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Re: RhoGam and Lupus/RA

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Well, I am not SURE that the shot triggered my arthritis, but I do know this.

Thanks to this disease, I am fighting to have one more child (gone off meds,

etc.) and that will be all for me. I do not think my body could handle anymore

pregnancies, but, darn it, I am having one more. This all started after the

birth of my first child. I also know I will NOT receive the RhoGam shot this

time around. The thought of what she was injecting into my body kind of made me


By the way, I'm not sure when y'all had your RhoGam shots, but mine was in

2004 and I know that the preservative Thimerosal (mercury) was supposed to have

been removed since '93 (I think).

Maggy Alonso <MaggyAlonso@...> wrote:

Yes, it is very interesting isn't it? My rheumatologist told me that he read

in a medical journal about how RhoGam can trigger Lupus. The way it was

explained to me was that it is a blood product and gives a sudden boost to the

immune system. This boost is what can trigger the Lupus. (He never even

mentioned the mercury which I now know is a great danger) It is usually given

twice for each pregnancy, once during and once after the birth. It is also

protocol to administer after a miscarriage. Maybe this varies from one doctor to

another. A doctor forgot to give it to me following a miscarriage so when I got

pregnant again I was monitored more carefully. I believe they can check for the

antibodies that cause the problems for the developing fetus. Another thing that

I found to be interesting was that people who refuse the Rhogam (such as

Jehovah's Witnesses) due to the fact that it is a blood product, show no greater

incidence of hemolytic (sp) disease in their newborns. I

believe the RhoGam has only been around for about 30 years now. It has been a

few years (about 7) since I researched all this so I am going on memory. One

thing that I know for sure is that after all the research I did to gather

information on this in order to make an informed choice, there is NO WAY I would

agree to receive another one of these injections. This of course is my opinion

and I would encourage any woman needing to consider the Rhogam to learn as much

as possible ahead of time so that she can make the informed decision that she

feels is right for her.


Re: rheumatic Hi, new and don't know where to turn

I found this interesting. I am RH negative but did not develop RA until my

middle forties. Anyone have any info on a link between RH negative people

and increases in RA or Lupus rates. I had never heard of the possibility of

the injection making one more susceptible. I had a total of three of these

shots..one with each child. Any info would be welcome. Martha

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I got an autoimmune disease after each of my three pregnancies, and I have

heard of this happening to others. So it might not be the shot at all.



Re: rheumatic Hi, new and don't know where to turn

I found this interesting. I am RH negative but did not develop RA until my

middle forties. Anyone have any info on a link between RH negative people

and increases in RA or Lupus rates. I had never heard of the possibility of

the injection making one more susceptible. I had a total of three of these

shots..one with each child. Any info would be welcome. Martha

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Hi Beth,

Mine were between 1997 and 1999. Unfortunately even after they stop using the

mercury in the manufacturing of the vaccines they don't destroy the existing

supply so until it got used up, they were still administering the vaccines with

the mercury. It is not cost effective to keep the dangerous stuff away from

people even if it is causing harm.

I'm not sure if that is what caused my disease either....to be honest at this

point I am more concerned with the amalgam fillings in my mouth. I can't change

the past but I sure can get the mercury out of my mouth now and that is what I

intend to do.

I really wish you luck making a new babe and hopefully remission at least during



Re: rheumatic RhoGam and Lupus/RA

Well, I am not SURE that the shot triggered my arthritis, but I do know this.

Thanks to this disease, I am fighting to have one more child (gone off meds,

etc.) and that will be all for me. I do not think my body could handle anymore

pregnancies, but, darn it, I am having one more. This all started after the

birth of my first child. I also know I will NOT receive the RhoGam shot this

time around. The thought of what she was injecting into my body kind of made me


By the way, I'm not sure when y'all had your RhoGam shots, but mine was in

2004 and I know that the preservative Thimerosal (mercury) was supposed to have

been removed since '93 (I think).

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Hello everyone,

I am very interested in this discussion. Until after I was diagnosed in

1998 with RA I was selling my plasma for a high price at NABI's, a plasma

center. I had anti-d the factor they build Rhogram with. My titer was so

high, 32,000, they called my plasma " liquid gold " . Sometimes they shipped

it FedX to Florida to bring up the average in a case of plasma they were

shipping to Bayer.

I quit selling my plasma after I came to believe RA is caused by a bacteria.

Even though I needed the money I could not take the chance that I would

cause another person to catch what I had.

However, in the years before that I may have infected a lot of young women.

There is also the chance that I caught the RA at NABI's because I let them

inject rh positive blood into me in order to boost my anti-d titer.


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