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Heard the heartbeat! (pg ment)

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We had our second ultrasound on Friday and my OB decided to try the

doppler even though I am only nine weeks. It took a little searching

but she found it! 172 bpm. I have no faith in the old wives' tales

about heart rates - Fletcher always had a fast one - only time will

really tell for sure.

Everything looked good on the u/s. The only strange thing was that my

doctor " doesn't do " cervical u/s measurements. She thinks that an

ultrasound tech is more qualified and she's afraid that if she

measured my cervix it wouldn't be as accurate. Fletcher's preterm

birth was attributed to incompetent cervix, so that's why they're

keeping a close eye on it. So now I'll be going to her office every

other week for t/v ultrasounds - to check on baby and monitor for

preterm labor - and I'll also go to the radiology dept for the " big "

ultrasound machine with a technician. I'm certainly NOT

complaining...I'm thrilled that we'll get to be watching our little

one grow week by week on u/s...but I just thought it was odd. Do any

of you have to split your appointments up like that?

We want to wait to find out the sex of the baby - we waited with

Fletcher too - but it's going to be HARD with ultrasounds every week!

Again, I'm soooo not complaining! My OB told us that we'll be such

experts at reading ultrasounds that we'll probably figure it out on

our own. We'll see!


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