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Root Canals

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I mentioned canals once at this list... I had many of them filled, and once

I removed one of such teeth, the rest of decision was easy, because I felt

immediate relief during extraction. I mean, despites anesthesia, any teeth

removal is a very unpleasant thing (still, I don't understand why do you,

Cara, call it " difficult surgery " , do we both mean the same - canal filled

tooth extraction? - it is so simple!), but strangely, I could feel an active

sense of relief. (That is not anything " psychological " !)

I don't know how much it is related to ES, as I am still ES, after removal

of all my dead teeth... But anything that improves your overall condition

helps ES... The main reason I removed them was that, besides I thought they

make me sick, they made me nervous (I am a slightly reddish type of people,

those who get irritated easily), so I didn't care much what it showed at X

ray... In fact, I still have one such tooth, as that one has " good

behavior " , but as soon as it starts making me nervous, I am going to have it

removed. Dentists laughed at me for such decisions, and I still have holes

there as I prefer holes than implants, bridges etc., which make me nervous

as well... I mean, I was very convinced that the worst solution was to keep

those teeth...

Hey, if it is not any front tooth your husband is concerned with, than why

not removing it?! What do you have to loose?! (In fact, if it was filled due

to an accident, it should have been a front one, is it?)


Re: Root canals

> Thanks Marc. That's the theory exactly. Our naturopath actually

> observed that of all the chronically ill folks he has seen over the

> years, 90-95% have had one or more root canals. This

> correlation may be explained several ways, of course, but it's an

> intriguing question to explore. Anyone interested in more info can

> check out " The Roots of Disease " by Kulacz and Levy, or " Root

> Canal Coverup " by Meinig.)


> My husband has NO amalgam fillings but has had a root canal

> since he was about 8 years old, from a bicycle accident. About

> two years ago an X-ray showed that the root canal was infected.

> (Pardon the unscientific language here--I won't use the term

> cavitation because I will use it imprecisely and surely offend

> someone.) Goodness knows how long the infection had been

> there. The root canal was completely cleaned out and re-done

> one year ago, but a recent X-ray showed that the infection is

> unchanged, and if anything, has grown.


> My husband's regular dentist simply wants to drill a hole in his

> head and " clean out " the infected area, leaving the root canal

> intact. The naturopath we saw yesterday, of course,

> recommended removal of the root canal. My own feelings on this

> are clear (get the darn thing out, quick) but it's not my tooth, and I

> am not the one looking at yet another difficult surgery and

> recovery, with already compromised immunity and strength.


> I think the emotional issues are as difficult here as the physical

> challenges. I still look at these options optimistically, as

> possible solutions. My husband is worn out, feels we have been

> down this road many times and find only dead ends. I'm looking

> for some feedback from the group--it won't necessarily carry any

> weight with my husband (who seems to be permanently

> skeptical now), but may keep *my* spirits up as I try to nudge

> him in constructive directions.


> Cara



> >

> > On a mercury poisoning discussion group I'm on, I believe

> > that some people have had their root canals removed and

> > felt better as a result. The issue seems to be that the

> > root may become infected, and this long-running, low-level

> > infection is a drain on the immune system.

> >










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Yeah, broken front teeth, I have that too. And I'd say that the

prothesis I have are like a nail under the foot. I know what you

mean, to remove them by yourself. This is the next thing I want to

solve, now that I got rid of my amalgams. I suspect also that the

long metal roots nailed in the roots of the teeth could be like




> From: Jan Jenson <vizual@a...>


> Yes - BIG difference!

> Because they (2 root canaled teeth) were right under my nose and had

> completely

> cavitated that part of my face!

> The bacteria in the root canal ATE the bone under my nose.!


> I had 17 amalgams and 2nickel crowns replaced

> and was feeling better... then those root canal teeth began to ache

> no matter how much I detoxed or ate juiced or blended foods.

> SoI had them yanked (dentist was VERY reluctant to do it -- until

said I

> was

> going home and get my pliers and do it myself... I flat HAD ENOUGH

of those

> damn

> things causing me problems! So he pulled those 2 front teeth,

fitted me

> with

> a " 'flipper " (which I'm still wearing 2 years later) because the

$$$ is all

> gone to do any more

> (perhaps soon!).

> Anyhow... the majority of my ES is now a shady memory and shall

REMAIN so...

> I've still got too much FUN LIVING to enjoy!


> And helping others get better without going thru all the trials &

> tribulations I suffered thru...!


> Jan Jenson

> The WELLth Coach


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

great, glad it helpd.

I've got half dozen of them, no issues.



> My personal experience---Since having a root

> canal and a couple of bridges removed, my health

> has improved greatly. Of course, I miss my

> teeth, but the 'toxin pump' situation described

> by H. Huggings in one of his books no longer

> exists and I am better. Had I known about the

> microelectricity group's devices (or maybe had

> understood them better) I would have tried that

> first, but I have definitely benefitted from the

> removal. Might want to take some good digestants

> since loss of chewing teeth has obvious

> consequences. Best wishes. pj


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  • 2 months later...

I have had three different dentists try to pressure me into getting

root canals. They are like vultures. Two teeth were pulled and the

other abscessed/dead tooth was remedied(I saved it!). Autrey


> > > > i have an absess too and need a root canal what should i do


> the root canal??


> ==>I recommend that no one ever have a root canal done. Dr. Weston


> Price's own son died as the result of a root canal and Doctor Price

> was devastated. Evidently it went into his brain. It is healthier

> and safer to get bridges, partials or dentures than to ever


> getting a root canal.


> > , i think i need to stay on the diet for a while few years maybe


> live on this diet forever :) anyway take care hope all is well


> ==>This diet will help keep you healthy for life, providing there


> no high toxic sources in your environments or too much stress for


> to deal with, which greatly depress the immune system.


> Luv, Bee


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  • 1 month later...

I am so sorry to hear of your dental troubles. I have spent a lot of time in the

dentist's chair recently so I can sympathize. I had 17 large cavities and 2 or

three root canals, which I just finished. I still have to have surgery to have

the roots removed from two teeth that broke off, plus 2 tooth implants and 4

crowns. I am interested in your choices, as I would have chosen the opposite. I

hate bridges, as I have one already. Though I have instructed my dentists that I

want no mercury in my mouth, my bridge recently came out and I saw what appeared

to be silver/mercury in it, so that disturbed me. I have one tooth implant

already, but haven't had the crown put on it. I had no problems with the tooth

implant. I have profound calcium and vitamin D deficiency, unrelated to my CFS,

which is the reason I developed all of these dental problems in the space of 2



root canals

Hello all,

I just wanted to tell you about my experience with a tooth

extraction. I had an abcess on the root of a top left molar. The

choice was a root canal or extraction with a bridge later. I had read

all the posts on this and opted for an extraction. Since I'm so

sensitive to ABX I chose to not take the profolactic Abx afterward.

This was a month ago and the resulting infection because the upper

teeth are directly tied into the sinuses has left me without hearing

in my left ear, a raging sinus and ear infection on both sides and now

I'm forced into taking ABX for 2 weeks. I did everything right.

Rinsed with salt water several times a day, took tons of garlic and

vitamin C etc. So much was written here about cavitation it informed

my decision. I will NEVER do this again and in the future will opt

for a root canal and take my chances. I have 3 root canals and have

never had any problems. This has been a nighmare. I personally would

not recommend an extraction if it can be avoided.

As someone else says in this group. Just my two cents.

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I made the choice because so many on this board said things like cavitation

under root canals, hidden infections, etc. And that it was no big deal having a

tooth pulled. NOT. I will never go through this agian and will always choose a

root canal. If it fails at some point in the future then so be it, but I've had

3 of them way after I became ill so I know there wasn't a connection and their

all doing just fine. The extraction is the hellish choice.

root canals

Hello all,

I just wanted to tell you about my experience with a tooth

extraction. I had an abcess on the root of a top left molar. The

choice was a root canal or extraction with a bridge later. I had read

all the posts on this and opted for an extraction. Since I'm so

sensitive to ABX I chose to not take the profolactic Abx afterward.

This was a month ago and the resulting infection because the upper

teeth are directly tied into the sinuses has left me without hearing

in my left ear, a raging sinus and ear infection on both sides and now

I'm forced into taking ABX for 2 weeks. I did everything right.

Rinsed with salt water several times a day, took tons of garlic and

vitamin C etc. So much was written here about cavitation it informed

my decision. I will NEVER do this again and in the future will opt

for a root canal and take my chances. I have 3 root canals and have

never had any problems. This has been a nighmare. I personally would

not recommend an extraction if it can be avoided.

As someone else says in this group. Just my two cents.

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  • 2 months later...


Dr. Weston Price did a lot of research on that topic. According to his findings

the body can get out of balance if " dead " teeth i.e. teeth with the nerve

removed are left in the body. Especially the bacteria that are sealed in the

tooth could cause havoc.


In his book " Healing With whole foods " Pitchford explains how imbalances

occur, what the symptoms are and what you can do about it.

My best,


nofrillsbill wrote:

> Does anyone have any information regarding root canals and their

> aftermath being a strong possible cause for certain cancers and

> infectuous diseases in general. Bill


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In a message dated 1/12/07 10:49:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dddragomir@... writes:

> I had a root canal. It was seriously abcessed. The dentist

> knew nothing about the bacteria, but the chiro used a cold laser on

> the tooth. Same as for horses. Saved the dead tooth. Maybe I

> need regular laser to be sure it's all gone?




> I would love to know more about this procedure. How did they find the

> infection?

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I had a root canal. It was seriously abcessed. The dentist

knew nothing about the bacteria, but the chiro used a cold laser on

the tooth. Same as for horses. Saved the dead tooth. Maybe I

need regular laser to be sure it's all gone?


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Group,

The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

slowly better when I started the

AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

and Th brought my blood values down to normal.

Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

replacement awfully unattractive.

Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food


The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.

Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

of RA and root canals please post it.

To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

canals are ok.

I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.


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I am a proof positive .. was being treated for RA for 3 years,,

and I was eating and my root canal tooth broke off in my mouth

when at dentist he said tooth was filled with infection and had been for a good


he pulled the tooth out and my other root canal also

almost to the day I began to feel like my old self pain gone and the knots

through out my legs started disapearing.

I am completely convinced I never had RA the infection was from tooth and had

completely invaded my body.

When I started the AP I got better but not well. The reason I got better is the

AP was fighting the infection.

This is something you should look into

The AP saved my life when I started it , but the root canal gone has given my my

old life again.

I believe I will be completely well soon.

The tooth looked ok and there was no pain, because a root canal kills the tooth

so can't tell just by looking.

there is a good deal of info about all this if you search.. I had no idea this

could happen. I thought root canals were forever. Dentist told me there is

always a chance they will go bad.

rheumatic Re: Root Canals

Hi Group,

The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

slowly better when I started the

AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

and Th brought my blood values down to normal.

Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

replacement awfully unattractive.

Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food


The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.

Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

of RA and root canals please post it.

To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

canals are ok.

I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.



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> Hi Group,

> The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to


> a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years.

Things got

> slowly better when I started the

> AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

> months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the

start. I

> reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing


> program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250

mg Tu

> and Th brought my blood values down to normal.


> Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

> Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

> replacement awfully unattractive.

> Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-

inflammatories, I

> weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

> change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year

anyway.However, I

> got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing


> AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

> mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food

> incompatibility.


> The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root


> treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated


> still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.


> Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me


> the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find


> cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth.


> root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is


> so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me

to my

> BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR


> of RA and root canals please post it.

> To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming


> canals are ok.

> I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.

> nne


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-anne,Please get the book " Toothe Truth " by J. Jerome and

others who have written on the subject. Just as you don't get the

info you need regarding Rheumatic diseases and antibiotic treatment

due to the AMA. (American Medical Association) neither do you get the

facts of Mercury fillings and Root Canals from the ADA (American

dental Association. " Bth groups have tremendious power and self

interest and connections that keep the truth from being told. Many

Dentist who have warned about the concerns of Root canals and the

multiple health issues they cause have had their ability to practive

Denestry yanked!!Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Laboratory Science,

Carol Fisch--

In rheumatic , Wiesboeck <rawie@...> wrote:


Hi Group,

> The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to


> a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years.

Things got

> slowly better when I started the

> AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

> months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the

start. I

> reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing


> program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250

mg Tu

> and Th brought my blood values down to normal.


> Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

> Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

> replacement awfully unattractive.

> Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-

inflammatories, I

> weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

> change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year

anyway.However, I

> got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing


> AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

> mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food

> incompatibility.


> The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root


> treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated


> still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.


> Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me


> the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find


> cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth.


> root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is


> so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me

to my

> BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR


> of RA and root canals please post it.

> To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming


> canals are ok.

> I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.

> nne


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My name is , and I do not know if the removal of my root canal teeth

caused my dramatic turn-around or if it was the azithromycin, but my R.A. is

" amazingly " in remission after 29+ years. My sed rate is actually normal. I

am 61 and have not had a normal sed rate since I was in my twenties. Also,

although my R.A. factor is still positive at 71, it used to be over 1,000.

Originally, I was diagnosed with lupus then R.A. with lupus tendencies. I do

think the removal of the two root-canal teeth had a very positive impact on my

R.A. Also, for the first time I can remember, I have a normal hemoglobin.

I wish you success in beating this.

************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at


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I do not know much abt prolotherapy, but I thought it was the injection of an

irritant solution in order to cause the body to heal itself thru the process of

inflammation and repair (and are there sometimes several sessions of this? Like


So the prolotherapy would have been aggravating the immune system, causing it to

become more active, and couldn't this aggravate/intensify the RA?

Esp without taking the prednisone (which serves to dampen the immune response),

I would think that it could be likely that the prolotherapy itself could have

aggravated your RA - Les PS: Do you know what the solution was that was in

the injection? Could there have been ingredients in the solution that your

immune system could have reacted to? Like phenol (an alcohol), or any


rheumatic Re: Root Canals

Hi Group,

The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

slowly better when I started the

AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

and Th brought my blood values down to normal.

Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

replacement awfully unattractive.

Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food


The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.

Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

of RA and root canals please post it.

To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

canals are ok.

I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.


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Many of you on this list will remember that back in 1996, I had prolotherapy

to restore range of motion in my neck, shoulders, hips, back and feet -

damaged by many years of rheumatoid arthritis. This was done by the man

considered the master at the therapy Milne J. Ongley, M.D. - practicing in

Ensenada, Mexico. I was in complete remission, thanks to Dr. Brown, having

taken both IV and oral therapy over a 2-1/2 year time period.

While there, Dr. Ongley received a call from a lady with very severe RA

asking if she could come for therapy. This lady had already had several

corrective and joint replacement surgeries. Questioning her, Dr. Ongley

learned a number of her joints were inflamed. He told her it would be a

total waste of her money. She needed to be in remission and off meds before

even considering it. A week or so later she called him again - begging to

come. I don't know what she said to him, but a few days later she and her

husband arrived insisting on therapy. By this time I had been there long

enough to see Dr. Ongley work his 'magic' in any number of patients -

including two young men with ankylosing spondylitis - one of them who came

completely 'bent' forward, head down on his chest, and waddling with legs


Dr. Ongley's examination found a number of inflamed joints but the woman

insisted on going ahead with treatment anyway. She was down in Mexico for

several months, spending thousands of dollars - all to no avail.

The antibiotic protocol put the rheumatoid arthritis and polymyositis in

remission, but it was Dr. Ongley that restored my ability to function

normally again. He was 73 years old at the time he treated me so has

probably retired long ago. There are hundreds of doctors offering

prolotherapy in this country but very few can correct damage from rheumatic

disease like he did. My husband developed osteoarthritis in his thumbs and

index fingers so we started looking for a doctor offering prolotherapy.

Surprisingly, we found one about 16 miles from us, trained 25 years ago by

Dr. Ongley. Therapy is progressing well.


rheumatic Re: Root Canals



> Hi Group,

> The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

> a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

> slowly better when I started the

> AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

> months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

> reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

> program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

> and Th brought my blood values down to normal.


> Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

> Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

> replacement awfully unattractive.

> Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

> weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

> change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

> got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

> AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

> mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food

> incompatibility.


> The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

> treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

> still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.


> Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

> the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

> cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

> root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

> so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

> BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

> of RA and root canals please post it.

> To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

> canals are ok.

> I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.

> nne







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From: " Glenda " <gfmack@...>

Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:38 AM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: Root Canals

>I am a proof positive .. was being treated for RA for 3 years,,

> and I was eating and my root canal tooth broke off in my mouth

> when at dentist he said tooth was filled with infection and had been for a

> good while

> he pulled the tooth out and my other root canal also

> almost to the day I began to feel like my old self pain gone and the knots

> through out my legs started disapearing.

> I am completely convinced I never had RA the infection was from tooth and

> had completely invaded my body.

> When I started the AP I got better but not well. The reason I got better

> is the AP was fighting the infection.

> This is something you should look into

> The AP saved my life when I started it , but the root canal gone has given

> my my old life again.

> I believe I will be completely well soon.

> The tooth looked ok and there was no pain, because a root canal kills the

> tooth so can't tell just by looking.

> there is a good deal of info about all this if you search.. I had no idea

> this could happen. I thought root canals were forever. Dentist told me

> there is always a chance they will go bad.

I heard a similar story from a biological dental surgeon. He had a man come

for treatment that had developed RA symptoms in both shoulders. The

dentist felt it was caused by an infection in a tooth with a root canal but

the man couldn't bring himself to believe that because his regular dentist

didn't agree. About 9 months later this man finally had the tooth pulled,

and quickly lost is " RA " symptoms. Maybe he had mycoplasma salivarium.





> rheumatic Re: Root Canals



> Hi Group,

> The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

> a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

> slowly better when I started the

> AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

> months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

> reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

> program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

> and Th brought my blood values down to normal.


> Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

> Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

> replacement awfully unattractive.

> Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

> weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

> change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

> got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

> AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

> mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food

> incompatibility.


> The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

> treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

> still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.


> Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

> the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

> cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

> root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

> so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

> BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

> of RA and root canals please post it.

> To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

> canals are ok.

> I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.

> nne








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Just wanted to share my dental experience: Last November I had the sites in

my jawbone beneath my old wisdom tooth extractions cleaned out. I wanted to do

this because I remembered that my dermatomyositis began within a year after I

had my wisdom teeth out, and the myositis started in my neck and spread

downward. Before the surgery I was nearly incapacitated from the myositis. The


made me herx so severely I thought I would die. I couldn't tolerate AP for very

long before needing to stop and take a break - four months at a time. I wasn't

taking the minocycline when I had the surgery. In the first hour after the

surgery I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me. I began taking the

minocycline again soon after. Nothing happened! No Herx at all! I am taking

200mg every day now without a single symptom. I have no muscle pain, no fatigue


CFS/ fibromyalgia symptoms ever since the surgery. I no longer feel like I

have the flu all day long every day. The actual myositis is still about the

same- same labs, the weakness is slightly better... only been back on AP for


months, hoping the labs and weakness will improve in the next year. I would

never be able to tolerate the AP without the dental surgery. It gave me my life

back. I have never ever been as sick again as I was before that surgery.


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I am AP for RA and have an appointment with my dentist to talk to him about

removing my root canal. I plan to have it removed and this dentist is going to

refer me if he cannot do it by the correct method to clear out the infection.

What I would like to know is does anyone know of a place I can send the tooth

to have it implanted in a rabbit to determine if the rabbit will develop

arthritis? I remember reading about this research.

I have asked my perondontist who did the root canal after I had surgery on my

jaw to remove a cyst and an impacted wisdom tooth about health problems perhaps

caused by the root canal and he told me it looked fine and dimissed my concerns.

I the time of the surgery on my jaw and the root canal I moved out of state. In

a few days I develop a severe infection in my jaw. The doctor that did the

surgery did not perscribe anti-biotics for me to take after the surgery and I

was under the care of a dentist several months where I moved to. He was very

angry at the doctor for not perscribing meds for me.

I would like to find out if this is the " root " of my RA and be able to prove

it to myself and also inform my periodontist.


Glenda <gfmack@...> wrote:

I am a proof positive .. was being treated for RA for 3 years,,

and I was eating and my root canal tooth broke off in my mouth

when at dentist he said tooth was filled with infection and had been for a good


he pulled the tooth out and my other root canal also

almost to the day I began to feel like my old self pain gone and the knots

through out my legs started disapearing.

I am completely convinced I never had RA the infection was from tooth and had

completely invaded my body.

When I started the AP I got better but not well. The reason I got better is the

AP was fighting the infection.

This is something you should look into

The AP saved my life when I started it , but the root canal gone has given my my

old life again.

I believe I will be completely well soon.

The tooth looked ok and there was no pain, because a root canal kills the tooth

so can't tell just by looking.

there is a good deal of info about all this if you search.. I had no idea this

could happen. I thought root canals were forever. Dentist told me there is

always a chance they will go bad.

rheumatic Re: Root Canals

Hi Group,

The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

slowly better when I started the

AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

and Th brought my blood values down to normal.

Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

replacement awfully unattractive.

Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food


The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.

Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

of RA and root canals please post it.

To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

canals are ok.

I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.



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I promise you won't have to do that.

You are going to feel so much better that you wont care about that

The tooth of mine that had broken off that was infected and had the root canal

had turned a very dark brown inside and you could see how infected it was.

You feel the difference almost imediately that you know you are going to get

better, and each day I have..

rheumatic Re: Root Canals

Hi Group,

The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

slowly better when I started the

AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

and Th brought my blood values down to normal.

Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

replacement awfully unattractive.

Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food


The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.

Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

of RA and root canals please post it.

To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

canals are ok.

I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.



avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): 000768-3, 08/25/2007

Tested on: 8/25/2007 7:23:41 AM

avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): 000768-3, 08/25/2007

Tested on: 8/25/2007 7:38:23 AM

avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


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You wont find many doctors or dentists that believe the root canal is bad.

Mine looked great before it broke off

rheumatic Re: Root Canals

Hi Group,

The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

slowly better when I started the

AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

and Th brought my blood values down to normal.

Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

replacement awfully unattractive.

Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food


The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.

Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

of RA and root canals please post it.

To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

canals are ok.

I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.



avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): 000768-3, 08/25/2007

Tested on: 8/25/2007 7:23:41 AM

avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.

Virus Database (VPS): 000768-3, 08/25/2007

Tested on: 8/25/2007 7:38:23 AM

avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


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Hi Jeannie,

Your plan to do the 'rabbit test' on the extracted tooth sounds

interesting. But then, on second thought if you get better you know it

was the tooth. Making an innocent rabbit suffer just for confirmation

does not appeal to me. Animals have hurt enough for us.

You could always get a bacteriological evaluation of the tooth.

Good Luck,

Glenda wrote:


> You wont find many doctors or dentists that believe the root canal is bad.

> Mine looked great before it broke off


> rheumatic Re: Root Canals


> Hi Group,

> The recent months have brought quite a change for me and I have to reach

> a decision about my RA. I have had RA for nearly four years. Things got

> slowly better when I started the

> AP program after being on the usual DMARDS and TNF blockers for 6

> months without success. I also took 10 mg Prednisone from the start. I

> reached a plateau with the AP after about ten months. Increasing the

> program to 2 x 100 mg Minocin daily and adding Zithromax 2 x 250 mg Tu

> and Th brought my blood values down to normal.


> Then two months ago came a worn hip joint and I decided to try

> Prolotherapy instead of a joint replacement. Being 75 makes a joint

> replacement awfully unattractive.

> Since Prolotherapy does not work when one is on anti-inflammatories, I

> weaned off Prednisone over a month's period. I did not expect much

> change ,since I had been down to 5mg for the last year anyway.However, I

> got a big surprise when the RA came roaring back despite continuing the

> AP. There seems to be something else aggravating my RA besides

> mycoplasma etc. I did an elimination diet which suggested no food

> incompatibility.


> The recent posting on Root Canals reminded me that I had a root canal

> treatment two years before the RA set in. In addition, the treated tooth

> still had pain on and off for 1 - 2 years.


> Reading the writings by Drs. Price, Meinig and Kulacs convinced me that

> the root canal tooth might be my problem. However, I cannot find many

> cases on the Internet of RA cured by removal of a root canal tooth. If

> root canal infections are as bad and frequent as claimed, why is there

> so little documentation or personal descriptions; which brings me to my

> BIG question would anybody who has INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE

> of RA and root canals please post it.

> To add to the uncertainty, there is a host of references claiming root

> canals are ok.

> I really appreciate any help and I sure need it.

> nne


> ----------------------------------------------------------


> avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.


> Virus Database (VPS): 000768-3, 08/25/2007

> Tested on: 8/25/2007 7:23:41 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


> ---

> avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.

> Virus Database (VPS): 000768-3, 08/25/2007

> Tested on: 8/25/2007 7:38:23 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

> http://www.avast.com <http://www.avast.com>



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