds failed me).

They were going to take my kids away that day but they were asleep

and I think (hopefully) the nasty worker could tell that I wouldn't

knowingly hurt my own children.

This would concern me. Being suicidal can really impact your

children. In my case, when I was going through that, I knew that my

daughter would be sent to live with her real father. I didn't know

he was a child raper at the time, but I knew he was very unstable for

her. I also knew the only way to prevent her from growing damaged

beyond belief was to take her with me. I never did anything though.

I don't think anyone ever knew how bad off I was either (this was

years ago). You might think that is very twisted, but it made

perfect sense to me under the circumstances.

If I ever got that bad off again, my daughter would be well taken

care of by my husband who adopted her. Her real father is in prison

for 45 years so there is no threat of him anymore. I really don't

see this ever being an issue (suicide) again, but you never

know...when the circumstances are right, and the depression is too


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The one time Dakota ran outside naked I was talking to the neighbor. He had

been in the tub (Atlanta was supposed to watch him for a couple mins, didn't

think it was that hard a job) and ran outside naked and wet. started

laughing hysterically. I guess it was funny to her because her kids don't

do things like that to her. LOL!


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give me a break!!!




> well, it seems as if someone has reported me to cps again. want to know

why this time?



> for changing kailey's meds!!!



> yeah, the doc prescribed kailey tenex. i tried it out. it made things

worse. i stopped it. apparantly someone has a problem with that and felt the

need to report it. wtf??? who the hell's business is it besides mine,

kailey's and her dr's about what we're doing with her medicine???


> there was also a secondary complaint from some neighbors who said both

kids were outside naked. well, yeah, trevor was outside yesterday for about

5 whole minutes before i could catch him to get a diaper on. big fucking



> i called the cps worker back tonight and left a message that said i was

changing kailey's meds under her dr's orders and that trevor was only

without a diaper for as long as it took me to catch him. i said, " i don't

know what the problem is, but i'm not doing anything wrong, so please let me

know what's going on. " hopefully he'll call me back tomorrow and this can be

settled easily.


> damn people :(


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> gina, 31, ny

> single mom to -

> kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

> trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

> parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D




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That's ok, when we were getting the first stupid CPS thing under control

(the complaint being not meeting the kids developemental needs ~ the real

issue was someone didn't agree with me homeschooling an autistic child) the

ped we were using threatened to call CPS on me again because we had taken

Dalton in for his check up after a three day hospital stay for an UTI. He

had lost weight. Well, in the freaking hospital all the brought me was

formula for him and no food. He was eating solid food at the time, and a

lot of it. Of course he is going to freaking loose weight...and all my kids

are small anyway. But she told me that she was going to call CPS if he

didn't gain weight because they had been involved before (I doubt that she

even knew what was going on because the other dr in the practice that had

left seen our kids and talked to the social worker. This bitch dr. only

knew that we were a " problem " for social services. Yea, we were a problem

for them because we got a lawyer involved and made them stop harassing us.

I did not like this other dr and went back to the original ped office that

we left because the support staff at the one office (they have three) that

we used SUCKED! When I called and talked to them because we wanted to go

back, and explained what had happened they were shocked and moved the kids

records down to the office where the business office was where we wouldn't

have any more problems with the staff.

I haven't had Daltons last set of shots yet and they are way past due.

I am waiting to talk to Dr. Cosmas next month when he goes in for his eval

and get her opinion on giving them to him. I am really afraid of making

things worse. Thinking back here I am almost possitive that those two UTIs

that he had came after shots. Hmmmm......

On another related note, several months ago our lawyer called us that the

new social worker who was assigned to the case still had not seen the kids.

Our lawyer basically threatened them with harassment and discrimanation

charges because they had said crap like " You have so many children you can't

possibly take care of them " and were just hung up on the fact that we have 7

kids and they weren't in school where " they could be accounted for. "


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Re: give me a break!!!

> In a message dated 5/9/03 8:52:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> writes:


> > The pediatrician had called because, get this, she had called in

> > a script for iron drops and I hadn't picked it up yet two days later.


> I can't imagine my ped having time to check on something like this.


> really stupid to me!


> Hugs glad you are better now.





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Well I have to admit it - my child was anemic at the time, not dangerously

so but his level was low. BUT when I talked with the doctor about it (a

different doctor than the one who called) she said that as long as we

started choosing iron-rich foods for him we could just pick the medicine up

when we could. Did I mention this same child saw a dietician every week who

wasn't concerned about this eiither? Well, he was. And she helped me get

iron-rich foods into him every day. She beleived that his reading was

flawed, because she said it was too low for a kid who ate as well as he did

- and when we retook it at the new doctor's office his level came back

normal. So I find it difficult to beleive that I seriuosly damaged him in

any way. He was a preemie in the first case - so the fact that we had gotten

his weight up was a good thing at the time.

So yes he was anemic but did anyone tell me he would die if I didn't get his

medicine within a couple of days - no! So if you can't tell I am still a

little upset about that.

As far as being depressed, suicidal. Before this incident I was depressed

and under my doctor's care - and on Prozac. But I wasn't suicidal. This

incident directly impacted my very ability to live. Did I mention that I

lived in a very abusive home with my father and he often told me that he

would get even with me for calling welfare on him - so I lived in constant

fear that someone would think I was a bad mother anyway - sometimes I still

do. But I really wasn't suicidal until after. And my husband was great

caring for the kids during this time, even though they felt the affects of

it. I hate that - but it's a part of my life that I can't do anything about


So anyway I rambled quite enough!

I appreciate the support from everyone.



wife to Jim and Mommy to Bobby and Andy

" The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength,

in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my

stronghold. " --Psalm 18:2

>From: " shanley_n_teresa " Reply-To: parenting_autism To:

>parenting_autism Subject: Re: give me a

>break!!! Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 13:34:54 -0000



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Well I have to admit it - my child was anemic at the time, not dangerously

so but his level was low. BUT when I talked with the doctor about it (a

different doctor than the one who called) she said that as long as we

started choosing iron-rich foods for him we could just pick the medicine up

when we could. Did I mention this same child saw a dietician every week who

wasn't concerned about this eiither? Well, he was. And she helped me get

iron-rich foods into him every day. She beleived that his reading was

flawed, because she said it was too low for a kid who ate as well as he did

- and when we retook it at the new doctor's office his level came back

normal. So I find it difficult to beleive that I seriuosly damaged him in

any way. He was a preemie in the first case - so the fact that we had gotten

his weight up was a good thing at the time.

So yes he was anemic but did anyone tell me he would die if I didn't get his

medicine within a couple of days - no! So if you can't tell I am still a

little upset about that.

As far as being depressed, suicidal. Before this incident I was depressed

and under my doctor's care - and on Prozac. But I wasn't suicidal. This

incident directly impacted my very ability to live. Did I mention that I

lived in a very abusive home with my father and he often told me that he

would get even with me for calling welfare on him - so I lived in constant

fear that someone would think I was a bad mother anyway - sometimes I still

do. But I really wasn't suicidal until after. And my husband was great

caring for the kids during this time, even though they felt the affects of

it. I hate that - but it's a part of my life that I can't do anything about


So anyway I rambled quite enough!

I appreciate the support from everyone.



wife to Jim and Mommy to Bobby and Andy

" The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength,

in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my

stronghold. " --Psalm 18:2

>From: " shanley_n_teresa " Reply-To: parenting_autism To:

>parenting_autism Subject: Re: give me a

>break!!! Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 13:34:54 -0000



STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


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> Do you want me to come up there and kick their asses?


> I'm in this *mood* ...


> (((((GINA)))))


> Sissi

yea, I'd send Sissi in!


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Sorry . Sounds like some of your neighbors are a real PITA! If Kailey

doesn't need a dose of her meds at school, I'd quit discussing any of her

treatments with them, if you haven't already!


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WTH? As her mother, you are the one who decides what

medical treatment she recieves, period. Why would

someone even know what meds you were using? And if

being naked were a reason to call CPS, I'd be in big


Hope this gets ironed out soon hon.



> well, it seems as if someone has reported me to cps

> again. want to know why this time?



mom to:

, 8, ASD

, 4, NT

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

- Whoopi Goldberg


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WTH? As her mother, you are the one who decides what

medical treatment she recieves, period. Why would

someone even know what meds you were using? And if

being naked were a reason to call CPS, I'd be in big


Hope this gets ironed out soon hon.



> well, it seems as if someone has reported me to cps

> again. want to know why this time?



mom to:

, 8, ASD

, 4, NT

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

- Whoopi Goldberg


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> if being naked were a reason to call CPS, I'd be in big

trouble. <

you run around naked a lot, do you? ;)


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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> if being naked were a reason to call CPS, I'd be in big

trouble. <

you run around naked a lot, do you? ;)


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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> if being naked were a reason to call CPS, I'd be in big

trouble. <

you run around naked a lot, do you? ;)


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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Tuna :D


if being naked were a reason to call CPS, I'd be in




you run around naked a lot, do you? ;)



mom to:

, 8, ASD

, 4, NT

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

- Whoopi Goldberg


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> Ok, this is the kind of crap that really pisses me off! CPS should

> be spending their time working with children who are really abused

> and neglected, not messing around with stupid stuff like this.


Yes, well, long time list members will recall that I was turned into CPS for

having a dirty house by the housecleaners that I had hired to come and clean

my house. They complained that I had popcorn on the floor (I was expecting

them to clean it up actually).


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> Ok, this is the kind of crap that really pisses me off! CPS should

> be spending their time working with children who are really abused

> and neglected, not messing around with stupid stuff like this.


Yes, well, long time list members will recall that I was turned into CPS for

having a dirty house by the housecleaners that I had hired to come and clean

my house. They complained that I had popcorn on the floor (I was expecting

them to clean it up actually).


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OMG Salli!!!!!!!! WTF?!?! I mean, what did they think they were there for,

to eat bon bons in your spotless living room???


Re: Re: give me a break!!!

> Ok, this is the kind of crap that really pisses me off! CPS should

> be spending their time working with children who are really abused

> and neglected, not messing around with stupid stuff like this.


Yes, well, long time list members will recall that I was turned into CPS


having a dirty house by the housecleaners that I had hired to come and


my house. They complained that I had popcorn on the floor (I was


them to clean it up actually).


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Guest guest

OMG Salli!!!!!!!! WTF?!?! I mean, what did they think they were there for,

to eat bon bons in your spotless living room???


Re: Re: give me a break!!!

> Ok, this is the kind of crap that really pisses me off! CPS should

> be spending their time working with children who are really abused

> and neglected, not messing around with stupid stuff like this.


Yes, well, long time list members will recall that I was turned into CPS


having a dirty house by the housecleaners that I had hired to come and


my house. They complained that I had popcorn on the floor (I was


them to clean it up actually).


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> They complained that I had popcorn on the floor (I was

expecting them to clean it up actually).

Salli <

well shame on you for expecting such a thing! :-P


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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> They complained that I had popcorn on the floor (I was

expecting them to clean it up actually).

Salli <

well shame on you for expecting such a thing! :-P


What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow - Mr. Krabs


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-25-03 :-D

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> OMG Salli!!!!!!!! WTF?!?! I mean, what did they think they were there


> to eat bon bons in your spotless living room???


Most people who hire housekeeping services have clean houses already. They

both work, they are never home and they just want the basic cleaning to get


So the cleaners did not have to work very hard.

Not true in my house. They had to work and apparently they did not like it

at all. I also think that they resented ME. I had no job and apparently

enough money to hire them (they all had kids) so why didn't I clean up my

own darned mess.


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