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Re: irony

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Hi Marcy-

I looked at Greta's new photos and I can see why you are still

concerned. I really thought her head was looking better too, when

you posted pictures a while back, so I was surprised to see in these

pictures that there is still definite flattening on both sides, with

more on the right. I think you're definitely doing the right thing

by seeking another opinion. Please keep us posted on the latest


Good luck!

Jake-18m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DocBand 2/11/08)


> >

> > OK, I will first admit that I ap my children so I lay with kids

> until they

> > fall asleep and if they wake up in the night so sometimes I am

> laying around

> > waiting with nothing to do so I think about weird things if


> else is

> > on my mind lol. I especially like little quirky isn't that weirds

> >

> > So here are my 2 for today as both pertain to Plagio. I wonder


> ironic

> > it is that my only very late talker was my only plagio baby.


> are so

> > little studies done and the few done are small scale and there


> even

> > different ways plagio effects a child that would have to be


> into

> > account to do a study on everything. But in the few bits of

> reading it

> > talks about effecting ear and jaw but more implies fluid/ear

> infections.

> > Well my Plagio baby had Plagio pretty much from birth. Hearing

> tested fine

> > at birth, never tested after that but he passes all the


> to assume

> > he doesn't have a hearing problem or at least not a chronic one.

> Yet all my

> > other children have said their 1st at least 3 words by their 1st

> bday.

> > said no words at 12 mo, no words at 15 mo even. He was banded


> 9-12 mo

> > and had severe ear assymetry.

> >

> > But an interesting OTOH, he did not have a single ear issue


> he was

> > banded. He didn't get his 1st ear infection until 15 mo (my 2nd

> got her 1st

> > at 6 mo, my 3rd at 5 mo and both by his age had had severel), so

> post band.

> > It was a bad double ear infection and now we are not even sure


> went

> > completely away b/c it has been a month and he has a severe


> ear

> > infection. As irony has it though, it was during the antibiotics

> from the

> > 1st one that he finally started talking. Of course this makes me

> wonder if

> > he has had fluid in the inner ear at all prior to this since


> is not

> > something we would be able to know without testing for it and it

> would

> > effect speech. Which of course led me to, if it was in the inner

> ear and

> > now that we have straitened his ears has it somehow effected

> drainage so

> > that instead it is now in the middle ear thus causing ear

> infections? Even

> > with now knowing some words it isnt like my other kids learned

> words. His

> > are not comprehendable really, except mama. Not that my other


> spoke

> > perfectly, my 2nd had a lot of articulation issues. But most ppl

> could

> > guess what they were saying, I do not think anyone but me could

> guess what

> > he says except mama. dada was comprehendable too but he has said

> it less

> > than a handful of times and I havent heard it in weeks. But his

> other words

> > are weird. he says a sound like " oosch " which is " shoes " then he

> says a

> > sound like " eesch " which is cheese or keys depending on the

> context. then

> > he says the long i sound which is what he says for hi and bye.

> even more

> > interesting he also finally started signing at that time,


> dog and

> > fish and again he should have signed well before a year.

> >

> > Really makes you wonder

> >

> > Of course what I really believe is that the ear infections are


> to a

> > lessening of his immune system and immunities b/c he stopped

> breastfeeding

> > at 14 mo, 1st ear infection within a month. But still


> looking

> > and wondering about if Plagio can play any role

> >

> >

> > --

> > SC SAHM to , , , , and what should


> name our

> > baby girl?

> >

> > " We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget

> that he is

> > someone today. " ~Stacia Tauscher

> >









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