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Re: Just joined here and have a TON of questions!!!

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just an update -- i went to the ped shortly after i posted this, and she


repositioning but didn't see any asymmetry. i've been repositioning as much as


which included putting him more on his back, ironically. however, repo'ing is


because i don't want to overcompensate and cause plagio on the sides of the back

of his

head, either. while I'm not striving for cosmetic perfection, I'm just so amazed

at how

malleable little heads are! I don't remember having this much trouble with ds1.

FWIW i borrowed a pillow from a friend -- the pillow is from korea and looks

like a mini

boppy pillow, but is enclosed rather than open like the boppy. it has a small

hole cutout

for baby's head to rest in. i hope more products like these are released


i'm debating whether to go the " memory foam topper " route. I know moms on this


use that to ease sleep for band-wearing babies, but does this help provide

cushion and

prevent further misshaping for any baby? I wish I was a bit more prudent and

invested in a

sleep positioner -- i just figured that since ds1 didn't need one, neither would


> > >

> > > Hi everyone,

> > >

> > > Please forgive my lack of knowledge about, well, everything! I have

> > 2 beautiful boys: my

> > > first is almost 3, and my second is a little over 3 months old.

> > >

> > > My 3-month old has been a tummy sleeper from the get-go, and has

> > always slept

> > > wonderfully. Little did I know that would be a negative thing when

> > DH and I started to

> > > notice his head shaping differently. I've been doing really basic

> > research and think that he

> > > has developed positional scaphocephaly. The sides of his forehead

> > have been flattened,

> > > and from above, his head isn't round, but rather almost

> > almond-shaped. hope that makes

> > > sense.

> > >

> > > I feel extremely guilty for just " dumping " him into the crib all

> > this time while chasing after

> > > my toddler. We have an appointment with our pediatrician on

> > Wednesday, but I have a

> > > feeling that she'll just recommend repositioning. My concern is that

> > repositioning may

> > > overcompensate (we've already been trying to reposition and now see

> > " dents " on both

> > > sides of the back of his head!)

> > >

> > > Do I Just ask my pediatrician for a referral from the get-go? How do

> > I go about seeing if

> > > our insurance will cover a band/helmet if that is the ultimate course?

> > >

> > > Have any of you had luck WITHOUT using a band?

> > >

> > > I'm sorry for all these basic questions but I'm so glad to find a

> > forum like this!

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


> >


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