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Root Canals

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From: " Eve " <eve@...>

> Root canals are not a good idea. Go to a biological dentist and have

> your work done by a dentist who doesn't do root canals! Many people

> with cancer or health consciousness have root canals and metal fillings

> removed.

I couldn't agree more.

Also, a few holistic dentists now do " biological root canals " . I've heard

differing things re: how safe they are but they're certainly much better

than conventional root canals. If one has cancer, I think it's best not to

get any type of root canal.

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herbertdana@... writes:

> I also think that you can not mix gold with mercury fillings (it causes the

mercury to leak faster), so if you want to use gold in your mouth, you need to

get the mercury fillings out if you have any.

> Dana

I got them out :) No mercury :) Deena

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then what do you do when you need one? Insurance cos only pay for the cheap

metal fillings, I always pay the extra to get the porcelain


Eve <eve@...> wrote:

Root canals are not a good idea. Go to a biological dentist and have

your work done by a dentist who doesn't do root canals! Many people

with cancer or health consciousness have root canals and metal fillings



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Deena, they make post and cores now that are non-metallic. You have to ask

for it though. Most dentists won't use them because they don't show up on

xrays (and because they cost more money). They are made of fiberglass, I

believe. I had two of them in my teeth, but ended up pulling the teeth

anyhow because of the root canals. You don't really need a 'biological

dentist' if you do your own research and work with your traditional dentist

so that you can get insurance to foot the bill. Biological dentists don't

accept insurance, and are extremely expensive, often charging $1000 just for

the initial consultation. Then, they will want another $10,000 to $30,000

for their treatment plan.


on 6/3/05 2:43 PM, Ohiobound37@... at Ohiobound37@... wrote:

> From: " Eve "

> >Root canals are not a good idea. Go to a biological dentist and have your

work done by a dentist who doesn't do root canals!

We do not have any biological dentists around here. I've searched 100 mile

radius. I don't have cancer but want to prevent it. I broke a tooth off with

a cap to the gumline. The only way to keep a cap on is with the post and

core. They've done the root canal but I don't think they've put the post in.

What exactly does it do? Thanks Deena

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Gold is good. Some people react to it, but most do not. I don't think it is

a carcinogen.


on 6/3/05 3:16 PM, Ohiobound37@... at Ohiobound37@... wrote:

herbertdana@... writes:

...they make post and cores now that are non-metallic.

>You have to ask for it though. ... You don't really

need a 'biological dentist' Dana


What about if they have already put it in? I'm not sure :( I know he made

the space for the post. They have to build up the tooth and I think he said

they would do it with gold. Is that ok? Thank you! Deena

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I also think that you can not mix gold with mercury fillings (it causes the

mercury to leak faster), so if you want to use gold in your mouth, you need

to get the mercury fillings out if you have any.


on 6/3/05 4:08 PM, Dana Herbert at herbertdana@... wrote:

Gold is good. Some people react to it, but most do not. I don't think it is

a carcinogen.


on 6/3/05 3:16 PM, Ohiobound37@... at Ohiobound37@... wrote:

herbertdana@... writes:

...they make post and cores now that are non-metallic.

>You have to ask for it though. ... You don't really

need a 'biological dentist' Dana


What about if they have already put it in? I'm not sure :( I know he made

the space for the post. They have to build up the tooth and I think he said

they would do it with gold. Is that ok? Thank you! Deena

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I've got to have the post. Are gold post and core ok instead of nickel?

thanks! Deena>

> From: " Eve " <eve@...>

> >Root canals are not a good idea. Go to a biological dentist and have

> >your work done by a dentist who doesn't do root canals! Many people

> >with cancer or health consciousness have root canals and metal fillings

> >removed.

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I have asthma and was told to steer away from nickel. I contacted a holistic

doctor and he said don't do root canals. That's why I asked you guys. I've had

no infection. My tooth with a cap broke off. The only way to do another cap

is a root canal. My time is too too full but I don't want to put something in

my body to cause more problems than I already have :) Much Thanks! Deena

From: Chuck Pfeiffer <misc@...>

Date: Thu Jun 9, 2005 8:18 am

Root canals are a necessity if you want to keep your original teeth and

dental structure in place, otherwise go for bridges and implants, which

cost more and are not as effective. As far as leaching of metals from

the core posts after a root canal, that's a rather insignificant factor

due to the cement bond creating a seal that surrounds the remaining

tooth. Gold or nickel posts are fine, and gold is the preferred choice.

I know the mercury issue is a hot topic, and while the ADA claims they

are ok, the entire industry is moving away from amalgam whenever

possible for whatever reasons. Ceramics are replacing porcelain as they

last longer and have better aesthetic appeal.


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Root canals are a necessity if you want to keep your original teeth and

dental structure in place, otherwise go for bridges and implants, which

cost more and are not as effective. As far as leaching of metals from

the core posts after a root canal, that's a rather insignificant factor

due to the cement bond creating a seal that surrounds the remaining

tooth. Gold or nickel posts are fine, and gold is the preferred choice.

I know the mercury issue is a hot topic, and while the ADA claims they

are ok, the entire industry is moving away from amalgam whenever

possible for whatever reasons. Ceramics are replacing porcelain as they

last longer and have better aesthetic appeal.

There's been some really odd opinions on root canals and posts. I have

had four root canals and several posts for over thirty years, so I know

a little bit more than most. An abscessed tooth is a greater source of

problems and toxins than anything else, often causing many other

symptoms until the abscess becomes painful and/or detected. The abscess

can leak toxins into your system for weeks and months prior to being

noticed wreaking havoc in the immune system. Any work or materials used

in root canals doesn't even compare to the problems that an undetected

abscess can cause.

The first thing a dentist does is to remove the source of the abscess,

usually a necrotic nerve, pack it with a special substance to kill the

infection and sterilize the site, then send you off with you a

prescription for antibiotics for two weeks to insure there is no

infection. No responsible dentist will fill a root canal until he/she

is sure there is no remaining infection. They don't want to redo a root

canal anymore than you want to endure more chair sessions.

The substance packed into the hollow space where the nerve used to be,

is a natural substance called " gottapercha " or something to that

effect. It's is a refined resin from a plant from South America I

believe. The reason I know this is simply because a dentist who

performed a root canal on me, was one of the doctors on the research

team who discovered the substance and related the story to me while

performing a root canal. The substance is very safe for all intents and


To state that root canals can be a source of problems related to cancer

is really an off the wall statement. Stress and poor nutrition,

unhealthy behaviors and lifestyles, and primarily self induced mental

stress are the cause of cancer, not root canals. Eating, living,

thinking and praying/meditating in right ways is the best vaccine

against cancer.

We have three types of diets that need daily attention: the physical,

mental and spiritual. Tend to those three recipes and you'll keep

cancer at bay. Stress is a result of neglecting a balanced approach to

the three daily diets, which will lead to cancer. Replace worry about

supposed carcinogens with something better to occupy your time.

Ohiobound37@... wrote:

> I've got to have the post. Are gold post and core ok instead of nickel?

> thanks! Deena>




> > From: " Eve " <eve@...>

> > >Root canals are not a good idea. Go to a biological dentist and have

> > >your work done by a dentist who doesn't do root canals! Many people

> > >with cancer or health consciousness have root canals and metal fillings

> > >removed.

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From: " Chuck Pfeiffer " <misc@...>

> Root canals are a necessity if you want to keep your original teeth and

> dental structure in place, otherwise go for bridges and implants, which

> cost more and are not as effective.

Nor are they anywhere nearly as effective in causing cancer and other


> Any work or materials used

> in root canals doesn't even compare to the problems that an undetected

> abscess can cause.

That may be entirely true.

> No responsible dentist will fill a root canal until he/she

> is sure there is no remaining infection....

> To state that root canals can be a source of problems related to cancer

> is really an off the wall statement.

" infections persist for years w/o the patient's knowledge...toxins

leak out and depress the...immune system, leading to chronic

degenerative diseases....Weston Price, D.D.S., M.S., F.A.C.D.,

former Dir. of Research for the Am. Dental Assn. [for 14 years],

made the astonishing claim that if teeth that have had root canals

are removed from patients suffering from kidney and heart disease,

these diseases will resolve in most cases. Moreover, implanting

these teeth in animals results in the animals developing the same

kind of disease found in the person from whom the tooth was taken.

Dr. Price found that toxins seeping out of the root canals can

cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous

and endocrine systems...research has demonstrated that 100 percent

of all root canals result in residual infection " (_Alternative Medicine: The

Definitive Guide_, Burton Goldberg Group, 1993, pp. 81-83;


" Dr. Price observed that angina pectoris, phlebitis, hypertension,

heart block, anemia, and inflammation of the heart muscle are

frequent side effects of root canal therapy. He also reported that

he would sometimes see heart patients with outwardly normal-

appearing root canal teeth resolve most or all of their symptoms

upon removal of those dead teeth [H. A. Huggins, _The Price of Root Canals_,

Colorado Springs, CO, Huggins Diagnostic Ctr, 1994]....New research shows

that dental infections are behind hardening of arteries, heart attacks,

strokes, and spontaneous preterm births (Morton , D.P.M. [1999]

_Elements of Danger: Protect Yourself Against the Hazards of Modern

Dentistry_, Hampton Roads, p. 40).

" Cavitations are infected areas in bone surrounding the roots of teeth. They

usually come from infected matter in root canalled teeth. When a DDS does

root canal therapy (RCT) s/he sterilizes and fills the vertical pulp canal -

about an inch long - and leaves infected the approximate 3 miles of dentinal

tubules that cannot yet be treated..full of

infection - that will continue to release toxins, viruses, etc. into the

blood stream for the rest of your life..Infections from this source affects

your entire immune system.. The infection exudes from the root to the

supporting jaw-bone..For a more complete description request our report `Can

Root Canals Make You Sick?' [include your mailing address]

...I wrote the Forward to. Meinig['s] _The Root Canal Cover-Up_ "

Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM, Editor, Holistic Dental Digest


" I have had a number of patients with breast cancer, all of whom had root

canals on the tooth related to the breast area on the associated energy

meridian. "

Diamond, M.D.

" the reason being that dead teeth [which root canals are] will scatter

toxins throughout the body, apparently following the meridian that they lie

upon "

For more info,







www.bloodph.com/research/mercury.html (Henry Kristal, DDS)

A huge number of holistic cancer practitioners and clinics urge cancer

patients to get their root canals removed and find that those who get them

removed have much higher rates of recovery. A friend of a friend's lymphoma

went into permanent remission following root canal removal (she was also

using homeopathy). If I got cancer and had any root canals, getting them

removed would be 1 of my 1st priorities.


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Dr says #1 is to have any root canals or bad teeth pulled if you have

cancer. And you do not want metal bridges because you are sucking on the metal

all day.. My brother, who had PC, had a root canal. If we had known this

information beforehand, we would have had his tooth pulled. He got such an

infection in that area of his mouth and neck. He also had a bridge.

When you get the teeth pulled you have to make sure they get all the infection

out. There is so much to still learn when fighting cancer.


Leonard <leonardleonard1@...> wrote:

" infections persist for years w/o the patient's knowledge...toxins

leak out and depress the...immune system, leading to chronic

degenerative diseases....Weston Price, D.D.S., M.S., F.A.C.D.,

former Dir. of Research for the Am. Dental Assn. [for 14 years],

made the astonishing claim that if teeth that have had root canals

are removed from patients suffering from kidney and heart disease,

these diseases will resolve in most cases. Moreover, implanting

these teeth in animals results in the animals developing the same

kind of disease found in the person from whom the tooth was taken.

Dr. Price found that toxins seeping out of the root canals can

cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous

and endocrine systems...research has demonstrated that 100 percent

of all root canals result in residual infection " (_Alternative Medicine: The

Definitive Guide_, Burton Goldberg Group, 1993, pp. 81-83;


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I don't know anymore because everything causes cancer or is bad for when you

have cancer, but millions of people have root canals and most of them don't have



Fox American Eskimo Dogs <foxeskimo@...> wrote:

Dr says #1 is to have any root canals or bad teeth pulled if you have

cancer. And you do not want metal bridges because you are sucking on the metal

all day.. My brother, who had PC, had a root canal. If we had known this

information beforehand, we would have had his tooth pulled. He got such an

infection in that area of his mouth and neck. He also had a bridge.

When you get the teeth pulled you have to make sure they get all the infection

out. There is so much to still learn when fighting cancer.


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From: " " <cbmd3@...>

> I don't know anymore because everything causes cancer

Yes, but I think only a handful of things cause cancer (and many other

diseases) as strongly as root canals.

> millions of people have root canals and most of them don't have cancer


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> millions of people have root canals and most of them don't have cancer ??

Yet! One in three people will get it. So why did they get it then? This

is one of the possible causes. For more on this please read:

" Root Canal Cover-up " , by Meinig, D.D.S.

Here is an interview with the author.


I went to the dentist with a person who had chronic headaches for 20+ years.


had 5 root canals under her nose. She had them extracted and when she did the

dentist had to open all the windows and vent the office. The smell was of


He put one of the teeth under my nose to get a good smell and I almost threw up.

She never knew this rot and decay was going on in her mouth! After they were

removed, her chronic headaches were gone for good.


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well it's just that I got cancer before I ever had a root canal, it's all so

overwhleming, everyone on my mom's side of the family got it and nobody on my

dad's side, root canal or not


" NotDoctors.com " <forums@...> wrote:

> millions of people have root canals and most of them don't have cancer ??

Yet! One in three people will get it. So why did they get it then? This

is one of the possible causes. For more on this please read:

" Root Canal Cover-up " , by Meinig, D.D.S.

Here is an interview with the author.


I went to the dentist with a person who had chronic headaches for 20+ years. She

had 5 root canals under her nose. She had them extracted and when she did the

dentist had to open all the windows and vent the office. The smell was of death.

He put one of the teeth under my nose to get a good smell and I almost threw up.

She never knew this rot and decay was going on in her mouth! After they were

removed, her chronic headaches were gone for good. Larry

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C wrote:

" no, we're health food and mainly vegetarians. but on my dad's side, they're all

junk food eaters, smokers and drinkers and yet no cancer "

That's the same as us :( Deena

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Re: [ ] root canals

> well it's just that I got cancer before I ever had a root canal, it's all so

overwhleming, everyone on my mom's side of the family

> got it and nobody on my dad's side, root canal or not

> C


Did you eat a lot of sugar, pastas and refined foods?

Do you have a history of antibiotic use?

Were you on birth control pills or other hormone therapy for any time?

Did you live or work in a moldy environment or work with toxic fumes?

Did you use household cleaners and other highly toxic substances?

Were you exposed to medical mammograms, x-rays and other forms of radiation?

Did you have breast implants or other foreign objects in your body?

Did you have a mouth full of mercury fillings?

Did you take OTC medications for every cold and flu you had or other drugs on

a regular basis?

Did you ever smoke?

Did you consume alcohol (a fungal mycotoxin/cancer causing agent)?

Did you wear make-up and put other lotions and chemicals on your body on a


basis? Hair spray, deodorant, painted fingernails, hair dye, shampoos and so


Did you eat meats and consume dairy products loaded with drugs and antibiotics


only eat grass fed clean meats?

Did you stay indoors all the time and hardly exercise?

The list goes on and on. There is not a simple answer but there are many things

we could have maybe done differently to lessen the chances of it happening in


first place. Everyone responds to these things differently but everyone has the

power to cut them out or change them so they don't have to worry about how well

they will or won't respond.


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no, we're health food and mainly vegetarians. but on my dad's side, they're all

junk food eaters, smokers and drinkers and yet no cancer


" NotDoctors.com " <forums@...> wrote:

Did you eat a lot of sugar, pastas and refined foods?

Do you have a history of antibiotic use?

Were you on birth control pills or other hormone therapy for any time?

Did you live or work in a moldy environment or work with toxic fumes?

Did you use household cleaners and other highly toxic substances?

Were you exposed to medical mammograms, x-rays and other forms of radiation?

Did you have breast implants or other foreign objects in your body?

Did you have a mouth full of mercury fillings?

Did you take OTC medications for every cold and flu you had or other drugs on a

regular basis?

Did you ever smoke?

Did you consume alcohol (a fungal mycotoxin/cancer causing agent)?

Did you wear make-up and put other lotions and chemicals on your body on a

regular basis? Hair spray, deodorant, painted fingernails, hair dye, shampoos

and so on?

Did you eat meats and consume dairy products loaded with drugs and antibiotics

or only eat grass fed clean meats?

Did you stay indoors all the time and hardly exercise?

The list goes on and on. There is not a simple answer but there are many things

we could have maybe done differently to lessen the chances of it happening in

the first place. Everyone responds to these things differently but everyone has

the power to cut them out or change them so they don't have to worry about how


they will or won't respond. Larry

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" worry, " now theres a probable cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

" NotDoctors.com " <forums@...> wrote:

The list goes on and on. ... everyone has the power to cut them out or change

them so they don't have to ***worry*** about how well

they will or won't respond. Larry

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that's why I am so tired of hearing that cancer is all about diet, it's simply

not always true, heredity is a factor and it is for me and my cancer ridden

maternal side where one by one we all get some kind of cancer (all the women got

breast except one), and I watch my paternal side eat the typical junk food diet

and nobody has been sick and most lived to ttheir 90's!


Ohiobound37@... wrote:

C wrote:

" no, we're health food and mainly vegetarians. but on my dad's side, they're all

junk food eaters, smokers and drinkers and yet no cancer "

That's the same as us :( Deena

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Yep, the list sounds like a litany of worries, and not about

living......................in a bubble that is!

Dan Corleto wrote:

> " worry, " now theres a probable cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



> " NotDoctors.com " <forums@...> wrote:

> The list goes on and on. ... everyone has the power to cut them out or

> change them so they don't have to ***worry*** about how well they will

> or won't respond. Larry



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Stress, worry and behaviors play about a 80% role in who does and does

not get cancer, diet about 20%, and outside of obvious carcinogens like

uranium, plutonium or similar dangers, 98% percent of the labeled

carcinogens are not carcinogenic at all. Then again, this statement

requires a long explanation of of a different perspective on cancer and

how it starts.

Cancer is not genetic, but behaviors and personalities are, or certain

behaviors are learned that may cause us problems. Like notes

below about her paternal side, who lives life, enjoys things in

moderation and doesn't WORRY about those topics. Perhaps a review of

the maternal side of the behaviors and how they handle stress in

comparison to the maternal side may reveal more than one realizes in

relation to cancer.

The mental features of our makeup are very complex and IMHO, very

misunderstood which puts us in a totally different makeup from the

animals that have to be subjected to the 10,000 times a normal daily

dose of say a cyclamate, which then determines that a product is labeled

carcinogenic in most cases. I wonder what the stats would be if they

subjected rats to 10,000 times the normal dose of some of the chemos

used on humans --------- ??????????

RIP, you poor lab rat would be the likely outcome on the first


Stress affects our digestive and nutritional uptake far more than what

is realized, which in turn leads to the immune system failures in a

domino effect.

Want to beat stress at its' own game? Next time you find yourself in a

chronic stress situation, or on a regular basis, drink 8 ounces of apple

juice every day for three weeks. This will counter the effects of

stress on the digestive system. Long story and explanation to follow in

the near future, but the old adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away

has more merit than one might think.



> that's why I am so tired of hearing that cancer is all about diet,

> it's simply not always true, heredity is a factor and it is for me and

> my cancer ridden maternal side where one by one we all get some kind

> of cancer (all the women got breast except one), and I watch my

> paternal side eat the typical junk food diet and nobody has been sick

> and most lived to ttheir 90's!

> C


> Ohiobound37@... wrote:


> C wrote:

> " no, we're health food and mainly vegetarians. but on my dad's side,

> they're all junk food eaters, smokers and drinkers and yet no cancer "




> That's the same as us :( Deena


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  • 3 months later...

On a mercury poisoning discussion group I'm on, I believe

that some people have had their root canals removed and

felt better as a result. The issue seems to be that the

root may become infected, and this long-running, low-level

infection is a drain on the immune system.

I don't believe that I personally have any root canals.

Many fillings though. Originally mercury amalgam, now

plastic composite.


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Thanks Marc. That's the theory exactly. Our naturopath actually

observed that of all the chronically ill folks he has seen over the

years, 90-95% have had one or more root canals. This

correlation may be explained several ways, of course, but it's an

intriguing question to explore. Anyone interested in more info can

check out " The Roots of Disease " by Kulacz and Levy, or " Root

Canal Coverup " by Meinig.)

My husband has NO amalgam fillings but has had a root canal

since he was about 8 years old, from a bicycle accident. About

two years ago an X-ray showed that the root canal was infected.

(Pardon the unscientific language here--I won't use the term

cavitation because I will use it imprecisely and surely offend

someone.) Goodness knows how long the infection had been

there. The root canal was completely cleaned out and re-done

one year ago, but a recent X-ray showed that the infection is

unchanged, and if anything, has grown.

My husband's regular dentist simply wants to drill a hole in his

head and " clean out " the infected area, leaving the root canal

intact. The naturopath we saw yesterday, of course,

recommended removal of the root canal. My own feelings on this

are clear (get the darn thing out, quick) but it's not my tooth, and I

am not the one looking at yet another difficult surgery and

recovery, with already compromised immunity and strength.

I think the emotional issues are as difficult here as the physical

challenges. I still look at these options optimistically, as

possible solutions. My husband is worn out, feels we have been

down this road many times and find only dead ends. I'm looking

for some feedback from the group--it won't necessarily carry any

weight with my husband (who seems to be permanently

skeptical now), but may keep *my* spirits up as I try to nudge

him in constructive directions.



> On a mercury poisoning discussion group I'm on, I believe

> that some people have had their root canals removed and

> felt better as a result. The issue seems to be that the

> root may become infected, and this long-running, low-level

> infection is a drain on the immune system.


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Dear Cara,

dental issues have been an ongoing consideration with

electrosensitivity. Some evidence is that thorough dental

cleanup especially the entire gum region is necessary. See


Root canals need to be fixed apparently. Anything that

causes a gum infection or toxicitiy is a problem- mainly

root canals, but also residue from improperly pulled teeth.

There is a machine that uses ultrasound to scan the gum

region for any of these dead pockets of tissue called

NICOs. The machine is called a CAVITAT and you have to

search to find them last I checked. Apparently an XRAY is

not good enough, however a skilled dentist, probably also

expensive, should be able to spot problems using technique.

The only reason I have not had this final step performed is

that there is only one machine here, and it is interstate

with a lengthy waiting list. This is probably important,

and it would be very interesting to see how list members

faired with thorough dental cleanup. There are any number

of ways it could be involved in es.

Regards, Rowan C

> >

> > On a mercury poisoning discussion group I'm on, I believe

> > that some people have had their root canals removed and

> > felt better as a result. The issue seems to be that the

> > root may become infected, and this long-running, low-level

> > infection is a drain on the immune system.

> >


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