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- Message from Dr. Kolb

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If you want to pass them out to doctors, I will give you a 50% discount but this request needs to come from someone who has already bought a book from us at full price (not amazon)

Dr. Kolb

Give the pulmonary doctor this website: www.chronicneurotoxins.com and have him see that the shortness of breath is explained in the upper right hand corner. The pain is also explained. Ask him to email me a picture of him in the dress to drkolb@.... This is science that is being suppressed on purpose but is science none the less. The shortness of breath resolves with the explantation and the antifungals and the biotoxin detox.

Dr. Kolb

The e-mail below will put a smile on your face

Your knowledge and dedication in helping woman like us is much appreciated


Sandy this book saved me when I got so sick this winter from the implants, I flagged 80% of the pages and cried while reading it! Then I actually bought 3 copies, gave one to the the RUDE RUDE ass of a PS i saw in South Bend IN. with a note, maybe you need to go back to school. You might learn that your theories are not the only theories out there, and you are not a GOD as so many of these doctors come to believe. The other copy is going to my Pulmonary guy in Michigan city In. who told me he'd wear a pink dress for a month if I can prove these implants have anything to do with the pain or shortness of breath or any other symptons I have!! Well when I buy the pink dress and bring it to him I will give him a copy of the book too!

Maybe we as a group need to be passing these out more often, wonder if Dr. Kolb would give us a discount, I could sure pass out a few of them aound here! When I do, I will give up the anger, Hopefully i can accomplish this by Easter, the time of peace.

Prays for all of you

The Naked Truth

by: Dr. Kolb

E. Kolb, M.D., FACS

Plastikos Surgery CenterMillennium HealthcareAvatar Cancer Center4370 town SquareAtlanta, GA 30338

To ordor buy phone

Phone: (770) 457-4677

Dr. kolb's e-mail


The Naked Truth by Dr. Kolb

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Amazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps & field-keywords=the+naked+truth+by+dr.+kolb & rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Athe+naked+truth+by+dr.+kolb & ajr=3

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