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What are the symptoms of leaky gut?....... G.

[Lyme-aid] leaky gut

>From: jill schwartz <jilljb@...>



>Has anyone been diagnosed with leaky gut and are you being treated? How

>were you diagnosed? Are you being treated while on the IV or not until

>done? Are you being treated with drugs or alternative medicine (herbs,

>vits, etc)?

>Thanks, Jill



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What is it?

On Thu, 27 May 1999 20:26:57 -0700 (PDT) jill schwartz <jilljb@...>


>From: jill schwartz <jilljb@...>



>Has anyone been diagnosed with leaky gut and are you being treated?


>were you diagnosed? Are you being treated while on the IV or not until

>done? Are you being treated with drugs or alternative medicine (herbs,

>vits, etc)?

>Thanks, Jill



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The year before finally getting treatment in Michigan, I experienced several

rectal abscesses, and a fistula (potential for leakage of fecal material into

my body), which required surgery. Since Lyme and yeast treatment these

problems have disappeared, but in the meantime, I was put through test after

test for Crohn's and other various illnesses, including having to go through

a colonoscopy (don't have a clue on the spelling). Unnecessary and very

expensive tests. This is what I don't understand about insurance companies.

The money that they spend on all the symptoms that come from Lyme, they could

just pay for the Lyme treatment, and it would probably end up being cheaper

in the long run. Their logic escapes me.

Peace and good luck. Show your doctor this e-mail if you think it would

help. Helen

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Hi Helen,

Sorry to read about your problems ...glad they have been resolved.

I can't agree more about how stupid the ins. co.s are. I had multiple

deer tick bites and a slew of LD symptoms. Because of a negative ELISA,

the ins. co. has now paid for an MRI, MRA, Carotid Sonogram, ENG, Evoked

Potential Test, Cognitive Functioning Test, Lumbar Puncture, 2 EKGs, an

Echocardiagram, Stress Test, endless blood tests, and any others that I

have forgotten.

While I realize how fortunate I am to have health ins., I can't believe

that I had to go through so many tests just because my Primary refused

to give me abx. for years. If the ins. co.'s were smart, they would

notify all of their PCP's of Dr. Burrascano's guidelines for the

diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease. We'd all be a lot better off.

Take Care, Joan

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Not only would we be better off, but I think they would be better off. I

can't tell you how much money they have spent on various tests and treatments

for Lyme related occurrences. It just baffles my mind that they will pay for

those and give anyone trouble with antibiotics. I've been lucky so far with

my insurance, but I have a feeling it may be only a matter of time.


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  • 9 months later...
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Tell us more....PLEASE.

>From: " CRAIG BOUFFARD " <ryandanjax@...>

>Reply- onelist

><lschroe3@...>, < onelist>

>Subject: [ ] leaky gut

>Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 06:50:47 -0500


>Hi , Have you read the book- Healing Psoraisis The Natural

>alternative by Dr. O.A.Pagano. I ordered it from Amazon. Any way,

>his basic premise is that P and PA are caused by a breakdown in the

>intestinal walls that allows seapage of toxins that are eliminated through

>the skin (P) or accumulated in the joints (PA). His solution to this is a

>strict diet and herbal teas. I have tried to change my diet but I love

>sugar- that's the hardest thing for me to give up! I think that is going

>to be my next step in trying to combat this condition though- a better

>diet. He says that we (P and PAers) have sluggish systems that can be made

>more efficient through diet and herbs. Take care,


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  • 2 months later...
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leaky gut

can someone explain to me what this is & how you know you have it.


The symptoms that I had were increasingly severe allergies to increasing

numbers of things, especially foods, but also medications. I'd get large

patches of whitish hives surrounded by deep pink that would itch profusely,

in various parts of my body, or sometimes I'd get a kind of dotted red rash

that looked like I had taken a red felt tip marker and made little dots all

over in patches but wouldn't itch so intensely. And I had a lot of sinus

problems and mucus secretion, and fluid in my ears. I also had a lot of

joint pain, fatigue, and really dark circles under my eyes. Taking

antihistamines (even prescription antihistamines) wouldn't phase the

allergic reaction, and would cause a rebound effect after wearing off, so

that when they wore off, the allergic reaction would intensify, leaving me

worse than before taking it. My immune system was also so weak that I'd pick

up any virus going around, at the drop of a hat, in spite of eating an

extremely healthy diet and taking lots of supplements and vitamin C.

What happens in leaky gut syndrome is that the lining of the intestines

develops little holes in it from parasitic attack, infection, candida, or

other causes, that allow partially digested or undigested proteins to pass

through. Normally only completely broken down amino acids are allowed to

pass through. When larger proteins pass through, the body can't use them,

and recognizes them as antigens and develops antibodies against them. The

antibodies can become confused and begin to attack the body, producing

problems like arthritis like symptoms in joints, or other autoimmune

diseases. It also stresses the immune system, since it is having to work

harder to fight off what it perceives to be bacterial invaders. Some

undigested proteins can act like chemicals in the body, producing different

kinds of disorders, like neurological disorders like depression, autism or

schizophrenia. Normally the digested food in the intestines contains toxins,

but in healthy intestines, it absorbs nutrients, and expels the toxins. The

leakiness of the intestines in leaky gut syndrome allows toxins to pass into

the bloodstream, which makes the liver have to work harder to detoxify the

blood. And because parasites or candida increase the toxins in the bowel,

there are more toxins to leak into the blood. Dark circles under the eyes

usually indicates excessive toxins in the system. The problem with leaky gut

syndrome is that once food allergies begin to occur, the intestines become

inflamed when exposed to the allergic foods, causing further damage, and

further leakage, creating a spiral degeneration. If you have problems with

candida, you have leaky gut syndrome, simply because in candida's parasitic

form, it forms little penetrating extensions that penetrate through the

lining of the intestine, and when it dies, the hole left behind leaks. But

candida isn't the only thing that can cause leaks. Parasites also penetrate

the lining of the intestines, and candida often changes the environment of

the intestines to be more hospitable to parasites, so many people not only

have candida, but also have parasites contributing to the problem. Die-offs

of candida from following a candida program can cause temporary leaky gut

problems for some people that make their symptoms worsen till the intestines

heal. And for some people, simply killing off the candida doesn't heal the

intestines, and the holes remain, continuing to make them feel ill, even

after the candida has been killed off.


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..thank you for the very detailed explanation. I really understand now.

Ya know...If you gave this info to an MD..he'd think you were nuts.


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  • 6 months later...

> This is very important, because these holes can cause

> " leaky gut " if they are not dealt with, leading to all sorts of problems,

> including reactions when eating various foods.

This is where I'm at now - the candida has almsot all gone, thanks

to a rotation of oregano oil capsules, caprylic acide, olive leaf

extract, garlic and pau d'arco tea, but I am leaking really badly, and

eating is becoming a misery as more and more foods become

allergens drop out of the available range. Tips, anyone?

Ann the human seive


I am not familiar with this term, what does it mean and how does it

manifest? What are the symptoms?


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I am being treated by a naturopath for leaky gut syndrome and she has me on

an L-Glutamine supplement. I went from being allergic to just about

everything, to where I only have a few food allergies now. But it's taken

months to heal, and I've set myself back repeatedly by doing stupid things

like taking tylenol, which isn't as bad for your stomach as other NSAIDS,

but still is irritating to the stomach lining. Spicy foods, like black

pepper also keep the lining of the intestines from healing.


Leaky gut

On 26 Nov 00, at 18:04, Kornbelt wrote:

> This is very important, because these holes can cause

> " leaky gut " if they are not dealt with, leading to all sorts of problems,

> including reactions when eating various foods.

This is where I'm at now - the candida has almsot all gone, thanks

to a rotation of oregano oil capsules, caprylic acide, olive leaf

extract, garlic and pau d'arco tea, but I am leaking really badly, and

eating is becoming a misery as more and more foods become

allergens drop out of the available range. Tips, anyone?

Ann the human seive


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I think about the best thing to do to start is to exercise. This will help with your attitude. If you are unable to do serious exercise (I understand that your tired) try walking just a half hour a day to start. This warms your body up. The yeast doesn't like it and you do, after you get used to it that is. It also helps your morale, which will help with your diet and everything else. If you need some more motivation, get involved online and get yourself an online dieting and exercise buddy. They can help keep you motivated. If you need any more help feel free to e-mail me anytime. I am going through a rough spot myself and have struggled with some unexplainable weight gain. I am determined to come out of this! I also try putting a sign on the fridge of someone attractive and someone hideously overweight on the refrigerator with a sign that says it'!

s up to you. Which do you choose? Funny huh? It works for me though. Good luck to you.

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Hi everyone!

I am so glad to find a sight like this. I have been suffering with the

candida for about 14 years now. At one time I had it under control, but it

is totally out of control again. Last year I suffered a nervous breakdown,

and though I do not want to go through that again, I have learned so much

since then, that it is o.k. I had to go through it once. The problem that I

am having though, is getting motivated to stick to the diet. I have 80

pounds that I must lose. I know that it is not good to carry this extra

weight around, and I also know that the only way it will ever change is by

following the Yeast-free sugar free diet. I do the best by just eating meat

and vegetables.My digestive system needs to heal, and i need tobuild my

immune system back up. My sister Del is 45 (I am 33), and she has

Scleroderma, and Lupus. last week was a particularly bad week for her, and

she spent it in the hospital. she is on the list for a lung transplant. I

know that these two diseases are immune system disorders as well. I

realized that if I do not get this candida under control, that it could very

well be me in 12 years. So what did you all do to find the motivation to

get through the first several weeks of this eating pattern? Especially when

you would find yourself craving the sugar, and anything else?

I am a mother of a 12 year old girl, and a 7 year old boy who I love

very much. i want to have the energy to enjoy them now why they are young.

(I gained 40 pounds in the two months following both of my children--seems

to have been a change in my metabolism, as I was not eating any differently

or any more than before--has this happened to anyone else?

Anyway, I guess I asking for a little motivation, and some tips or

encouragement to eat the way I need to so that i can regain energy and

vitality, and perhaps look nice also.

I appreciate any advice you all can give me. I do have L-glutamin

here, Olive leaf extract, Oregano oil, Pau d'arco, Vitamins(Shaklee)

Capricol, and just about all else. The only thing that seems to be missing

is the motivation and the stick-to-it-iveness. (By the way, at this

particular moment, I am not taking any supplements, just the anti-depressant

I take.) I have dropped caffeine and Nutrasweet from my diet, and event

those two things have made a difference in the clarity of my mind. Anyway,

I may write a little more tomorrow evening when I can keep my eyes open, but

just had to ask for a little encouragement (really I need a lot) and some


Thank you all so much----Dawn Stanley from Virginia

Leaky gut



> On 26 Nov 00, at 18:04, Kornbelt wrote:


> > This is very important, because these holes can cause

> > " leaky gut " if they are not dealt with, leading to all sorts of


> > including reactions when eating various foods.


> This is where I'm at now - the candida has almsot all gone, thanks

> to a rotation of oregano oil capsules, caprylic acide, olive leaf

> extract, garlic and pau d'arco tea, but I am leaking really badly, and

> eating is becoming a misery as more and more foods become

> allergens drop out of the available range. Tips, anyone?


> Ann the human seive



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In a message dated 11/27/00 12:00:08 AM Central Standard Time,

wbsdls@... writes:

<< So what did you all do to find the motivation to

get through the first several weeks of this eating pattern? >>

I have fallen of the wagon, too, Dawn. I might wait until after the holidays

to try again, as we willbe travelling and a vegan anti-yeast diet is hard

enough to do at home, much less on the road. Anyhow, my original motivation

was a diflucan prescription and the purchase of some supplements and

anti-fungals. I figured if I was spending all that money, I did not want it

to go to waste. I started by going on a " soup fast " (my term) for three days

and I added supplements, diflucan, anti-fungals and vegetables after the

three days. After two weeks, I added some grains (millet, quinoa, brown

rice). Except for a little bit of dieoff, I felt GREAT!!!! My arthritis went

away, my night vision improved and I was able to run a few miles.

Good luck, Dawn! You can do it!


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Things to think about:

A) Stress causes the adrendal grands to produce steroid-like

substances that damage good intestinal flora, thus promoting candida

overgrowth. Do whatever you have to (and I mean *whatever*) to


B) Mercury can damage good intestinal bacteria. Get a hair analysis

done to see if you have a mercury problem. If you do, the candida

problem will always come back because mercury destroys the good flora.

C) Consider taking caprylic acid for one week out of every month, and

take garlic every day. This will help to control candida, and is

generally beneficial.

D) Stay away from simple sugars forever. Sounds hard, but it's worth

it, isn't it? Be good to your body.


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<< So what did you all do to find the motivation to

get through the first several weeks of this eating pattern? >>

I have fallen of the wagon, too, Dawn. I might wait until after the


to try again, as we willbe travelling and a vegan anti-yeast diet is hard

enough to do at home, much less on the road.


I understand all too well how difficult a vegan diet is on the road. I was

vegan for 4 years, went back to meat just a month ago after the Candida

diagnosis and feel hugely better! I encourage you to not give up the entire

program until after the holidays, I have been in that rut too many times and

I can tell you, the longer you are off, the harder is it to get back on! If

you are driving, take along an ice chest and pack lots of tofu and veggies.



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In a message dated 11/29/00 7:20:24 AM Central Standard Time,

ann.williams@... writes:

<< > What the heck is a leaky gut? Do I really want to know?

It's where my candida has died, and left holes in my gut where its

roots have been. Undigested food is falling through these holes into

my bloodstream and causing allergic reactions. Not fun!


Two good books about this are the alternative medicine guide to arthritis

(with a few good recipes, too) and optimal digestion by elizabeth lipski


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In a message dated 11/28/00, somebody wrote:

<< Is it like an ulcer?

<< > What the heck is a leaky gut? Do I really want to know?

It's where my candida has died, and left holes in my gut where its roots

have been. Undigested food is falling through these holes into my bloodstream

and causing allergic reactions. Not fun!>>>>

The holes are MICROSCOPIC, not like ulcers. The food particles that leak

through these holes are TINY, on a molecular-type level. The holes in the

intestines also exist BEFORE the yeast dies, so it's not necessarily just

holes from the roots that allows the undigested food particles to pass

though. These particles are recognized as the body as " something foreign " ,

and the body attacks them, sometimes causing auto-immune symptoms. I am

going through this myself right now, and will begin taking L-Glutamine in a

week or so, as soon as I get to my fave health-food store to get some.

Lynn (who will send other leaky-gut sites later today)

There are some great research sources on the web about leaky gut. Here's one:

<A HREF= " http://www.folkarts.com/idef/leaky%5Fgut.htm " >leaky gut</A> or


I have some others bookmarked on my other computer, and when I get there, I

will send them, too.

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On 28 Nov 00, at 19:23, Barbara wrote:

> In Leon Chaitow's book - Candida Albicans he recommends taking Permatrol

> (BioCare) to heal a 'leaky gut'.

Thanks, Barbara, that's useful - I've got that book too, but my

mum's borrowed it and has had it for ages! I've never found Biocare

products locally, but will bear it in mind and keep my eyes open for

it. I started taking L-Glutamine yesterday, so we'll see how I get on

with that.



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What the heck is a leaky gut? Do I really want to know?

I may get stuck a lot in life, but at least I stick with it:)

Re: Leaky gut

On 28 Nov 00, at 19:23, Barbara wrote:

> In Leon Chaitow's book - Candida Albicans he recommends taking Permatrol

> (BioCare) to heal a 'leaky gut'.

Thanks, Barbara, that's useful - I've got that book too, but my

mum's borrowed it and has had it for ages! I've never found Biocare

products locally, but will bear it in mind and keep my eyes open for

it. I started taking L-Glutamine yesterday, so we'll see how I get on

with that.



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On 29 Nov 00, at 7:38, Stuck wrote:

> What the heck is a leaky gut? Do I really want to know?

It's where my candida has died, and left holes in my gut where its

roots have been. Undigested food is falling through these holes into

my bloodstream and causing allergic reactions. Not fun!



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EWWWWWWWW! so it's like an ulser?

I may get stuck a lot in life, but at least I stick with it:)

Re: Leaky gut

On 29 Nov 00, at 7:38, Stuck wrote:

> What the heck is a leaky gut? Do I really want to know?

It's where my candida has died, and left holes in my gut where its

roots have been. Undigested food is falling through these holes into

my bloodstream and causing allergic reactions. Not fun!



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On 29 Nov 00, at 8:32, Stuck wrote:

> EWWWWWWWW! so it's like an ulser?

Not quite - it's not generally all that painful, because it's lots and

lots of tiny holes rather than one big one, but it can cause major

problems with the immune system if left untreated. Ho hum.



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