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Dealing with Obese Children

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You know, it is so difficult for a parent to deal with overweight children I

think. We want our children to be safe and keep them confident so telling them

they need to diet or exercise so they don't have our problems is difficult. My

sister has an obese 12 year old. It has been a battle. I agree with Sherry here.

It is so important that we just make it a way of life not just for us but our

children at an early age because it is so important for them in the long run

HEALTHY wise not looks. Their self esteem will be good and they will be

confident in relationships and going after the world. It's important to

introduce it in a healthy manner then to just say they are fat and need to lose

weight... especially if they are being teased at school. I know we have been

dealing with this with my niece. My sister has weight issues too and has been

battling. I told her to make it a " family " thing, not only who is having weight

issues. I think it sends the wrong message to young kids.


sherrya_neal sherrya_neal@...> wrote:


My son is on a weight training program, requested by his doctor, CJ's

needs to drop 10-20lbs and his 15. His doctor even sent him to a

nutritionist. I have always bought educational stuff for my kids at

Christmas for the most part. This year I spent $200 and bought him an

at home gym system. I can't afford to spend the money on a gym

membership for all of us at this time in our lives. But we all will

be using this set. I know she's 7, but if she's that big now image in

a few years. I don't want to sound mean. Yes, she will lose some baby

fat as she gets older, but she will not lose all of her present

weight by just growing out of it. I was overweight in elem school and

I don't want her to go thru school with the crap kids put a person

thru just because she's overweight. Get her involved doing fun

exercises at home with you, make it into a game, see who can do the

most. That kinda stuff. I know your hubby controls the money, but

think of a reward system that will appeal to her. Make a schedule for

your workouts/playtime. Please get her in the routine now while she's

so young. It's a life choice. Teach her to be healthy. I've always

discouraged my kids of overeating and eating too much bad stuff. They

have always been active, so I don't have to nag there. Only because I

didn't want them to end up like me. Since, I'm trying harder to lose

weight. CJ has taken more of an active roll in his choices. Take

Care, Sherry

> > >

> > > Mike, I have a 12 year old daughter and I feel the same way

> about the

> > > scale. That's why I hide my scale from her!! I don't want her


> go

> > > crazy weighing herself all the time. She already will say she's

> fat

> > > and isn't going to eat! in CA

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > We are a very active support group.

> > If the email becomes overwhelming,

> > please change your setting to NO EMAIL!

> > Please contact Group Creator

> > Robyn@

> >

> >

> >

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