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Congrats on the fantastic news! AND the incredible weight loss!!!!

I can't wait until the day when I am surprised with a positive

test!! How great!!!!! I hope the next 8 months are smooooth sailing

for ya!


> Hello, my name is Terri. I had open RNY on 5/14/2002 and have


> and amazing 199lbs. (Wish I could say 200 but I have been fighting

> that last pound for a few weeks now) I have a wonderfully

> supportive husband and a 5 year old son. We have not been able to

> concieve since Oliver was born. I just took a home pregnancy test

> and it came back positive. I learned of this group from the

> graduate OSSG group. (I am only a lurker there). I believe that I

> am about6 to 8 weeks pregnant. I do not feel any different.


> than breast tenderness I have no symptoms. However I could be as

> much at 3 months pregnant. I have had the tenderness for quite a

> while and very light to scant periods for the last couple of


> with some spotting in between. I drink 2 protien drinks a day and

> am religious with exercise and supplements. Any other suggestions

> would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to this next step in

> this wonderful journey.


> Terri

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Welcome to our group and congrats on your pregnancy. :)


New to Group

Hello, my name is Terri. I had open RNY on 5/14/2002 and have lost

and amazing 199lbs. (Wish I could say 200 but I have been fighting

that last pound for a few weeks now) I have a wonderfully

supportive husband and a 5 year old son. We have not been able to

concieve since Oliver was born. I just took a home pregnancy test

and it came back positive. I learned of this group from the

graduate OSSG group. (I am only a lurker there). I believe that I

am about6 to 8 weeks pregnant. I do not feel any different. Other

than breast tenderness I have no symptoms. However I could be as

much at 3 months pregnant. I have had the tenderness for quite a

while and very light to scant periods for the last couple of months,

with some spotting in between. I drink 2 protien drinks a day and

am religious with exercise and supplements. Any other suggestions

would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to this next step in

this wonderful journey.


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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Welcome Terri and congrats! :~)


> Hello, my name is Terri. I had open RNY on 5/14/2002 and have


> and amazing 199lbs. (Wish I could say 200 but I have been fighting

> that last pound for a few weeks now) I have a wonderfully

> supportive husband and a 5 year old son. We have not been able to

> concieve since Oliver was born. I just took a home pregnancy test

> and it came back positive. I learned of this group from the

> graduate OSSG group. (I am only a lurker there). I believe that I

> am about6 to 8 weeks pregnant. I do not feel any different.


> than breast tenderness I have no symptoms. However I could be as

> much at 3 months pregnant. I have had the tenderness for quite a

> while and very light to scant periods for the last couple of


> with some spotting in between. I drink 2 protien drinks a day and

> am religious with exercise and supplements. Any other suggestions

> would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to this next step in

> this wonderful journey.


> Terri

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If you are taking all those supplements, vitains and protien drinks you

should do quite well. Congratulations on your new baby coming :) and Welcome to




Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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If you are taking all those supplements, vitains and protien drinks you

should do quite well. Congratulations on your new baby coming :) and Welcome to




Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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If you are taking all those supplements, vitains and protien drinks you

should do quite well. Congratulations on your new baby coming :) and Welcome to




Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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welcome , Congratulations on a great weight loss so far. I want to

lsoe more yet too but I am already prego so I am on hold for now but I would


to see 170, even 160 but I can't picture that, lol... I am feeling awesome

right now at 245, I was 378 and went down to 242 but have gained a couple pounds

back. I lost 1 1/2 pounds at my prenatal visit but went again yesterday and

gained the 1 1/2 pounds back. Oh well, I will get it off after, at least work

hard trying :) Good Luck with everything.


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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Welcome to the group and congrats on the weight loss!


new to group

Hi all! I just joined this group today. I don't have children yet. My

husband and I are going to financially prepare this upcoming year and then start

trying next december. I am currently on the Ortho-Evra patch and the patch will

be coming off december 5, 2004. I can't wait! I had WLS in June 2002 and have

lost 172 lbs. I weighed 480 lbs at my heaviest and I am now down to about 295.

I'm also going to work on taking more weight off in the next year too. I want

to be as healthy as possible before having a baby. ANyway, just wanted to

introduce myself and I look forward to your advice!


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Welcome to the group and congrats on the weight loss!


new to group

Hi all! I just joined this group today. I don't have children yet. My

husband and I are going to financially prepare this upcoming year and then start

trying next december. I am currently on the Ortho-Evra patch and the patch will

be coming off december 5, 2004. I can't wait! I had WLS in June 2002 and have

lost 172 lbs. I weighed 480 lbs at my heaviest and I am now down to about 295.

I'm also going to work on taking more weight off in the next year too. I want

to be as healthy as possible before having a baby. ANyway, just wanted to

introduce myself and I look forward to your advice!


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I think alot of women lose in the first trimester, I am not one of the lucky,

lol) but I think it is normal and okay. It should slow down now that you are

nearing the end of the trimester. I would just do as you have been doing and

see what happens.Maybe ask your doc about a nutrion shake you can drink for

extra calories and vitamins,maybe ensure or something like that.I am not sure so

ask the doc. Good Luck with everything. I am sure you will be fine.


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 5

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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Congrats and welcome to the group. I think your theory of eating calorie dense

foods is a good idea since you feel you can't eat more meals, maybe a protein

bar? If you aren't already, maybe try adding a protein drink to your foods? I

do this and add powdered calcium to make sure I get enough in since I don't

tolerate milk.


New to group


I am 18 months post RNY. I lost 112 lbs, and was stable for about 8

months at 138-140 lbs. I am now 11 weeks pg and since the pregnancy

test came back positive I have lost another 8-10 lbs (depending on

the day). My OB says that it's okay to lose weight in the first

trimester as long as I'm taking all of my vitamins, but I cannot seem

to stop the loss. I am currently 5'8 " and 129 pounds and I'm not

having any morning sickness. I eat several small meals a day and I

eat until I'm satisfied. I don't think I could eat a larger quantity

so right now I'm trying to eat calorie dense foods which isn't the

healthiest way of going about this. Any suggestions????

RNY 6/11/02

Due Date 7/23/04

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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Congrats and welcome to the group. I think your theory of eating calorie dense

foods is a good idea since you feel you can't eat more meals, maybe a protein

bar? If you aren't already, maybe try adding a protein drink to your foods? I

do this and add powdered calcium to make sure I get enough in since I don't

tolerate milk.


New to group


I am 18 months post RNY. I lost 112 lbs, and was stable for about 8

months at 138-140 lbs. I am now 11 weeks pg and since the pregnancy

test came back positive I have lost another 8-10 lbs (depending on

the day). My OB says that it's okay to lose weight in the first

trimester as long as I'm taking all of my vitamins, but I cannot seem

to stop the loss. I am currently 5'8 " and 129 pounds and I'm not

having any morning sickness. I eat several small meals a day and I

eat until I'm satisfied. I don't think I could eat a larger quantity

so right now I'm trying to eat calorie dense foods which isn't the

healthiest way of going about this. Any suggestions????

RNY 6/11/02

Due Date 7/23/04

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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  • 1 month later...


Welcome to the group!! I would suggest asking if you should start taking a

prenatal vitamin now to get your system ready. I didn't actually start taking

anything until I knew I was pregnant but I wish I would have started taking them

sooner. Best wishes to you in trying to conceive when you are ready.


" " angmil@...> wrote:>Hello all, I am new to your group.

 Another group referred me to you,

>an " active group " .  I tend to post a lot when I have questions!  I am

>13 months post op lap rny in atlanta GA.  I lost 116 pounds in my

>first 12 months, and didnt loose any in month 13 and have GAINED 7

>pounds and am about to hit 14 months.  We were planning on starting

>to try for a baby at the end of this month when the depro shot wears

>off.  So you can imagine my happiness to learn that not only was

>there one site for post op wld and pregnancy, but that there were



>I go see my surgeon next Tuesday for my 14 month followup and hope to

>get some answers on the gain so early!  I have also recently (this

>month) been diagnosed with low blood sugar and have been eating like

>crazy to try and control the shakes and sweats.  So I am hoping that

>the gain is a result of the low blood sugar and not the destruction

>of my surgery.  


>Anyway, would love to know about any vitamins and so forth that some

>of you who planned your pregnancies started taking prior to getting

>that way, anybody on the depro shot, how long did it take to get out

>of your system and for you to ovulate again and last, anyone with low

>blood sugar have any advise for a newly diagnosed wls person.  I am

>in a very active support group in Atlanta for my wls, but no one in

>my group has gotten low blood sugar post op.


>Thanks in advance for your advice!


>angela m





Have a great day!!


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hello- I have severe neuropathy and myopathy of the spine. The pain is

in my feet, toes, legs, and goes up to my sides, stomach, and chest

with severe tightness.

I can't stand or walk and am wheel chair bound. I have spasms a lot.

The spine was damaged by the sarcoid. I have neuro-sarcoidosis.

My NS is supposed to be in remission. I'm getting new full x-rays

soon. I've tried Topomax, Lyria, Cymbalta with bad reactions. Is

there another medication, IV medication, or pill that has been used

that helped?

My feet and legs feel like tight bands with tingling and pain, as well

as my legs throbbing. I use Neurontin and Baclofen, but they do not

help a lot, especially Neurontin. It is hard to sleep, eat, and I have

gained weight due to inactivity. I am very depressed and hurting all

the time. Can someone please help?

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  • 2 years later...

Welcome to our group. Ask questions and things, there is a lot

information here



> Lets see, I will try to keep this simple. I was diagnosed in 1995


> age 15 with UC, age 25 with graves disease and then in 2004 with


> I found out I had PSC from having a baby premature at 29 weeks

(she is

> fine)and then started itching like crazy thinking it was from the

> epidural however it continued and after 5 weeks of clawing myself


> went into the hospital and was told of the diagnosis. The were

able to

> do the balloon dilatation and we were told would only last a few

> months. However, here we are 4 years later and I have begun to


> again and feel like I have a hard place under my right rib. My

> enzyemes have climbed and I am not jaundice this time. I am


> scheduled to have MRCP in March as my follow up but not sure

weather to

> go in earlier or not. Just wondering how far off tranplant is.

Oh and

> has any women had babies prematurely that have PSC. Both of my


> were born early. Any info would be great. Just wondering what to

> expect.


> Ashlee


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Hi Ashlee

Welcome. So pleased your babies, even though early, are fine

I am old enought to be your Mum and it makes me feel very sad that

there are mums and dads in this group coping with this disease as

well as bringing up little ones.

I had 4 babies now aged from 26 to 32 and they were full term, but

all had bad jaundice (I have no idea if that was my PSC's fault) but

otherwise very healthy, but I have no idea when PSC would have


I was always tired, so it may have been lurking for many years. My

doctor said I may have had it for 15 to 20 years.

Again welcome, you may have noticed there is a 'search' area near

the top the page, it is very handy when you are looking for something


from the bottom of the world in New Zealand

> >

> > Lets see, I will try to keep this simple. I was diagnosed in


> at

> > age 15 with UC, age 25 with graves disease and then in 2004 with

> PSC.

> > I found out I had PSC from having a baby premature at 29 weeks

> (she is

> > fine)

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