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Re: Just joined here and have a TON of questions!!!

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Thanks so much for all your input, advice, and encouragement, everyone. I'm so

sorry for

sounding so ignorant or alarmist! maybe I should just wait and see what the


says tomorrow. Thanks also for all the helpful links; I'll definitely keep

everyone updated,

and it's so wonderful to see a community like this!

> >

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > Please forgive my lack of knowledge about, well, everything! I have

> 2 beautiful boys: my

> > first is almost 3, and my second is a little over 3 months old.

> >

> > My 3-month old has been a tummy sleeper from the get-go, and has

> always slept

> > wonderfully. Little did I know that would be a negative thing when

> DH and I started to

> > notice his head shaping differently. I've been doing really basic

> research and think that he

> > has developed positional scaphocephaly. The sides of his forehead

> have been flattened,

> > and from above, his head isn't round, but rather almost

> almond-shaped. hope that makes

> > sense.

> >

> > I feel extremely guilty for just " dumping " him into the crib all

> this time while chasing after

> > my toddler. We have an appointment with our pediatrician on

> Wednesday, but I have a

> > feeling that she'll just recommend repositioning. My concern is that

> repositioning may

> > overcompensate (we've already been trying to reposition and now see

> " dents " on both

> > sides of the back of his head!)

> >

> > Do I Just ask my pediatrician for a referral from the get-go? How do

> I go about seeing if

> > our insurance will cover a band/helmet if that is the ultimate course?

> >

> > Have any of you had luck WITHOUT using a band?

> >

> > I'm sorry for all these basic questions but I'm so glad to find a

> forum like this!

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it



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