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RE: new to group

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I get copies of ALL my medical reports also. I keep them in a binder, in

chronological order. Thanks for reminding me....I need to go out and get a

bigger binder!

I also sign out all my xrays and MRI's, etc. I just write that I am taking

them to my PCP, for continuing care, and never return them. Legally, they

are yours to keep.

If doctors don't think something is " significant " , they won't tell you

anything. The only way to find out is to ask for copies! You can get copies

of ALL your medical records, dating back YEARS, by simply writing and

requesting copies.


on 01/01/2003 12:12 PM, Ali kattali99@...> at

kattali99@... wrote:

No, I'm not overweight. I'm thin. It's hard to be overweight when

you are on a strict candidias diet. No sugar, no yeast, no starches,

no bread, blah, blah, blah... there are only five fruits I can have.

There is nothing processed I can have b/c there is inevitatably

sugar in it. No white flour products. I don't eat junk food b/c of

course that all has sugar in it. I eat very healthy.

My kidneys are fine. Constipation has been a problem though. I'm on

a Cellulose Powder for that. My thyroid is regulated correctly. I'm

on medication for that. The candidias has done damage to my organs

though. My GI tract for one. There is not enough acid in my stomach.

Keeping the candidias in check/under control is difficult. But from

what I understand the mercury feeds candida and that is why it

hasn't been able to eradicate itself from my system with treatment.

I had insomnia for years. Once I went on medication for the

migraines, that stopped. I sleep very well now. My thoughts

don't " race. " That was a problem with why I never slept well.

It's been like peeling an onion. You take off one layer only to deal

with another. There are so many layers to work with and there are

already so many peices to the puzzle. It's a wonder I can keep

everything straight.

One thing I have always insisted is that I get a copy of all tests

and all reports. It is my body afterall.


> Hi Ali - I can relate somewhat with you. I also have hashimotos

> (autoimmune thyroid disease), Fibromyalgia, adrenal insufficiency,

and all

> the attendant problems (allergies, chemical sensitivities,

hypglycemia, etc.

> etc.) but manage to function fairly well. I also have a bad back

from an

> accident. I feel a lot better since my thyroid has been treated

and I'm

> self treating my adrenals. I had a lot of amalgam and it has been

out a

> couple of years, but I haven't chelated much cause I was too ill

and then my

> thyroid problems finally showed up after I was pregnant and lost

the baby.

> I was putting on weight for no apparent reason (couldn't have been

the sugar

> I was craving : ) but have lost it since taking thyroid meds.

I'm sure I

> also have candida issues. I can't handle sugar at all anymore.

My main

> problem is my insomnia which I've written in about before. I

intend to

> myself, and if I were you would start looking at a general slow

detox if I

> were you. I have the book The Liver Cleansing Diet by a Dr. Cabot


> intend to do that. Its a gentle way to cleanse the liver which

makes a huge

> difference. How are your eliminative organs working? (Colon,

kidneys) Are

> you overweight? I use to be a health nut. Actually am and have

been one

> for over 20 years, but the mercury messed me up. There are a lot

of ways to

> detox and it sounds like what you desperately need. Personally

I'm not

> gonna start chelating till I do that and feel strong enough to.

Right now I

> have a mild flu which is helping do it for me (throws you into a


> cause I ate horribly for about 4 days during Christmas. I use to

do liquid

> cleanses on a regular basis and know I couldnt' tolerate that

right now, but

> even eating raw fruits and veggies only once a week could help.

I'm on a

> list that advocates a mainly raw diet and have the book the PH

Miracle which

> also advocates mainly raw foods for healing. Puts you in a mild


> state and regulates your PH. Most of us are overly acidic from

how we eat

> these days. We need a lot more alkaline foods than we generally


> Anyway - a few things to consider. Jeanie

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You need to get a dental materials biocompatibility blood test before

deciding on replacement materials. Peak Energy Performance, Inc. has a good

test. They sent me a 30-page report that lists all of the dental materials

that I can and cannot use in my mouth. It is pricey (about $250), but

probably the best investment I have ever made!

They also give you a list of all the metals you are highly reactive to. I am

highly reactive to mercury (no surprise), and also aluminum

(surprise!)....which is in porcelain crowns!


on 01/01/2003 11:41 AM, Ali kattali99@...> at

kattali99@... wrote:

I'm sure my regular doctor had no idea that a challenge test should

not have been given while amalgams were still present. I have to

give him credit that he even thought that heavy metal toxins were

even an issue. A lot of my symptoms don't fall into nice neat little

packages and cannot be accounted for in test results.

He's not treating me for the heavy metal toxins. He got the test

results back and said to make an appointment with a specialist in

the field.

I haven't started any chelation. The specialist wants me to see a

dentist to remove the amalgams. He gave me the name of one who is

close to where I live who specializes in this. I already have an

appointment set up.

I saw the heavy metal toxin speciliast last Friday. He gave me a

physical and went through all my medical records, which I brought

and went through a long form I went through as well as interviewed

me. He went through why I'm laden with toxins. He then went through

a list of what needs to happen. The removal of the amalgams is an

issue. Finding a replacement material is going to be tricky since

I'm so chemical sensitive. I already have an appointment on the 6th.

I already have had the food sensitivity blood test as well. Not that

I can eat a heck of a lot of foods as is. I'm so restricted b/c of

the candidias. I'm on a lot of supplements now and have been for

quite some time. I'm supposed to meet back with him at the end of

the month. In the meantime, he's coordinating with my doctors and

he'll be sending me information on chelation.

I have ordered Andy's book though. I'm just feeling overwhelmed. I

think what I'm worried about the most is getting worse. Everything

I've seen and read so far says that is what will happen before you

get better. Maybe it won't be as bad as I think.



> Hi Ali,

> Sorry you are having such a hard time. Your doctor does not


> what he is doing or he would never have given you a challenge test

> while you still have amalgams in your mouth. This will only make


> much sicker possibly even permanently by redistributing mercury.


> also can not chelate until you remove all the amalgam fillings. I

> strongly suggest you order Andy Cutler's book and read it before


> do anything else. Go to the Autism-Mercury site and read all the

> information there before proceeding with anything else.

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Autism-Mercury/


> Also read the FAQ here in the links section ASAP.


> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Autism-Mercury/files/Mercury-Autism%

> 20FAQ




> TK



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Sounds like you are probably doing better than me Ali. I really don't like

facing up to all the health issues I have. Have a book on Autoimmune

disease but stopped reading it cause I start wondering how many issues are

developing. I guess the moral to this story is to start doing something

about it! I'm trying to taking this stuff called Moducare - by the way -

made up of plant sterinols that is supposed to help regulate the immune

system. Haven't been consistent and then ate a lot of no no's around

Christmas. But I've heard good things and seemed to detox when I first

started taking it. I'm going to get back to it. Essiac tea is another

" wonder " herbal formula from the Ojibwa indians. But of course nothing is

going to fix us completely without getting the mercury out. The other stuff

helps us " maintain " I suppose.


No, I'm not overweight. I'm thin. It's hard to be overweight when

you are on a strict candidias diet. No sugar, no yeast, no starches,

no bread, blah, blah, blah... there are only five fruits I can have.

There is nothing processed I can have b/c there is inevitatably

sugar in it. No white flour products. I don't eat junk food b/c of

course that all has sugar in it. I eat very healthy.

My kidneys are fine. Constipation has been a problem though. I'm on

a Cellulose Powder for that. My thyroid is regulated correctly. I'm

on medication for that. The candidias has done damage to my organs

though. My GI tract for one. There is not enough acid in my stomach.

Keeping the candidias in check/under control is difficult. But from

what I understand the mercury feeds candida and that is why it

hasn't been able to eradicate itself from my system with treatment.

I had insomnia for years. Once I went on medication for the

migraines, that stopped. I sleep very well now. My thoughts

don't " race. " That was a problem with why I never slept well.

It's been like peeling an onion. You take off one layer only to deal

with another. There are so many layers to work with and there are

already so many peices to the puzzle. It's a wonder I can keep

everything straight.

One thing I have always insisted is that I get a copy of all tests

and all reports. It is my body afterall.


> Hi Ali - I can relate somewhat with you. I also have hashimotos

> (autoimmune thyroid disease), Fibromyalgia, adrenal insufficiency,

and all

> the attendant problems (allergies, chemical sensitivities,

hypglycemia, etc.

> etc.) but manage to function fairly well. I also have a bad back

from an

> accident. I feel a lot better since my thyroid has been treated

and I'm

> self treating my adrenals. I had a lot of amalgam and it has been

out a

> couple of years, but I haven't chelated much cause I was too ill

and then my

> thyroid problems finally showed up after I was pregnant and lost

the baby.

> I was putting on weight for no apparent reason (couldn't have been

the sugar

> I was craving : ) but have lost it since taking thyroid meds.

I'm sure I

> also have candida issues. I can't handle sugar at all anymore.

My main

> problem is my insomnia which I've written in about before. I

intend to

> myself, and if I were you would start looking at a general slow

detox if I

> were you. I have the book The Liver Cleansing Diet by a Dr. Cabot


> intend to do that. Its a gentle way to cleanse the liver which

makes a huge

> difference. How are your eliminative organs working? (Colon,

kidneys) Are

> you overweight? I use to be a health nut. Actually am and have

been one

> for over 20 years, but the mercury messed me up. There are a lot

of ways to

> detox and it sounds like what you desperately need. Personally

I'm not

> gonna start chelating till I do that and feel strong enough to.

Right now I

> have a mild flu which is helping do it for me (throws you into a


> cause I ate horribly for about 4 days during Christmas. I use to

do liquid

> cleanses on a regular basis and know I couldnt' tolerate that

right now, but

> even eating raw fruits and veggies only once a week could help.

I'm on a

> list that advocates a mainly raw diet and have the book the PH

Miracle which

> also advocates mainly raw foods for healing. Puts you in a mild


> state and regulates your PH. Most of us are overly acidic from

how we eat

> these days. We need a lot more alkaline foods than we generally


> Anyway - a few things to consider. Jeanie

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Hi Ali,

Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear you're having all those troubles.

We share many of the same symptoms, and I too have very high levels

of mercury. To me, finding others with a similar medical history is

comforting because it indicates that poisonous metals are indeed to

blame, and suggests that treatment for that will help.

I'm now approaching 7 years with almost non-stop migraines of various

forms. I've tried many meds with little success. Which ones helped

reduce your migraines?

I too have terrible dysbiosis, and after years of disgestive pain

found that *enteric coated* probiotics help. Regular probiotics, no

matter how much I took, made no difference. Might be worth a try for



There's much more about my illnesses and discoveries at


> I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.

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I read your website. Thyroid cancer has been linked to radiation. One

porcelain crown contains 100 rem/yr. radiation. The average " background

radiation " is just .10 rem/yr. Do you have many porcelain crowns? The also

contain aluminum.

You should have the dental materials compatibility test done and see what

else may be ailing you, in addition to mercury.


I am highly reactive to mercury, aluminum, copper, lithium, zirconium, zinc,

lead, and tungsten. You should have a DMSA challenge urine test, in addition

to the unchallenged tests you had. Mine showed elvated mercury, lead and

arsenic. Lead and arsenic are used in root canals. I have many root canaled

teeth. Some that hurt, even though xrays show no infections.


on 01/02/2003 12:14 PM, whatailssteve whatailssteve@...> at

whatailssteve@... wrote:

Hi Ali,

Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear you're having all those troubles.

We share many of the same symptoms, and I too have very high levels

of mercury. To me, finding others with a similar medical history is

comforting because it indicates that poisonous metals are indeed to

blame, and suggests that treatment for that will help.

I'm now approaching 7 years with almost non-stop migraines of various

forms. I've tried many meds with little success. Which ones helped

reduce your migraines?

I too have terrible dysbiosis, and after years of disgestive pain

found that *enteric coated* probiotics help. Regular probiotics, no

matter how much I took, made no difference. Might be worth a try for



There's much more about my illnesses and discoveries at


> I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.

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I was tried on a few different meds. The only one that has worked

for me is Topamax. It's an antiseizure medication but has been found

to work for migraines. I'm on a high dose. 400mg twice a day. This

is a difficult med to go on though. You have to taper up slowly. 25

mg a week until you reach the level that is beneficial. So it takes

a long time to reach where you might need to be. Some people cannot

tolerate the side effects at all. Some people tolerate the side

effects well. Some people, like myself, struggle with the side

effects but when hitting benchmarks during doses it all " clicks "

into place and you don't feel like you are on any medication at all.

Topamax has literally taken out most of the migraines I have except

for the hormone produced migraines. Amerge wiped those out for me,

but my insurance won't let me have that medication and my rescue

medication Zomig ZMT. I still need the Zomig b/c some migraines

still pop up and can be taken care of with the Zomig ZMT. When I

have both the Amerge and the Zomig ZMT then I can stay quite

comfortable during the month. But without the Amerge, then I'm not.

But at least I'm not having them 24/7 like I was before.

Topamax is not for everyone though. Some people tell me that they

cannot tolerate it all. I think it all depends on your neuro wiring.

Many people find excellent success on it, like I did. But as I said,

I had to be very patient going on it since it took a long time to

work up on the dosage and the side effects had to be worked through.


> Hi Ali,


> Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear you're having all those

troubles. We share many of the same symptoms, and I too have very

high levels of mercury. To me, finding others with a similar

medical history is comforting because it indicates that poisonous

metals are indeed to blame, and suggests that treatment for that

will help.

I'm now approaching 7 years with almost non-stop migraines of

various forms. I've tried many meds with little success. Which

ones helped reduce your migraines?

I too have terrible dysbiosis, and after years of disgestive pain

I found that *enteric coated* probiotics help. Regular probiotics,

no matter how much I took, made no difference. Might be worth a try

for you.

> Steve

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> > I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

> such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

> hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

> unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

> amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

> imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

> tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.





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> > I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

> such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

> hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

> unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

> amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

> imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

> tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.





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> > I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

> such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

> hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

> unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

> amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

> imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

> tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.





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Hi Ali,

hope you don't mind if I reply to your FIRST post, I realize

it is a few days old now -- I see you have posted more since.

> Hello. I'm new to this group. Not really sure where to start.


> I've been diagnosed with having heavy metal toxicity through a urine

toxic metal test. Mercury was off the chart, but I also have toxicity

for arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, lead, thallium, tin, tungsten, and



> I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.

I hope you realize that most of that reads " mercury " . As in,

almost everything you just listed MAY be mercury related.

> I'm tired, though. I have to push to get through the days. At this

point I have seen a specialist and will be starting chelation as soon

as the medication comes in. I can't do the DMSA or the DMPS b/c it

will be too taxing on my body. When I did the provocative test over

the course of three days I was deathly ill on the medication and was

thrown into a constant migraine.

I am curious about the dose and dose timing for this. You

said it was for 3 days? How much DMSA and how often?

> I remained very ill for two weeks

after. I wasn't even taking in the amount of medication that would be

given in one day on the protocol. So the doctor has decided on NDF. If

I can tolerate this, then this is what we'll try. I also have to see a

specialist to consult on amalgam removal.

WAIT! you have amalgam in your mouth? arg. <$#@> Forget

my question about how much DMSA. Please don't take ANY

chelation agents until you get ALL that silver junk out

(amalgam that is).

> Right now I do feel overwhelmed, though, with the thought of

chelation. I guess it's b/c I don't know what to expect. I have read

some. To be honest, a lot of what I read scares me. I've been through

so much physically and yes, I have tolerance, stamina, and

conviction. But I've been taxed physically, emotionally, spiritually

these past two years trying to get the migraines under control. It's

been 12 years that I have had the candidias. My life is " doctor

appointments " and pills and a special diet and basically tolerating

not feeling well on a daily basis while working and trying to live a

quality life. The thought of " one more thing " is just mind boggling

right now. I know I will handle it. I'll adjust and make it fit.

Emotionally right now I'm frazzled. I think I need time to make sense

of all this.

welcome to this corner of the world. I hope you'll find

some relief from all that.


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Hi Ali,

hope you don't mind if I reply to your FIRST post, I realize

it is a few days old now -- I see you have posted more since.

> Hello. I'm new to this group. Not really sure where to start.


> I've been diagnosed with having heavy metal toxicity through a urine

toxic metal test. Mercury was off the chart, but I also have toxicity

for arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, lead, thallium, tin, tungsten, and



> I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal toxicity,

such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines, galactorrhhea,

hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-dusts-etc,

unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia, asthma,

amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies, bacterial

imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune system ...okay, I'm

tired. That's enough for now. There's too much there already.

I hope you realize that most of that reads " mercury " . As in,

almost everything you just listed MAY be mercury related.

> I'm tired, though. I have to push to get through the days. At this

point I have seen a specialist and will be starting chelation as soon

as the medication comes in. I can't do the DMSA or the DMPS b/c it

will be too taxing on my body. When I did the provocative test over

the course of three days I was deathly ill on the medication and was

thrown into a constant migraine.

I am curious about the dose and dose timing for this. You

said it was for 3 days? How much DMSA and how often?

> I remained very ill for two weeks

after. I wasn't even taking in the amount of medication that would be

given in one day on the protocol. So the doctor has decided on NDF. If

I can tolerate this, then this is what we'll try. I also have to see a

specialist to consult on amalgam removal.

WAIT! you have amalgam in your mouth? arg. <$#@> Forget

my question about how much DMSA. Please don't take ANY

chelation agents until you get ALL that silver junk out

(amalgam that is).

> Right now I do feel overwhelmed, though, with the thought of

chelation. I guess it's b/c I don't know what to expect. I have read

some. To be honest, a lot of what I read scares me. I've been through

so much physically and yes, I have tolerance, stamina, and

conviction. But I've been taxed physically, emotionally, spiritually

these past two years trying to get the migraines under control. It's

been 12 years that I have had the candidias. My life is " doctor

appointments " and pills and a special diet and basically tolerating

not feeling well on a daily basis while working and trying to live a

quality life. The thought of " one more thing " is just mind boggling

right now. I know I will handle it. I'll adjust and make it fit.

Emotionally right now I'm frazzled. I think I need time to make sense

of all this.

welcome to this corner of the world. I hope you'll find

some relief from all that.


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Hi Moria,

Thanks for responding. I don't mind at all that it's taken you time.

Sometimes I'll be in the same boat as well. I appreciate your taking

the time. It's nice to meet you, although I wish it were under

better circumstances.

> > I have significant health issues aside from heavy metal

toxicity, such as candidias, pituitary tumor, migraines,

galactorrhhea,hypothyroid, allergies to molds-grasses-trees-weeds-

dusts-etc,unspecified d/o of adrenal gland disorder, fibromyalgia,

asthma,amenorrhea, endocrine disorder, hormone deficiencies,

bacterial imbalances in the GI tract, compromised immune

system ...okay, I'm tired. That's enough for now. There's too much

there already.


> I hope you realize that most of that reads " mercury " . As in,

> almost everything you just listed MAY be mercury related.

Yeah, I'm finding that out. It's all linked. All these things

developed over time, one on top of the other as my health declined

slowly since I was very young. Things deteriorated and clumped

together/tangled and it has taken time to figure out why.

> welcome to this corner of the world. I hope you'll find

> some relief from all that.

I haven't liked this corner of the world of constantly being ill

since I was 15 years old. It's a long time of losing quality of

life. The relief I want to find is one of being well and alive. So

that is what I'm going for here.


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Describe dumping.

Which proteins have you tried & how did you make them up?


Vitalady, Inc. T


If you are interested in PayPal, please click here:


New to group

HI I am Lynda from south NJ and had WLS on 2/24 w/ many small

inconvient problems, I had infection and lung problems still ongoing

healing the infection from March and APRL; but finally feeling great

at 60bls lost;

i need info PROTEIN that I can tolerate ; I need he calories now as

many foods make me DUMP badly; ( i throw up mostly) and also dont

know how to handle the dumping sensation when I feel like being sick;

Shoulnt we lie down or do certain things..

thanks so much and looking forward to the group mail; Lynda

ANY advice is welcome; email me personally also

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Guest guest

Hi Lynda,

I see you found your way to the protein group. Glad to have you here.

" Dumping " is totally different from throwing up. Dumping is a reaction mostly

to sugars where you feel shaky,your heart races, you might get sweaty, and

mostly you get very very tired.

Throwing up is a totally different matter.

Try ProScore100 choc, which you can get at Bernie's Nutrition on Black Horse

Pike behind Arby's in sville. You will need a blender or good shaker to

mix up this one. You can also go to http://www.vitalady.com and order samples

of many good brands to try out.

Again, glad to see you made it to this board. You will find lots of good

protein information here.


Surgery: August 31, 2000: Open RNY/GB Removal/hernia repair

Start: 373lbs Height 5'2 " BMI 70

8/16 Abdominoplasty(-8 lbs)/thigh lipectomy

1/20/03 breast reduction(-6lbs)/rhytidectomy of sides/brachioplasty

2/7/03 - 163 BMI 29.8

total loss - 210 lbs



My WLS Journey:


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Guest guest

Hi Lynda,

I see you found your way to the protein group. Glad to have you here.

" Dumping " is totally different from throwing up. Dumping is a reaction mostly

to sugars where you feel shaky,your heart races, you might get sweaty, and

mostly you get very very tired.

Throwing up is a totally different matter.

Try ProScore100 choc, which you can get at Bernie's Nutrition on Black Horse

Pike behind Arby's in sville. You will need a blender or good shaker to

mix up this one. You can also go to http://www.vitalady.com and order samples

of many good brands to try out.

Again, glad to see you made it to this board. You will find lots of good

protein information here.


Surgery: August 31, 2000: Open RNY/GB Removal/hernia repair

Start: 373lbs Height 5'2 " BMI 70

8/16 Abdominoplasty(-8 lbs)/thigh lipectomy

1/20/03 breast reduction(-6lbs)/rhytidectomy of sides/brachioplasty

2/7/03 - 163 BMI 29.8

total loss - 210 lbs



My WLS Journey:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

OOOOOH lemme answer! ~waving wildly and jumping up and down~

I am 10 months out and down only 101 pounds. Yeah, not the most impressive

numbers, but a loss not a gain, nonetheless. My surgeon, at that time, did

not believe protein supplements were necessary. He has since then changed

his stand, probably because he has started selling them himself, LOL! I

went into clinically severe malnutrition and my protein levels in the blood

dropped drastically. (sorry, I don’t have the numbers) I also was not

losing weight, and I was severely dehydrated because I had no energy to even

lift a bottle or glass of water. LITERALLY. I could not think, and could

not even sign my name at the hospital. I could barely walk, and kept

passing out. My blood sugar dropped into the 20’s. My blood pressure was

around 114/64 and lower, going down to something like 60/40. Vision was

blurred, speech was slurred. I was gray and had bruised even from a small

cat walking on me in bed. I felt like I was dying. As I have died before

(that was a trip), I knew what it felt like, and really did not care.

The doctor gave me the diagnosis of severe malnutrition, protein deficiency,

dehydration, low blood pressure, and hypoglycemia. He also gave me orders


told me to get in touch with Vitalady because she “Undoubtedly knows a lot

more about WLS and your nutritional needs than I do at this time.” Since

then he has been doing a lot of research into our surgeries, and has several

other WLS patients who are all being ordered to use protein supplements. I

got lucky with this doctor.

That was last month. Now I have so much energy I feel 30 years younger. (I

am 54) I am listening more to my body and when it starts saying, “Hmm, I

want carbs,” I answer with, “Oooops, time for a shake. “ Speaking of

which, I hear a shake calling my name…chooooooooklit,

chooooooooooooooooocklit…..or maybe vanilla…orange creamsicle……bananaaaaa….

Jeanne in Georgia

PS: my VET suggested protein supplements, my PCP recommended protein

supplements, but most of all, my body DEMANDS protein supplements

New to Group

Hi I new to all of this.

Can someone please tell me what symptoms do you have if you're not

getting enough protein after surgery.Besides not losing a large amount

of weight.

I'm 8 months out.

And were do you start to solve the problem?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

welcome to the group, marion!

& way to go on the wl! in spite of the hassles:-(

lori h.

> Hello


> I am new to this group; however, not too new to the surgery. I had

open RNY on Oct. 8, 2002. I weighed approx. 277 and am down to 154.


> 3 weeks ago I had to have a second surgery. I had 2 hernias fixed

and also had to have my gall bladder out. The gall bladder was fine

during original surgery. At first I was very frustrated and thought

why did I ever do this? But am now back on track. the nice thing was

the surgeon was able to use the original incision line so no new

scars. I am still pretty swollen and sore and will have to build back

up to exercising etc.


> I will continue to believe that the gastric bypass was the best gift

I ever gave myself and my family no matter how many roadblocks I run

into. Hopefully there won't be too many more.


> Thanks for including me in your group and if anyone ever has

questions etc. please feel free to ask.


> n


> PS I am in Colorado.




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Guest guest

welcome to the group, marion!

& way to go on the wl! in spite of the hassles:-(

lori h.

> Hello


> I am new to this group; however, not too new to the surgery. I had

open RNY on Oct. 8, 2002. I weighed approx. 277 and am down to 154.


> 3 weeks ago I had to have a second surgery. I had 2 hernias fixed

and also had to have my gall bladder out. The gall bladder was fine

during original surgery. At first I was very frustrated and thought

why did I ever do this? But am now back on track. the nice thing was

the surgeon was able to use the original incision line so no new

scars. I am still pretty swollen and sore and will have to build back

up to exercising etc.


> I will continue to believe that the gastric bypass was the best gift

I ever gave myself and my family no matter how many roadblocks I run

into. Hopefully there won't be too many more.


> Thanks for including me in your group and if anyone ever has

questions etc. please feel free to ask.


> n


> PS I am in Colorado.




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Guest guest

welcome to the group, marion!

& way to go on the wl! in spite of the hassles:-(

lori h.

> Hello


> I am new to this group; however, not too new to the surgery. I had

open RNY on Oct. 8, 2002. I weighed approx. 277 and am down to 154.


> 3 weeks ago I had to have a second surgery. I had 2 hernias fixed

and also had to have my gall bladder out. The gall bladder was fine

during original surgery. At first I was very frustrated and thought

why did I ever do this? But am now back on track. the nice thing was

the surgeon was able to use the original incision line so no new

scars. I am still pretty swollen and sore and will have to build back

up to exercising etc.


> I will continue to believe that the gastric bypass was the best gift

I ever gave myself and my family no matter how many roadblocks I run

into. Hopefully there won't be too many more.


> Thanks for including me in your group and if anyone ever has

questions etc. please feel free to ask.


> n


> PS I am in Colorado.




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Guest guest

I have had 2 children and weighed out at about 350lbs at full term and I wish

with all my heart after 2 c-sections and almost losing one baby that I

would've waited 'til after I had

surgery to have my babies. I think I would've enjoyed being pregnant alot



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Guest guest

I have had 2 children and weighed out at about 350lbs at full term and I wish

with all my heart after 2 c-sections and almost losing one baby that I

would've waited 'til after I had

surgery to have my babies. I think I would've enjoyed being pregnant alot



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Guest guest

I have had 2 children and weighed out at about 350lbs at full term and I wish

with all my heart after 2 c-sections and almost losing one baby that I

would've waited 'til after I had

surgery to have my babies. I think I would've enjoyed being pregnant alot



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Guest guest

I've heard of other women being pregnant and they do just fine. I'm sure the

doctors know how to make sure the baby gets all the nutrition it needs. I

will be alot healthier without all the fat in the way of it growing! I plan on

having one more eventually. Well, maybe. LOL!

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