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Re: Treatment Options

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I had 1 large pendulated fibroid inside my uterus. It had a great blood supply

(as big as a man's finger). It filled my uterus totally and was growing like a

baby. How it was explained to me was that with a fibroid inside your uterus like

this, the uterus can't clamp down normally and stop your monthly bleeding. So

maybe this is what they mean by no normal tissue in the uterus. If they thought

something serious was wrong with you, they have you in surgery now.

I had a myo and would again. It is a 6 week recovery. You're not in terrible

pain for 6 weeks. But you get tired easy. I was told UAE was out for my kind of

fibroid. And so was a resection with one that fills your uterus. Hyst wasn't a

option for me. The soonest my doc said that I could go back to work was 4 weeks

and he said it depended on what kind of job I had, it could be the full 6.

Are you anemic? I'd check this out. If so take slow FE iron with vitamin C, a

life saver. You might check out a RE instead of just an GYN. You can have a myo.

Maybe a UAE on the outside ones but I wouldn't think the inside one would

qualify and that's the one that's making you bleed. A myo would deal with all.

I'd ask your doc how many myos he/she does. The more the better. Ask them if

they had any bleeding problems during surgery. You can ask about UAE.

Ask questions here, these gals are smart.


m_tamra wrote:

>One fibroid, in my uterus, is very large (10.3 cm). Two others " pendunculated "

>and external, press on my bladder.

>Ultrasound report said the uterine cavity is completely occupied by

the large fibroid and there is no " normal " tissue in the uterus.

>Please share your stories and advice. Thanks for help!

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You can NOT treat all fibroids with UAE.

Pedunculated subserosal (what I had-fibroid on a stalk) can not be treated with


They will also not treat some very large fibroids and asymptomatic fibriods with


This woman could very well have a pedunculated fibroid filling her uterus. At

any rate, shrinking it would not stop her bleeding problems. If her uterus has

nothing to clamp down on, she'll just continue to bleed. It has to be removed.

Part may be in the wall or it's pedunculated (growing on a stalk) but she will

bleed as long as it's inside her uterus or if it is distorting it. It will just

get worse for her. So what I was saying to her is that if she wants the fibroids

removed and this one has to be by myo, then they can just take all of them out

at the same time. They seem to know where they are. Of course there could be a

reason to leave the ones not causing the bleeding in. I doubt it. She has the

option of a hyst but she may just be trading one set of problems for another. Or

she may want kids.

I could NOT have had a UAE. It was not a option for me.

I hope I explained this well.


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It doesn't treat stalk fibroids efficiently and a lot of IR's won't do it

because the success rate isn't good. Some will have a go and do as much as


Re: Treatment Options

> Maybe a UAE on the outside ones but I wouldn't think the inside

one would qualify and that's the one that's making you bleed. A myo

would deal with all.<

UAE treats ALL the fibroids by cutting off their blood supply, so it

works for subserosal, intramural and submucousal fibroids.

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I agree that pendunculated fibroids should probably be removed prior

to UAE because of the risk of them " falling off " after they

degenerate from the UAE, but UAE will certainly shrink them also.

There have been women who have had UAE with pendunculated

submucousal fibroids and expelled them post UAE. You can read some

of their stories on the embo group archives. I opted to have a

resection for my submucousal that was on a stalk. It was a much

easier recovery than UAE would have been, but I have read of women

with small submucousals on a stalk like mine having good results

with UAE.

> Hi,


> You can NOT treat all fibroids with UAE.


> Pedunculated subserosal (what I had-fibroid on a stalk) can not be

treated with UAE.


> They will also not treat some very large fibroids and asymptomatic

fibriods with UAE.


> This woman could very well have a pedunculated fibroid filling her

uterus. At any rate, shrinking it would not stop her bleeding

problems. If her uterus has nothing to clamp down on, she'll just

continue to bleed. It has to be removed. Part may be in the wall or

it's pedunculated (growing on a stalk) but she will bleed as long as

it's inside her uterus or if it is distorting it. It will just get

worse for her. So what I was saying to her is that if she wants the

fibroids removed and this one has to be by myo, then they can just

take all of them out at the same time. They seem to know where they

are. Of course there could be a reason to leave the ones not causing

the bleeding in. I doubt it. She has the option of a hyst but she

may just be trading one set of problems for another. Or she may want



> I could NOT have had a UAE. It was not a option for me.


> I hope I explained this well.


> Ku

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Thanks everyone for the responses. Ku, thanks so much.

Couple o' questions for Ku:

-- Having had a myo, are you concerned about new fibroids growing?

At my age, I have 8 - 10 years before menopause. I don't want to

keep growing fibroids. I have read about the severe risks and side

effects of hysterectomies, but having multiple myo's seems risky as

well.... Or do you take hormones to help prevent new fibroids from

forming after the surgery?

-- I am definitely anemic. Have been taking iron pills, but it

doesn't seem to do enough. I've had the " pins and needles " in my

hands as another lady mentions on this board. Will look for a " slow

FE iron with Vitamin C " as you recommend.

-- What kind of doctor is an RE or RI? What does that stand for?

Now, I've been looking back and trying to figure out when this whole

thing started for me. I've had increasing heavy periods for about

two years. A whole lot has happened in two years, but I noticed one

thing in particular that could be significant, " womb-wise " .... I

have no children. Two years ago I adopted a puppy from the pound. I

fell so in love with that puppy! I ended up adopting two more and

now have three " teen-agers " with four legs each. I love them so

much, that I think it sort of jump-started maternal feelings that I

never felt before. Could my body have read this as a desire to have

kids? And then, oddly, grown a large fibroid instead? I know that

sound weird, but I'm just free-associating here.... I always

wondered why I never wanted to have kids, just never had the urge -

no biological clock ticking. Maybe I was low on estrogen all those

years and it just kicked in now, in my 40's (a bit late, don't you


> I had a myo and would again. It is a 6 week recovery. You're not

in terrible pain for 6 weeks. But you get tired easy. I was told UAE

was out for my kind of fibroid. And so was a resection with one that

fills your uterus. Hyst wasn't a option for me. The soonest my doc

said that I could go back to work was 4 weeks and he said it

depended on what kind of job I had, it could be the full 6.


> Are you anemic? I'd check this out. If so take slow FE iron with

vitamin C, a life saver. You might check out a RE instead of just an

GYN. You can have a myo. Maybe a UAE on the outside ones but I

wouldn't think the inside one would qualify and that's the one

that's making you bleed. A myo would deal with all.


> I'd ask your doc how many myos he/she does. The more the better.

Ask them if they had any bleeding problems during surgery. You can

ask about UAE.


> Ask questions here, these gals are smart.


> Ku

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