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B vitamins can cause him to have a problem with sleep. This is a new product

for us. Try cutting down the dosage and give it in the morning and early

afternoon. He should adjust to it in a week or so. Almost all of the kids

are very low in B vitamins. This form is hypoallergenic. Give a call or

email if you have a question.



Kirkman Laboratories Inc.



email: dave@...

web site: www.kirkmanlabs.com

Re: Question

I just started my son on Kirkmans EVERDAY VITAMINS. He is having diffuculty

falling asleep and staying asleep. I know about Melatonin w/mag....thank

goodness. But does anyone know what in those vitamins can be keeping him

awake (B vitamins???)


Pam in Long Island

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  • 2 years later...

At my hospital, we give all laboring patients Lactated Ringers.

When you go in and if you are worried, mention it to you Dr. to order

LR rather than the D5W (sugar water).



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Though I'm not in the medical field I have done some studying with and on my own

as my sister was studying for her nursing degree. You don't need to worry about

the IV they will give you while in labor as 90% of the time it is just plain

saline solution (salt water) to keep you hydrated during labor. Sometimes they

add glucose (what sugar is when it is broke down by the body) to the saline

solution IV, but even if that is what the doc decides you need it won't make you

dump because it is going into your vein and not your stomach. :) The reason

that some RNY patients dump is because sugars that have not been predigested hit

your small intestine. For the RNY part of your intestines are by passed (that

is why its called gastric by pass surgery) and then your small intestine is

brought up and attached to your pouch. When your stomach is normal the small

intestine gets all foods predigested in the stomach and intestine before it gets

to the small intestine and thats what it is used too. After the RNY your small

intestine gets the food not pre digested therefore with the sugars not broken

down yet, it shocks the small intestine and thats why we dump. Since your IV is

in your vein and not going into your stomach you don't have to worry at all

sweetie. :) I hope this explanation helps some and eases your fear.



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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Though I'm not in the medical field I have done some studying with and on my own

as my sister was studying for her nursing degree. You don't need to worry about

the IV they will give you while in labor as 90% of the time it is just plain

saline solution (salt water) to keep you hydrated during labor. Sometimes they

add glucose (what sugar is when it is broke down by the body) to the saline

solution IV, but even if that is what the doc decides you need it won't make you

dump because it is going into your vein and not your stomach. :) The reason

that some RNY patients dump is because sugars that have not been predigested hit

your small intestine. For the RNY part of your intestines are by passed (that

is why its called gastric by pass surgery) and then your small intestine is

brought up and attached to your pouch. When your stomach is normal the small

intestine gets all foods predigested in the stomach and intestine before it gets

to the small intestine and thats what it is used too. After the RNY your small

intestine gets the food not pre digested therefore with the sugars not broken

down yet, it shocks the small intestine and thats why we dump. Since your IV is

in your vein and not going into your stomach you don't have to worry at all

sweetie. :) I hope this explanation helps some and eases your fear.



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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Glucose IV will not harm you but studies have shown that hyperinsulinism can

occur in infants depending how much is delivered via the IV. Question you need

to ask is " Why do I need an IV and if so, why must it be glucose? "

I think you need to contact your L&D and see what their policy is about IV's and

solutions. The standard of care in the greater Denver area is a heplock only

in vag deliveries. Hep lock enables access if the need arises.

In my personal opinion, I'm not in favor of IV fluids. Potential risks are

fluid overload, need to monitor I & O's more closely, hyperinsulinism in

infants, hyponatraemia in mom and baby besides other potential risks. Now

there are situations (not the majority) that an IV is warranted but I'm speaking

from my own personal experience. What I did w/ my last natural delivery will be

the same w/ this one...hep lock in the event the need arises to push volume/meds

immediately, ice chips, protein supps and Propel.

Discuss with your OB what his thoughts, your thoughts as well as the hospital's

policy on L & D patients.

~ BabyCopia ~

Unique and Original Baby Products

~ Preggie Pops Now Available! ~



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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I don't know about everyone else, but I'm not as well versed on medical terms as

you are and it sounds like you have some valuable information to share. Do you

think that maybe you can explain what you are telling us in " lay men's terms " ??

I have heard of some of the terms you used, but not totally clear on what them

mean, like " I and O's " , hyponatraemia " , stuff like that. :)



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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I don't know about everyone else, but I'm not as well versed on medical terms as

you are and it sounds like you have some valuable information to share. Do you

think that maybe you can explain what you are telling us in " lay men's terms " ??

I have heard of some of the terms you used, but not totally clear on what them

mean, like " I and O's " , hyponatraemia " , stuff like that. :)



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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Ooops sorry, I have a medical background (did neonatal and pediatric transports

via ground, fixed wing and jet for Children's Hospital LA and Boston -

respiratory) while working on my MBA (became a hospital admin) and now on a new

career path ... medical school.

*I & O's - input and output (how much you take in vs how much you pee out)

*hyponatremia - low concentration of sodium in the blood (seen in some patients

where salt free solutions are delivered)

*hyperinsulinism - too high a level of insulin in the blood; seen after 25g of


I think that about covers the words I used that most laypeople are not familiar


Btw, are you the same that was on the grad list almost 2 years ago? From

Texas, does pilates and kickboxing?

~ BabyCopia ~

Unique and Original Baby Products

~ Preggie Pops Now Available! ~



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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Ooops sorry, I have a medical background (did neonatal and pediatric transports

via ground, fixed wing and jet for Children's Hospital LA and Boston -

respiratory) while working on my MBA (became a hospital admin) and now on a new

career path ... medical school.

*I & O's - input and output (how much you take in vs how much you pee out)

*hyponatremia - low concentration of sodium in the blood (seen in some patients

where salt free solutions are delivered)

*hyperinsulinism - too high a level of insulin in the blood; seen after 25g of


I think that about covers the words I used that most laypeople are not familiar


Btw, are you the same that was on the grad list almost 2 years ago? From

Texas, does pilates and kickboxing?

~ BabyCopia ~

Unique and Original Baby Products

~ Preggie Pops Now Available! ~



ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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Thanks for the clarification :). My sis is studying for her RN degree and when

she is excited about a question I ask her she really can spout off some high

tech terminology like you and I'm left going " Huh? " . LOL! I'm glad you didn't

get offended by me asking you to clarify as I was very interested in your

information and appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge. Sometimes

I do the same thing when my sis calls me about something going on with her kids

in school and I start spouting off acronyms and quoting law as pertaining to her

two youngest children who have some learning difficulties and are pulled out for

some special ed classes.

I'm sorry but I'm not the from the graduates list your talking about, but

it sounds like I could use some of her enthusiasm for exercise! LOL! My family

does live in Texas and I sure do wish I was there instead of Minnesota. My

husband and I are here until 2005 when his duty assignment is done and if we are

very lucky we will get assigned to San , TX, just 2 hours away from my

twin sis and 5 from my mom. Again, thanks for the clarification

Axelrod <----(who is missing home and family very much and dreading the

HUGE snow storm that is going to hit tomorrow night and not stop till Wed) :(


ok, you know when youre in labor and they give you an i.v. with sugar

water in it for nutrients, will that make me dump? that may be a dumb

question but i was just curious if anyone knew? by the way, im 11

weeks pg. had my surgery 9 24 02. and ive lost 184 lbs. this is my

third and last child!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey ya'll

I am approx. 26 weeks pg with twin boys.... I am 2 yrs post op this month :)

I have gained as of my last appt 16 lbs or so.... My doc seems to be ok with

it all. He said the babies WILL get what they need....Afterwards it will be me

that sufferes nutritionally. I am taking ALL my vitamins etc that I am

supposed to and so far all is well with my blood work. I am measuring 10 weeks


which he said is normal and the babies are exactly on target for their size

so they dont seem to be suffering from lack of anything :)

I am blessed :)


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Hi lisa

boy o boy this subject scares me lol... i just started gaining a few

weeks ago or at least i think anyways at my 18 week check up i gained

4 pnds so far...

> When do women usually gain weight? I know im still newly pregnant


> about a month, but just wondering when you guys started to gain?


> Thanks,


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Gosh... I didn't really start any major weight gain until three

months out... but I had gained a total of 9 lbs by then... 15 lbs by

my 4 month... and 33 lbs now at 32 weeks! (That kinda scares me, but

my doc isn't worried about it... I'm in the low-weight gain area for

the women in my family...none of them had weight issues prior to

pregnancy, either, though...) everyone is different, though, so

don't fret over it! :~)

> When do women usually gain weight? I know im still newly pregnant


> about a month, but just wondering when you guys started to gain?


> Thanks,


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I did not gain anything until my 22 week check up, and I gained 4

lbs. I got pregnant at 6 months post op and I am sure that makes a

HUGE difference in when and how much you gain. I haven't read the

other responses to this question, so sorry if I am repeating...but it

seems that I have read posts from a lady who got pregnant just weeks

(6 or so) post op and she gained only like 7 or 10 pounds her whole

pregnancy. I'd think the farther out from surgery the more you will

gain, and possibly sooner, since you can eat more. I was only

getting in about 300 calories/day when I got pregnant, so there was

NO WAY I could have gained!! Good luck with your pregnancy.

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Another thing, my nutritionist has stated was even if you don't gain, doesn't

mean the baby is getting what it needs. Remember, the baby gets what it needs

first, so it is possible that even though there is no weight change, the baby

may be gaining what you may be losing. My surgeon had stated that as long as

they monitor the baby's growth and if it is growing as it should, it is ok to

not gain any weight and even to lose weight.

Re: Question


I did not gain anything until my 22 week check up, and I gained 4

lbs. I got pregnant at 6 months post op and I am sure that makes a

HUGE difference in when and how much you gain. I haven't read the

other responses to this question, so sorry if I am repeating...but it

seems that I have read posts from a lady who got pregnant just weeks

(6 or so) post op and she gained only like 7 or 10 pounds her whole

pregnancy. I'd think the farther out from surgery the more you will

gain, and possibly sooner, since you can eat more. I was only

getting in about 300 calories/day when I got pregnant, so there was

NO WAY I could have gained!! Good luck with your pregnancy.

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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I am 14 weeks and 2 days along and thus far in the pregnancy I have

gained 7 pounds, going from 180-187. I hear the gain picks up

steady at around 20 weeks. I am shooting for 1800-2000 calories per

day, that for sure will put weight on! lol



edd 7.10.04

RNY 2/8/02

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I am 14 weeks and 2 days along and thus far in the pregnancy I have

gained 7 pounds, going from 180-187. I hear the gain picks up

steady at around 20 weeks. I am shooting for 1800-2000 calories per

day, that for sure will put weight on! lol



edd 7.10.04

RNY 2/8/02

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I'm 29 weeks and still haven't gained any weight. I am at about 1

lb below what I was when I got pregnant. Keep in mind, however, I

was only 6 mos post op and still in the major losing stage after WLS.

Kari Hanson

RNY 1-8-03

Aerin Hanson

EDD 3/26/04

> When do women usually gain weight? I know im still newly pregnant


> about a month, but just wondering when you guys started to gain?


> Thanks,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Rh factors are what we are discussing -- they deal with blood type. For

instance you can be A+ or A- -- the + or - is the RH factor. If you are RH

negative and your husband is RH positive you need to get an injection

because your blood type will differ from that of your baby and you don't

want your body rejecting your baby due to its blood type. RH positive is the

dominant gene. However if you and your husband are both RH negative then

your baby will also be RH negative and it is not a problem. Does that help

explain things? That is my understanding however check with your own doctor

as I am not a medical professional nor do I pretend to be one.

The RH factor has NOTHING to do with WLS surgery and being/becoming



mailto: drasley@...

BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98


> i had a question i am a new member and was just wondering exactly

> what is rh neg and rh positive mean i have hears diffrent things

> and i kinda wanted to clear it up.




> Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3



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Rh factors are what we are discussing -- they deal with blood type. For

instance you can be A+ or A- -- the + or - is the RH factor. If you are RH

negative and your husband is RH positive you need to get an injection

because your blood type will differ from that of your baby and you don't

want your body rejecting your baby due to its blood type. RH positive is the

dominant gene. However if you and your husband are both RH negative then

your baby will also be RH negative and it is not a problem. Does that help

explain things? That is my understanding however check with your own doctor

as I am not a medical professional nor do I pretend to be one.

The RH factor has NOTHING to do with WLS surgery and being/becoming



mailto: drasley@...

BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98


> i had a question i am a new member and was just wondering exactly

> what is rh neg and rh positive mean i have hears diffrent things

> and i kinda wanted to clear it up.




> Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3



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I think TTC brings out the sexy in alot of us, LOL.. I know most days I could

take it or leave it and not because it's not good I am just too damn tired

most of the time, the kids are a handful and Daddy is not a big helper around

here but is a good provider. When I wante another baby though it did bring the

sexiness back until I got prego and now, hhmmmmm, Whenever is good for me :)


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 5

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest



God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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I got pregnant at only 7 weeks post-op and was on 2 Flinstones. I could not

tolerate the chewable pre-natal vit (morning sickness) so I took 2 Flinstone

vitamins a day, every other day I took 3 Flintstone. That worked well for me.

Open RNY 2-18-02



andra Marie (born stillborn at 36 weeks gestation on 3-14-98 following a car



I have a question,

Are you all taking the prenatal vitamin along with your other vitamin? I was

just taking Flintstones vitamins and calcium. What is everyone else taking???

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3


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I have always taken chewable prenatal vitamins, 2 per day, since I had my

surgery and long before I became pregnant. I also add a powdered calcium to

drinks and cereals (upcal d is the name I believe) when I consume those things.



I have a question,

Are you all taking the prenatal vitamin along with your other vitamin? I was

just taking Flintstones vitamins and calcium. What is everyone else taking???

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