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Re: bad day

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Amy, I am so sorry about your painful day... we have all been

there.. there are many days that I say I wish someone would just

shoot me and get it over with.. but, then the pain lessens {never

goes away} and I can cope again. My husband doesn't understand too

much but he is getting better.. He says things like, " I know " and my

personal favorite, " it'll be ok " because being in pain is never

ok... I wish I could comfert you in some way, just know, you have

good days and bad days, and I try to remember the good and forget

the bad! soft hugs and take care...Gretchen PS~ when I get

stressed out because of my pain, the pain gets worse.. try to relax

your mind as your body as much as possible......i'm not telling you

it will work, but its worth a try....

> Hi everyone,

> I have been having the worst 2 days. I haven't been active on here

in a

> while sorry for droping in and complaining. My pain is at an all


> high. I have been crying off and on all day. I even thought about

> ending it all. So I callled my mom. It helped take the thoughts


> but not the pain. My pain meds have not worked resting not working

> nothing is helping and I want to scream but that won't help. I'm


> to find a home for my birds because I just can take care of them


> more. I feel like a terrible wife because I can't have relations


> my husband He understands but he doesn't. you know. things are


> misrbal sorry for the complants but I nned to get it out to people


> understand thanks

> Amy


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> My pain meds have not worked resting not working

> nothing is helping and I want to scream but that won't help. > Amy

Actually, Amy, if your home is located so that you have no neighbors

who might be concerned should they hear you, GO AHEAD AND SCREAM!!! My

first massage therapist would have me yell when she would be working on

an area that was really tight and sore. And after three years of

seeing her on a periodic basis, she knew my body almost better than I

did and would tell me to yell at the pain/tightness, etc. " IT'S BEEN A


And one night during all of the mad Christmas shopping season, I was at

a dangerous area attempting to get on the Pennsylvania turnpike ---

cars, trucks, etc. were all trying to merge into fewer and fewer lanes

and I thought I had the right of way (still think so!) but the driver

of a big white, 's English Muffins, thought HE had the right of

way and claimed he did NOT see my little white Saturn coupe! I was

watching and checking both my rearview mirror and the side mirror and I

could see him as he drove up and then got stuck on that side mirror! I

knew I was looking death in the face! So, I let go of the steering

wheel and screamed as LOUD as I could!!! He had to actually back off

of my car and then he got out and told me where to go so we could

exchange info --- he refused to let me call the police (which is why I

think he knew he was in the wrong --- and he also told me a few choice

words about the fact that if I couldn't see something to do with his

truck, then I should have known HE could not see me.

I finally got back in the car, and onto the PA turnpike and made it

home safely. Called our insurance company --- made my husband made

when I said I had just had a massage and therefore was relaxed and

appeared not to be hurt in anyway! And just a tip for everyone -- as

one of the women I worked with said when I was telling the story the

next day said, I should have used another word to describe how my body

felt after the massage -- can't remember the phrase, but I know that

scream really did help me in not having any injuries.

And when I had a massage a few weeks ago, the tissue on both sides of

my spine were so sore --- I told , the therapist, to go as deep as

she could --- but as the clinic was full of patients, all I could do

when she hit a spot that would send off a burning sensation, I was

screaming mentally. I had a massage exactly a week later and I didn't

think she was really going very deep because I didn't feel ANY pain

such as I had experienced the previous week. said there were no


And I can't remember if you said you are having trouble sleeping? But

to whom ever posted about having sleep problems, I found a cd in the

Gaiam section at and Noble called Dreams. I have tried others --

- need to list about 6 on amazon.com, that's another story --- but once

I got the ear buds for the portable cd player in my ears in a

comfortable position, I was asleep in no time!!! It's almost an hour

long but I was about to go to sleep even before I could get the one ear

bud so that it wasn't hurting my ear. I did wake up for a very short

time and removed the ear pieces and turned the player off, but that was

it!!! I can really recommend this cd, some others I have tried have

never been so successful! And I should also mention that lack of sleep

has ALWAYS been a problem for me and that 2 years ago I had to have two

sleep studies -- didn't sleep at all the first night and the second

time only reach RIM sleep one time for perhaps 5 minutes.

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