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Lydia Re: Any ideas ??

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In a message dated 12/31/2004 10:48:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

poohbear1252@... writes:

You know the frustrating part was the audiologist (a


thougth to myself how rude!! She just dismissed my

quesiton like its not any of my business!! That really

ticked me off actually!! (sorry I had to let that



This made me think, second opinion ... new doctor. If you are not getting

what you need, if the audi/ENT/whoever is not answering your questions or simply

dismissing them without comment, then go find someone else. If the audi

explained that a DB level at this point would be misleading, or that it would be

wrong because the fluid would not allow a proper reading, then you'd at least

have a reason for not having an answer yet. But to dismiss the question as

though it is a silly one is unacceptable, in my opinion.

You should not be locked into using these people for you health care --

unless they are the only people in town or in your plan. If that's the case, I'd

drive out of town to find another doctor (we drive 45 minute to our son's

audi). And I'd call the health care/insurance company and request they tell me

who else is " in-plan " because you are not getting adequate service from the


The audi we use is the 3rd one we saw over the first year of Ian's

diagnosis. The first was incompetent (Ian lip read through the glass of the


proof booth and was misdiagnosed) The second was more interested in Ian's

" interesting combination of issues " than in being our audi I felt Ian was

about to

be the topic of a paper in some journal and I detest anyone treating my son

like a lab rat. Writing a paper is fine, but having our son's care be

secondary to a professional agenda was unacceptable.

So, we were on to audi #3. He is wonderful. Ian likes him, is comfortable

with him and he ALWAYS takes the time to explain things. We have often scheduled

appointments with extra time because he knew that we were going need to talk

about things.

Don't be afraid to go for a second opinion. Or to change doctors because the

care is just not acceptable. You have to be able to trust what these doctors

are telling you. You are making decisions based on the information they are

giving you. If it is wrong or confusing, then you can't do your job as a

parent. So be stubborn, ask the questions, demand the answers. If the doctor is

more worried about messing up their day's appointment schedule by taking the

time to answer questions, then that doctor has his/her priorities in the wrong


Best -- Jill


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