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Becky my back started hurting when i had a gall bladder attack but ONLY

after i had pancreatitis then it had moved to my back area........was my

pancreas and a gallstone was stuck sumwhere the dr told me so i wasnt able

to have lap ....was open.......but had to wait in hospital 5 days so my

level in my pancreas went down to normal b4 i could have surgery.........

sounds like gallstones to me also.........my gallstone attacks hurt worse

then labor.......never since then have i had a pain that intense........

At 12:52 PM 7/4/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>awwwwww becky........... sounds like galstones to me!!! my mother

>in law had them and they hurt in the back instead of the

>front....that can happen!! next attack....go to the ER let them

>take a look.. i will bet you dollars to doughnuts!!


> S in VA







> >

> > I've been having sever back pains, on either side of my back around

>where my

> > kidneys are, about 15 minutes after I eat. It sometimes goes into


> > pains. I wanted to know if anyone else has been having anything

>like this.

> > I was admitted to the hospital a week ago for 3 days because of the


> > They did a every test there was except and endoscope, because the


> > doc didn't think it was necessary. Needless to say, I'm going to

>have one

> > done within the next day or so. When they discharged me from the


> > they said that they thought it was probably a cyst that had burst

>on my

> > ovary. I knew that, that wasn't it, but I was so ready to leave


> > hospital and I was feeling much better, that I just told them that

>I wanted

> > to leave so I could go.

> > My diet hasn't changed from what it always is. I'm not eating

>anything new.

> > I also called Diane (Doc. R's nurse), and spoke w/ her. She said


> > sounded like gastritis. So, she prescribed me Carafate and

>Prevacid again.

> > I took those and was fine for about 2 days, and now its come back.

>I've had

> > to leave work after lunch yesterday and today. Does anyone have


> > suggestions?

> >

> > Becky in Florida

> > MGB 12/14/00

> > 249/162

> > _________________________________________________________________

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the encouragment. I do want to be a nurse but the only problem I

had was that I didn't want to catch anything from anyone. I know its a risk

but I'm still in the " I'm not too sure what I want to do " phase. I had

planned on getting a criminal justice degree incase I didn't like the nursing

and work in the forsenics field. I'll just wait and see if I don't change my

mind again. Thanks again.

Becky 19 TX

AIH 6/01

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Hi Becky....

Welcome to the group....I am sure you will find lots of answers and support here....ask any questions you have....they are many here with so much info..

I have been here now for almost 3 yrs...it is my son who is now 18 who has AIH and he also has PSC which is another auto-immune liver disease...along with some other auto-immune diseases...

He will be starting college in a couple of weeks....his senior yr was a tough one ...being in the hosp for alot of it....but he made it and is looking forward to going to college....

He works at a Great Adventures....you know ...a Six Flags theme park....it is his 3rd yr there...and really likes it...

I hope I will get to know you better....

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 3 weeks later...


We were almost littermates!! I remember you from clinic! Your weight

loss is awesome, congrats!! Somehow I missed what was going on with you!

Why are you having your gallbladder taken out?? Yes, I've had 2

ultrasounds, many xrays and a MRI along with a million other tests. All of

them said that I didn't have any stones. I guess thats why all the docs

here couldn't figure out what was wrong. I don't know why they didn't think

about the " sludge " because when I told them that Dr. R thought that it might

be that, they knew what it was and agreed. Oh Well at least its being taken

care of now!! (3 months after it all started!!!) Good Luck with the

surgery and let me know how your feeling!


MGB 12/14/00


>From: nachofestr2@...



>Subject: Becky

>Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 07:02:56 EDT


>Hi Becky

>Hope you get to feeling better soon. Have they given you an ultrasound or

>the dye test on your GB to see if you have stones or if its functioning??

>Take care of yourself. WOW! There are a few of us having gallbladder



>MGB 12-15-00

>(We were almost littermates)

>312 / 185

>Preop lap gallbladder 09-04-01



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We should add this to the post op book about the gallbladder thing. I sure

wish they would have removed it when they did the MGB. I hear a lot of

surgeons do during lap roux eny. O.

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  • 3 months later...

Congrats Becky! I am really happy for you!


[ ] Becky

hey everyone! hope everyone is doing good. =) i went to the doctor on tuesday and it went very well. =) i actually left the office in a better mood and smiling. my doctor is pretty sure that i am in remission. my numbers are great, i'm feeling great, no problems. =) i cant believe that it has already been 6 months since i have been diagnosed...time sure does fly by quickly. my doctor discussed my case with what he calls the worlds best on autoimmune hepatits, she is from john hopkins. and they both think that i am ok. he talked with her because 6 months ago i was gravely ill, the fact that i am young and of child bearing age and because i had such a bad reaction to the imuran (depressing my bone marrow a lot). i knew i was really sick when he first saw me but i really didnt know or rather didnt want to believe how sick i actually was and live in denial about it. i'm told that i was knocking on the door and that i didnt have a lot of time. boy am i glad i was saved. =) he says i can lead a normal life. that is what he wants for me...what i want too. he gave me the all clear to go back to playing sports but not to over do it and know my limits. my doc told me that i'm not made of steel...i used to think i was and that nothing could stop me. my prednisone is being lowered to 17.5 from 20mg. every week it will be lowered 2.5mg and i have to get blood drawn every week to make sure my numbers stay good. my doctor said that having a liver biopsy would be able to tell him if i was really in remission but my numbers look soo good he doesnt want to aggrivate my liver or anything by poking around when it have to be done just yet. maybe in a year i will have to get another one. i was still told that i may be treated for years but who knows i may be able to stop the medincine. =) but yeah all that made me really happy. i think i maybe forgetting everything else i was told, my mom goes with me to the doctor b/c i forget things and sometimes it is just in one ear and out the other. thanks everyone for all the support. =) i'll write back in when i find out more. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Becky 20 -Houston, TXAIH 6/01

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  • 1 year later...


I'm from Beautiful South Africa. Hey Kathi, by HP do you mean Hewlett-

Packard? Just asking as I work for HP (Hewlett-Packard).

It is so amazing to think that I am all the way down here and that

there are thousands of people all over on the same program as me.

Eating and training the same way I am.

Really cool.

> > > > hey girls. I was just wondering where everyone else


> > > > (wishing there were more bfl'ers in Alaska)

> > > > Caer

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  • 8 months later...

I took Protonix when I was first diagnosed with acid reflux disease. It didn't

quite do the job, but then Nexium worked wonders. For some reason some work

better for some people!

So the doc changed her meds from Prilosec to something called Protonix and

> also put her on carafate 4x a day.

Hi Becky,

I hope you see improvement that lasts this time. I have tried Protonix and

Prevacid is the med that finally worked for me and for as well. I

think it's a matter of finding the right one, so don't give up on that!!


for the update.

Thirteen is a very interesting age for a girl :)

Sandi--Mom to , age 10. Immune Deficiency, Tetrology of Fallot,

Pulmonary Valve transplant, Mitral Valve stenosis, chronic sinusitis, chronic


infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD, possible Tethered Cord Syndrome.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Becky, Kody does this. In the beginning I assumed he was having


too. But then we discovered he had a blockage that prevented feeling

and only

the softer stuff would come out. It has become a chronic problem with

two over

night stays at the hospital for golytely treatments to get rid of


The point is, there could be a very physical reason why she doesn't

know she

had to go.

Dear Becky,

My was is third grade when this started happening. He would come home with

soiled pants and have no idea!! At first I could not understand , 's

counselor explained that he is/was able to disassociate (able to block it out

completely) from the problem. It was his coping mechanism to deal with having

no control of what was happening!

Accidents would happen everyday. He did not act any different you could tell

because of the smell or pants being wet. He only had one color and style of

pants and shorts, black. We always kept an extra pair, so when he changed the

pants would be the same. Pull ups were out of the question, he would

not.........for him it just added to the humiliation of what was happening. We

bought liners to put under his sheets at night.

When this started happening we were sent to a gasternologist, DR at Lucille

Pakard Hospital, Stanford. He was wonderful. He did an anal manometry test....

thru testing it was found that when was told to squeeze his muscles relaxed

and when he was told to relax he squeezed. He also had no anal wink.

They ordered an MRI and it was found that had Syringomyelia, fluid in the

spinal cord. they did also look for a tethered cord but 's was fine.

The fluid was not enough to have surgery, they did send us to a biofeedback

clinic at Stanford where for twelve weeks they worked with to retrain other

nerves. That along with Miralex made huge progress in the pooping accidents.

By the time he hit 5th grade it was no longer an issue.

We still had wetting accidents every night until 7th grade. He was/is seeing

another wonderful doctor at LPCH Dr Kennedy a urologist.

is now in 9th grade, All accidents stopped in 7th grade. It was a

difficult two years for us and for . had no control.........that was

very hard to comprehend...........one of the saving things for was his

counselor!! She was able to reassure him it was not his fault and to deal with

the loss of control. Aslo to help him with his disassociation. He has become

very good at this, and is able to block out pain..........along with this you

can block out emotion which is not good so she help stay in touch with his


A good counselor has help us and thru the emotional ups and downs of having

a chronic illness.( WARNING we did go thru 4 counselors before we found the

right one. You need to make sure the counselor fits both you and your child!)

is " fine " but he still sees his counselor once a month.........they are

buddies and usually go to lunch.

Please don't become discouraged there is light at the end of the tunnel!


IVIG 7 years every three weeks, looking into Sub Q

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  • 4 weeks later...

It just doesn't seem fair. I don't understand why you have to pay him anything.

Is there any chance that will change or you can ask for a different judge?


[ ] Re: Off-topic posts - To everyone

And all of this is

> happening while I'm trying to get my divorce finalized and get


> child support that I have to pay my ex reduced since I had to

take a


> HAVE RA and be able to pick my daughter up at a reasonable time


> her school. Forget that I supported us while my ex went through

> graduate school and he just happened to pick a low paying career


> that doesn't matter and so I have to pay all my daugthers


> including the $850 average per month (it's $945 in the school


> less in the summer) preschool and her clothes and my insurance


> payments and drug co-payments and our health insurance premiums


> everything myself and after all that I have to pay him money

too. I

> do not make a ton of money! He just makes nearly nothing. And


> doesn't have any disease to deal with but that doesn't matter

> either.


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It's actually not a judge that says I have to pay this. Each state

has it's own child support calculation - usually performed by a

computer program. I live in PA and the way it works here they take

your combined income less taxes and estimate an amount that should

be spent on raising the child. Then they determine what percentage

of the total income you each make, I make about 60% of our combined

parental income and he makes 40%. So I am 60% responsible for

providing that amount that the calculation said we should be

spending on raising her (housing costs, food, clothing, etc.).

Since I have her 50% of the time, then I end up paying 10% of that

calculated amount (not 10% of my income, just 10% of the amount we

should spend to raise her) to my ex to cover his expenses when he

has her. So basically, he has her 50% of the time but is only

responsible for 40% of the cost to raise her. He gets money from me

to cover the other 10%. Confused yet?

Then it gets more complicated by daycare costs. It is also income

based so I am responsible to pay 60% of the daycare. But we aren't

going to each write a check to them every month, so I just pay it

directly. His portion of the cost is $340 per month. The child

support computer says I should pay him child support of $403 but

since I pay $340 to the daycare on his behalf, that leaves $63 to

pay to him directly.

Of course, then when I start getting bonuses at work I end up making

65% of our combined income, but also the computer will estimate we

should be spending more to raise her since there is more income. So

my $63 will go up to $175 per month starting in December. If he

also gets a bonus at work then it will be a little less.

Since it is income based, they don't take into consideration

expenses. If I want to live in a place that has a back yard and

feels like a home for my daughter, fine, and if he wants to live in

a dump to save money, fine too. If I have medical costs for myself,

too bad. If they relate to her care, then we would have to share it

based on the percentage of incomes, but she is healthy. The costs I

have are mine. I do get credit for paying her health insurance

premiums but I work for a great company and it's only $22 per month

for both her and I.

If I had fought it and got custody of her 65% of the time, then I

wouldn't have to pay him anything and he'd have to pay his own share

fo the daycare cost. But that would be putting money above our

daughter's needs (it really is best for her to be with each of us

1/2 time)... and I didn't do that.


> It just doesn't seem fair. I don't understand why you have to pay

him anything. Is there any chance that will change or you can ask

for a different judge?


> Becky

> [ ] Becky



Up until now

> I've had to pay him an extra $155 a month for child support (It


> actually $540 up until June, but the extra was spousal support


> it was temporary). I had to take a small cut in pay when I


> jobs, so the child support for the rest of this year will only


> $63 but we'll just see how big of a stink his attorney makes


> that next week. Then at the end of this year my bonuses kick in


> it will go up to $175 per month. Not a ton of money but her


> and other expenses eat up everything I have. And I will have to


> him this money until she is 18 unless he figures out and gets

> motivated to actually put his graduate degree to work. It's his

> choice to do that or not do that, the court won't force him to.

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Oh my, what a complicated situation! You are so kind by doing what you feel is

best for your child. Little girl's need their daddies if they are good daddies.

My heart goes out to you.


[ ] Becky



Up until now

> I've had to pay him an extra $155 a month for child support (It


> actually $540 up until June, but the extra was spousal support


> it was temporary). I had to take a small cut in pay when I


> jobs, so the child support for the rest of this year will only


> $63 but we'll just see how big of a stink his attorney makes


> that next week. Then at the end of this year my bonuses kick in


> it will go up to $175 per month. Not a ton of money but her


> and other expenses eat up everything I have. And I will have to


> him this money until she is 18 unless he figures out and gets

> motivated to actually put his graduate degree to work. It's his

> choice to do that or not do that, the court won't force him to.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks so much, Kiki! I really appreciate you thinking of me. Have

a wonderful day! :)



> Wishing you a wonderful birthday. I hope it's a GREAT one!!!


> Blessings,

> Kiki




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Ditto! Happy Birthday dear Becky!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!


Have an absolute wonderful birthday Becky!





Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Becky - I don't think the early things " caused " the AIHA. About 20% of us

get it, and the reason is unknown.

If MDA diagnosed it, they're probably right. The dark urine comes from

destroyed hemoglobin, it is an indicator that something is killing your red


I had the dark urine from the hemolyitc anemia plus the parasite. They wear

boith enjoying red cell meals.

As you said, maybe they gave you Mepron (an antimalarial) as a preventtive

move against blood parasites. I am not aware that Mepron is given against

AIHA. You should be checked for babesiosis, my problem, caused by the same tick

that delivers lyme disease.

What you have discusses sounds very much like babesiosis, which, however, is

pretty rare. Have a parasitologist talk to you. There are simple tests. AIHA

and babesiosis can be confused for one another, unless they test your blood

for it.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Did u receive my last mail

--- usviteacher <usviteacher@...> wrote:

> Here there, welcome to the group, thank you for

> sharing your repo

> tips


> Hazel and Andres, 21 months, Docband Grad 4/06



> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I am a new memeber and just signed up yesterday.

> I was doing

> some

> > > searching because my first grandbaby has a flat

> head in the back

> and

> > > is slightly pointer toward the top when you look

> at her profile

> from

> > > the side. Really hard to say but we think she

> was born like

> this

> > > seems like it has been like that since we

> remember and she is

> only 3

> > > months old. I kept thinking something does not

> seem right.

> Cannot

> > > even find a hat to fit her right. I stumbled

> upon this group in

> my

> > > searches. I told my daughter today that we need

> to start

> keeping

> > > her off her back as much as podsible. I

> probably have her just

> as

> > > much as mom does and she goes to school 4 days a

> week and has

> two

> > > part time jobs. So being the whole back of her

> head is flat

> should

> > > she mainly be sleeping on her side? She does

> love her swing and

> I

> > > read that can be really bad for the flat head.

> I did not put

> her in

> > > it once today. She also loves the bounce seat.

> Absolutely does

> not

> > > like tummy time for more than 5-15 minutes. At

> this age she can

> > > hold her head up but not real good for long.

> This makes it

> > > difficult as to what to do with her all day. If

> you lean her

> > > sitting up against something the pressure is

> still on the back

> of

> > > her head. Recently when she sleeps (on her back

> of course) she

> > > does like to have her head to one side or the

> other so that

> helps as

> > > the pressure is off the back of her head. So at

> her 4 mo. check

> up I

> > > guess we will see what the ped. says. We have

> not brought it up

> to

> > > him as of yet and he has never mentioned

> anything. The baby is

> on

> > > state aid insurance (medicaid)(Michigan). I

> have looked through

> > > your lists of insurance co.'s and problems and

> ones that pay or

> > > not. I have not seen any state aid ones listed

> that I

> recognize.

> > > If anyone has any info on whether they do or

> not, would be

> helpful

> > > to know. Any advice or suggestions are welcome.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> >








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I received it yesterday but I was out from morning until night with

my family. I just sent you a reply. becky

> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I am a new memeber and just signed up yesterday.

> > I was doing

> > some

> > > > searching because my first grandbaby has a flat

> > head in the back

> > and

> > > > is slightly pointer toward the top when you look

> > at her profile

> > from

> > > > the side. Really hard to say but we think she

> > was born like

> > this

> > > > seems like it has been like that since we

> > remember and she is

> > only 3

> > > > months old. I kept thinking something does not

> > seem right.

> > Cannot

> > > > even find a hat to fit her right. I stumbled

> > upon this group in

> > my

> > > > searches. I told my daughter today that we need

> > to start

> > keeping

> > > > her off her back as much as podsible. I

> > probably have her just

> > as

> > > > much as mom does and she goes to school 4 days a

> > week and has

> > two

> > > > part time jobs. So being the whole back of her

> > head is flat

> > should

> > > > she mainly be sleeping on her side? She does

> > love her swing and

> > I

> > > > read that can be really bad for the flat head.

> > I did not put

> > her in

> > > > it once today. She also loves the bounce seat.

> > Absolutely does

> > not

> > > > like tummy time for more than 5-15 minutes. At

> > this age she can

> > > > hold her head up but not real good for long.

> > This makes it

> > > > difficult as to what to do with her all day. If

> > you lean her

> > > > sitting up against something the pressure is

> > still on the back

> > of

> > > > her head. Recently when she sleeps (on her back

> > of course) she

> > > > does like to have her head to one side or the

> > other so that

> > helps as

> > > > the pressure is off the back of her head. So at

> > her 4 mo. check

> > up I

> > > > guess we will see what the ped. says. We have

> > not brought it up

> > to

> > > > him as of yet and he has never mentioned

> > anything. The baby is

> > on

> > > > state aid insurance (medicaid)(Michigan). I

> > have looked through

> > > > your lists of insurance co.'s and problems and

> > ones that pay or

> > > > not. I have not seen any state aid ones listed

> > that I

> > recognize.

> > > > If anyone has any info on whether they do or

> > not, would be

> > helpful

> > > > to know. Any advice or suggestions are welcome.

> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 6 months later...

Thank you all for your continued input. I will miss

Becky's voice among all of yours. Carolyn

--- jb50192@... wrote:

> Barbara - I checked and am told that there was an

> earlier (late 80s), not

> very successful, attempt to have an antibody for

> CD19.


> Right now we have Rituxan and Humax for CD20, the

> new one I posted about for

> CD23, Campath for CD52, and a new, promising one

> (LL1) in the pipe for CD74.


> But there is a LOT of work going on, focusing on CDs

> expressed by CLL

> patients.


> Also, see the following comment from our Med. Adv.:



> It is not just about what markers the cell

> expresses, but about what happens

> when the antibody binds the cells. CD19 mAb have

> been around for quite a

> while. I remember doing a series of studies in the

> early 1990s with them which

> were negative. From a therapeutical standpoint,

> CLLers should be following the

> CD40 mAbs (Seattle Genetics and Novartis/Chiron),

> Humax-CD20, anti-CD23,

> Hu-1D10, and a new one LL1 against CD74 which is

> going to open here shortly.






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