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Middle names

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Or Rob Robson??


Antenatal teacher, trainee breasteeding counsellor.

Demented mother of 3. Worthing.

" We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse " .

Re: Middle names

> Or should that be McVeigh McVeighson


> >Rob tells me he thinks we should have followed the Icelandic

tradition of

> >naming, hence called our first born McVeighson McVeigh.

> >

> >?

> >

> >





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>no Joyce's in our family (there - did that work?)


>I am Caroline

>Dh is ce (his dad's name)

>DS1 is ce (ditto)

>DS2 is ph - ( is ce's uncle who was his dad's


>We are pretty conventional name-wise really. if I had a girl (ever) She

>would be called Isobel (my grandma) Alice (my Nan) Lydia (Dh Nan) or a

>combination of these!



I have three girls names lined up just in case. There is absolutely

no way I am going to reveal them to anyone though - spot of magical

thinking there! (And I would definitely have to get DH to drink the

whole bottle of champagne before he'd agree, rather than using the

promise of champagne once he commits to a name any name, as before)

I'm Helen (my maternal grandmother said she didn't like

and would call me Helen. Never happened. Uncle who lived in

the same house I was born in had suggested Mona or Griselda - can you

tell I was colicky? :-)) (my Dad's method of naming was to reject

anything that was, by his definition, 'a barmaid's name')

DH is Barry - always known as (He was very resistant

to our boys having three names saying people laugh, but my sister,

another trinominal (hmph!), said she reckoned they only laughed 'cos

his 3rd was Barry (after his father) - wow you had a lucky escape

!) Incidentally, at our wedding, after I managed to get his

name out, DHs Dad's wife turned to her husband and asked why on earth

they'd lumbered him with all those names!

The only name decision we made - or even discussed was that if we had

a boy and if we followed the tradition of giving as a first

name, that was the name we would use. I knew DH wasn't going to let

me indulge any flights of fancy - wouldn't even let me have anything

vaguely ish because we aren't (well we do have some, but not

enough for him)

DS1 is ( is just for him, is my Dad

who was besotted)

DS2 is ( is DHs other grandfather,

is my brother (some hesistance on the Part of DH as he

wouldn't necessarily want him to take after my BB - much as he likes

him, and was my great uncle - DS1 looked exactly like a mixture

of us, but DS2 didn't look like anyone - except my (dead) grandmother

and her brother. My own grandfathers we - who died whilst I

was expecting DS1, but he already had a grandson and a great grandson

with Ben as first name, and - DH would have liked to honour

him, and so would I (he died when I was two and I don't remember him

at all, which grieves me when I see the close bond between my two and

my Dad at that age) - but he asked his name and decided he couldn't

cope with . I wanted his surname instead, but he wouldn't have

that either.

I don't think my mother would forgive me if I named a girl after her!

(But she was named after a little girl who was besotted with my

grandfather on his honeymoon and when they were leaving, to console

her he told her he would name his little girl if he had one after her

- and he did) though you never know, if it did happen, I just might

change my three names.





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Mine is Jane, my mum is Pamela (always known as ) my father was

Rodney (always known as Bill). is ' - cos we

liked both names and couldn't choose between them. Kitty is really

Ellen Foxwood - Ellen after my maternal grandmother and the Foxwood is a long

story - but my business is now named after that too!


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> (Namesdays are celebrated like birthdays, with gifts and party/going


> birthdays are a much more family affair. Reason being - everybody


> your name and appropriate feast day; not many will know your


> Janet Athens

Sounds a great idea!


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> Had discovered the existence of Phineas (way back in our family tree)


> I had the boys I can truthfully say that I would not have used it!


> Trisha

> SAHM to 3 boys

I *love* love love the name Phineas!! My all time favourite boys name, well

that and Manley - but dh wouldn't hear of either of them :o(

I went to school with a boy called Phineas who played the 'cello, we used to

do duets together. I'd loved to have named one of mine Phineas.

Hannah, 27

Mum to Bethany 7, Lawrence 5 1/2, Verity almost 3, Alfie 3 months

Visit me on the web at :-


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> Had discovered the existence of Phineas (way back in our family tree)


> I had the boys I can truthfully say that I would not have used it!


> Trisha

> SAHM to 3 boys

I *love* love love the name Phineas!! My all time favourite boys name, well

that and Manley - but dh wouldn't hear of either of them :o(

I went to school with a boy called Phineas who played the 'cello, we used to

do duets together. I'd loved to have named one of mine Phineas.

Hannah, 27

Mum to Bethany 7, Lawrence 5 1/2, Verity almost 3, Alfie 3 months

Visit me on the web at :-


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> Had discovered the existence of Phineas (way back in our family tree)


> I had the boys I can truthfully say that I would not have used it!


> Trisha

> SAHM to 3 boys

I *love* love love the name Phineas!! My all time favourite boys name, well

that and Manley - but dh wouldn't hear of either of them :o(

I went to school with a boy called Phineas who played the 'cello, we used to

do duets together. I'd loved to have named one of mine Phineas.

Hannah, 27

Mum to Bethany 7, Lawrence 5 1/2, Verity almost 3, Alfie 3 months

Visit me on the web at :-


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> I *love* love love the name Phineas!! My all time favourite boys name,


> that and Manley - but dh wouldn't hear of either of them :o(

I would have like a Lawrence - but DH and his family threw up their hands in

horror - they had known a universally disliked Lawrence and it put them off

forever :-))

DH wanted

I think if it had been a boy then first time around might have been Oliver

(then my sister had an Oliver) and second time around we went to hospital

armed with a boys name just in case and it was Ben - about 20th choice from

both of us!


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>>I just thought I would start a thread about middle names.


>>Mine is Ruth, my



>Interesting. Mine's Ruth, too, but I don't think I have met

>anyone else with that middle name


Gerogiana's middle name is Ruth (my mum is Janet Ruth (but called

Ruth) and DH's grandmother was Ruth). Georgiana is also a family name

as well as being a good Janeite favourite.

na's is Kate (na means lily and Kate means pure -ha ha ha)

mine is and Dh's are Rothery (don;t ask !)

I'd love to be able to use or Rose as a name for a child.....


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>DH is Barry - always known as (He was very resistant

>to our boys having three names saying people laugh, but my sister,

>another trinominal (hmph!), said she reckoned they only laughed 'cos

>his 3rd was Barry (after his father) - wow you had a lucky escape

>!) Incidentally, at our wedding, after I managed to get his

>name out, DHs Dad's wife turned to her husband and asked why on earth

>they'd lumbered him with all those names!

I'm sure there was a distinct titter up and down the pews when Rob and I got

married and I had to enunciate his full trinomial - Godfrey.

He's very proud of his slightly less than common " second middle name "

though. He's after his maternal Grandfather, after his

paternal Grandfather, then Godfrey was added after his maternal

Great-Grandfather who died the day before Rob was born (which just happened

to be his Mum's 20th birthday)

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----- Original Message -----

> > (Namesdays are celebrated like birthdays, with gifts and party/going

> out;

> > birthdays are a much more family affair. Reason being - everybody

> knows

> > your name and appropriate feast day; not many will know your

> birthday).

> > Janet Athens


> Sounds a great idea!

> Barbara

And having been to a few namesdays, they are a great party too... a bit

like a street party but with communal food. hmmm kokeretsi (but don't ask

whats in it).




but ex Corfu many years ago, where everyone was called Sprios cos the saint

of the island was San Spiridon.

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I like Lawrence in Italian - Lorenzo.

Hmmmm..... maybe for the next one.....


Re: Re: Middle names

> I would have like a Lawrence - but DH and his family threw up their hands


> horror - they had known a universally disliked Lawrence and it put them


> forever :-))


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I like Lawrence in Italian - Lorenzo.

Hmmmm..... maybe for the next one.....


Re: Re: Middle names

> I would have like a Lawrence - but DH and his family threw up their hands


> horror - they had known a universally disliked Lawrence and it put them


> forever :-))


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I like Lawrence in Italian - Lorenzo.

Hmmmm..... maybe for the next one.....


Re: Re: Middle names

> I would have like a Lawrence - but DH and his family threw up their hands


> horror - they had known a universally disliked Lawrence and it put them


> forever :-))


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OK my middle name is (yuk - apologies to any 's out

there), dh is .

Kids are:

(after dh)

Natasha Louise (dh wanted or Katrina, I settled for Natasha)

Oliver (I wanted middle name , dh wanted so DS1

chose Oliver!)

ph Henry (decided whilst I was in labour - in desperation we

agreed that dh could choose a girls name and I could choose a boys.

He gave me the choice of or Katrina, I chose , then I

gave him the choice of ph or Jack and he chose ph. He then

chose the middle name which was his father's middle name)

Natasha would have been if a boy so we passed that one down. I

really wanted ph to be called and dh wanted Henry but

neither of us would agree to that. I think it is really difficult

when choosing names and calls for a lot of compromise. I'm really

pleased with and , but Natasha and ph would not have

been my first choices had I not had a dh to contend with! But then,

without the dh I guess there would have been no kids to name in the

first place!


Mum to 10, Natasha 8, 5, ph 3

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Late as usual!

Caroline - I " hated " the name when young (sorry) as I had an

honorary aunt who I didn't like who always called me .

DD1 = Francesca Rosemary - the Rosemary is after my late Godmother who was a

wonderful lady. Not sure where Francesca came from it took us about 8 days to

name her. AKA Frannie,Frangipani or Utter Nutter (by her godmother)

DD2= Eleanor - she is known as and would have been named the other

way round but her initials would have been LEG so decided against it - I've

always loved the name Eleanor and may be she will grow into it but for the time

being is know as Loulou or Lawuntoherself or Loopy Loo (same godmother)

DH - known by his family as Tim

A boy would have been - First born sons DH side of family - I would have

liked a Duncan -

My mum has an unusual first name Alys but always known as Sally



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Late as usual!

Caroline - I " hated " the name when young (sorry) as I had an

honorary aunt who I didn't like who always called me .

DD1 = Francesca Rosemary - the Rosemary is after my late Godmother who was a

wonderful lady. Not sure where Francesca came from it took us about 8 days to

name her. AKA Frannie,Frangipani or Utter Nutter (by her godmother)

DD2= Eleanor - she is known as and would have been named the other

way round but her initials would have been LEG so decided against it - I've

always loved the name Eleanor and may be she will grow into it but for the time

being is know as Loulou or Lawuntoherself or Loopy Loo (same godmother)

DH - known by his family as Tim

A boy would have been - First born sons DH side of family - I would have

liked a Duncan -

My mum has an unusual first name Alys but always known as Sally



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Alison - might this have been because of Queen Alice?


>Her name was Alice Grace (although for some peculiar reason she was

known as Queenie)

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No idea. I'll have to ask my mother, who may or may not know!


Alison - might this have been because of Queen Alice?


>Her name was Alice Grace (although for some peculiar reason she was

known as Queenie)

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Well, I'm Anneliese Elisabeth (nb check whose spell checker changes these in

any replies!) and I was a Cook and am now a Handley so all my names are

regularly mis-spelt... I was named after two opera singers. DS is

Mark just because we thought they were nice names for a rounded baby and

went well together! DH is Robin after his two grandpas I think. My

mum was a after her father, but was given an " ordinary " middle name

(Jill) - Mum and Dad took the same line with my sister (middle name Jill) to

make up for saddling her with Berendina as a first name! Dad met a Dutch

woman called Berendina in his early 20s and decided that if ever he had a

daughter he'd call her that. We only found this out 8 yrs ago - the vicar

doing Mum's funeral asked about our names and for the first time in her life

Berrie heard the real answer, not the " got it off a cigarette card " one!

Anneliese (part-time) SAHM to Baby Tim (18/9/99), member, Alton, Bordon and

district branch

Middle names


> I just thought I would start a thread about middle names. Mine is Ruth,


> Mum's is Joyce.


> Lynda

> SAHM to (8), (5), Fraser (3), Callum (15/5/00)

> Newsletter editor, Mid-Northumberland Branch

> Area Rep, Region 7

> www.familygarland.co.uk




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Isn't it " dottir " at the end if the child is female?


Re: Middle names



> > Rob tells me he thinks we should have followed the Icelandic

tradition of

> > naming, hence called our first born McVeighson McVeigh.

> >

> > ?

> >




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Isn't it " dottir " at the end if the child is female?


Re: Middle names



> > Rob tells me he thinks we should have followed the Icelandic

tradition of

> > naming, hence called our first born McVeighson McVeigh.

> >

> > ?

> >




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