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I have an attic antenna - NO cable, NO dish. Had one working TV at one point

because my two (subsidized) digital convertor boxes quit working.

, keep saving your money and your time. I am glad you are a football fan -

I love to watch high school and college games.

Neely, Dallas


> Cell phones are the bane of society. Everyone has one (except me), just

> like everyone has cable TV (except me) I don't have a TV at all, because

> I cannot get the channels that show football, which is all I want to

> watch. Have a TV set up to show DVDs and VCRs, but forget the rest of

> the stuff. I'm living in the 50s, and I know it. The year 1950, that is.



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  • 5 months later...
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My son has dyspraxia with the autism - so he backs away from anything that looks

too novel. That impacts incidential learning big time.

He also has problems with his body in space -especially his legs. This used to

be severe but now is more promient when stressed or doing yoga.

I would also love something to help both sides of his brain work together


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  • 10 months later...
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Hi everyone,

This is my 8th year of retirement. I am on a fixed income. This to me is what

makes me tired. I used to shop at least 4 days a week in malls for “stuffâ€

because I had money. During my lunch hour I shopped in the stores lining the

streets of Oakland which is a big collage town. I always found things for my

house or to wear. This would excite me. Even tho I probably only got 5or 6 hours

of sleep I was always “onâ€.

Even when my grandbaby’s were born after I did not work I still had some money

to buy stuff for them and my 2 kids.

Then it hit! All my savings started to diminish and I had to watch what I bot. I

started to get tired of getting out of bed only to clean house or cook. I vowed

to get out to the malls even to look around at least 2 times a week. Yeah like I

wanted to look at things and not be able to get things for my kids and grands

and I didn’t even need clothes anymore. Three years ago I started using the

internet to shop…don’t even need to go out. I used to love the hustle and

bustle of Christmas crowds now I shop on line.

I sleep till 10:30 or 11AM because I don’t fall asleep till 2 AM. Why get up?

Clean or cook?! I have to get blood work that can wait so it does. I have 2

scans to have done but they can wait so I have the requisitions and they sit in

my desk. Maybe when it is warmer.

I do have to say before reaching remission I slept like Dorothy…I fell asleep

in doctors waiting rooms. I fell asleep watching TV. I could fall asleep

anywhere except of course at night because that is when the pain is the worst. I

have slept thru springs and summers.

This year hubby is now getting social security (he retired early and we had some

lean years)and can take money out of his savings so I got new living room

furniture! We were out looking and shopping almost all week (hate shopping on

weekends) and it was amazing how easy it was for me to set my alarm and get up

to go out! Even in cold and snow I was “up†again.

So unless you are really sick you need an interest to wake up. It is hard to do

especially when you are on a fixed income or are older. Getting old and decrepit

is not a fun thing at all.:)) LOL

Hugs to all us tired folks.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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hello tired folks. Yes it is very difficult to get out of bed and

function if you do not have a reason.

I am on social security and 67 yrs. on a limited income. I am single

after 35 years taking care of someone. Now its hard to take care of only


I have had a bypass, stent, fibromyalgia, arthritus,(bumpy hands) sleep

apnea, disk disease, back surgury, restless leg syndrome, plantar

fasiaitis, lots of muscle pain and depression.

I am 66 and Ifound a miracle. volunteer work at elementary schools thru

a county program called Golden Umbrella Grandparent Program.

I get paid $2.55 per hour , free lunch, free breakfast and 40 cents a

mile. It doesnt add up to much, but I work 5 hours a day..5 days a week.

The mininum is 15 hours a week.

kids are fun, sometimes frustrating. But they give me a reason to get


I was out of work. changed addresses and schools. Didnt work for two

months. It rained all that time. .When it rained continually for

weeks, I went to the mall and watched people. I could afford a cup of

coffee which I nursed for hours. I met people I had not seen in ages.

Sleep was what I wanted to do to. no extra money for grand kids or me.

I decided to get up and go to any and everything that was free. I

visited the library, the senior hall, went shopping for things I could

not afford but could dream about, flea markets, art shows, walks in parks

to see birds. Went on rides in new cars,,,testing.

I had to think out of the box. The one I wanted to sleep in. It took

energy. But it was worth it.

Best of luck



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Belinda that is a great story. It is also a great job. I bet those kids love

you. I just had my grandbaby age 6 for the past week and I was glad when she

left but 2 days later and I miss her! I think 5 hours a day would be





Subject: Re: rheumatic OT

hello tired folks. Yes it is very difficult to get out of bed and

function if you do not have a reason.

I am on social security and 67 yrs. on a limited income. I am single

after 35 years taking care of someone. Now its hard to take care of only


I have had a bypass, stent, fibromyalgia, arthritus,(bumpy hands) sleep

apnea, disk disease, back surgury, restless leg syndrome, plantar

fasiaitis, lots of muscle pain and depression.

I am 66 and Ifound a miracle. volunteer work at elementary schools thru

a county program called Golden Umbrella Grandparent Program.

I get paid $2.55 per hour , free lunch, free breakfast and 40 cents a

mile. It doesnt add up to much, but I work 5 hours a day..5 days a week.

The mininum is 15 hours a week.

kids are fun, sometimes frustrating. But they give me a reason to get


I was out of work. changed addresses and schools. Didnt work for two

months. It rained all that time. .When it rained continually for

weeks, I went to the mall and watched people. I could afford a cup of

coffee which I nursed for hours. I met people I had not seen in ages.

Sleep was what I wanted to do to. no extra money for grand kids or me.

I decided to get up and go to any and everything that was free. I

visited the library, the senior hall, went shopping for things I could

not afford but could dream about, flea markets, art shows, walks in parks

to see birds. Went on rides in new cars,,,testing.

I had to think out of the box. The one I wanted to sleep in. It took

energy. But it was worth it.

Best of luck


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I have some extra things for a sleep apnea maching. Would you be able to

use a mask and head gear?


if so contact me at Bindylp@...


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Yes, I am at the point where it is two years old and the mask and tubing is

supposed to be changed every 3-6 months.  I soak it all the time, but it is now

limp and old looking.  On Monday, I am calling my new  Insurance company and

get a new script from my doc.  I understand there is a medical supply store in

town some where near me.  I'll let you know if I am successful.  Thank you. 

Where do you get your supplies from?  Dolores

From: belinda pomerleau <Bindylp@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic OT


Date: Friday, April 8, 2011, 3:10 AM


I have some extra things for a sleep apnea maching. Would you be able to

use a mask and head gear?


if so contact me at Bindylp@...


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