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Sorry forgot to add, they monitored my pregnancy as well. We had

monthly ultrasounds. They wanted to do an amnio to test for certain

disorders, but I thought it doesn't matter right now how he comes is

how he comes, and he came out just perfect! The club feet is the

only thing we have had to deal with. They talked about chromosome

disorders and down's, scared me to death and like I said he came out

just fine.

Tyler's mommy

bi lat cf 1/14/03

first set of casts, second round

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed


> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but


> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told


> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am


> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there


> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip


> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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Guest guest

Sorry forgot to add, they monitored my pregnancy as well. We had

monthly ultrasounds. They wanted to do an amnio to test for certain

disorders, but I thought it doesn't matter right now how he comes is

how he comes, and he came out just perfect! The club feet is the

only thing we have had to deal with. They talked about chromosome

disorders and down's, scared me to death and like I said he came out

just fine.

Tyler's mommy

bi lat cf 1/14/03

first set of casts, second round

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed


> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but


> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told


> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am


> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there


> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip


> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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Guest guest

Sorry forgot to add, they monitored my pregnancy as well. We had

monthly ultrasounds. They wanted to do an amnio to test for certain

disorders, but I thought it doesn't matter right now how he comes is

how he comes, and he came out just perfect! The club feet is the

only thing we have had to deal with. They talked about chromosome

disorders and down's, scared me to death and like I said he came out

just fine.

Tyler's mommy

bi lat cf 1/14/03

first set of casts, second round

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed


> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but


> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told


> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am


> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there


> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip


> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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Guest guest

Hello ,

Welcome to the group. My son was born with bilateral clubfeet. I had three

ultrasounds, not including the one on the day I delivered. Not one time did the

doctor or ultrasound techs say that my son had clubfeet. Although they were

looking for a heart defect in which I thank god that he does not have. But I

delivered my son at 33 weeks gestation and I was told all along that I was

measuring right and come to find out when I delivered that I had interurine

growth restriction. So in other words my son didn't have enough room to grow

and my body couldn't take it any longer.

So we didn't know that he had clubfeet until he came out and to tell you the

truth I wasn't worried about his feet ( my father-in-law was) at that time I was

worried about is he breathing on his own. He only weighed 3lbs and 8ozs at

birth. I'll pray that everything will be okay and that the rest of your

pregnancy and delivery will be okay.



9/27/03 BCF DBB 12hrs/day

jgoodin10 jgoodin10@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.

My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)

Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

Thanks for your help in advance!

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Guest guest

Hello ,

Welcome to the group. My son was born with bilateral clubfeet. I had three

ultrasounds, not including the one on the day I delivered. Not one time did the

doctor or ultrasound techs say that my son had clubfeet. Although they were

looking for a heart defect in which I thank god that he does not have. But I

delivered my son at 33 weeks gestation and I was told all along that I was

measuring right and come to find out when I delivered that I had interurine

growth restriction. So in other words my son didn't have enough room to grow

and my body couldn't take it any longer.

So we didn't know that he had clubfeet until he came out and to tell you the

truth I wasn't worried about his feet ( my father-in-law was) at that time I was

worried about is he breathing on his own. He only weighed 3lbs and 8ozs at

birth. I'll pray that everything will be okay and that the rest of your

pregnancy and delivery will be okay.



9/27/03 BCF DBB 12hrs/day

jgoodin10 jgoodin10@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.

My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)

Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

Thanks for your help in advance!

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Guest guest

Hello ,

Welcome to the group. My son was born with bilateral clubfeet. I had three

ultrasounds, not including the one on the day I delivered. Not one time did the

doctor or ultrasound techs say that my son had clubfeet. Although they were

looking for a heart defect in which I thank god that he does not have. But I

delivered my son at 33 weeks gestation and I was told all along that I was

measuring right and come to find out when I delivered that I had interurine

growth restriction. So in other words my son didn't have enough room to grow

and my body couldn't take it any longer.

So we didn't know that he had clubfeet until he came out and to tell you the

truth I wasn't worried about his feet ( my father-in-law was) at that time I was

worried about is he breathing on his own. He only weighed 3lbs and 8ozs at

birth. I'll pray that everything will be okay and that the rest of your

pregnancy and delivery will be okay.



9/27/03 BCF DBB 12hrs/day

jgoodin10 jgoodin10@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.

My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)

Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

Thanks for your help in advance!

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Guest guest


Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is such an emotional time for

you, I'm sure. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second son (who

we've been told has straight feet) and I feel like I'm losing control

more everyday.

My first son was born February 9, 1998 with bilateral clubfoot. We

didn't know about this until after Jakob was born. Our story has an

interesting twist as we live in Iowa City (where Dr. Ponseti is).

However, the first ortho to put casts on Jakob was NOT a ponseti doctor

- even though the nurse in the nursery at the time told us that

" everyone treats clubfoot the same around here. " What a joke. This

doctor's casts (which were put on in the nursery before he was 24 hours

old) did more harm than good in my personal opinion. Jakob's first

casts went to his knees, they were rough, the doctor tried to force his

feet into a neutral position, and too many other things I can't recall

right off. The next morning, one of the nurses said the ortho wanted to

talk to me before we were discharged about the sores that were starting

to form behind my son's knees (from the casts rubbing). I recall that

he trimmed the casts down a bit and put moleskin over the edges, but

that was all he did before we were discharged on that Wednesday

morning. By Friday morning, the sores had been irritated so much, that

they almost got infected. We had to go to this oath's office to see a

cast tech (he was out of town and couldn't be bothered) who wrapped

cotton from the top of the casts to his thighs (without bending his

knees if I recall correctly). Those casts stayed on like that over the

weekend until our scheduled appointment on Monday. I'll tell you, but

the time Monday came around, I didn't want anything at all to do with

this guy again. I had consulted our insurance company to see if I could

switch orthos - even to another on within the same practice. However, I

got a big surprise at the appointment when he told us that he was going

to refer us to the University of Iowa Hospital (UIHC) " where they see

this sort of thing every day. " I still say that's the best thing he

ever did for us.

We had our first appoint at UIHC on Wednesday. We didn't see Dr.

Ponseti himself - in fact I didn't really find out about him until Jakob

was nearly 2 years old. We have seen Dr. Weinstein and couldn't be

happier. His feet were fully corrected by the time he was 8 weeks old.

He wore the FAB (shoes with the bar attached) until he was 3 1/2 years

old. That may seem like a long time now, but let me tell you, after

almost 3 years of being done with it, the whole thing seems like a walk

in the park. Jakob is now almost 6 1/2 and he runs, jumps, hops, and

generally moves around like any normal 6 year old. I wish I knew where

I put his end of year report from Kindergarten (pregnancy brain!) :) I

do know that his gym teacher had wonderful things to say about him and

the control he has with his movements.

As for the drive, please don't make that your deciding factor. I know

the weather can be tricky that time of year, but you wouldn't

necessarily have to make the drive multiple times. There is a fantastic

Mc House very close to the hospital. I know many of the

members of this list have stayed there (a couple members have even spent

Christmas there). I also know of a mother who drove from Muncie, IN,

with newborn twins so the one with clubfoot could be treated by Dr.

Ponseti (Tina Byrd are you still around?).

As for the doctor being cautious because of the clubfoot diagnosis, I

don't have experience with that. I do know our doctor is being somewhat

cautious in this pregnancy (and we've been told he has straight feet)

due to one instance of minor high blood pressure. Right now, I'm having

twice weekly non stress tests, had an extra ultrasound a few days ago to

check his size and position. I think the doctors might lean toward

being a bit more cautious due to how " sue happy " some people seem to be

these days.

I hope this helps you at least a little.

jgoodin10 wrote:

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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Guest guest


Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is such an emotional time for

you, I'm sure. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second son (who

we've been told has straight feet) and I feel like I'm losing control

more everyday.

My first son was born February 9, 1998 with bilateral clubfoot. We

didn't know about this until after Jakob was born. Our story has an

interesting twist as we live in Iowa City (where Dr. Ponseti is).

However, the first ortho to put casts on Jakob was NOT a ponseti doctor

- even though the nurse in the nursery at the time told us that

" everyone treats clubfoot the same around here. " What a joke. This

doctor's casts (which were put on in the nursery before he was 24 hours

old) did more harm than good in my personal opinion. Jakob's first

casts went to his knees, they were rough, the doctor tried to force his

feet into a neutral position, and too many other things I can't recall

right off. The next morning, one of the nurses said the ortho wanted to

talk to me before we were discharged about the sores that were starting

to form behind my son's knees (from the casts rubbing). I recall that

he trimmed the casts down a bit and put moleskin over the edges, but

that was all he did before we were discharged on that Wednesday

morning. By Friday morning, the sores had been irritated so much, that

they almost got infected. We had to go to this oath's office to see a

cast tech (he was out of town and couldn't be bothered) who wrapped

cotton from the top of the casts to his thighs (without bending his

knees if I recall correctly). Those casts stayed on like that over the

weekend until our scheduled appointment on Monday. I'll tell you, but

the time Monday came around, I didn't want anything at all to do with

this guy again. I had consulted our insurance company to see if I could

switch orthos - even to another on within the same practice. However, I

got a big surprise at the appointment when he told us that he was going

to refer us to the University of Iowa Hospital (UIHC) " where they see

this sort of thing every day. " I still say that's the best thing he

ever did for us.

We had our first appoint at UIHC on Wednesday. We didn't see Dr.

Ponseti himself - in fact I didn't really find out about him until Jakob

was nearly 2 years old. We have seen Dr. Weinstein and couldn't be

happier. His feet were fully corrected by the time he was 8 weeks old.

He wore the FAB (shoes with the bar attached) until he was 3 1/2 years

old. That may seem like a long time now, but let me tell you, after

almost 3 years of being done with it, the whole thing seems like a walk

in the park. Jakob is now almost 6 1/2 and he runs, jumps, hops, and

generally moves around like any normal 6 year old. I wish I knew where

I put his end of year report from Kindergarten (pregnancy brain!) :) I

do know that his gym teacher had wonderful things to say about him and

the control he has with his movements.

As for the drive, please don't make that your deciding factor. I know

the weather can be tricky that time of year, but you wouldn't

necessarily have to make the drive multiple times. There is a fantastic

Mc House very close to the hospital. I know many of the

members of this list have stayed there (a couple members have even spent

Christmas there). I also know of a mother who drove from Muncie, IN,

with newborn twins so the one with clubfoot could be treated by Dr.

Ponseti (Tina Byrd are you still around?).

As for the doctor being cautious because of the clubfoot diagnosis, I

don't have experience with that. I do know our doctor is being somewhat

cautious in this pregnancy (and we've been told he has straight feet)

due to one instance of minor high blood pressure. Right now, I'm having

twice weekly non stress tests, had an extra ultrasound a few days ago to

check his size and position. I think the doctors might lean toward

being a bit more cautious due to how " sue happy " some people seem to be

these days.

I hope this helps you at least a little.

jgoodin10 wrote:

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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Guest guest


Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is such an emotional time for

you, I'm sure. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second son (who

we've been told has straight feet) and I feel like I'm losing control

more everyday.

My first son was born February 9, 1998 with bilateral clubfoot. We

didn't know about this until after Jakob was born. Our story has an

interesting twist as we live in Iowa City (where Dr. Ponseti is).

However, the first ortho to put casts on Jakob was NOT a ponseti doctor

- even though the nurse in the nursery at the time told us that

" everyone treats clubfoot the same around here. " What a joke. This

doctor's casts (which were put on in the nursery before he was 24 hours

old) did more harm than good in my personal opinion. Jakob's first

casts went to his knees, they were rough, the doctor tried to force his

feet into a neutral position, and too many other things I can't recall

right off. The next morning, one of the nurses said the ortho wanted to

talk to me before we were discharged about the sores that were starting

to form behind my son's knees (from the casts rubbing). I recall that

he trimmed the casts down a bit and put moleskin over the edges, but

that was all he did before we were discharged on that Wednesday

morning. By Friday morning, the sores had been irritated so much, that

they almost got infected. We had to go to this oath's office to see a

cast tech (he was out of town and couldn't be bothered) who wrapped

cotton from the top of the casts to his thighs (without bending his

knees if I recall correctly). Those casts stayed on like that over the

weekend until our scheduled appointment on Monday. I'll tell you, but

the time Monday came around, I didn't want anything at all to do with

this guy again. I had consulted our insurance company to see if I could

switch orthos - even to another on within the same practice. However, I

got a big surprise at the appointment when he told us that he was going

to refer us to the University of Iowa Hospital (UIHC) " where they see

this sort of thing every day. " I still say that's the best thing he

ever did for us.

We had our first appoint at UIHC on Wednesday. We didn't see Dr.

Ponseti himself - in fact I didn't really find out about him until Jakob

was nearly 2 years old. We have seen Dr. Weinstein and couldn't be

happier. His feet were fully corrected by the time he was 8 weeks old.

He wore the FAB (shoes with the bar attached) until he was 3 1/2 years

old. That may seem like a long time now, but let me tell you, after

almost 3 years of being done with it, the whole thing seems like a walk

in the park. Jakob is now almost 6 1/2 and he runs, jumps, hops, and

generally moves around like any normal 6 year old. I wish I knew where

I put his end of year report from Kindergarten (pregnancy brain!) :) I

do know that his gym teacher had wonderful things to say about him and

the control he has with his movements.

As for the drive, please don't make that your deciding factor. I know

the weather can be tricky that time of year, but you wouldn't

necessarily have to make the drive multiple times. There is a fantastic

Mc House very close to the hospital. I know many of the

members of this list have stayed there (a couple members have even spent

Christmas there). I also know of a mother who drove from Muncie, IN,

with newborn twins so the one with clubfoot could be treated by Dr.

Ponseti (Tina Byrd are you still around?).

As for the doctor being cautious because of the clubfoot diagnosis, I

don't have experience with that. I do know our doctor is being somewhat

cautious in this pregnancy (and we've been told he has straight feet)

due to one instance of minor high blood pressure. Right now, I'm having

twice weekly non stress tests, had an extra ultrasound a few days ago to

check his size and position. I think the doctors might lean toward

being a bit more cautious due to how " sue happy " some people seem to be

these days.

I hope this helps you at least a little.

jgoodin10 wrote:

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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Guest guest

I also found out at 20wks that had a club foot. They monitored

closely, and recommended amnio. I, too, declined the amnio (even

though they scare you with every possible scenario). is a

healthy 3.5 month old.

After I did research on the Ponseti method and Doctors in the area,

I decided to set my concerns aside and enjoy the pregnancy (which

will probably be my last). I felt if I stayed relaxed and healthy

my baby would be fine!

As a side note, I have been using a Dr. in Chicago who says he

follows the Ponseti method, but he modifies is way too much.

has relapsed, and I have decided to take her to see Dr. Ponseti.

She is in her 2 round of casts, and she sees Dr. P on monday for the

first time.

I should have gone much sooner and I could be half way finished with

the first stage of the DBB!

Good luck!

Mollie and lcf 4/14/04

> > they are monitoring everything more closely > > the first of

Dec. with our first newborn! :)

> >

> > Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> > born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> > Thanks for your help in advance!

> >

> >

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Guest guest

I also found out at 20wks that had a club foot. They monitored

closely, and recommended amnio. I, too, declined the amnio (even

though they scare you with every possible scenario). is a

healthy 3.5 month old.

After I did research on the Ponseti method and Doctors in the area,

I decided to set my concerns aside and enjoy the pregnancy (which

will probably be my last). I felt if I stayed relaxed and healthy

my baby would be fine!

As a side note, I have been using a Dr. in Chicago who says he

follows the Ponseti method, but he modifies is way too much.

has relapsed, and I have decided to take her to see Dr. Ponseti.

She is in her 2 round of casts, and she sees Dr. P on monday for the

first time.

I should have gone much sooner and I could be half way finished with

the first stage of the DBB!

Good luck!

Mollie and lcf 4/14/04

> > they are monitoring everything more closely > > the first of

Dec. with our first newborn! :)

> >

> > Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> > born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> > Thanks for your help in advance!

> >

> >

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Guest guest

You will LOVE Dr. Ponseti, he is so kind and so gentle.


Re: New Here

I also found out at 20wks that had a club foot. They monitored

closely, and recommended amnio. I, too, declined the amnio (even

though they scare you with every possible scenario). is a

healthy 3.5 month old.

After I did research on the Ponseti method and Doctors in the area,

I decided to set my concerns aside and enjoy the pregnancy (which

will probably be my last). I felt if I stayed relaxed and healthy

my baby would be fine!

As a side note, I have been using a Dr. in Chicago who says he

follows the Ponseti method, but he modifies is way too much.

has relapsed, and I have decided to take her to see Dr. Ponseti.

She is in her 2 round of casts, and she sees Dr. P on monday for the

first time.

I should have gone much sooner and I could be half way finished with

the first stage of the DBB!

Good luck!

Mollie and lcf 4/14/04

> > they are monitoring everything more closely > > the first of

Dec. with our first newborn! :)

> >

> > Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> > born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> > Thanks for your help in advance!

> >

> >

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Guest guest

You will LOVE Dr. Ponseti, he is so kind and so gentle.


Re: New Here

I also found out at 20wks that had a club foot. They monitored

closely, and recommended amnio. I, too, declined the amnio (even

though they scare you with every possible scenario). is a

healthy 3.5 month old.

After I did research on the Ponseti method and Doctors in the area,

I decided to set my concerns aside and enjoy the pregnancy (which

will probably be my last). I felt if I stayed relaxed and healthy

my baby would be fine!

As a side note, I have been using a Dr. in Chicago who says he

follows the Ponseti method, but he modifies is way too much.

has relapsed, and I have decided to take her to see Dr. Ponseti.

She is in her 2 round of casts, and she sees Dr. P on monday for the

first time.

I should have gone much sooner and I could be half way finished with

the first stage of the DBB!

Good luck!

Mollie and lcf 4/14/04

> > they are monitoring everything more closely > > the first of

Dec. with our first newborn! :)

> >

> > Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> > born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> > Thanks for your help in advance!

> >

> >

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You will LOVE Dr. Ponseti, he is so kind and so gentle.


Re: New Here

I also found out at 20wks that had a club foot. They monitored

closely, and recommended amnio. I, too, declined the amnio (even

though they scare you with every possible scenario). is a

healthy 3.5 month old.

After I did research on the Ponseti method and Doctors in the area,

I decided to set my concerns aside and enjoy the pregnancy (which

will probably be my last). I felt if I stayed relaxed and healthy

my baby would be fine!

As a side note, I have been using a Dr. in Chicago who says he

follows the Ponseti method, but he modifies is way too much.

has relapsed, and I have decided to take her to see Dr. Ponseti.

She is in her 2 round of casts, and she sees Dr. P on monday for the

first time.

I should have gone much sooner and I could be half way finished with

the first stage of the DBB!

Good luck!

Mollie and lcf 4/14/04

> > they are monitoring everything more closely > > the first of

Dec. with our first newborn! :)

> >

> > Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> > born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> > Thanks for your help in advance!

> >

> >

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My first son's feet were not caught on ultrasound; I only had the one, then

delivered with a midwife so we were surprsied. Second pregnancy we checked more

closely for the feet so we could plan for a trip to Iowa if necessary and there

they were, plain as day on the picture, clubbed as pretty as you please! The

tech then measured every imaginable body part they could measure, but after that

my dr's didn't say a word to me about it. I was getting my pre=natal care at

the Indian Clinic so I would see a different dr. or nurse or midwife at each

visit and many of them didn't even realize I had a cf baby due. In any event,

I guess no body took it very serious. I was 38 years old adn they didn't take

that serious either - no special testing was done regarding my age ya know.

then I delivered Everett in the truck on the way to the hospital and he didn't

have any complications. He was tongue tied though. I don't know if that is cf

related or not.


Re: New Here

Hello ,

Welcome to the group. My son was born with bilateral clubfeet. I had three

ultrasounds, not including the one on the day I delivered. Not one time did the

doctor or ultrasound techs say that my son had clubfeet. Although they were

looking for a heart defect in which I thank god that he does not have. But I

delivered my son at 33 weeks gestation and I was told all along that I was

measuring right and come to find out when I delivered that I had interurine

growth restriction. So in other words my son didn't have enough room to grow

and my body couldn't take it any longer.

So we didn't know that he had clubfeet until he came out and to tell you the

truth I wasn't worried about his feet ( my father-in-law was) at that time I was

worried about is he breathing on his own. He only weighed 3lbs and 8ozs at

birth. I'll pray that everything will be okay and that the rest of your

pregnancy and delivery will be okay.



9/27/03 BCF DBB 12hrs/day

jgoodin10 jgoodin10@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.

My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)

Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

Thanks for your help in advance!

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, congratulations on the new baby! I'm so happy for you and Jakob! How

sweet of Santa Clause to come though for him! :)


Re: New Here


Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is such an emotional time for

you, I'm sure. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second son (who

we've been told has straight feet) and I feel like I'm losing control

more everyday.

My first son was born February 9, 1998 with bilateral clubfoot. We

didn't know about this until after Jakob was born. Our story has an

interesting twist as we live in Iowa City (where Dr. Ponseti is).

However, the first ortho to put casts on Jakob was NOT a ponseti doctor

- even though the nurse in the nursery at the time told us that

" everyone treats clubfoot the same around here. " What a joke. This

doctor's casts (which were put on in the nursery before he was 24 hours

old) did more harm than good in my personal opinion. Jakob's first

casts went to his knees, they were rough, the doctor tried to force his

feet into a neutral position, and too many other things I can't recall

right off. The next morning, one of the nurses said the ortho wanted to

talk to me before we were discharged about the sores that were starting

to form behind my son's knees (from the casts rubbing). I recall that

he trimmed the casts down a bit and put moleskin over the edges, but

that was all he did before we were discharged on that Wednesday

morning. By Friday morning, the sores had been irritated so much, that

they almost got infected. We had to go to this oath's office to see a

cast tech (he was out of town and couldn't be bothered) who wrapped

cotton from the top of the casts to his thighs (without bending his

knees if I recall correctly). Those casts stayed on like that over the

weekend until our scheduled appointment on Monday. I'll tell you, but

the time Monday came around, I didn't want anything at all to do with

this guy again. I had consulted our insurance company to see if I could

switch orthos - even to another on within the same practice. However, I

got a big surprise at the appointment when he told us that he was going

to refer us to the University of Iowa Hospital (UIHC) " where they see

this sort of thing every day. " I still say that's the best thing he

ever did for us.

We had our first appoint at UIHC on Wednesday. We didn't see Dr.

Ponseti himself - in fact I didn't really find out about him until Jakob

was nearly 2 years old. We have seen Dr. Weinstein and couldn't be

happier. His feet were fully corrected by the time he was 8 weeks old.

He wore the FAB (shoes with the bar attached) until he was 3 1/2 years

old. That may seem like a long time now, but let me tell you, after

almost 3 years of being done with it, the whole thing seems like a walk

in the park. Jakob is now almost 6 1/2 and he runs, jumps, hops, and

generally moves around like any normal 6 year old. I wish I knew where

I put his end of year report from Kindergarten (pregnancy brain!) :) I

do know that his gym teacher had wonderful things to say about him and

the control he has with his movements.

As for the drive, please don't make that your deciding factor. I know

the weather can be tricky that time of year, but you wouldn't

necessarily have to make the drive multiple times. There is a fantastic

Mc House very close to the hospital. I know many of the

members of this list have stayed there (a couple members have even spent

Christmas there). I also know of a mother who drove from Muncie, IN,

with newborn twins so the one with clubfoot could be treated by Dr.

Ponseti (Tina Byrd are you still around?).

As for the doctor being cautious because of the clubfoot diagnosis, I

don't have experience with that. I do know our doctor is being somewhat

cautious in this pregnancy (and we've been told he has straight feet)

due to one instance of minor high blood pressure. Right now, I'm having

twice weekly non stress tests, had an extra ultrasound a few days ago to

check his size and position. I think the doctors might lean toward

being a bit more cautious due to how " sue happy " some people seem to be

these days.

I hope this helps you at least a little.

jgoodin10 wrote:

> Hello everyone! I am so glad I found this site, and was pointed in

> this direction. My little boy will be born in late November, but I

> am trying to get an early start finding information. We were told at

> our 20 week ultrasound that he had club feet and were sent for

> another 2 weeks later. Here we were told that the cerebellum was

> measuring a little small. I can't find any information on this at

> all, and wondered if anyone had heard of this before. I am hopeful

> they are monitoring everything more closely because of his club

> feet. Everything I have read seems to point to that.


> My question about his club feet is about a doctor. I emailed Dr.

> Ponseti, for doctors in Indianapolis, Indiana. Currently, there are

> none. Is anyone from this area, who has found a great doctor? We

> may consider driving to Iowa, but that really won't be a fun trip at

> the first of Dec. with our first newborn! :)


> Also, was anyone else's doctor very cautious before the baby was

> born, and found out everything was ok when the child was born?

> Thanks for your help in advance!



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  • 1 month later...

> Hello All,

> I was lurking for a long time on this list, reading whatever I


> read. I am expecting now anytime my little boy that will have right

> (I think) clubfood (found out during US). After internet search we

> decided to treat our son after Ponseti method and found a doctor in

> Boston New England Medical Center that will do it (Dr Ponseti

> recomended him). We are living in Maine and the baby will have

> MaineCare Insurance. My question is if somebody of you know if this

> will work out, I mean with this State Insurance. I know that they

> are covering only doctors in Maine but would they do it when the

> speciall doctor is not to find in Maine???

> Katharine

> Sorry for my english but I am from germany living here only for 3

> years


I live in Maine too. I'm going to see Dr. Mack at Shriner's Hospital

in Springfield, MA because they are free. It is a little farther than

Boston, but I don't need to worry about whether my insurance will

cover it or not. Perhaps you could go see Dr. Mack if your insurance

won't cover you going out of state. Dr. Ponseti told me he is good


If you want to e-mail me off-list maybe we can trade information.


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest


About a month ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer with

liver mets and had my colon removed. Next week I get to start chemo +

Avastin (strangely looking forward to it). I just found this group on

Yahoo and look forward to reading other people's stories.

Anyway know anything about the side effects of chemo 5FU + Leucovorin

and Avastin? I've been told that since I am relatively young (35

years old) that it may not be so bad. I'll find out soon enough.

I look forward to reading through the messages here.



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Also wanted to tell you that the way that chemo is done now, you should

not have severe side effects from it. The give you medicine before they

even start your chemo to prevent you from getting sick. They have drugs

to help with any side effects you may get. I got through my Folfox

Chemo with very little illness. You will find that you will tire more

easily. But you will find that having rest periods helps and you can

still live a pretty normal life during the chemo. You will be fine. And

you will make a lot of new friends at the chemo with other patients. I

know I did. You will find that you are not alone and that everyone

tries to help everyone else. Just do what you have to do to get rid of

this cancer. There are alot of stage iv in this group and they can help

you get through this. God Be with YOU!!! Ingrid

> Hello.


> About a month ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer with

> liver mets and had my colon removed. Next week I get to start chemo


> Avastin (strangely looking forward to it). I just found this group


> Yahoo and look forward to reading other people's stories.


> Anyway know anything about the side effects of chemo 5FU + Leucovorin

> and Avastin? I've been told that since I am relatively young (35

> years old) that it may not be so bad. I'll find out soon enough.


> I look forward to reading through the messages here.


> Sincerely,

> Rodney

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Hi Rodney

Please go to our group site and click on files then read my husband

Phil May's story. Also ask your oncologist abouut an infusion pump to

treat the liver with FUDR it may be a choice for you. It has killed

some tumor in my husband. The Avasin got rid of the colon tumor.



> > Hello.

> >

> > About a month ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer


> > liver mets and had my colon removed. Next week I get to start


> +

> > Avastin (strangely looking forward to it). I just found this


> on

> > Yahoo and look forward to reading other people's stories.

> >

> > Anyway know anything about the side effects of chemo 5FU +


> > and Avastin? I've been told that since I am relatively young (35

> > years old) that it may not be so bad. I'll find out soon enough.

> >

> > I look forward to reading through the messages here.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Rodney

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Hi Rodney

Please go to our group site and click on files then read my husband

Phil May's story. Also ask your oncologist abouut an infusion pump to

treat the liver with FUDR it may be a choice for you. It has killed

some tumor in my husband. The Avasin got rid of the colon tumor.



> > Hello.

> >

> > About a month ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer


> > liver mets and had my colon removed. Next week I get to start


> +

> > Avastin (strangely looking forward to it). I just found this


> on

> > Yahoo and look forward to reading other people's stories.

> >

> > Anyway know anything about the side effects of chemo 5FU +


> > and Avastin? I've been told that since I am relatively young (35

> > years old) that it may not be so bad. I'll find out soon enough.

> >

> > I look forward to reading through the messages here.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Rodney

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Hi Rodney

Please go to our group site and click on files then read my husband

Phil May's story. Also ask your oncologist abouut an infusion pump to

treat the liver with FUDR it may be a choice for you. It has killed

some tumor in my husband. The Avasin got rid of the colon tumor.



> > Hello.

> >

> > About a month ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer


> > liver mets and had my colon removed. Next week I get to start


> +

> > Avastin (strangely looking forward to it). I just found this


> on

> > Yahoo and look forward to reading other people's stories.

> >

> > Anyway know anything about the side effects of chemo 5FU +


> > and Avastin? I've been told that since I am relatively young (35

> > years old) that it may not be so bad. I'll find out soon enough.

> >

> > I look forward to reading through the messages here.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Rodney

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