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You are very welcome. I want to know everything and my docs would never tell

me anything so I became an expert surfer. Out of all this site was the best

and now I know exactly what the docs are talking about.

gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^


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  • 1 month later...
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That's what I mean Gayle, they will report something to death that doesn't

have any merit what so ever. Real human interest stories, when reported gets

back page and you never get any follow up.

I'm sorry your having so many problems getting your food stamps. It seems

the ones who have never worked and don't try get everything. I was a single

Mom for three years after Jodi's father and I divorced. I cleaned houses on

the side to make ends meet because he wouldn't pay child support. My mother

tried to get me to apply for food stamps but I didn't want to because of

pride but I have gotten over that now. The government takes so much of

middle case folks checks it makes me want to scream.

OK, I have gotten that out of my system. So Gayle how have you been


It's beautiful here in Florida but we sure need a lot of rain. I gave my

grass and flowers a drink today and it was like they were saying thank you

thank you.

Have to clear out some more e-mail. Take care and God bless.

Genny/Jodi's Mom

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Gayle: I'm sorry it has taken me so long to answer but I have been so

busy running around and busy at work. Did you see my post about the news

paper reporter? Everything went very well and she was nice as could be. I

think she found it to be more interesting than she thought. I just hope I

was able to get the point across about organ donors and the great need. If

it helps just one person get an organ it will be worth all the run around I


Hang in there Gayle, we know your not nuts. It you want to know the truth

I think its the doctors that are nutty.

Take care and don't let the food stamp office push you around.

God bless, Genny

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Good afternoon Gayle...

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so down....I don't hear from you as often as when the group was alot smaller....

But when I see that you are so down I just had to post a note to you to let you know that you have not been forgotten....and hoping that you have more better days than bad....

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Gayle: That's great that the brothers are doing well. Where did they

have their surgery? I'm sure Jodi and I will be up and out in record time,

God willing.

How are you feeling these days and how is your Jodi? I will try and write

again when I have more time. There are still so many things to do. My boss

has a relative in Miami that is trying to help find an apartment for a

reasonable price. Please pray she is successful for that will ease my mind a


Take care and God bless, Genny

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Hi Genny and Jodi,

The brothers had the living donor transplant at University of Colorado. I

love that hospital and am working on transferring over because they have

excellent care. The docs have the surgery down to a science now and do very

well. Gives me comfort for my future. My health still sucks had another major

diagnosis with severe sleep apnea and now am on a cpap machine I hate that

machine. I wake up choking and can't get my breath. Then they tell me my lung

function has dropped a considerable amount within a month. And have 48% use

of my lungs. Always something for me. I do see that you and Jodi will do

great you have so much love between you. My Jodi has had problems with

depression and spent a couple days in the hospital recently with they think

fifths disease. I will keep you in my prayers and wish you well.

gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^


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  • 1 month later...
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Genny and Jodi,

This to shall be you, the surgery is a very special day to remember. It

represents a new life. Which you lovingly gave to your daughter. Jodi's

birthday will have even more meaning than mine. Hers came from love.

gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^


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Dearest Gayle: Please remember that whomever was the donor for your

transplant had love in their heart also. That was the most important thing

we wanted to get across in the newspaper. All of the doctors were very

pleased and thought Diane did a great job in writing the story. I have

already had people say to me they have sent for a donor card.

Now the pictures were another story. I was told at church today that our

pastor poked fun at the picture of the portion of liver that Jodi got. After

church I went to him and said see how people talk about you when your gone.


Yes, I think we will remember May 18, 2001, for the rest of our lives.

Prayers were answered and many friendships were made that I hope will also

last a life time.

Love, Genny

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Gayle: I don't know how you would get it from the Lakeland Ledger. I do

know I forwarded the story and picture to Debbie and she was alble to blow it

up and read it but I can't tell you how to do it.

Sorry, Genny

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I have the e-mail address for the writter who did the story and I'm sure she

can tell you. Daine.allen@... if that doesn't work the Lakeland

Ledger e-mail address is www.theledger.com and the second story was done on

August 14.

Hope this helps, if not then I might could find an extra to mail to you.

We sure are hoping these stories gets some donor cards filled out.

Take care and have a great week.

Love, Genny

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Hi Gayle....

Sounds like you are really keeping busy....Good for you....Where do all the T-shirts go to....Are they for certain events...like walks etc.....

I can't believe that this summere has gone so fast...but don't they all....I remember when I was a kid they seemed to go slower...couldn't wait to get back to school and friends...that type of thing....

Ty will be starting college next wed.....they wanted him in the honors program...but that meant more credits to take and more work...I really wanted him to just take enough to be considered a full time student for insurance reasons.....but he is taking more than that...I hope he will have a good yr..

It really makes me mad that the insurance companies feel the need to require a certain amount of credits....to continue on your parents policy....But what happens if he gets sick and spends alot of time in the hosp....how is he going to pass those classes.....and then we will be looking at a huge problem...I am not even sure if he could get private insurance....YIKES...another thing to worry about....

but I am praying that things will be all good for the future of Ty...and that he is given the chance to accomplish what he wants to do in life....

oh well ...another day....

Talk to you soon...

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 2 months later...

gayle, i know paul mitchell has a v good tea tree shampoo!

>From: mhe3053904@...



>Subject: Re: [ ] metabolife

>Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 21:20:56 EST


>gayle - where do you ever find tree tee oil for shampoo and conditioner.


>nice. Hewitt (mhe3053904@...)


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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Hi Gayle: Jodi was really going through a time not long a go where she was

thinking she would like to have one more baby but her husband doesn't want

anymore. He is an only child and thinks it was pretty great. Of course I

would like a granddaughter but the risk factor goes up with a girl of her

developing AIH. To me the risk is not worth it. She hasn't talked to the

Miami doctors about getting preg. but if her husband doesn't want more then

that's a problem. I just want her to do what's best for her health because

God blessed us with Colton who will be four in April.

How are you doing? Have a great Thanksgiving.

Love, Genny

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  • 1 month later...


Sounds like you had one heck of a time in your stay in the hospital with

your problems there. I would not feel " sorry " for any nurse or any person in

the medical field that gets yelled at by the doctors and I do not. If they

screw up no matter how small it may seem to us - they are dealing with human

lives not machines or toys. We can not be put through a mold again if

something is messed up on us. Lucky for them if it is something minor but

all the other BIG mistakes I have no tolerance for. I am glad that you have

doctors that feel strongly about their profession and want the job done

right - I would have a lot of confidence in them also. It sounds like you

are starting to feel a little better - hang in there.

LC AIH (0701) Illinois

Re: [ ] Matt's Up-date


I never knew strep can become so horrible. I hated having someone take me

back and forth to the bathroom. I am getting better just barely getting my

strength back and I am still very dizzy takes me forever to get better.

Today I did go out had to get more scripts but my Mom drove me. My outing

was all I could take then come home to sleep. Hope tomorrow to go by myself.

Also I have to admit my hep doctors are so protective of me. They really

smothered me and they got pissed at the nurses the one nurse was chewed up

and spit out poor guy. I would never want to cross my docs I would lose

these guys are on it. And I also like that my hep docs take care of things

other than liver for me I feel very secure in that respect.

gayle/trans 6-99

galye@... q~q



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I am also very sorry your stay in the hospita was not a pleasant one.

This is definitely the place for you to vent your frustrations and feelings.

We all need a place to go to do that safely. But today I am not feeling

well and like most of us having a bad day. So my request is for you all to

stop bashing us nurses. There are many of us nurses that care for our

patients beyond our 7-3 shift. We take the weight of our patients problems

home with us. We toss and turn in our dreams for we see them. We sit by

the bedside and hold their hand when they are taking their last breath. We

go to work and take care of 4 and 5 patients on a good day and more on a bad

day. And if your like us at the Mayo clinic hospitals we deal with the

doctors that are still learning for we are a " Teaching " hospital. I know

there are a lot of bad nurses out there for every trade has its good and

bad. But please can we give the subject a rest. I am trying not to take it

personally for I did not care for you but it does get tiresome.


Re: [ ] Matt's Up-date



> Patty,

> I never knew strep can become so horrible. I hated having someone take me

> back and forth to the bathroom. I am getting better just barely getting my

> strength back and I am still very dizzy takes me forever to get better.

> Today I did go out had to get more scripts but my Mom drove me. My outing

> was all I could take then come home to sleep. Hope tomorrow to go by


> Also I have to admit my hep doctors are so protective of me. They really

> smothered me and they got pissed at the nurses the one nurse was chewed up

> and spit out poor guy. I would never want to cross my docs I would lose

> these guys are on it. And I also like that my hep docs take care of things

> other than liver for me I feel very secure in that respect.


> gayle/trans 6-99

> galye@... q~q











> ^








> *******












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I am sorry you are taking my experience to heart. I in no way am bashing nurses, I only speak of the cautions that patients need to take for themselves. I know the nurses are an important part of my life. I also know that the nurses at where I go to hospital are over worked they spend many hours taking care of us, and they have a double load. Many of the nurses are now working for temp agencies so of course they are apt to forget certain procedures. I was never even checked in when I got to my room. This same nurse left me with pills which also is not procedure. Every time I go to the hospital however I try to get on the transplant floor those nurses are wonderful and I have made many friends with them. As much as I am in the hospital now I am getting to know who is who, kind of like Tim with his coffee mug in ER. So forgive me if I have offended you. I was only telling an experience.

gayle/trans 6-99

galye@... q~q


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Hi LC,

I am starting to feel better took a week after hospital stay to be able to dress myself. Yes, I am very proud of my team of Doctors they really shield me. But I did not think the doctors should have been so harsh on this nurse he was sweet and cute. I guess I have a soft heart for the nurses even when they screw up. This nurse told the doctor what he did. While I am telling him to not to tell. But it was nice to find out how concerned the docs were about the patient.

gayle/trans 6-99

galye@... q~q


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Gayle...

I remember Don also....but don't know how he is doing or his email....I willhave to look if I have it anywhere....

I will let you know if I come across anything...

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Gayle...

I'm sorry that you were so mistreated in the hosp...ER's can really be rough...and they usually don't listen to you at all...

I sure hope you are getting your thyroid regulated...I have that problem as does my mom....and it can really be tough at times...

thinking of you..and hoping that you are feeling better...

Luanne Ty's mom

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Hi Gayle: I just wanted to say a big CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary. I'm so glad they found a match for you in time.

I haven't been posting very much but I do get the group on digest and keep up with you guys.

Please keep in your prayers for if nothing has changed she will be getting a transplant in just five days from a living donor. I have emailed her several times but haven't heard back from her. When my husband gets home with his cell phone I'm going to try to call her.

Take care and God bless.

Genny/Jodi's Mom

Living Donor Transplant 5-18-01

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  • 4 years later...


How long were you on LDN before it settled down? Please tell me again how long you have been on LDN.


-- [low dose naltrexone] LDN compounding

Hi folks - back on this again…I just spoke to my current compounder. He's using pure Naltrexone powder, not the tablets. My misunderstanding, and he wasn't there to check with last week. The filler has been Avicel, so everything seems to have been done the right way. Since I'm very low in my supply I'm getting him to make up this next lot, but trying lactose as the filler instead of Avicel. I'm still planning to switch to the Green Pharmacy (Australia).

After this (MS) relapse settles, do I try going up to 4.5mg? I had pretty bad leg spasms on first starting LDN, but that settled after a few weeks. Do I give liquid LDN a try? Or trans-dermal?


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