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Re: *Embarrasing.....

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Well...do yo take psyllium seed husks regularly and faithfully drink tons of


Over the counter type oflaxatives will leave you dependant upon them.

I would quit them and get the psyllium husks right away...remembering to

drink plenty of water.

Then if you do not have a good bowel movement in the AM after drinking

something hot, take vitamin C (about 1/4 tsp every 15 minutes) until you

have a bowel movement.

Commercial laxatives re just not a good way to go at all. Try this and let

me know how it goes.


on 1/1/05 4:12 AM, Deb at hedoblonde@... wrote:


> Hi Cris,


> I'm with you. I've been taking Armour for about a week shy of four months and

> this is NOT a problem for me. I don't think I will ever have a time when

> constipation is not a major part of my life. UGH!!! My husband thinks it's a

> little funny as do my two little boys because I have also become quite

> gassy.....but still no movement without a handful of laxatives. What is it

> with boys and why do they think noises you can make with your body are funny?


> Anyway....does anyone know of a way to unstop yourself other than regular

> laxatives? They upset my stomach alot.




> Deb :-)


> Cris wrote:

> I don't think I will ever have this problem on Armour! I know that

> constipation is a sign of hypo - but I just can't imagine that even if I ever

> get treated properly, that I won't be constipated!

> Cris

> Re: Embarrasing.....



> In a message dated 12/31/2004 12:04:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> tigger57ri@... writes:


>> Can Armour or Synthoid have a " laxative " effect?



> yes..too much at a time hitting your system can do this as well as just

> having too much overall. my digestive system couldn't handle too much Armour

> taken

> in the afternoon and I had to cut back because of digestive ailments even

> though the rest of my body needed it. Remember hypo folks often have

> malabsorption or leaky gut syndrome. How much Armour are you taking and what

> times do

> you take it?

> cindi




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Titrating is taking small ammounts and increasing to a tolerence

level....until diarrhea.

Take abuot 1/4 tsp C every 15 minutes until bowels move. At that point, most

people can back off a teaspoon, but in your case you will want to take it to

where your bowels WILL move. This will be your dosage for now. It may change

later on.

I am guessing that you get cramping from psyllium becasue you are that dry.

When you do not have enough fluids, the psyllium will get hard inside of you

and rather than acting like a gentle bulking laxative it will be more like

a hardened log. (Yikes) I suspect that is why you are cramping, becasue your

bowels can not do their peristaltic movements, and that can be very

painful...not good.


I would first of all get off the commercial laxatives.

Then try the Vitamin C approach. Then when you get your bowels to move that

way, I would start to adding just TINY amounts of psyllium every day (with

lots of water) when your bowels are moving with the C. The psyllium should

actually make things more comfortable and it lubricates and absorbs icky

crap in your bowels.

It may take a little work and some time to get there.

Magnesium will also work fro this, but I prefer the C.

Let me know...


on 12/31/04 6:56 PM, Cris at martian.303@... wrote:


> I can't take psyllium - it gives me severe cramping - very severe.

> What do you mean by vit c to titration?

> Cris

> Re: Embarrasing.....



> Cascara sagrada....also magnesium and Vitamin C. Epsom salts too.


> Try taking some psyllium seed husks and Vitamin C to titration. SHould work

> like a charm and be good for you at the same time.


> ~inga






> on 12/31/04 1:53 PM, dm12420@... at dm12420@... wrote:



>> Cris,

>> I hear ya! The only time I had diarrhea was when I had to take a combo of

>> strong laxatives prior to a colonscopy! Doesn't matter what I eat or don't

>> eat....always somewhat constipated and bloated. If I knew of a safe,

>> gluten-free

>> laxative I'd be taking them daily! Anyone out there have any ideas for us?

>> Thanks,

>> Dee




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I'm thinking it is more from severe peristolic movement -

I've not been taking laxitives regularly for very long. I've taken magnesium in

the past as a supplement. I'll start with that -I have it in the house - and

after reading the story that C doesn't really necessarily work!

I've been trying to drink more fluids/water - I go in spurts with the amount

that I drink.


Re: Embarrasing.....



> Cascara sagrada....also magnesium and Vitamin C. Epsom salts too.


> Try taking some psyllium seed husks and Vitamin C to titration. SHould work

> like a charm and be good for you at the same time.


> ~inga






> on 12/31/04 1:53 PM, dm12420@... at dm12420@... wrote:



>> Cris,

>> I hear ya! The only time I had diarrhea was when I had to take a combo of

>> strong laxatives prior to a colonscopy! Doesn't matter what I eat or don't

>> eat....always somewhat constipated and bloated. If I knew of a safe,

>> gluten-free

>> laxative I'd be taking them daily! Anyone out there have any ideas for us?

>> Thanks,

>> Dee




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I think this is a little bit old and did not get sent...if it is a



> I'm thinking it is more from severe peristolic movement -

Did you get nice large formed BMs with the psyllium? Or did you have some

whimply little stuff?

> I've not been taking laxitives regularly for very long. I've taken magnesium

> in the past as a supplement. I'll start with that -I have it in the house -

You have to use ENOUGH magnesium or it won't do the trick, just like with C,

but I don;t know what the amount is. Try titrating is as well, I guess.

> and after reading the story that C doesn't really necessarily work!

I am no expert and do not know where you might have read that C won't work -

but it will flat out give you the squirts if you take enough. But it is

possible that if your body is demanding real high levels of C that it will

not work until you get up to and beyond that hgh level.

Take powdered C. Sodium ascorbate is a good form to use for this. You can

just mix it into koolaid or juice or something. Certainly it is not a long

term solution.

Perhaps you are allergic to the psyllium. Did you take it together with a

laxative and your bowels moved way too fast with the psyllium making

everything slick and move too quickly?

I am by no means trying to tell you that C is the only way to go. If it

doesn't resonate wth you, don't take it.

Usualy when one is constipated they need more water and fruits. DO you eat

plenty of raw foods and lots of fruits and vegetables? Consider eating

plenty of yogurt and/or taking probiotics.

If you are constipated, you can be certain your bowel flora is not what it

should be.

You may also need some good digestive enzymes to help get back a healthy


>>>Here is an excellent site to pour over:


>>>Try at least looking over the info on Viruses, leaky gut, digestive

disorders..just tons of good info, I think.

Good luck for a " smooth " new year, LOL!


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