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leaky gut

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how did you find out you had this? what is the test they do? is it blood

test? for the leaky gut and for Candida. Is thgere anyway your gut can heal


Also do any of you have a problem eating mustard? It makes me violently illa

s does most citrus? am i unique in this?

Also I think this is a side note but honestly not sure. Art has a friend who

is alergic to dairy and tomatoes, he gets the same reaction when he eats

either, anyone have nay idea what is in both thast would upset him so. he

gets really bad stomack pain " bathroom problems " can't see straight, gets

disfunctional mainly. any ideas would be great. When thinking about it last

night we thought he might have this, but not sure.


I may get stuck a lot in life, but at least I stick with it:)

Re: Leaky gut

On 29 Nov 00, at 8:32, Stuck wrote:

> EWWWWWWWW! so it's like an ulser?

Not quite - it's not generally all that painful, because it's lots and

lots of tiny holes rather than one big one, but it can cause major

problems with the immune system if left untreated. Ho hum.



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On 29 Nov 00, at 10:54, lynga1@... wrote:

> intestines also exist BEFORE the yeast dies, so it's not necessarily just

> holes from the roots that allows the undigested food particles to pass

> though.

I think this happened to me - I was reacting to foods for months,

but things got dramatically worse as my candida died. Typical!

> I am going through this myself right now, and will begin taking

> L-Glutamine in a week or so, as soon as I get to my fave health-food store

> to get some.

I got some yesterday. Why's it kept in the body-building section?!

> http://www.folkarts.com/idef/leaky%5Fgut.htm.

I couldn't get to this - got a 404. the rest of that site looks uselful

though - thanks!

I've put those two new recipes up, incidentally - should I add a ntoe

saying that a lot of us can't tolerate cream cheese?



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Well your gut does have holes in it than you do need to build up your body

again. corney? maybe but that aslo might be thier logic?

I may get stuck a lot in life, but at least I stick with it:)

Re: Re: Leaky gut

On 29 Nov 00, at 10:54, lynga1@... wrote:

> intestines also exist BEFORE the yeast dies, so it's not necessarily just

> holes from the roots that allows the undigested food particles to pass

> though.

I think this happened to me - I was reacting to foods for months,

but things got dramatically worse as my candida died. Typical!

> I am going through this myself right now, and will begin taking

> L-Glutamine in a week or so, as soon as I get to my fave health-food store

> to get some.

I got some yesterday. Why's it kept in the body-building section?!

> http://www.folkarts.com/idef/leaky%5Fgut.htm.

I couldn't get to this - got a 404. the rest of that site looks uselful

though - thanks!

I've put those two new recipes up, incidentally - should I add a ntoe

saying that a lot of us can't tolerate cream cheese?



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In a message dated 11/30/00 8:16:15 PM, you wrote:

<<Hi, If I do have leaky gut & candida, could this in any way contribute

to my very high LDL ? I had been cutting way back on fatty foods before

my cholesterol test because for awhile I thought I might have

gallbladder problems>>

****I'd think that it COULD add to that, since you are not properly digesting

your food, but I'm not an authority. I DO know that fish oils are VERY

effective in lowering cholesterol and blood lipids. I'd try to find an MD in

your area who specializes in digestion and nutrition, and see what he thinks.

I have an " alternative MD finder " web-site book marked in my other computer,

and I will send it to the list later today. That otta help you find a doctor

who can help you with these issues. It's for sure that TRADITIONAL doctors



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>> In Leon Chaitow's book - Candida Albicans he recommends taking Permatrol

> (BioCare) to heal a 'leaky gut'.

>Thanks, Barbara, that's useful - I've got that book too, but my

mum's borrowed it and has had it for ages! I've never found Biocare

products locally, but will bear it in mind and keep my eyes open for

it. I started taking L-Glutamine yesterday, so we'll see how I get on

with that.

Biocare is a UK company - nice for me as that's where I come from. <grin>

I've never seen their products in any UK health food store. I only know

about them because my allergy therapist uses them.

You can buy their products over the net from a supplier in the UK. What I

found interesting is that the supplier sells the products cheaper than I can

get them direct from Biocare.


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On 1 Dec 00, at 16:13, Barbara wrote:

> Biocare is a UK company - nice for me as that's where I come from. <grin>

Me too! I'm in Cardiff (but Swansea born and bred, I hasten to add!).

> You can buy their products over the net from a supplier in the UK.

Aha. Would you mind sending me the url? I've done a search for

Biocare but no joy. :(

Incidentally, I've just been looking at the Lost Dogs page from your

signature - what a brilliant idea. I've bookmarked it, and will make

sure I spread the word about it. We lost one of our cats this

summer - she was locked in a garage and came back fairly rapidly -

but it was AWFUL.

All the best,



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I had high LDL and as my yeast came down so did that althou my Dr. had me

take medicine for it but the pills didn't budge it till my yeast came down. i

was at 360. now i'm at 195. Mogdrmom

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H, Would leaky gut make the globulin part of the blood profile read

high.? Mine has been higher than the norm, doctor said not to worry,

just a little more protein in your blood. First I

ommitted ALL sugars for 48 hrs. I felt better so started taking Para

Esserntials(GNC) & Primadopholis & Kyolic ,while still ommiting sugar &

yeast. I felt so good, I forgot I am sick & went off my diet for

Thanksgiving weekend (bigtime ). I'm back on track but still don't feel

really well. Could the yeast have gotten resistant already ? I have

taken the supplements for 10 days. I have caprylic acid on order.Is it

really true that parathyroid problem could keep you from getting rid of

yeast ?. My blood calcium level is normal., but would that necessarily

mean my parathyroid was working properly.? I have osteoporosis & I know

the parathyroid could affect this too. (I bet this leaky gut

contributes to this too ).Lora

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In a message dated 11/29/00 6:44:28 AM Central Standard Time,

Sstuck@... writes:

<< What the heck is a leaky gut? Do I really want to know?


Candida is a bacteria that lives in the intestines (normally). When there is

an imbalance of candida, it can become systemic. This means that the

bacteria form of candida has changed to the fungus form (it has grown

rootlets). The fungus attaches itself to the intestinal walls and breaks

through to get into the bloodstream. There it travels to other parts of the

body/organs, etc. and infects those parts. When it breaks through the lining

of the intestinal wall, other substances can get through like allergens, etc.

One of the first signs of leaky gut, for me, was colitis, irritable bowel

syndrome, abdominal pain after eating, diarrhea/constipation. Shortly after

that, I developed sinus problems which I didn't find out til years later were

related to allergies.....and on and on the symptoms go....


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In a message dated 12/3/00 1:56:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

AnglGodes1@... writes:

> Candida is a bacteria that lives in the intestines (normally). When there



> an imbalance of candida, it can become systemic. This means that the

> bacteria form of candida has changed to the fungus form (it has grown

> rootlets). The fungus attaches itself to the intestinal walls and breaks

> through to get into the bloodstream. There it travels to other parts of



> body/organs, etc. and infects those parts.

> ******This is all correct, EXCEPT for the fact that candida is a FUNGUS,

not a bacteria.


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In a message dated 11/29/00 11:25:43 AM Central Standard Time,

ann.williams@... writes:


I've put those two new recipes up, incidentally - should I add a ntoe

saying that a lot of us can't tolerate cream cheese?


I don't think this recipe is appropriate for candida sufferers. It's not a

matter of tolerating cream cheese or not. I can tolerate it. In fact, I

love it. That's one of my problems with staying on the diet. However, it

feeds the candida. Even my least conservative candida sources say stay away

from all sugar and dairy (except cottage cheese. Yet most would say stay

away from cottage cheese also). I don't think the recipe should be listed as

an Anti-candida recipe because it's misleading. It feeds the candida.


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In a message dated 12/3/00 1:00:42 PM Central Standard Time, lynga1@...


<< ******This is all correct, EXCEPT for the fact that candida is a FUNGUS,

not a bacteria.


Are you sure? I was told by several sources that candida is a bacteria that

CAN turn into a fungus. It doesn't always turn into a fungus, though.


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In a message dated 12/3/00 4:07:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

pete.jacob@... writes:


> > Are you sure? I was told by several sources that candida is a bacteria

> that

> > CAN turn into a fungus. It doesn't always turn into a fungus, though.

> >

******I'm POSITIVE! It is a yeast in it's usual form, and as it becomes more

chronic, it grows " roots " and becomes a fungus. Whoever told you it was a

bacteria is mis-informed. In fact, anti-biotics (which KILL bacteria) only

make candida worse.


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It's a Yeast that can turn into a fungus


Re: Leaky gut

> In a message dated 12/3/00 1:00:42 PM Central Standard Time,


> writes:


> << ******This is all correct, EXCEPT for the fact that candida is a


> not a bacteria.

> >>


> Are you sure? I was told by several sources that candida is a bacteria


> CAN turn into a fungus. It doesn't always turn into a fungus, though.


> ~



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It's a YEAST that can turn into a fungus, not a bacterium. It's

called 'dimorphism' - something that can exist in two forms.

Bacteria can't do this.


On 3 Dec 00, at 15:16, AnglGodes1@... wrote:

> Are you sure? I was told by several sources that candida is a bacteria

> that CAN turn into a fungus. It doesn't always turn into a fungus,

> though.


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"leaks" out of the intestinal walls and into other parts of the body, enabling particles of food to travel with it.

I never have heard or read a decent definition, have just figured out mine above based on lots of information I have been able to find through the years on candida.

Just when you think you know a little, something comes up that you haven't a clue about!What is leaky gut?ToniIn the encylopedia of Natual Medicine there are three references to leaky gut all stating that food allergies are the cause. It is mentioned in the section about irritable bowel, asthma eczema. That was all I could find for now.

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> In the encylopedia of Natual Medicine there are three

> references to leaky gut all stating that food allergies are

> the cause. It is mentioned in the section about irritable

> bowel, asthma eczema. That was all I could find for now.



Of course - to me - this means eating for our 'type'! We certainly would

do away with all kinds of health problems if we would stick with what Dr

D says (and by probably including his supplements). Now, I know there

have been discussions about some of these foods not agreeing with us.

But, that's where we have to listen to our bodies. And we can always

have a Serotype Panel done which pinpoints it even better.




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----Original Message Follows----

Interesting, for my understanding is that the leaky gut CAUSES the food

allergies, for when the candida creates holes in the intestinal walls, the

food particles and substances as well as yeast that leaks through cause all

kinds of adverse reactions in the system, from allergies of all kinds to

quite severe disease symptoms of various kinds. But I don't claim to be an

expert on this, keep in mind....

Yes, I agree with this - the candida comes first, then all the other

problems arise. Isn't this also the syndrome they warn us about re: Olestra

and getting uncontrollable diarrhea and embarrassing accidents? Isn't this

because of the intense spasms of the colon due to intestinal irritation, and

then this too is called leaky gut? I may be confusing two different

ailments. But I too have read that the candida is the initial culprit!




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  • 5 weeks later...

> Hi All,


> I just read an article on Leaky Gut Syndrome at the web site for


> Smokeys Diagnostic Laboratory: www.gsdl.com There is an excellent

> article there. The doctor who wrote it maintains that Leaky Gut


> mainly by NSAIDS like ibuprofen and also antibiotics) is the


> to CFS and FM; candida is usually found with a leaky gut, but


> itselt doesn't cause FM or CFS (according to this doctor.) He says


> buildup of toxins in the liver forces toxins to reside elsewhere,

such as

> in the joints (FM.) I'm wondering if you all know this stuff.


> this doctor goes into a lengthy protocol for treating the condition


> Chinese herbs, a topic I'm completely unfamiliar with. It's

uplifting to

> read nonetheless because it gives me hope that this stuff is

> surmountable.

I'm somewhat familiar with this concept since I read the candida FAQ



I had stool test done at gsdl, which I feel was 'good'/worthwhile

test. My kenisiologist thinks gsdl is a great lab, as do I.

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Hi there. I would like to know the name of the doctor. Greetings.


From: globe_amaranth@...



Subject: Leaky Gut

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 10:47:24 -0500

Hi All,

I just read an article on Leaky Gut Syndrome at the web site for Great

Smokeys Diagnostic Laboratory: www.gsdl.com There is an excellent

article there. The doctor who wrote it maintains that Leaky Gut (caused

mainly by NSAIDS like ibuprofen and also antibiotics) is the precursor

to CFS and FM; candida is usually found with a leaky gut, but candida

itselt doesn't cause FM or CFS (according to this doctor.) He says the

buildup of toxins in the liver forces toxins to reside elsewhere, such as

in the joints (FM.) I'm wondering if you all know this stuff. Anyway,

this doctor goes into a lengthy protocol for treating the condition with

Chinese herbs, a topic I'm completely unfamiliar with. It's uplifting to

read nonetheless because it gives me hope that this stuff is


Best wishes,




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi all,

Thanks wcr2ew for the reminder of what I really needed for the MCS.

I have it and it is about to drive me mad! I really like 's

book, it explains things in a simple way. Anyway, I am on my way to

get some NAC and glutamine tomorrow.

By the way, I am not getting e-mails since May 16, anyone else going

through the same? I e-mailed an hour ago to hopefully get it

solved. UUUGGHHH!!!

God bless,


> I don't remeber who asked, but I got the book out and here is what


> says is protocol for repairing the small intestine

> " Increasing use of antioxidant nutrients such as E, selenium, N-

> acetyl cysteine, superoxide dismutase, zinc, manganese, copper, Co


> 10, lipoic acid and vit C... Supportive nutrients can help repair


> mucosal lining directly. Glutamine is the preferred food of the

> cells of the small intestine. Dosages can range from 1 gram to 30

> grams daily, depending on your needs. Other nutients and


> that are helpful include: gamma-oryzanol, seacure, Vit A, vit C

> panthothenic Acid (B5), deglycyrrhized licorice, folic acid,

> concentrated whey immuno-globulin concentrated, schizandra, and

> zinc. " Later in the book it talks about using vit C flushes to


> detox the body, strengthen the immune system and rebalance


> flora.

> Apparently (according to this book) there is a correlation between

> leaky gut and chemical sensitivity. The book again is " Digestive

> Wellness " by Lipski M.S., C.C.N.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Kickie!

I am on it right now, and I'll be darned, after only 1 week, I am

seeing an improvement!

Shoshana :)

> Hi Everyone,


> Has anyone ever tried " Permeability Factors? " It's supposed to help

> LGS?


> Thanks,


> Kickie

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

see article at mdheal.com, Dr Leo Galland

leaky gut

Can anyone recommend anything for leaky gut - I take L-glutamine but wondered

if there is anything better.


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