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I'm glad we were all able to help. I often wish that those who have lost

loved ones to colon cancer or gotten that NED ( No Evidence of Cancer or

Remission) would come back and post once in awhile.

First because to me our support doesn't end with your loved ones' death or

with the all clear.

And second because we need to hear what it is like in those parts of our


From the moment of diagnosis throughout your journey, and to whereever life,

and this damned disease should take us if you have taught me anything over 2

years we have become a family joined by chance.

Our lives are forever linked by this damned disease and however things go

one thing is certain at least for me and I am willing to bet for all of you


I will never ever forget any of you and the love and support I have found


, the founder of this board, was so excited when right around the time

Phil got sick this board started growing and it seemed to go from a few posts

to 50 or a more a day.

Those that were here remember him fondly and still feel the hole his death

created almost 18 months ago.

I know he would be overjoyed to know all of you and how we go on and fulfill

his legacy to support one another with information and personal experiences.

So please DO visit here from time to time and let us know how you are

doing because we still care.

Take Care and God Bless


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