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Dear Listmates,

We have a 4 y.o. ASD son Karthik. We live in Folsom, CA. We started looking

into SCD only a week back. K is doing well and have a good ABA program after

we changed vendor. ABA can make him learn so well and get him to speak and

he learns so fast - but could not get his behaviors/stimming/aggressions

under control. We started GFCF more than a year back. Got into the

CSD-austim-rx list 6 months back, got a DAN doctor 4 months back and

switched to organic foods, strict diet - but still his behaviors are

unchecked. His constipation still exists. The whole bunch of DAN doctor

tests showed he is no issues with any virus, no issues with minerals in

blood, hair and urine tests (we have not done the challenge test w/ DMSA

yet). The only issue was Yeast (Candida was 4+). We have been struggling

with yeast even with the natural medicines (Biocidin), probiotics. After

reading SCD information on the 2 websites, we are feeding the yeast through

his diet - all kinds of rice - we are Asian Indian and that is the main food

for us, potatoe chips (Ruffles Naturals - 2 bags a week). And even more

disturbing is that all supplements we have - have illegal fillers.

While SCD seems the right choice, we are really scared!! to make it happen.

We thought we were doing a lot with GFCFSFCornFree and Organic foods - now

have to do even more. We will keep reading the emails to this list and

derive courage!!

We would really like to talk to somebody in the Sacramento Area to find out

which kind of packaged foods/ cookie mixes/etc. that are SCD compliant.

Please let us know if you are here in this area and can spare a few hours

for us.. We have to slowly change the ABA reinforcers and hopefully start

SCD in a month or two.

Some questions we have:

- Our son is severely allergic to eggs. And moderately to chicken and we

don't cook or eat any of the rest of meat at home (at least until now). Any

ideas on a substite intro diet for us?

- Are there DAN doctors who do/recommend SCD? Our DAN Doctor says " no, its

not needed " . And almost all her supplements have polysaccharides, etc. She

is just fond of chelation, even before addressing yeast. We have to change.

We would prefer somebody in Norther California or somebody who visits here

so we can seem them atleast once or a few times.

- We have not seen a mention of " organic " food in SCD. Perhaps it is more

important for ASD kids, but not SCD in general. The capability to detoxify

metals may not be lacking in other types? What is the recommendation for ASD

kids on SCD - go " organic " or not necessary?

- Is is OK to have a 95-98% diet instead of 100% SCD diet? I am sure people

would not like to see this question - but we want to ask.

Thank you all,

Hoping to succeed....

Ram & Meena.

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Welcome to the list Ram & Meena,


> We have a 4 y.o. ASD son Karthik. We live in Folsom, CA... His

constipation still exists. The whole bunch of DAN doctor

> tests showed he is no issues with any virus, no issues with

minerals in

> blood, hair and urine tests (we have not done the challenge test


> yet). The only issue was Yeast (Candida was 4+). We have been


> with yeast even with the natural medicines (Biocidin), probiotics.

Which probiotics? There are some legal ones listed at



> reading SCD information on the 2 websites, we are feeding the

yeast through

> his diet - all kinds of rice - we are Asian Indian and that is the

main food

> for us, potatoe chips (Ruffles Naturals - 2 bags a week). And even


> disturbing is that all supplements we have - have illegal fillers.

Please see http://pecanbread.com/supplements.html for a list of

legal supplements, including suggestions for legal


> Some questions we have:

> - Our son is severely allergic to eggs. And moderately to chicken

and we

> don't cook or eat any of the rest of meat at home (at least until

now). Any

> ideas on a substite intro diet for us?

There is a list of intro diet food suggeations at

http://pecanbread.com/foodprep.html#intro Just omit the egg recipes

and (at least for now) the chicken recipes. Give as much as the

other as you need for his appetite. Since he has constipation you

need only do the intro for 2-3 days.

Some info on constipation under

1. " Constipation " and

2. " Constipation - continued " at


> - Are there DAN doctors who do/recommend SCD? Our DAN Doctor

says " no, its

> not needed " . And almost all her supplements have polysaccharides,

etc. She

> is just fond of chelation, even before addressing yeast. We have

to change.

> We would prefer somebody in Norther California or somebody who

visits here

> so we can seem them atleast once or a few times.

There are some, hopefully other members with these doctors will

write in with names.

> - We have not seen a mention of " organic " food in SCD. Perhaps it

is more

> important for ASD kids, but not SCD in general. The capability to


> metals may not be lacking in other types? What is the

recommendation for ASD

> kids on SCD - go " organic " or not necessary?

If you have it available in your area and can afford organic it is

great. It is not essential for SCD, but is essential to some

people. The most important aspect is eliminating the illegal foods.

> - Is is OK to have a 95-98% diet instead of 100% SCD diet? I am

sure people

> would not like to see this question - but we want to ask.

If that is all you can do to get on the diet then do so with the

goal of getting to 100% as soon as you can. You'll see far greater

benefits and outcomes once you are 100% SCD.

> Thank you all,

> Hoping to succeed....

> Ram & Meena.

Sheila, SCD 59 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of Em and Dan

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