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How to Live a Healthier Life and Protect........

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How to Live a Healthier Life and Protect Yourself and Your Family

by Breast Cancer Options

There is a growing body of evidence showing that healthy lifestyle factors such

as eating well and exercising regularly provide significant health benefits,

possibly even offering protection against cancer recurrences about on par with

chemotherapy and even the newer hormonal and drug treatments. If you combine

these risk-reducing habits with limiting your exposure to substances that

promote the disease, you'll benefit even more. (Nurses' Health Study)

Here is our list of New Year's Resolutions.

1. Exercise on a regular basis. Being physically active boosts the odds that

breast cancer patients will be 50 percent less likely to die from the disease

than sedentary women. Exercise can affect the amount of estrogen in your body

and it makes sense that less estrogen might mean a lower breast cancer risk.

Women undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer benefit

from moderate intensity, regular aerobic activity, according to new studies.

2. Control your weight. Weight is a bit confusing. If you are overweight

before you go through menopause, your risk of breast cancer is lower than

average. But if you are overweight after menopause, your risk of breast cancer

is higher than average. This is because women who are overweight ovulate less

than average and their breast cells may be exposed to lower levels of estrogen.

Once you are post menopausal, your estrogen levels are linked to the amount of

body fat you have. The more fat, the higher your estrogen levels are likely to


3. Sleep eight hours a night in total darkness to encourage normal melatonin

levels. A good night's sleep may be one weapon in the fight against cancer

because Melatonin has cancer-fighting properties. The hormone seeps from a

pea-sized gland in the brain when the lights go out at night. It's the reason

you get sleepy when it's dark and current research indicates that melatonin also

puts cancer cells to sleep.

4. Eat an organically grown diet whenever possible. Your diet should contain

fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, organic protein and healthy-fats.

Some pesticides used on non-organic fruits and vegetables have been linked to

breast cancer and estrogen-like hormones used in raising livestock expose us to

hormones that increase our risk for the disease.

5. Avoid fried, char-broiled, or barbecued as forms of cooking. The " Char "

contains PAHs - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that cause mammary tumors in

animals. Can't give it up? Take an aspirin with your char-broiled meal, as the

findings suggest that aspirin may negate the potentially harmful effects of

flame-broiled foods.

6. Avoid bleached products, ie.coffee filters, paper, napkins, toilet tissue,

tampons and sanitary napkins. The EPA has determined that using bleached coffee

filters alone can result in a lifetime exposure to dioxin that exceeds

acceptable risks. The FDA detected dioxins and dozens of other substances in

conventional tampons.

7. Avoid using chlorine bleach for household cleaning or laundry. The chlorine

in your automatic dishwashing detergent mixes with the food and steam to create

a gas. When the dishwasher is opened and this gas comes out, it's highly toxic.

The same is true even in laundry machines but at a lower level. Hydrogen

peroxide bleaches are a safe alternative; they break down into water and oxygen.

8. Drink filtered or bottled water, not " city water " that contains chlorine and

fluoride. Whether we like it or not, the water that emerges from our taps,

however pristine it may appear, is filled with carcinogenic compounds. A simple

water filter can now serve as a valuable safeguard against cancer.

9. Do not use pesticides or herbicides on your lawn or garden. They are

endocrine disrupters and many pesticides and herbicides mimic estrogen, a known

breast cancer risk factor. A cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar will kill weeds.

10. Reduce or eliminate purchase of plastic products (their production releases

chlorinated toxins into the environment).

Some plastics leach hormone-disrupting chemicals called phthalates into the

substances they come in contact with and release carcinogens into our air and

water during the manufacturing process. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics are

especially dangerous and used in toys that children put in their mouths, so keep

an eye out for nontoxic toys. Bisphenol A is an artificial estrogen used to

create the plastic called polycarbonate as well as resins used to line cans,

drinking water bottles and plastics used in baby bottles.

11. Use personal care products without harmful chemicals that may alter hormones

like parabens or phthalates (dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diethyl phthalate (DEP),

diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP). Phthalates are hormone mimicking chemicals used

in common household products and used to make plastics soft and flexible. They

are found in hair spray, deodorant, nail polish, hair gel, mousse, lotions,

perfumes, fragrances and many cosmetics.

12. Avoid alcohol. Studies have found that regular, moderate use of alcohol

affects the levels of important female hormones, especially for postmenopausal

women whose bodies make much less estrogen and progesterone than before they

entered menopause. Studies show a weak association between alcohol consumption

and breast cancer in women who drink one alcoholic beverage a day. However,

about 2 to 5 drinks per day, may be associated with a rate of breast cancer that

is about 40% higher than the rate for non-drinkers. Women who choose to drink

can lower their risk of developing breast cancer if they take the Recommended

Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 400 micrograms of folic acid or eat a folate-rich

diet include vegetables including spinach, asparagus, vegetarian baked beans,

green peas, broccoli, avocado, peanuts, wheat germ, tomato juice, turnip greens,

orange, cantaloupe, papaya and banana.

13. Use " wet cleaning " rather than dry cleaning which contains " PERC "

(perchloroethylene). If you must use traditional dry cleaning with PERC, open

the plastic bags on your clothing in an open space and air them out before

putting them in a closet or on your body. Solvents, such as PERC are under study

for breast cancer and are associated with other cancers.

14. Avoid PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) found in electronic equipment

and furniture. They are endocrine disruptors, are linked to reproductive damage

and neurological impairments, affect thyroid hormones and may cause cancer. They

are commercially produced flame retardants often added to polyurethane foam,

various plastics, and electronics equipment. Choose carpet pads, bedding,

cushions, and upholstered furniture made from natural fibers including wool,

cotton, and hemp.

15. Learn better ways of handling stress.Although more research needs to be

done, levels of the stress hormone cortisol, rise with increased stress. High

levels of cortisol suppress immune response by reducing natural killer cell

activity. Natural killer (NK) cells are important in surveillance against

malignant cells and responsible for destroying viruses and tumor cells. Studies

suggest that imbalances in cortisol levels can cause tumors to grow faster.

16. Learn to read labels and become an informed consumer. By law all skin care

products must be labeled with the ingredients in descending order of their

quantity in the product. A good rule of thumb is to divide the ingredient list

into thirds: the top third usually contains 90-95% of the product, the middle

third usually contains 5-8% & the bottom third, 1-3%.

Some Facts...

The risk for breast cancer has nearly tripled since 1940. Now, one in seven

women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

White women are most likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, black women are

more likely to die from it.

Less than 10% of breast cancers are hereditary.

60% of people with breast cancer do not have any of the " known " personal risk

factors. Known risk factors, like late menopause, having children late in life,

and family history are present in only 40% of breast cancer cases.

Federal breast cancer research has increased dramatically in the last ten years,

but less than 3% of those funds have gone into investigating the environmental

links to breast cancer.

We are exposed to at least 125 different chemicals on a daily basis and your

breasts may contain up to 200 toxic chemicals. Some of these chemicals are known

carcinogens, or can harm the reproductive system.


BREAST CANCER OPTIONS 2007 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Calendar is now available and can

be ordered by calling 845/339-HOPE (4673) or by emailing:

hope@.... The calendars are free but there is a charge for

shipping and handling. Printing was made possible by a grant from Miles of Hope

Breast Cancer Foundation.

BCO News is brought to you by BREAST CANCER OPTIONS, a grassroots organization

focusing on Health Advocacy, Support and Education. The information is intended

for educational purposes only, in order to help you make informed health choices

and may not have been touched upon by your doctors. We are not doctors and we do

not recommend any particular treatments. We are sending this information to

advise you of the complete scientific overview that is currently available,

although we may not necessarily endorse it. http://www.breastcanceroptions.org

To UNSUBSCRIBE contact us at: hope@...

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Thanks, nne, for the resolutions list. It is amazing to me that we have

come so far to finding treatment since 1940 but the risk of breast cancer has


So many things in our environment affect our bodies and health. I have 8 or 9

different food allergies, including MSG (monosodium glutanate) and chocolate.

The website called Truth in Labeling is a very insightful place to find

information about the effects of preservatives and additives in our foods.

Information is powerful. Thanks for exercising your power for the health and

help of us all. I personally appreciate this website and each and every lady

that participates.

Jan K

& nne Svihlik moochie1@...> wrote:

How to Live a Healthier Life and Protect Yourself and Your Family

by Breast Cancer Options

There is a growing body of evidence showing that healthy lifestyle factors such

as eating well and exercising regularly provide significant health benefits,

possibly even offering protection against cancer recurrences about on par with

chemotherapy and even the newer hormonal and drug treatments. If you combine

these risk-reducing habits with limiting your exposure to substances that

promote the disease, you'll benefit even more. (Nurses' Health Study)

Here is our list of New Year's Resolutions.

1. Exercise on a regular basis. Being physically active boosts the odds that

breast cancer patients will be 50 percent less likely to die from the disease

than sedentary women. Exercise can affect the amount of estrogen in your body

and it makes sense that less estrogen might mean a lower breast cancer risk.

Women undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer benefit

from moderate intensity, regular aerobic activity, according to new studies.

2. Control your weight. Weight is a bit confusing. If you are overweight before

you go through menopause, your risk of breast cancer is lower than average. But

if you are overweight after menopause, your risk of breast cancer is higher than

average. This is because women who are overweight ovulate less than average and

their breast cells may be exposed to lower levels of estrogen. Once you are post

menopausal, your estrogen levels are linked to the amount of body fat you have.

The more fat, the higher your estrogen levels are likely to be.

3. Sleep eight hours a night in total darkness to encourage normal melatonin

levels. A good night's sleep may be one weapon in the fight against cancer

because Melatonin has cancer-fighting properties. The hormone seeps from a

pea-sized gland in the brain when the lights go out at night. It's the reason

you get sleepy when it's dark and current research indicates that melatonin also

puts cancer cells to sleep.

4. Eat an organically grown diet whenever possible. Your diet should contain

fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, organic protein and healthy-fats.

Some pesticides used on non-organic fruits and vegetables have been linked to

breast cancer and estrogen-like hormones used in raising livestock expose us to

hormones that increase our risk for the disease.

5. Avoid fried, char-broiled, or barbecued as forms of cooking. The " Char "

contains PAHs - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that cause mammary tumors in

animals. Can't give it up? Take an aspirin with your char-broiled meal, as the

findings suggest that aspirin may negate the potentially harmful effects of

flame-broiled foods.

6. Avoid bleached products, ie.coffee filters, paper, napkins, toilet tissue,

tampons and sanitary napkins. The EPA has determined that using bleached coffee

filters alone can result in a lifetime exposure to dioxin that exceeds

acceptable risks. The FDA detected dioxins and dozens of other substances in

conventional tampons.

7. Avoid using chlorine bleach for household cleaning or laundry. The chlorine

in your automatic dishwashing detergent mixes with the food and steam to create

a gas. When the dishwasher is opened and this gas comes out, it's highly toxic.

The same is true even in laundry machines but at a lower level. Hydrogen

peroxide bleaches are a safe alternative; they break down into water and oxygen.

8. Drink filtered or bottled water, not " city water " that contains chlorine and

fluoride. Whether we like it or not, the water that emerges from our taps,

however pristine it may appear, is filled with carcinogenic compounds. A simple

water filter can now serve as a valuable safeguard against cancer.

9. Do not use pesticides or herbicides on your lawn or garden. They are

endocrine disrupters and many pesticides and herbicides mimic estrogen, a known

breast cancer risk factor. A cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar will kill weeds.

10. Reduce or eliminate purchase of plastic products (their production releases

chlorinated toxins into the environment).

Some plastics leach hormone-disrupting chemicals called phthalates into the

substances they come in contact with and release carcinogens into our air and

water during the manufacturing process. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics are

especially dangerous and used in toys that children put in their mouths, so keep

an eye out for nontoxic toys. Bisphenol A is an artificial estrogen used to

create the plastic called polycarbonate as well as resins used to line cans,

drinking water bottles and plastics used in baby bottles.

11. Use personal care products without harmful chemicals that may alter hormones

like parabens or phthalates (dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diethyl phthalate (DEP),

diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP). Phthalates are hormone mimicking chemicals used

in common household products and used to make plastics soft and flexible. They

are found in hair spray, deodorant, nail polish, hair gel, mousse, lotions,

perfumes, fragrances and many cosmetics.

12. Avoid alcohol. Studies have found that regular, moderate use of alcohol

affects the levels of important female hormones, especially for postmenopausal

women whose bodies make much less estrogen and progesterone than before they

entered menopause. Studies show a weak association between alcohol consumption

and breast cancer in women who drink one alcoholic beverage a day. However,

about 2 to 5 drinks per day, may be associated with a rate of breast cancer that

is about 40% higher than the rate for non-drinkers. Women who choose to drink

can lower their risk of developing breast cancer if they take the Recommended

Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 400 micrograms of folic acid or eat a folate-rich

diet include vegetables including spinach, asparagus, vegetarian baked beans,

green peas, broccoli, avocado, peanuts, wheat germ, tomato juice, turnip greens,

orange, cantaloupe, papaya and banana.

13. Use " wet cleaning " rather than dry cleaning which contains " PERC "

(perchloroethylene). If you must use traditional dry cleaning with PERC, open

the plastic bags on your clothing in an open space and air them out before

putting them in a closet or on your body. Solvents, such as PERC are under study

for breast cancer and are associated with other cancers.

14. Avoid PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) found in electronic equipment

and furniture. They are endocrine disruptors, are linked to reproductive damage

and neurological impairments, affect thyroid hormones and may cause cancer. They

are commercially produced flame retardants often added to polyurethane foam,

various plastics, and electronics equipment. Choose carpet pads, bedding,

cushions, and upholstered furniture made from natural fibers including wool,

cotton, and hemp.

15. Learn better ways of handling stress.Although more research needs to be

done, levels of the stress hormone cortisol, rise with increased stress. High

levels of cortisol suppress immune response by reducing natural killer cell

activity. Natural killer (NK) cells are important in surveillance against

malignant cells and responsible for destroying viruses and tumor cells. Studies

suggest that imbalances in cortisol levels can cause tumors to grow faster.

16. Learn to read labels and become an informed consumer. By law all skin care

products must be labeled with the ingredients in descending order of their

quantity in the product. A good rule of thumb is to divide the ingredient list

into thirds: the top third usually contains 90-95% of the product, the middle

third usually contains 5-8% & the bottom third, 1-3%.

Some Facts...

The risk for breast cancer has nearly tripled since 1940. Now, one in seven

women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

White women are most likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, black women are

more likely to die from it.

Less than 10% of breast cancers are hereditary.

60% of people with breast cancer do not have any of the " known " personal risk

factors. Known risk factors, like late menopause, having children late in life,

and family history are present in only 40% of breast cancer cases.

Federal breast cancer research has increased dramatically in the last ten years,

but less than 3% of those funds have gone into investigating the environmental

links to breast cancer.

We are exposed to at least 125 different chemicals on a daily basis and your

breasts may contain up to 200 toxic chemicals. Some of these chemicals are known

carcinogens, or can harm the reproductive system.


BREAST CANCER OPTIONS 2007 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Calendar is now available and can

be ordered by calling 845/339-HOPE (4673) or by emailing:

hope@.... The calendars are free but there is a charge for

shipping and handling. Printing was made possible by a grant from Miles of Hope

Breast Cancer Foundation.

BCO News is brought to you by BREAST CANCER OPTIONS, a grassroots organization

focusing on Health Advocacy, Support and Education. The information is intended

for educational purposes only, in order to help you make informed health choices

and may not have been touched upon by your doctors. We are not doctors and we do

not recommend any particular treatments. We are sending this information to

advise you of the complete scientific overview that is currently available,

although we may not necessarily endorse it. http://www.breastcanceroptions.org

To UNSUBSCRIBE contact us at: hope@...

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