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Another Rash/Helmet question & I summed up info received

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Hi everyone, I have one question, then I am just summing up here the

suggestions I have received. This helps me out so I can think through

what to do, as well as hopefully help anyone in the future who does a

search on rash & helmets. :)

?? Anyone who had a rash reaction to the helmet foam ever see it show

up as long as 3 weeks after first using it? FYI, I used it the

recommended break in period, then did 23/7 wear, then for a few days,

Zachary had a bad cold with super runny nose & slight fever, so I kept

helmet off a few days. Then, rash developed after putting helmet back on.

First to update my situation: his rash is still coming and going. His

eyelids are dry & somewhat thick looking, and there is a light rash

issue still on the trunk of his body (nothing on hands, arms, legs.)

Of course, I have searched the medical sites for rash related things

so I can keep an eye on rare weird/scary stuff, but he seems safe from

serious issues since he hasn't had a bad fever with it, as well, he

has a healthy happy demeanor. He saw the Dr. yesterday, and they

tested for strep in case it was a strep related rash (i.e. scarlet

fever.) They ruled that out. She suggested keeping the benedryl

going every 4-6 hours until the rash is completely gone, and then

going even one more day after that. Also, I have applied 2.5%

hydrocortisone cream to the worst areas. I do Eucercin lotion several

times a day. It is a little better, but not gone. I think the rash is

just hanging out for a while under the surface, because you can tell

he's not totally healthy looking. But no fever or other symptoms. The

Dr. said yesterday that he could have had an initial problem with a

contact skin thing (like wool) and ever since, whenever the skin gets

aggravated, it will come back. On the other hand, we are watching to

see if Wheat might be a problem for him. What a bummer that would be!

I don't think there were brand new foods started right before the rash

broke out initially on December 10th. But maybe it took over a week to

show the wheat issue? Also, it was 3 weeks after the helmet was

started. So just wondering if a rash due to the helmet itself would

show up so late. That's my current question!

On to the the summary of info:


Be sure to rule out food & contact skin allergies. Allergy testing

can reveal specific issues like a dairy or chocolate allergy. Dramatic

improvements have shown after dealing with food allergies.


If it's heat rash, try a little & cornstarch in the

helmet once or twice a day, but be sure not to use too much. Apply

lotion whenever dry skin flares up.


It is possible to be allergic to the foam in the STARband.

Fortunately, Orthomerica, makers of the STARband, can make a band with

a hypoallergenic foam called Aliplast. If you've ruled out other allergies


Some have used Desitin and it cleared up heat rash. Watch for skin

breakdown due to pressure against the helmet, though. It could lead

to the need for antibiotics & keeping the helmet off for a longer

period of time. Make sure to take care of any rash issues that arise

so it doesn't get out of hand.


Some have experienced dry skin problems after beginning helmet use.

For these, they took the helmet off once in a.m. & once in p.m.,

applying lotion at that time (make sure it absorbs into skin.)


Make sure to wipe under chin area using a dry cloth (drooling can make

area moist & irritated.) If a yeast infection develops, Lotrimin might

be advised by the pediatrician to deal with it.


An eczema issue was descibed as: " his eye lids were peeling and broken

and seeping blood a little bit...His arm was completely crusted over

and turned a brownish or yellowish...It did tend to move around

sometimes too. They looked like little red pimples or something, but

all together and all over. It took going to the pediatrician 4 times

before they realized it was eczema. "

> >

> > Hi there!

> > Anyone ever heard of a body rash on the baby due to using the

> helmet?

> > Or maybe an adverse reaction to the alcohol I use to clean the

> helmet?

> >

> > I'm having a real problem with rash on my son. It started two weeks

> > ago on his face & neck. After seeing the pediatrician, it seemed it

> > might have to do with his cold, so he took Dimetapp with an

> > antihistimine, and it cleared up mostly. However, it remained on

> his

> > neck and got a little on his tummy. So, I saw the doctor again this

> > week, and he prescribed a 2.5% hydro cortisone cream to use

> sparingly,

> > and then Eucerin Lotion to use 3-4 times a day. I did that, and it

> > cleared up almost completely. He was totally clear for just over a

> > day. That's coincidentally when he had his appointment at CIRS with

> > the orthotist, and he checkd out great there.

> >

> > This morning, he woke up with a pink semi-swollen left eyelid. By

> > afternoon, the right eye was swollen, and by bathtime at night, he

> was

> > rashy all over his back, tummy, and the folds of his neck were

> pretty

> > red. The rash has fine red bumps.

> >

> > This battle with a rash has kept me from being able to keep his

> helmet

> > on 23/7. He only wears it half the time (if that.) Despite that, I

> am

> > super super pleased with how things have turned out for him so far.

> > He's really rounding out, not only do I see it but my friends see

> the

> > changes also. I'm just bummed that I am having trouble keeping the

> > helmet on when I don't know what's going on with the rash.

> Especially

> > since I paid out of pocket, and I came into this experience very

> > committed to seeing the helmet all the way through.

> >

> > So- heard of any allergies due to helmet use? or any related

> reason?

> >

> > -Maritza

> > Pleasant Hill, CA

> > mom to Zach, 8 months, brachycephaly- Starband started 11/17/06

> > and Nate, 3.5 years, toddlercrazyphaly :)

> >

> > P.S., it's not hives, he's breathing fine, and has no fever that I

> can

> > tell. It's not anything like measels or chicken pox either, since my

> > mom's a retired nurse and she lives here with me. It mostly seems to

> > be just some kind of skin reaction. At least I hope that's what it

> > is; I am worried and hoping he's OK as he sleeps tonite, but my mom

> is

> > reassuring me. I am taking him to the pediatrician's office

> tomorrow

> > morning since they are open Saturday mornings.

> >


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