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I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Take care of yourself . I know how awful that itching can be. Right now the Rifampin, tanning and some Benydryl are working for me but when they don't I know the misery.

Bettyann (SC)

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Dear Cindy,

My deepest sympathy on the passing of your mom. I'm so sorry you are having to

go through so much while suffering with itching.

You stated you were going to increase your zoloft...what dosage is that? Todd

is on 100mg a day and I was just curious what others were taking.

Joanne (mom of Todd)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Thank You to all who responded. I am so grateful for

this support group because I do have to stay strong

and calm for my sister. She has spent the last 10

years taking care of various members of the family

until their time to go....and now for the first time

she is alone and she is struggling.

I was taking 50 mg of Zoloft and the doctor said that


50), so he bumped it to 100, which I started on

yesterday (which ultimately helped me to remain calm

through everything that happened.

I am off to start taking care of all the details.

Donna was the care taker, I'm the cleanup person that

handles all the other odds and ends.

Cindy Baudoux-Northrup



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