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Sugar free

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, I've seen it mentioned before that if you stop drinking soda, you need

to replace it with water. Many people have noticed headaches lessened after

re-hydrating themselves--even people who weren't torturing themselves by

cutting off their soda intake. 8~) Other than that, I think that with

dietary stuff it's better to make changes gradually so there isn't an extreme

shock to your body (I think Lowi has mentioned this many times and it stuck

with me). I'd only go cold turkey if that didn't work after repeated

attempts. Of course, if you're a Mountain Dew drinker, then cold turkey may

be the only way to go--as that's hard stuff! I hope you start feeling better

soon. Eat some broccoli and try some exercise, perhaps? lol... Hugs,

(by far, not even close to being an expert in this area, but just using

general stuff I've seen that probably applies...) I hate to think of you in

pain if it could be avoided!

" Variety is the sugar and spice of life! "

nfmissy100 wrote:

> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But

> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues? I feel crabby

> and mom said that I'm withdrawling. I think it's mainly the caffeine

> that I'm missing, since I'm a soda junkie. I've actually had a

> headache for the last 2 evenings. Kinda feels like a migraine, but

> nothing helps the pain. How long will this last and does anyone have

> any suggestions?

> missing mountain dew and thinking about grandma's brownie recipe,


> p.s.

> if you guys smell brownies cooking, it's NOT coming from my house. 0:-)

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I really agree with here:) Plain water can not be beat!! Our bodies

are mostly water and we need to replenish that dailey for everything to work

right. I think meds of all types are very dehydrating so drink up:) I keep

it in the fridge (i know your supposeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to drink it at room

temp, but geezzzzzzzzzzzzz, gotta live a little:) I grab it first, avoiding

the milk, juice, Kool-ade (cringe) and pop:) The sugar blues will pass but

its really hard to nix it completely outta your diet. I have tried, and ive

cut down but im not all bark and grass eatterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

sugar free

> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But

> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?


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wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get withdrawel from food.

If you really craving something sweet have some fruit, or, I do have some

honey at times, peanut butter (or almond butter) and honey sandwich. if you

like tea there is a sweetener called stevia (not splenda!!!) its natural,

herb, even diabetics can use it, its good in tea. stay away from nutra

sweet, just my advice, many dont though.

nfmissy100 wrote:

> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But

> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues? I feel crabby

> and mom said that I'm withdrawling. I think it's mainly the caffeine

> that I'm missing, since I'm a soda junkie. I've actually had a

> headache for the last 2 evenings. Kinda feels like a migraine, but

> nothing helps the pain. How long will this last and does anyone have

> any suggestions?

> missing mountain dew and thinking about grandma's brownie recipe,


> p.s.

> if you guys smell brownies cooking, it's NOT coming from my house. 0:-)



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excellent suggetion, drink tons of water, and exercise. yeah mountain dew is

lethal stuff.

" L. Przybysz " wrote:

> , I've seen it mentioned before that if you stop drinking soda, you need

> to replace it with water. Many people have noticed headaches lessened after

> re-hydrating themselves--even people who weren't torturing themselves by

> cutting off their soda intake. 8~) Other than that, I think that with

> dietary stuff it's better to make changes gradually so there isn't an extreme

> shock to your body (I think Lowi has mentioned this many times and it stuck

> with me). I'd only go cold turkey if that didn't work after repeated

> attempts. Of course, if you're a Mountain Dew drinker, then cold turkey may

> be the only way to go--as that's hard stuff! I hope you start feeling better

> soon. Eat some broccoli and try some exercise, perhaps? lol... Hugs,

> (by far, not even close to being an expert in this area, but just using

> general stuff I've seen that probably applies...) I hate to think of you in

> pain if it could be avoided!


> " Variety is the sugar and spice of life! "


> nfmissy100 wrote:


> > ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But

> > I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues? I feel crabby

> > and mom said that I'm withdrawling. I think it's mainly the caffeine

> > that I'm missing, since I'm a soda junkie. I've actually had a

> > headache for the last 2 evenings. Kinda feels like a migraine, but

> > nothing helps the pain. How long will this last and does anyone have

> > any suggestions?

> > missing mountain dew and thinking about grandma's brownie recipe,

> >

> > p.s.

> > if you guys smell brownies cooking, it's NOT coming from my house. 0:-)



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Have you found out something about Splenda ?? I tried it and liked

it:) I usually like the stuff thats bad for me tho, no suprise:)!!Lowi

Re: sugar free

> wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get withdrawel from


> If you really craving something sweet have some fruit, or, I do have some

> honey at times, peanut butter (or almond butter) and honey sandwich. if


> like tea there is a sweetener called stevia (not splenda!!!) its natural,

> herb, even diabetics can use it, its good in tea. stay away from nutra

> sweet, just my advice, many dont though.




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unfortunetly yes, i'll try to find the web site and send to you, you decide for

yourself. I liked it too but only use stevia now.

Lori Phibbs wrote:

> Have you found out something about Splenda ?? I tried it and liked

> it:) I usually like the stuff thats bad for me tho, no suprise:)!!Lowi

> Re: sugar free


> > wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get withdrawel from

> food.

> > If you really craving something sweet have some fruit, or, I do have some

> > honey at times, peanut butter (or almond butter) and honey sandwich. if

> you

> > like tea there is a sweetener called stevia (not splenda!!!) its natural,

> > herb, even diabetics can use it, its good in tea. stay away from nutra

> > sweet, just my advice, many dont though.

> >

> >

> >



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HAHA :-) Maybe this is why my brother turned red after eating lots and lots of tomatoes one time when he was a kid!!! I'm serious, folks. RED :-)

Think about it... if you had

carrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...

broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:)

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Somone just sent a message about Splenda. And Splenda is great! My

Mother-in-Law just made a rubarb pie with Splenda and you could not tell the

difference. You can even make Brownies with Splenda.

Re: sugar free

I really agree with here:) Plain water can not be beat!! Our bodies

are mostly water and we need to replenish that dailey for everything to work

right. I think meds of all types are very dehydrating so drink up:) I keep

it in the fridge (i know your supposeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to drink it at room

temp, but geezzzzzzzzzzzzz, gotta live a little:) I grab it first, avoiding

the milk, juice, Kool-ade (cringe) and pop:) The sugar blues will pass but

its really hard to nix it completely outta your diet. I have tried, and ive

cut down but im not all bark and grass eatterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

sugar free

> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But

> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?


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OK, , here 's where I begin to question this:))

Isn't sugar a food... just as natural as say... a

broccoli crown growing in the ground? Let's think

sugarcanes here.... I've seen them growing in Hawaii,

we even saw some in oz I think. Refined sugar is not

good, anything refined for that matter , but what's

wrong with raw sugar? It's the same as buying whole

wheat vs. white flour. It's the refined products,

things stripped of the good for you part, (the

epidermis (sp?) in wheat kernels), or in the case of

white sugar vs. raw it's the bleaching process, that

is bad for you, not the sugar itself. Actually it boils

down to anything really in excess will have some

unwanted side effects. Think about it... if you had

carrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...

broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:) For ppl

wondering about raw sugar, you can buy that right there

in the sugar aisle in the store. It comes in a brown

bag stamped " Raw sugar " ..It's been there for years..

Its excellent in coffee and tea.

Jennette ---> who was once vegetarian, ate " nothing*

un-natural, she juiced, made her own yogurt, even

ground her own almond butter and wheat,for breads. Then

in an attempt to gain weight four years ago for

upcoming spinal surgery, she ate a piece of chicken and

to her absolute horror, actually enjoyed it!:) She

then promptly ballooned 20 pounds, discovered the world

of convenience foods, and has been stuck with the

weight ever since.:)

----- Original Message -----

wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get

withdrawel from food.

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oh jenn you dont look heavy in weight in the least, you look

exceptionally healthy to me. ok without looking this up you are

basically right. What I guess I mean by 'sugar is bad' is the aisles

and aisle of pastries, mega muffins, donuts, cakes, soda pop, kool

aid, cookies, candy etc etc etc. Americans are FAT, I learned that in

sydney, they only obese people i saw were americans, yes i asked a

few! from america? ah i knew it! so when I try to put sugar in a bad

light in hopes of helping crewbies symptoms i mean stop eating

garbage in the name of quality of life, twinkies, soda etc. sure a

LITTLE every now and then wont kill you but if its a staple for you

you will feel like crap. I started with cutting out the 3 heaping

teaspoons of sugar in my coffee, i felt sooooo much better i quit soda

and most junk. i eat dark chocolate as a treat, and sure a cookie here

and there. The raw sugar is better than white sugar but its all how

you use it, if you eat 15 cookies for breakfast made with raw sugar

you will still feel like crap. but you know this, you are knowledgable

on nutrtion, long before i was. think of diabetics and how sugar

affects them.

so yes sugar affects us like a drug in my opinion, ive read all the

books yada yada. plus sugar makes us crave more carbs. I just see some

crewbies who i know their diets were not helping them and this can

really help with the sick feeling but its not just sugar, eating whole

food, raw veggies, and stuff with lots of nutition needs to come 1st,

goodies in small amts 2nd.Want my essay on enzymes and how they've

helped too? probiotics :-)

In NF2_Crew@y..., " Jennette Braaten " <jennette@c...> wrote:

> OK, , here 's where I begin to question this:))

> Isn't sugar a food... just as natural as say... a

> broccoli crown growing in the ground? Let's think

> sugarcanes here.... I've seen them growing in Hawaii,

> we even saw some in oz I think. Refined sugar is not

> good, anything refined for that matter , but what's

> wrong with raw sugar? It's the same as buying whole

> wheat vs. white flour. It's the refined products,

> things stripped of the good for you part, (the

> epidermis (sp?) in wheat kernels), or in the case of

> white sugar vs. raw it's the bleaching process, that

> is bad for you, not the sugar itself. Actually it boils

> down to anything really in excess will have some

> unwanted side effects. Think about it... if you had

> carrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...

> broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:) For ppl

> wondering about raw sugar, you can buy that right there

> in the sugar aisle in the store. It comes in a brown

> bag stamped " Raw sugar " ..It's been there for years..

> Its excellent in coffee and tea.


> Jennette ---> who was once vegetarian, ate " nothing*

> un-natural, she juiced, made her own yogurt, even

> ground her own almond butter and wheat,for breads. Then

> in an attempt to gain weight four years ago for

> upcoming spinal surgery, she ate a piece of chicken and

> to her absolute horror, actually enjoyed it!:) She

> then promptly ballooned 20 pounds, discovered the world

> of convenience foods, and has been stuck with the

> weight ever since.:)



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " " <cinnyd@t...>



> wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get

> withdrawel from food.

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wanted to restate one thing, I said americans are fat, thats true, ive

never seen as many over weight kids and adults before, just go to

walmart and you'll see. but nf2 ers in general are not overweight,

thats a good thing in a way but sugar and other stuff can make you

feel worse thn u need to. look at the ingrediant list of most stuff,

corn syrup ie sugar tops the list.

In NF2_Crew@y..., " luckeeone98 " <cinnyd@t...> wrote:

> oh jenn you dont look heavy in weight in the least, you look

> exceptionally healthy to me. ok without looking this up you are

> basically right. What I guess I mean by 'sugar is bad' is the aisles

> and aisle of pastries, mega muffins, donuts, cakes, soda pop, kool

> aid, cookies, candy etc etc etc. Americans are FAT, I learned that


> sydney, they only obese people i saw were americans, yes i asked a

> few! from america? ah i knew it! so when I try to put sugar in a


> light in hopes of helping crewbies symptoms i mean stop eating

> garbage in the name of quality of life, twinkies, soda etc. sure a

> LITTLE every now and then wont kill you but if its a staple for you

> you will feel like crap. I started with cutting out the 3 heaping

> teaspoons of sugar in my coffee, i felt sooooo much better i quit


> and most junk. i eat dark chocolate as a treat, and sure a cookie


> and there. The raw sugar is better than white sugar but its all how

> you use it, if you eat 15 cookies for breakfast made with raw sugar

> you will still feel like crap. but you know this, you are


> on nutrtion, long before i was. think of diabetics and how sugar

> affects them.

> so yes sugar affects us like a drug in my opinion, ive read all the

> books yada yada. plus sugar makes us crave more carbs. I just see


> crewbies who i know their diets were not helping them and this can

> really help with the sick feeling but its not just sugar, eating


> food, raw veggies, and stuff with lots of nutition needs to come


> goodies in small amts 2nd.Want my essay on enzymes and how they've

> helped too? probiotics :-)


> In NF2_Crew@y..., " Jennette Braaten " <jennette@c...> wrote:

> > OK, , here 's where I begin to question this:))

> > Isn't sugar a food... just as natural as say... a

> > broccoli crown growing in the ground? Let's think

> > sugarcanes here.... I've seen them growing in Hawaii,

> > we even saw some in oz I think. Refined sugar is not

> > good, anything refined for that matter , but what's

> > wrong with raw sugar? It's the same as buying whole

> > wheat vs. white flour. It's the refined products,

> > things stripped of the good for you part, (the

> > epidermis (sp?) in wheat kernels), or in the case of

> > white sugar vs. raw it's the bleaching process, that

> > is bad for you, not the sugar itself. Actually it boils

> > down to anything really in excess will have some

> > unwanted side effects. Think about it... if you had

> > carrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...

> > broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:) For ppl

> > wondering about raw sugar, you can buy that right there

> > in the sugar aisle in the store. It comes in a brown

> > bag stamped " Raw sugar " ..It's been there for years..

> > Its excellent in coffee and tea.

> >

> > Jennette ---> who was once vegetarian, ate " nothing*

> > un-natural, she juiced, made her own yogurt, even

> > ground her own almond butter and wheat,for breads. Then

> > in an attempt to gain weight four years ago for

> > upcoming spinal surgery, she ate a piece of chicken and

> > to her absolute horror, actually enjoyed it!:) She

> > then promptly ballooned 20 pounds, discovered the world

> > of convenience foods, and has been stuck with the

> > weight ever since.:)

> >

> >

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: " " <cinnyd@t...>

> >

> >

> > wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get

> > withdrawel from food.

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haaaaaaa great story Jenn:) I like convienence foods too:) Yes!! Sugar is

a food:) Its a carb:) The refined is nothing but carb. The unrefined

looks like dirty sugar:) I bet youve used it. But its really as much a

food as peyote and marajana:) Its addictive and suppose to have bad side

effects:( Which is typical, stuff i like is bad for me:(~~Lowi who loves

whoppers and onion rings cake and pizza and and and

Re: sugar free

> OK, , here 's where I begin to question this:))

> Isn't sugar a food... just as natural as say... a

> broccoli crown growing in the ground? Let's think

> sugarcanes here.... I've seen them growing in Hawaii,

> we even saw some in oz I think. Refined sugar is not

> good, anything refined for that matter , but what's

> wrong with raw sugar? It's the same as buying whole

> wheat vs. white flour. It's the refined products,

> things stripped of the good for you part, (the

> epidermis (sp?) in wheat kernels), or in the case of

> white sugar vs. raw it's the bleaching process, that

> is bad for you, not the sugar itself. Actually it boils

> down to anything really in excess will have some

> unwanted side effects. Think about it... if you had

> carrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...

> broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:) For ppl

> wondering about raw sugar, you can buy that right there

> in the sugar aisle in the store. It comes in a brown

> bag stamped " Raw sugar " ..It's been there for years..

> Its excellent in coffee and tea.


> Jennette ---> who was once vegetarian, ate " nothing*

> un-natural, she juiced, made her own yogurt, even

> ground her own almond butter and wheat,for breads. Then

> in an attempt to gain weight four years ago for

> upcoming spinal surgery, she ate a piece of chicken and

> to her absolute horror, actually enjoyed it!:) She

> then promptly ballooned 20 pounds, discovered the world

> of convenience foods, and has been stuck with the

> weight ever since.:)



> ----- Original Message -----




> wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get

> withdrawel from food.





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When I saw you in OZ you looked very healthy - there is no way your over weight - stay the same weight you are now, and you will be fine - Hey I didn't hear Greg complain..... and I couldn't find any "love handles" when I helped up the stairs on the dinner cruise!!!!!

the FAT ONE.... but losing

Re: sugar free

OK, , here 's where I begin to question this:))Isn't sugar a food... just as natural as say... abroccoli crown growing in the ground? Let's thinksugarcanes here.... I've seen them growing in Hawaii,we even saw some in oz I think. Refined sugar is notgood, anything refined for that matter , but what'swrong with raw sugar? It's the same as buying wholewheat vs. white flour. It's the refined products,things stripped of the good for you part, (theepidermis (sp?) in wheat kernels), or in the case ofwhite sugar vs. raw it's the bleaching process, thatis bad for you, not the sugar itself. Actually it boilsdown to anything really in excess will have someunwanted side effects. Think about it... if you hadcarrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:) For pplwondering about raw sugar, you can buy that right therein the sugar aisle in the store. It comes in a brownbag stamped "Raw sugar"..It's been there for years..Its excellent in coffee and tea.Jennette ---> who was once vegetarian, ate "nothing*un-natural, she juiced, made her own yogurt, evenground her own almond butter and wheat,for breads. Thenin an attempt to gain weight four years ago forupcoming spinal surgery, she ate a piece of chicken andto her absolute horror, actually enjoyed it!:) Shethen promptly ballooned 20 pounds, discovered the worldof convenience foods, and has been stuck with theweight ever since.:)----- Original Message -----wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont getwithdrawel from food.

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But Lori,

Can I put a tad of something in the water???????

who's sugar intake has taken a nosedive :o((((- drinks no milk :o(((- but eats Marnies Butter Tarts....:o))))

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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Want my essay on enzymes and how they've helped too? probiotics :-) Yes please -

who can only cook all the bad stuff.......

Re: sugar free

oh jenn you dont look heavy in weight in the least, you look exceptionally healthy to me. ok without looking this up you are basically right. What I guess I mean by 'sugar is bad' is the aisles and aisle of pastries, mega muffins, donuts, cakes, soda pop, kool aid, cookies, candy etc etc etc. Americans are FAT, I learned that in sydney, they only obese people i saw were americans, yes i asked a few! from america? ah i knew it! so when I try to put sugar in a bad light in hopes of helping crewbies symptoms i mean stop eating garbage in the name of quality of life, twinkies, soda etc. sure a LITTLE every now and then wont kill you but if its a staple for you you will feel like crap. I started with cutting out the 3 heaping teaspoons of sugar in my coffee, i felt sooooo much better i quit soda and most junk. i eat dark chocolate as a treat, and sure a cookie here and there. The raw sugar is better than white sugar but its all how you use it, if you eat 15 cookies for breakfast made with raw sugar you will still feel like crap. but you know this, you are knowledgable on nutrtion, long before i was. think of diabetics and how sugar affects them. so yes sugar affects us like a drug in my opinion, ive read all the books yada yada. plus sugar makes us crave more carbs. I just see some crewbies who i know their diets were not helping them and this can really help with the sick feeling but its not just sugar, eating whole food, raw veggies, and stuff with lots of nutition needs to come 1st, goodies in small amts 2nd.Want my essay on enzymes and how they've helped too? probiotics :-) In NF2_Crew@y..., "Jennette Braaten" <jennette@c...> wrote:> OK, , here 's where I begin to question this:))> Isn't sugar a food... just as natural as say... a> broccoli crown growing in the ground? Let's think> sugarcanes here.... I've seen them growing in Hawaii,> we even saw some in oz I think. Refined sugar is not> good, anything refined for that matter , but what's> wrong with raw sugar? It's the same as buying whole> wheat vs. white flour. It's the refined products,> things stripped of the good for you part, (the> epidermis (sp?) in wheat kernels), or in the case of> white sugar vs. raw it's the bleaching process, that> is bad for you, not the sugar itself. Actually it boils> down to anything really in excess will have some> unwanted side effects. Think about it... if you had> carrots in excess, you turn a nice orange hue...> broccoli in excess... you can guess that one?:) For ppl> wondering about raw sugar, you can buy that right there> in the sugar aisle in the store. It comes in a brown> bag stamped "Raw sugar"..It's been there for years..> Its excellent in coffee and tea.> > Jennette ---> who was once vegetarian, ate "nothing*> un-natural, she juiced, made her own yogurt, even> ground her own almond butter and wheat,for breads. Then> in an attempt to gain weight four years ago for> upcoming spinal surgery, she ate a piece of chicken and> to her absolute horror, actually enjoyed it!:) She> then promptly ballooned 20 pounds, discovered the world> of convenience foods, and has been stuck with the> weight ever since.:)> > > ----- Original Message -----> From: "" <cinnyd@t...>> > > wow, good going girl. see sugar is a drug , we dont get> withdrawel from food.

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haaaaaaaaaaaaaa sureeeeeeeeeeee i wont tell:)~~Lowi

Re: sugar free

But Lori,

Can I put a tad of something in the water???????

who's sugar intake has taken a nosedive :o((((- drinks no milk :o(((- but eats Marnies Butter Tarts....:o))))

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Probably you all going to tell me it's bad for assorted reasons. but...

I favor those Fruit2O things, it's water with a very slight flavoring, I find it more appealing than plain water


-----Original Message-----From: Lori Phibbs Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 2:03 PMTo: NF2_Crew Subject: Re: sugar free

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa sureeeeeeeeeeee i wont tell:)~~Lowi

Re: sugar free

But Lori,

Can I put a tad of something in the water???????

who's sugar intake has taken a nosedive :o((((- drinks no milk :o(((- but eats Marnies Butter Tarts....:o))))

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Subject: Re: sugar free

awwwwwwkkkkk, butter tarts,mmmmmmm our fav.....and so full of sugar , carbs, calories, fattining , butter....geesh


who's sugar intake has taken a nosedive :o((((- drinks no milk :o(((- but eats Marnies Butter Tarts....:o))))

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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haaaaaaaaaaa All the good stuff is fattening. Have you noticed that?? I once read that a calorie is REALY a measure of how good a food tastes:) Where chocolote iced doughnuts are loaded with calories, celery, which is actually a member of the plywood family:) has hardly any!! ~~Lowi (jk):)

Re: sugar free

awwwwwwkkkkk, butter tarts,mmmmmmm our fav.....and so full of sugar , carbs, calories, fattining , butter....geesh

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Subject: Re: sugar free

You know, this is quite a coincidence, talking about butter tarts. We eat them mostly at christmas, our main food staple I think, :-( .......and we pack on the weight. Our mothers make them and s mom always has a tub full for us. They were on sale at one of the stores here that do a pretty good job making them, and , who has little will power, in fact he just polished off a countainer of MR Christy Fudge-o's in 2 days.... ANYWAY, he was sure we needed some buttertarts......Marnie.....this is all your fault, I'm sure it is......

Sheryn, fighting the cravings, they're mmmmmmm, so good.

_geeeesh, don't ask me how I indented this, wish I could control some of the mysterios things this puter does, get one figured out, up pops another..........


Emmm - I think I'll have to have a talk to about letting you eat Butter Tarts - perhaps he should hide them or better still take them to work and hand them around.... SHERYN THEY ARE BAD - BAD -BAD for you....

the NF2 nutritionists helper heheheheh :o))))

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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Okay, I give in; are these butter tarts available everywhere? I just need to look for them? Marie

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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Subject: Re: sugar free

:-) Marie, In Canada they can be found at bakeries, sometimes at bakeries in grocery stores. I've seen them pre-packaged but, of course, nothing beats home baking. Here it seems alot have saved time by using pre-made tart sheells and managed t still capture the taste. But be warned, its very hard to eat just one :-( , Have a nice weekend Marie,



Okay, I give in; are these butter tarts available everywhere? I just need to look for them? Marie

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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Re: sugar free

You know, this is quite a coincidence, talking about butter tarts. We eat them mostly at christmas, our main food staple I think, :-( .......and we pack on the weight. Our mothers make them and s mom always has a tub full for us. They were on sale at one of the stores here that do a pretty good job making them, and , who has little will power, in fact he just polished off a countainer of MR Christy Fudge-o's in 2 days.... ANYWAY, he was sure we needed some buttertarts......Marnie.....this is all your fault, I'm sure it is......

Sheryn, fighting the cravings, they're mmmmmmm, so good.

_geeeesh, don't ask me how I indented this, wish I could control some of the mysterios things this puter does, get one figured out, up pops another..........


Emmm - I think I'll have to have a talk to about letting you eat Butter Tarts - perhaps he should hide them or better still take them to work and hand them around.... SHERYN THEY ARE BAD - BAD -BAD for you....

the NF2 nutritionists helper heheheheh :o))))

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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Re: sugar free

Okay, I give in; are these butter tarts available everywhere? I just need to look for them? Marie

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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Subject: Re: sugar free

He's from Canada wasn't he?But not one of our finest. Welllllllll, glad we got the go ahead on those, and how convient for the message to arrive and I'm reading it just as walks in, I see a BIG grin. Guess what we are gonna be shopping for now. mmmmmmmmm

Lori, have you made these whisper.....pst she seems to bake just everything









Re: sugar free

Okay, I give in; are these butter tarts available everywhere? I just need to look for them? Marie

sugar free> ok, I've been sugar free for 2 days...and I don't like it!! lol But> I'm trying. Any ideas on what to do for the sugar blues?>

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